Macedonians, Maedi, and the legend of Spartacus

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  • Carlin
    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
    I felt this would be the most appropriate thread to share this intriguing photo in that I recently came across of a Roman mosaic (known as the Gladiator Mosaic) depicting a bunch of gladiators which has been dated to the first half of the 4th century (i.e. 300’s AD). What is intriguing about it is the name of the fallen blond, long-haired gladiator with the very Macedonian sounding name, Rodan. We know he has been killed by the Greek letter Θ placed next to his name which apparently stood for “Thanatos”, meaning dead. Would it be such a stretch of the imagination if this gladiator turned out to be a Macedonian? We know the Romans used many slaves from the conquered territories to fight as gladiators and Thracians and Macedonians would have featured prominently in these staged fights to the death. They even named a type of gladiator after the Thracians, the Thraex.

    That's interesting. I wonder if there is more info on this gladiator mosaic.

    After doing some "research" on google I found that Rodan is a Slavonic name related to the adjective native, nativity. Rodán is also described as a Celtic-Gaelic name meaning hearty, lively.

    Rodan is a first name more often used for a boy. Growth number: 7. Find all about this name: meaning, origin and numerology interpretation.

    This is the master volume to the 28 book set on Irish Family History from the Irish Genealogical Foundation, known as the Irish Family Project. The largest and most comprehensive of the series, this volume includes family histories from every county in Ireland and Northern Ireland. It also has, for the first time, the complete surname index for the entire series. The 27 other books which are indexed in this volume will provide additional information on even more families.


    The ancient historian and biographer Plutarch describes Spartacus as "a Thracian of nomadic stock", in a possible reference to the Maedi. [Nic Fields (2009). Spartacus and the Slave War 73-71 BC: A Gladiator Rebels Against Rome. Osprey Publishing. p. 28. ISBN 978-1-84603-353-7.]

    A number of Maedi emigrated to Asia minor and were called MaedoBythini: The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 3, Part 2: The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and Other States of the Near East, from the Eighth to the Sixth Centuries BC by John Boardman, I. E. S. Edwards, E. Sollberger, and N. G. L. Hammond, ISBN 0-521-22717-8, 1992, page 601: "Earlier certain tribes of the Maedi emigrated to Asia minor where they were known by the name of the MaedoBythini..."


    Since this thread is about Macedonians and Maedi, a Thracian tribe, I thought this should go here:

    Thracian and Macedonian Kingship, William S. Greenwalt

    "This chapter focuses on elements of a shared royal ideology between the Argeads of Macedonia and at least some of their Thracian counterparts. The Thracians had a significant influence on the early Macedonian ideology of kingship. Argead kings appeared as heroes necessary for the preservation of the health and well‐being of all of their subjects, just as anecdotal evidence suggests was the prevailing thought among at least some of the Thracian kingdoms."
    Last edited by Carlin; 05-08-2020, 05:54 AM.

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  • Karposh
    Rodan the Gladiator

    I felt this would be the most appropriate thread to share this intriguing photo in that I recently came across of a Roman mosaic (known as the Gladiator Mosaic) depicting a bunch of gladiators which has been dated to the first half of the 4th century (i.e. 300’s AD). What is intriguing about it is the name of the fallen blond, long-haired gladiator with the very Macedonian sounding name, Rodan. We know he has been killed by the Greek letter Θ placed next to his name which apparently stood for “Thanatos”, meaning dead. Would it be such a stretch of the imagination if this gladiator turned out to be a Macedonian? We know the Romans used many slaves from the conquered territories to fight as gladiators and Thracians and Macedonians would have featured prominently in these staged fights to the death. They even named a type of gladiator after the Thracians, the Thraex.

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  • DraganOfStip
    I just downloaded it,it's gonna be on my agenda the following days.As for the sequel with the new actor,I think I'm gonna wait the season to end so I can get the full picture.I did a great mistake with Prison Break's last season,the suspense was too much to handle

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Have you seen the intermediary series that was made while they waited for Andy Whitfield to recover? That was good also. The new series is OK, have only seen a few episodes, it is not as good as the first one though (at least not so far), but what keeps me watching is knowing how the story develops and waiting for the Thracian and his men to shake Rome to its foundations.

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  • DraganOfStip
    And he really played the role with style,damn shame.I watched season 1 on our own MTV(finally something worth watching there) and it just blew me away.Nash choek indeed.May he rest in peace.

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  • Soldier of Macedon

    British-born actor Andy Whitfield, star of the TV series Spartacus: Blood and Sand, has died of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, it was confirmed today.

