Macedonian Archeology

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    DA is there any Macedonian website showing the museums and their collections.???
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • DedoAleko
      • Jun 2009
      • 969

      I don't know about that kind of website. Most of the collections I could find are just scattered on the web.
      But, I found this archaeologist fb page with lots of pictures and description of ongoing projects.

      must see!

      Viktor Lilcik Adams:


      • Sweet Sixteen
        • Jan 2014
        • 203

        Bitola museum has a virtual tour option


        • DedoAleko
          • Jun 2009
          • 969

          George, I forgot to mention


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            DA the face book one says the content is not there.?Thanks for the archeologica link.The Bitola one is also a good one.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • DedoAleko
              • Jun 2009
              • 969

              I don't know why the facebook link doesn't work for you. That guy is not in my friends list, but the pictures are not protected and everybody can see them.

              here is one just to show you:


              Капитален проект на Владата на Република Македонија, Управа за заштита на културното наследство. Кампања 2014 година, доистражување на владетелската гробница на Павла Чука, единствена од ваков вид во Република Македонија и пошироко. Се претпоставува дека се работи за гробница на најголемиот крал на античкото кралство Пелагонија. Оваа година се доистражува северозападниот надворешен периметар на гробниот тумул, насипот врз северната половина од тумулот и дел од хероонот оформен однадвор југоисточниот периметрален ѕид. Објектот е еден од најмонументалните владетелски гробници во Македонија. Истиот ќе биде истражен, конзервиран и предаден на употреба пред јавноста. Истражувањата ќе продолжат на секторите Јужна некропола Грамада кај Трите Камни, потоа на месноста Старо Бонче што значи во Долниот Град што се протега на импресивни десетина хектари, просторот каде што во 2006 година беа откриени старомакедонските штитови на воините на македонскиот крал Деметриј Полиоркет (опседнувачот на градовите). Конзервацијата на двата штита што се изведува во НУ Завод и музеј Охрид, е речиси завршена, се изведуваат последните зафати.

              Last edited by DedoAleko; 06-27-2014, 04:10 PM.


              • Sweet Sixteen
                • Jan 2014
                • 203

                Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
                One is residential and dating from the third century and excavated south of Temple Tihe, the other is an altar or shrine in Bakarno threshing floor, and the object for which we feel is bulevterion - Assembly - says Lilcic

                Statue dedicated to the daughter of "a Makedoniarh"

                The inscription, which read Professions Nada Proeva and Slavica Babamova writes, quote: "The Assembly of Stibera dedicates the statue and raised it to the daughter of a Makedoniarh" - says Lilcic.

                I can read Stibera (ΣΤΥΒΕΡΑ) at first line, Assembly (ΒΟΥΛΗ) at second line, even Daugther (??) (ΘΥΓΑΤΕΡΑ) at fourth line, but where is the "Makedoniarch" I can't see.


                • DedoAleko
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 969

                  Sweet Sixteen,the source gives picture only of this one tablet. If I find more pictures I will post them here.You are correct, part of the mentioned text can't be seen on the picture.


                  • DedoAleko
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 969

                    google translate:

                    The first archaeological expedition in Macedonia

                    Due to the unavailability of the site, which is at an altitude of 1472 meters, the team that will work will be placed at the nearest available point, which is about an hour away and walk will be organized a camp with Army tents.

                    The site is situated on the highest peak of Mount Selecka, pointing to the strategic position of the space

                    A new way of exploring the site High

                    Began archaeological investigations at the site High, which will last continuously in August and that the manner of implementation will be the first such archaeological expedition.
                    - This will be the first excavation of a large range of this important site of early antiquity and may be different from most ever conducted on the territory of Macedonia in the way of organization. Due to the unavailability of the site, which is at an altitude of 1472 meters, the team that will work will be placed at the nearest available point, which is about an hour away and walk will be organized camp with tents ARM. You dig 30 days, which turned into excavation archaeological expedition - Dejan B. says archaeologist. Kebakoski Institute of Old Slavic culture.

