Is "Jewish" an ethnicity? A genuine question.
Documents of Macedonian Immigration
Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIs "Jewish" an ethnicity? A genuine question.
But ofc this is just a bullsh.t. No matter what they would come up, they cannot convince me that an ethiopian or middle-eastern Jew and a Jew from Poland having same ancestors from Jerusalem, 2000 years ago (!!!). This is quite similar as the belief of a modern Greek being a relative of Sophocles and Homer.
Originally posted by Onur View Postthey cannot convince me that an ethiopian or middle-eastern Jew and a Jew from Poland having same ancestors from Jerusalem, 2000 years ago (!!!). This is quite similar as the belief of a modern Greek being a relative of Sophocles and Homer.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostHere is something interesting. I am sure you're all familiar with the comedian Jerry Seinfeld. His family has a mixed Jewish background, his mother being from Syria. When her family came to the U.S they recorded their nationality as 'Turkish' - no doubt due to Syria belonging to the Ottoman Empire at the time. Just an example of how easily the picture can become blurred by some people with an agenda.
So Seinfeld's ancestors had non Jewish first and last names, how come?Macedonian Truth Organisation
From the Macedonian page of wikipedia concerning Macedonians in Bulgaria. The source given is 8.↑ АМ, ф.БГК - Солун 1896 - 1915, No. 181, 20.02.1904, something that will be good to confirm:
Македонското прашање во Бугарија не било само политичко туку и економско. За местото и улогата на Македонците во Бугарија дознаваме и од разговорот кој е воден помеѓу, бугарскиот трговски агент во Солун, Атанас Шопов и солунскиот валија Хасан Фехми паша во почетокот на 1904 година. Во текот на дискусија било истакнато:
(Хасан Фехми паша б.н) Дали Македонците сѐ уште бујуствуваат во Бугарија? (Атанас Шопов б.н) Како да не бујуствуваат паша ефенди, кога... поголемиот дел од жителите на Софија се Македонци. Голем дел од видните чиновници се Македонци. Целата македонска интелигенција од Македонија е во Бугарија. Македонската толпа е по улиците... Улогата на Македонецот во судбината на Бугарија воопшто секогаш била важна... Уште поважна играат сега. Ако работата е за оплакување, ние од Бугарија имаме повеќе право од вас да се оплакуваме од Македонците, зашто тие ни ја презедоа силата, тие ни ги зедоа најдобрите места и служби, тие ни ги презедоа финансиите и градовите, тие ни ја презедоа војската и нашите министерства, тие ни ја презедоа трговијата, тие презедоа речи си, се во Бугарија... Избаветене од нив заради Бога.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Ellis Island Macedonians
I've been going through Ellis Island public records (of 1894-1924) available on the internet. I've seem to have found five common dimensions of listed ethnicity.
The first is "Turkey, Macedonian", the second is "Greece, Macedonian", the third one is "Macedonia, Bulgarian", "Macedonia, Servian" and the last one is "Macedonia, Macedonian".
I looked at other ambiguous countries like Yugoslavia which had the ethnicity of people written as "Yugoslavia, Croatian".
So, obviously, the first is country and second is ethnicity.
I think we can differenate Macedonians and Bulgarians from Macedonia quite well using Ellis Island records. The Bulgarians from Macedonia seemingly to only have written in "Macedonia (region where they're from) and Bulgarian (ethnicity). On the other hand, we have a Georgi Kostaki from Skopje (Uskub back then) who was written in "Turkey, Macedonian".
We have lots of Macedonians who didn't write in Turkey but rather Macedonia instead even during times of Ottoman occupation or Serbian occupation.
- (Year 1910)
- (Year 1912)
- (Year 1906)
- Gjorgje Josimovic - notice the Serbianised last name, that's because he came from Northern Macedonia and he came over in year 1913 i.e the year Serbia annexed Macedonia -- yet he still identified as Macedonia from Macedonia - that speaks to how strong our identity is despite heavy repression
- Koln Josoff (First name is probably a Ellis Island error) is apparently a Macedonian from Lovetch, Bulgaria
- Petro Josifn, a Macedonian from Albania (Stratoberda, a village in Korce)
- Piotr Kosteff, a Macedonian from Resen
Lots more... you can search here
"Yugoslavia, Croatian"
"Macedonia, Servian"
"Turkey, Macedonian"
"Macedonia, Bulgarian"
Last edited by Krivan; 03-19-2012, 08:30 PM.
that's a great find krivan."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Krivan View PostI've been going through Ellis Island public records (of 1894-1924) available on the internet. I've seem to have found five common dimensions of listed ethnicity.
The first is "Turkey, Macedonian", the second is "Greece, Macedonian", the third one is "Macedonia, Bulgarian", "Macedonia, Servian" and the last one is "Macedonia, Macedonian".
I looked at other ambiguous countries like Yugoslavia which had the ethnicity of people written as "Yugoslavia, Croatian".
So, obviously, the first is country and second is ethnicity.
I think we can differenate Macedonians and Bulgarians from Macedonia quite well using Ellis Island records. The Bulgarians from Macedonia seemingly to only have written in "Macedonia (region where they're from) and Bulgarian (ethnicity). On the other hand, we have a Georgi Kostaki from Skopje (Uskub back then) who was written in "Turkey, Macedonian".
We have lots of Macedonians who didn't write in Turkey but rather Macedonia instead even during times of Ottoman occupation or Serbian occupation.
- (Year 1910)
- (Year 1912)
- (Year 1906)
- Gjorgje Josimovic - notice the Serbianised last name, that's because he came from Northern Macedonia and he came over in year 1913 i.e the year Serbia annexed Macedonia -- yet he still identified as Macedonia from Macedonia - that speaks to how strong our identity is despite heavy repression
- Koln Josoff (First name is probably a Ellis Island error) is apparently a Macedonian from Lovetch, Bulgaria
- Petro Josifn, a Macedonian from Albania (Stratoberda, a village in Korce)
- Piotr Kosteff, a Macedonian from Resen
Lots more... you can search here
"Yugoslavia, Croatian"
"Macedonia, Servian"
"Turkey, Macedonian"
"Macedonia, Bulgarian"
Please read this post of mine posted earlier in this thread;
So please look at the ORIGINAL SHIP MANIFEST, by clicking on that button on the pages you link to.Macedonian Truth Organisation
This is a great thread full of useful information.Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.
„Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов
Macedonians in America
I don't know if you guys are aware but Greek historian Dimitris Lithoxou has done an extensive research on the subject and actually counted the number of Macedonians who entered the USA. Here is the link
Originally posted by Daskalot View PostKrivan you are making the same mistake as the Greeks trying to negate our presence in the historical records do, you are NOT looking at the ORIGINAL SHIP MANIFEST, but rather an electronic version of it that has been processed by a human being entering the data in a database. You need to view the ORIGINAL SHIP MANIFEST to see the original data entered in the sheet, and analyse it carefully because it was sometimes altered by hand changing what was originally entered.
Please read this post of mine posted earlier in this thread;
So please look at the ORIGINAL SHIP MANIFEST, by clicking on that button on the pages you link to.
Wwe need the original script we don't need one that has been manipulated can be made to say anything."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
"Macedonians are unlucky, no country wants them" as written in a Milwaukee Journal article in 1932.
USA's stance hasn't changed!
Yeah the greeks will do anything it takes to disprove the existence of macedonians.Even pay someone to alter vital documents.They'll pay (bribe) people to make it all sound greek.
Makgerman you make agood point with that article no body wamt's the macedonians."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"