Balkan Racial Wars-Bulgars Attack Macedonians (1907)
Although I would still like to see those letters which speak of Sandanski and an autonomous Macedonia translated. Do you think you get around to it?
Also, that honeymoon period was so short as you said, because Bulgarians didn't even let them realize some advancements towards their goal. As soon as the voices of Macedonian autonomy has raised, Bulgarians and Greeks gone in major panic. They tried to assassinate federalist people, raiding to the villages who helped them, killing 100s and they prepared for the Balkan wars at the same time. Then 3 years after the Sandanski`s declaration, Bulgaria started the Balkan wars, invaded Thrace, tried to go to Istanbul. Then WW-1 started in 1914. Thats why that period was quite short.
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Onur, aside from that brief period, the relations between Macedonians and Ottoman authorities were black and white. I will repeat a previous post of mine from the other thread where this was already discussed:
Hans Lothar Schteppan winner of K. P. Misirkov for his lifes work By Goran Momirovski Translated and edited by Risto Stefov [email protected] September 5th, 2008 The former German Ambassador to Macedonia Hans Lothar Schteppan at an interview for A1 says that
What did the Young Turks contribute to the idea and/or realisation of an autonomous Macedonia? I am not aware of anything, those discussions which took place with Jane Sandanski resulted in nothing but more empty promises from foreigners.
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And the situation between Turkish authorities and Macedonians was not always black and white either.
Soon after the Macedonian uprising in 1903, Young Turks agreed with Sandanski`s faction about the future of Macedonia since neither pro-Greek nor pro-Bulgarian factions were preferable for them. Already, the biggest motive of the Young Turks movement was the grave situation of Macedonia. They were trying to realize a coup d`etat against the sultan since 1902 to create a new republican federation which includes Macedonia. They managed to do that in 1908 and as you know Sandanski published his own declaration for supporting them.
I don't know how familiar you are with this but the partnership between Young Turks and Sandanski`s federalists was very close. I can clearly say that from the memoirs, documents and especially from the notes of the Young Turks leaders from that era. For example, when Young Turks did their coup d`etat, they didn't kill the sultan Abdulhamit but they just isolated him in a palace but the sultan managed to do his counter coup against the Young Turks after 1-2 years. He shut down the parliament for few days, arrested several Young Turks leaders and captured their followers in the Turkish army. Then Young Turks called Sandanski to help them in Istanbul. Sandanski came to Istanbul with his own battalion to stop the sultan Abdulhamit and he restored the Young Turks government. He successfully suppressed the sultan`s supporters in the Yildiz palace and Turkish people threw roses on them in the streets of Istanbul, cheering for them like "long live Sandanski pasha". This event proves the level of relationship between them. Do you think Young Turks could dare to call a battalion to Istanbul and Turkish people would give roses to them if they would consider them as foreigners, strangers? I mean, while Turkish people greeted Sandanski with roses in 1909, we lost over 250.000 people to prevent British entering Istanbul from Dardanelles.
I also read the reports of the negotiations between Sandanski and Young Turks. Sandanski was calling vurkhovists as puppets of Tsars and Russia and as their enemies. His first aim was creating an autonomous Macedonia inside a Balkan federation of Turkey, Albania, Macedonia and then saving Bulgaria from Russian yoke by organizing some kind of people`s revolution in there. Thats why he became no.1 enemy of vurkhovists and Tsar Ferdinand and they tried to assassinate him several times.
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Onur, both the internal and external factions of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation carried out raids against the Ottomans and their supporters in Macedonia. And the notion of vrhovisti being pro-unification and vnatresni being pro-autonomy is not always black and white. There were several Macedonians who could be considered as a part of the vrhovisti 'clique' that also supported an independent Macedonian state and people.
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Not only the last one, the first event should be related with the rivalry between the ones who supports Sandanski and pro-Sofia Vurkhovists.
As you know, Sandanski`s faction was supporting autonomous Macedonia from day one but Vurkhovists was under the command of Tsar Ferdinand and the Russians, supporting greater Bulgaria which includes Macedonia. I am not sure about the date but i guess in 1909, Vurkhovists tried to assassinate Sandanski too, leaving him severely injured at that time.
Vurkhovist`s village raids was so common in Macedonia `till the Balkan wars and they were trying to force people to support Macedonia`s annexation to Bulgaria. Also, Greek bandits was doing the same in Aegean side in favor of Greece. Sandanski was even thinking about saving Bulgaria from Russian yoke and creating some kind of republican Balkan federation along with Young Turks. His motto was like "To hell with Tsars and Sultans, the people themselves should be the rulers"Last edited by Onur; 05-23-2011, 04:44 PM.
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Another article that corresponds with this one when Bulgarians attack:
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There is one way to try and track down the location of this village, and that is from the Austrian Military Map of the Balkans from 1910. Check the below link, but it may take some time. If it can be narrowed down to northern, western, etc Macedonian territory, it will help.
There are several maps posted in multiple threads of this forum, below is a chronological list of links to those maps. This thread is for reference purposes only, so it will stay locked, and will be updated as required by the administrators. 4th century BC - Macedonia (Post #11 & #12) http://www.macedoniantruth
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Wikipaedia lists all the villages in bulgaria under provinces.You would need to know the province .probably doesn't exist.
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Where is the village of otachnitsa located? I haven't been able to find much on it from google searches, aside from this article. It probably doesn't exist anymore.
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put simply it's called propaganda they can virtually say anything like the greeks & bulgars are macedonian.THat's another myth gone.
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Great find TM, isn't it pathetic how the Bulgarians & modern Greeks never have answers to articles like these
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Balkan Racial Wars-Bulgars Attack Macedonians (1907)
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