                    High locality this year comes in the category of archaeological projects of national interest. It is situated on the highest peak of Mount Selecka, indicating the strategic position of the space. From this point could control movement throughout most Pelagonian plane through Mariovo mountainous area.

                    - The site is composed of two parts, ie the acropolis or palaten part and suburb. This year's planned archaeological research be directed towards discovering the powerful defensive wall, which forms the acropolis, and is built of large stone blocks technique combined with izodomum pseudoizodomum. With several shorter research campaigns have been discovered in the entrance and stairs acropolis (palace) and a small part of the wall. The activities planned for this year is to tap into the palaten part, which will determine the character of the area - says Kebakoski.

                    Acropolis with an area of ​​2,600 square meters, while the entire archaeological site spans 19,600 square feet, or nearly two acres.

                    - To place the site in one of the potential sites on which lie the remains of the ancient city Pelagonija empowers us monumentality of the excavated parts of the entrance and part of the wall of the Acropolis, and near the tomb najmonumentalnata Macedonian type of national territory, or tomb near the village Bonce, which is located on the hillside of Mount Selecka away from the site, about two kilometers - explains archaeologist Kebakoski.

                    The tomb probably belonged to one of the powerful rulers Pelagoniski, perhaps confirmed in Menelaj Pelagonecot sources, who Pelagonija ruled in the first half of the fourth century BC. N.. 's.

                    - The connection of these two sites is indicative of the way the building wall of the acropolis and the grave, which is identical and perfectly accurate. The research conducted so far resulted in two powerful horizons of life. One is from the fourth century BC. N.. a. and one of the sixth century n. 's. - Outlines the project manager.

                    The site is highly planned three separate digitization projects on the site and the artifacts that will be reached, and they are throwing new light on the site, but also opens new directions of archeology in Macedonia.



                    • DedoAleko
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 969

                      google translation:

                      Rakotinci in Skopje, at the site Orlovitsa discovered house-seven millennia old sanctuary

                      Almost everything that we were able to discover there was a new, so far unknown. This is a new page on the cultural history of Macedonia. We are still in doubt about what the object in question - whether it is to live in an ordinary house or a sanctuary because it has elements from both, says Professor Dragi Mitrevski

                      Following the news that Professor at the Institute of Philosophy at arheologoka Faculty Dear Mitrevski will teach at the prestigious Archaeological Institute of America in New York on April 29, 2013 titled "The most significant findings of Macedonian Archaeology" "Republic" published text which appeared in the weekly 12 . number.

                      While Greek archaeologists liferuvaat sensational news that discovered the tomb of Roxanne, one of the wives of Alexander the Great and his son Alexander IV of Macedonia and field colleagues from Bulgaria, however, say they have uncovered the oldest prehistoric town ever in Europe, Macedonia is seamlessly passed the news that was discovered house-shrine seven millennia old, in Skopje Rakotinci, the site Orlovitsa. The site is prehistoric time, from the end of the stone age, the late Neolithic and early Eneolithic.

                      Professor at the Institute of Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje Dear Mitrevski students found seven millennia old house in the locality Orlovitsa in Skopje Rakotinci. This finding is barely two weeks old, and some of the items that were found at the site and has already exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Culture Minister Elizabeta Kancevska-Milevska visited the museum to see the exhibits....


                      p.s. I couldn't (google)translate the whole text


                      • DedoAleko
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 969

                        The Kamenica Tumulus Project 2000 [1]

                        The statigraphy and the architecture of the tumulus
                        The stratigraphy of the part of the tumulus discovered till now was simple and clearly defined. There were distinguished three stratigraphical layers, two of wich represented the continous disturbances of the looters in 1997 and 2000. The upper layer was taken off; it was rich in humus and represented the agricultural layer. The main part of the tumulus was made of layer number 3, wich has a soil of light brown colour, rich in clay, and becomes compact under the summer sun and gets hard to excavate. There is one particular feature of the tumulus stratigraphy which is unusual compared with other similar monuments of the region: a thick layer of medium and large size stones used to fill the southern half of the tumulus. The irregular distribution of stone layer and their use only in particular portions of the monument is a characteristic element of the tumulus of Kamenica.

