Petar Popovski - the TRUTH behind the TOMB from Philip II of MACEDON !!!
YouTube - Petar Popovski - the TRUTH behind the TOMB from Philip II of MACEDON !!!
the TRUTH behind the TOMB from Philip II of MACEDON !!!
ALL needfull INFORMATIONS he mentioned are in his NEW book "ukradena istorija" / "stolen history"
i dont know if he really has a english version of that book but on GnN they show the titel once in mk once in en.
but i will ask palatica if he could figure out petar popovskis email, coz hes the man with the deep contacts.
Lewis V. Cummings was a cartographer for the British Intelligence Service when he first traveled through the Middle East and Asia. His biography of Alexander the Great is based on exhaustive research and extensive collaboration with scholars at Columbia University.
In his book "Alexander the Great", in the first chapter Philip of Macedon in footnote number 4. he writes about the necessity of archaelogical excavations in order to fill up the gaps which exist in the writen sources from the ancient time (he use Voden) :
" We know relatively little of Macedonia proper at this period; much of our knowledge and information gleaned fro the early Greek writings of and about the times. When, if ever, archeologists find and unearth the thombs of the old kings in or near modern Vodena, we may expect to find material of value, perhaps filling some of the woeful gaps in our existing histories."
(Lewis V. Cummings, Alexander the Great, Grove Press, New York, 1940, pg. 2-30)
The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot
Originally posted by Bratot View PostLewis V. Cummings was a cartographer for the British Intelligence Service when he first traveled through the Middle East and Asia. His biography of Alexander the Great is based on exhaustive research and extensive collaboration with scholars at Columbia University.
In his book "Alexander the Great", in the first chapter Philip of Macedon in footnote number 4. he writes about the necessity of archaelogical excavations in order to fill up the gaps which exist in the writen sources from the ancient time (he use Voden) :
" We know relatively little of Macedonia proper at this period; much of our knowledge and information gleaned fro the early Greek writings of and about the times. When, if ever, archeologists find and unearth the thombs of the old kings in or near modern Vodena, we may expect to find material of value, perhaps filling some of the woeful gaps in our existing histories."
(Lewis V. Cummings, Alexander the Great, Grove Press, New York, 1940, pg. 2-30)
"Vergina, a village in Imathia, is 12 km from Veroia, 75 km from Thessaloniki, and 515 km from Athens. It has enjoyed worldwide renown in the past few decades, owing to the discovery there of the ancient city of Aigai, the ancient capital of the Macedonian kings, and its cemetery. Of particular note are the tombs of the royal dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist grave. The royal tombs were discovered in 1977-8 by the archaeologist Manolis Andronikos."
The tombs were revealed ,the gaps were filled...
The tombs were pretty much "decorated".
And the GAPS you hopefully think have been "filled", will become only bigger and deeperThe purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot