The Bogomils

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332


    The Council of Saint-Félix, a landmark in the organisation of the Cathars, was held at Saint-Felix-de-Caraman, now called Saint-Félix-Lauragais, in 1167. The senior figure, who apparently presided and gave the consolamentum to the assembled Cathar bishops (some newly appointed), was papa Nicetas, Bogomil bishop of Constantinople.

    In documents of the Council are mentioned five of the original (Bogomil) Churches of the East, which serve as a model for French churches:

    Ecclesia Romana
    Ecclesia Dragometia (= Dragovitia?)
    Ecclesia Melenguia (that is, the Peloponnese*)
    Ecclesia Bulgaria
    Ecclesia Dalmatiae

    * - Cathars in Question, Antonio Sennis
    Cathars have long been regarded as posing the most organised challenge to orthodox Catholicism in the medieval West, even as a "counter-Church" to orthodoxy in southern France and northern Italy. Their beliefs, understood to be inspired by Balkan dualism, are often seen as the most radical among medieval heresies. However, recent work has fiercely challenged this paradigm, arguing instead that "Catharism" was a construct of its persecutors, mis-named and mis-represented by generations of subsequent scholarship, and its supposedly radical views were a fantastical projection of the fears of orthodox commentators. This volume brings together a wide range of views from some of the most distinguished international scholars in the field, in order to address the debate directly while also opening up new areas for research. Focussing on dualism and anti-materialist beliefs in southern France, Italy and the Balkans, it considers a number of crucial issues. These include: what constitutes popular belief; how (and to what extent) societies of the past were based on the persecution of dissidents; and whether heresy can be seen as an invention of orthodoxy. At the same time, the essays shed new light on some key aspects of the political, cultural, religious and economic relationships between the Balkans and more western regions of Europe in the Middle Ages. Antonio Sennis is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at University College London Contributors: John H. Arnold, Peter Biller, Caterina Bruschi, David d'Avray, Jorg Feuchter, Bernard Hamilton, Robert I. Moore, Mark Gregory Pegg, Rebecca Rist, Lucy Sackville, Antonio Sennis, Claire Taylor, Julien Thery-Astruc, Yuri Stoyanov


    Dragovitia = Драговитија?

    Last edited by Carlin; 04-05-2017, 11:40 PM.


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      The Bogomils were also called torbeshi

      The Bogomils: A Study in Balkan Neo-Manichaeism traces the development of this little-understood heresy from its Middle Eastern roots. The Bogomils derived elements of their doctrine and practice from the Manichaeans and the Paulicians. By the reign of Alexius Comnenus, Bogomilism was rife within the Bulgarian and Byzantine empire and had taken hold even amongst influential families in Constantinople itself. Though they suffered persecution, decline and ultimate disappearance in their Balkan heartlands, the Bogomils were subsequently an influence upon more celebrated heresies in France and Italy. Dmitri Obolensky's magisterial study of Balkan dualism remains the definitive work on Bogomilism.

      This volume offers a new approach to the subject of conversion to Islam in the Balkans. It reconstructs the stages of the Islamization process from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries and examines the factors and stimuli behind it. The practice of accepting Islam in the front of the sultan, characteristic of the last period of Islamization, and granting to new Muslims an amount of money known as "kisve bahas?," is shown in the context of Ottoman social development. An innovative structural analysis of the petitions requesting "kisve bahas?" leads to examining the origins of the practice and constructing a collective portrait of the new Muslims who submitted them. Facsimiles and translations of the most interesting petitions are appended.

      This long-standing series provides the guild of religion scholars a venue for publishing aimed primarily at colleagues. It includes scholarly monographs, revised dissertations, Festschriften, conference papers, and translations of ancient and medieval documents. Works cover the sub-disciplines of biblical studies, history of Christianity, history of religion, theology, and ethics. Festschriften for Karl Barth, Donald W. Dayton, James Luther Mays, Margaret R. Miles, and Walter Wink are among the seventy-five volumes that have been published. Contributors include: C. K. Barrett, Francois Bovon, Paul S. Chung, Marie-Helene Davies, Frederick Herzog, Ben F. Meyer, Pamela Ann Moeller, Rudolf Pesch, D. Z. Phillips, Rudolf Schnackenburgm Eduard Schweizer, John Vissers

      Bogomils on Via Egnatia and in the Valley of Pelagonia: the Geography of a Dualist Belief, Robert Mihajlovski
      This paper treads my long-term field research on the dualist religious movement called Bogomilism that is located along the ancient Roman communication of Via Egnatia and in the valley of Pelagonia. I discuss various written historical sources and

      Page 158: Fundaghiagites (Latin funda - the bag) was known in Western Macedonia as Torbeshi from Slavonic torba - the Bag, in which the believers carried their alms and scriptures. In Bulgaria and Macedonia they had various names such as Bogomili, Babouni, Torbeshi, Obshtari.
      Last edited by Carlin; 06-17-2017, 10:06 PM.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Constantine V Copronymus (741-775) and Leo IV the Khazar (750-780) began to repopulate Thrace (and Macedonia) colonising the Syrian Monophysites, some Massalians and Armenian Paulicians. Most of the 'heretical' Armenian population were resettled along the main roads through the peninsula, such as the Via Militaris and Via Egnatia in Thrace and Macedonia, in order to repopulate and to assimilate them into the local Christian communities. From the early 8th century though, they already had some close ties with the Balkan's pagan Slavic population and with the shamanistic Bulgars. Theophanes ended up blaming the emperor Constantine V for resettling Armenians to Thrace, introducing the Paulician 'heresy' into the Empire.

        As a further interesting example, the area and mountains of Moglena (Meglen) in Macedonia seemed to have had a rather strong presence of Bogomils. This well-known region had a mixed population of Slavic, Vlach, Romanized Pechenegs and Armenian Paulicians. The historical sources confirm the presence of Bogomils in this area during the 11th and 12th centuries.

        Near the village of Banitsa (renamed to Vevi in 1926), a Bogomil burial ground once existed. In 1982, according to Eliyas Petropoulos, the bishop of Florina ordered the obliteration of the cemetery and the removal of its tombstones.

        Taken from -
        Bogomils on Via Egnatia and in the Valley of Pelagonia: the Geography of a Dualist Belief

        URL -
        This paper treads my long-term field research on the dualist religious movement called Bogomilism that is located along the ancient Roman communication of Via Egnatia and in the valley of Pelagonia. I discuss various written historical sources and


        • Liberator of Makedonija
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2014
          • 1597

          I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            This paper treads my long-term field research on the dualist religious movement called Bogomilism that is located along the ancient Roman communication of Via Egnatia and in the valley of Pelagonia. I discuss various written historical sources and


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              Кочо Рацин

              Драговитските богомили

              Богомилството е една од најсветлите, најзначајните и најинтересните појави на средновековното минато на Повардарјето. Наспроти официјалното христијанство, што е воведено одозгора, од страна на самите државни главари, и што е пренесено од Византија, со цел идејно да се зацврсти владавината на новата словенска феудална аристократија, богомилството никна од народот, ги зафати најшироките народни маси и во верско-опозициона форма го мобилизира народниот отпор против сè поголемото феудално поробување. По тој начин, отпрвин како верско-опозициона секта, богомилството подоцна се претвори по вистинско социјално-реформаторско народно движење со отворени стремежи за промени на општествениот поредок. Во таа повисока фаза од својот развиток богомилството со своето високоморално сфаќање на средновековните културни проблеми, со својата народна, рационалистичка интерпретација на христијанството, како и со својата беспоштедна критика на сите негативни последици од феудалното устројство на општеството, што настанаа во време на првите симптоми од распаѓањето на феудализмот кај нас — пројави таков порој од необично смели и напредни мисли за својата епоха, што со право го поставуваат во редот на значајните социјално-реформаторски движења во историјата. Веќе cо самото тоа богомилството би требало да се смета и како наше најсветло историско минато, што ги овоплотило нашите најдрагоцени културни традиции и ни оставило едно богато културно наследство.

              На тоа наследство наидуваме насекаде во нашиот народен живот. Како „една од најкрупните појави на јужнословенската историја",[1] богомилството со своето учење „ги завладеа срцата на словенските народи на Балканот",[2] „длабоко навлезе во духовниот живот на балканските Словени"[3] и при такви услови „невозможно е да не влијаело силно врз нашиот народен живот, да не оставило подлабоки траги во нашите народни обичаи и преданија, но нашиот богат народен бит".[4] Нашата народна култура, нашиот богат народен фолклор, неисцрпната духовна ризница на нашиот народ низ многу мрачни векови на искушение — повеќе се дело од влијанието на богомилството одошто од влијанието на православјето. Повеќе се во нив одразени немирот и трезноста на богомилството, одошто слепата вера и укоченост на православјето.

              Full article here:

              Кочо Рацин

              Селското движење на богомилите во Средниот век

              На нашите широки народни слоеви речиси и непознато им е големото средновековно народно движење на богомилите. Многумина и не претчувствуваат дека нивните одамнешни предедовци учествувале во тоа движење, станувајќи во одбрана на демократските преданија на својата старословенска задруга, против новите, словенски феудални и црковни властелини. Но уште е помал бројот на оние што знаат дека лулката на тоа движење му била меѓу Словените што живееле во Повардарјето, и дека од првата богомилска општина, меѓу племето Драговити, „како зраци од светлина потекнало богомилското учење низ целиот свет", како што го вели тоа големиот хрватски научник Фрањо Рачки.

              Кои биле тие наши храбри предеди, што во глувата доба на европскиот среден век ја запалиле таа „светлина", и што барале тие?

              Full article here:

              Кочо Рацин main page:

              Богомилското движењеBogomilskoto dvizenje


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Images of abandoned Bogomil Graveyard near Ilidzievo (Илиџиево), Salonica area:
                This field of half-buried stone crosses was the burial place of a sect of heretical gnostics.