                        Fig. 1: View of the part of the tumulus with rocks.

                        During the first season, we were able to notice and document only one element of the architecture of the tumulus, namely the uniform layer with medium size stones, put systematically on the tumulus as a cover, that indicates the end of the mound construction (Fig. 1). This element is missing in that part of the cemetery that is damaged by the looters. This layer is damaged, as well, by the latest graves dug in the tumulus during the Medieval period. We are sure that the other architectural elements of the tumulus have resisted to the damage caused by the looters, and will come to light in the next season.

                        Fig. 2: Simple pit grave.

                        Fig. 3: Pit lined with rocks.

                        During this field season 60 graves were excavated and recorded from the intact portion of the tumulus. In 75% of the cases graves were just simple pits (Fig. 2). The second most represented grave type, almost 20%, were stone-lined graves (Fig. 3), the remaining 5% were urn graves (Fig. 4). In a few excavated graves were found remains of decayed wood, perhaps of a coffin or of another wood structure, where the body was laid down (Fig. 5).

                        Fig. 4: Urn.

                        Fig. 5: Grave with wooden structure.

                        Burial costums
                        Inhumation was the dominant way of disposing the dead. However cremation was not rare. There were identified three cases where the cremation has taken place in the tumulus, leaving traces of baked clay. In other cases was done somewhere else and the ashes were put in simple pits or urn graves.
                        Single inhumation was the most common burial practice (Fig. 6), but there were also cases of multiple burials with two individuals in the same grave. Two are the most preferred ways of disposing the body in the grave: supine with extended limbs (as in figure 6) and flexed position leaned on one side.

                        Fig. 6: Single burial.

                        Orientation of graves and skeletons does not seem to have followed any strict rule. In two cases “symbolic graves” were found, where grave goods were normally put in the grave, but not associated with any skeleton remain.
                        Our preliminary interpretation was that the body was not buried in the cemetery (maybe the individual was buried in another place), but the community, whom the individual belonged, built a “symbolic grave”, for its member, acknowledging at the same time the role and the status that the individual had when he was alive.

                        Fig. 7: Matt painted kantharos.

                        Fig. 8: Jug with plastic decoration.

                        Grave goods
                        Grave goods are common, but there are also “poor” graves with no associated objects. Most of the finds are ceramic pots (cups, amphoriskoi, kantharoi, close-shaped vessels). “Devollian” and matt-painted pottery has an important place in this category (Fig. 7). Very common were vessels with plastic decoration (Fig. 8). Body, clothes, head ornaments and jewellery (bronze fibulae, rings, bracelets, diadems, pendants, beads, head ornaments), accessories (long bronze pin, iron knives) and weapons (iron swords, daggers, spear-heads, arrows) are frequently found in developed Iron Age graves. Those represent typical examples of the group of objects known as “Macedonian bronzes”, and the European and Aegean influences in weapon fabrications and individual goods (Fig. 9-10).

                        Fig. 9: Bronze spectacles fibula.

                        Fig. 10: Bronze jewellery.

                        The study of human bones
                        The study of human bones was focused this year on the study of the remains carefully collected from the disturbed part of the tumulus. The goal of this study was to evaluate the number of individuals and graves that were damaged by the looters, and to extract from the very fragmented material important data such as the gender and age of the individuals. These data are essential for the consideration of the size of the community that has used this cemetery and for rebuilding the sex and age structures.
                        The first task was done at the Archaeological Museum of Korça, by selecting the fragmentary bones in skeletal units. This procedure was used in assessing 151 skeletal units, only two of which were made of fragments that were not useful to take the anthropological informations. A futher detailed study of the skeletal units showed up that the looters had damaged 35-42 graves, before the systematic excavation started. On the other side, attempts were made to distinguish the different burial layers, based on the study of the organic structure of the bones (the content and the level of preservation of the lamina spongiosa, colour, intensity, and scale of the possible burning).
                        This study confirmed the existence of approximately three chronological layers of use of the cemetery, that correspond to the Early Iron Age (10-9 centuries B.C.); Developed Iron Age (8-6 centuries B.C.), and Medieval period. Demographic data are taken from 81 skeletons, where 37 were male, 32 female, 12 children and infants. The adults represented 53.1% of the studied sample of population. As it is noticed females had a higher mortality in the younger years of their lives. The adult group is the second best represented group (29.7%), and both sexes are represented in the same way. The sexual coefficient is calculated according to sex: for males (+1.04) and for females (-1.11) For both sexes the coefficient is -0.07, with a difference between the two of 2.15. These results show indirectly the presence of a population with a frail structure of body (dolikomorf), where the typological Mediterranean component might had a primar role.

                        Based on the typological analyses of the artifacts, the early graves found till now belong to the transitional period from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (the end of 11th century B.C. – begining of the 10th century B.C.). It looks like the tumulus is used more during the Iron Age, that is till the 6th century B.C. Since there was more than 1m thick depositions that should be excavated in the tumulus, we hoped to arrive to the Bronze Age level, like in the cases of the nearby tumuli of Barçi and Rehova. A more detailed study of the tumulus, according to its dating and use of the cemetery was done soon after a careful study of the artifacts and stratigraphy of the monument. However, we should wait the end of the excavation before we can define when the monument first started.

                        Fig. 11: View of the unexcavated part of the tumulus.

                        The Preservation Measures
                        Nearly 2/3 of the tumulus were left for excavation next year (Fig. 11). One of the major problems that we should confront next year is the protection of the monument from the looters. For that reason, we have been in contacts and asked for the collaboration of the local administration and the police. We noticed with satisfaction that these institutions showed more responsability than earlier regarding the preservation of these cultural monuments. We made known this issue in a few tv interviews, newspaper articles and programs as well, to be sure that our message would arrive to as many people as possible. On the other side, the Unit set up good relationships with the landlord were the tumulus is located, and included him in the preservation measures of the monument.

                        The future goals
                        Our future goal will be the continuity of excavation of the whole tumulus and the exploration of all the elements of its architecture. Beside this, our aim is to give a up-to- date documentation of the cemetery and the individual graves, as well as an investigation of the burial practices and costums of the prehistoric communities in this part of South-east Albania. A further step would be to put all the data from this tumulus in a large regional context and to conclude with an academic publication, that would contribute in the archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Ages in this region.

                        Last edited by DedoAleko; 12-08-2014, 01:58 PM.


                        • DedoAleko
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 969

                          Past Reflections- Stobi

                          Клиент: Влада на РМ;Кампања: Минатото денес


                          • DedoAleko
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 969

                            Did our archeologist find the capital of Lynchestia (Линкестида) near Bitola-Crnobuki?


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              Very important finds DA.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                The below clip is in relation to the archaeological site at Bonče, Prilep. Some archaeologists are suggesting it is the centre of the ancient Macedonian region of Pelagonia. In 2006, shields from the time of Macedonian King Demetrius were found at the site with variants of the Macedonian sun engraved (people need to stop calling it by ridiculous names such as "Vergina sun" or "Kutlesh sun"). Unfortunately, despite being a known archaeological site among English and German scholars, it is being neglected by the northadonian government, who are supporting it with a measly 3,000 euros a year. Macedonia is literally a goldmine of important archaeological sites so it is absolutely disgraceful to see our cultural legacy being disregarded in such a way. Can a real Macedonian government please stand up.

                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