    The star, who was born in Amlwch, Wales, but moved to Sydney in 1999, lost his 18-month battle with the disease on a 'sunny Sydney morning in the arms of his loving wife (Vashti),' she said in a statement. The actor, who was 39, was diagnosed with stage 1 of the disease in March 2010, but was declared cancer-free two months later after beginning treatment immediately in New Zealand.

    Whitfield was a virtual unknown when he was cast as the legendary Thracian slave in Spartacus, a role made famous by Kirk Douglas in the 1960 Stanley Kubrick film. The series proved a break-out hit for the Starz network and made waves with its graphic violence and sexuality. Whitfield appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season that aired in 2010, and was preparing to shoot the second when he was diagnosed with cancer.

    While waiting for Whitfield's treatment and expected recovery, the network produced a six-part prequel, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, that aired earlier this year with only a brief voice-over from the actor.
    But in January, after Whitfield's condition grew worse, the network announced that another Australian actor, Liam McIntyre, would take over the role.

    McIntyre said at the time: 'Andy’s such a wonderful actor. I don’t want to follow that guy, and everybody hurts that he’s had to give up the role, myself included.' At the same time, Whitfield released his own statement acknowledging the decision: 'It's with a deep sense of disappointment that I must step aside from such an exceptional project as Spartacus and all the wonderful people involved,' he said. 'It seems that it is time for myself and my family to embark on another extraordinary journey.'

    Whitfield's previous credits included appearances on the Australian TV shows Packed to the Rafters and McLeod's Daughters. Spartacus director Steve DeKnight took to Twitter to express his pain. 'No words to express the depth of such a loss. You will be deeply missed, my brother,' he wrote.

    Spartacus co-star Lucy Lawless said on her website Whitfield was a "gentle man who never had a bad world about anyone".
    She went on to say that Whitfield was a brilliant actor and a gifted photographer and engineer.

    'Obviously, Andy Whitfield left an indelible mark on all of us in the Spartacus family,' she said. 'Andy's incandescent film presence made men want to be him and women want to marry him. 'Andy's two babies will always know that their Daddy cherished them and their mother, Vashti, above all things. 'How lucky we were to have him grace all our lives.'

    Another person who spoke highly of the actor was Starz president and CEO Chris Albrecht who said: 'We were fortunate to have worked with Andy in Spartacus and came to know that the man who played a champion on-screen was also a champion in his own life.

    'Andy was an inspiration to all of us as he faced this very personal battle with courage, strength and grace. 'Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time. He will live on in the hearts of his family, friends and fans.'

    Whitfield is survived by his wife Vashti and his two children.
    A damn shame, may he rest in peace, he played the character of Spartacus extremely well. His memory will live on in the Spartacus series.

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  • Po-drum
    Maedi (Меди) sounds very similar with:

    copper - мед (med) in bulgarian

    We know Filip have put much efforts to gain controle on the area around Chalkidiki and rivers Struma and Mesta where Maedi were living. This was important because those regions were rich in gold silver and copper mines.
    Macedonian shields were made from silver and bronze (shield found in Bonche) consisting primarily of copper.
    In fact, Chalkidiki (Chalcidice) was beffore the setllement of Greeks (700-400 b.c.) populated by Thracians.
    Having on mind that Maedians are the closest thracian tribe living around Chalkidiki I could say they were once living there. More inteersting is that "chalkos" means copper ore.

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  • Pelister
    Hey SoM. You posted this in another thread.


    Titus Livius:

    JFK, ASSASSINATION, JOHN, KENNEDY, KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, JFK ASSASSINATION, CONSPIRACY, THEORY, ASSASINATION, JFK ASSASINATION, MEDICAL, Judyth Baker, Judyth Vary Baker, evidence, Jim Garrison, Lee, Oswald, James, Files, Dealey Plaza, Single, Magic, Bullet, Jack, Ruby, CIA, FBI, NEWSGROUP, ARRB, Assassination Records, Board, MARK LANE, SINGLE BULLET THEORY

    The condition of his own kingdom was far from tranquil; reports were brought to him announcing that Scerdilaedus and Pleuratus were again active and that Thracian tribes, especially the Maedi, were prepared to invade Macedonia as soon as the king was involved in a distant war.
    JFK, ASSASSINATION, JOHN, KENNEDY, KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, JFK ASSASSINATION, CONSPIRACY, THEORY, ASSASINATION, JFK ASSASINATION, MEDICAL, Judyth Baker, Judyth Vary Baker, evidence, Jim Garrison, Lee, Oswald, James, Files, Dealey Plaza, Single, Magic, Bullet, Jack, Ruby, CIA, FBI, NEWSGROUP, ARRB, Assassination Records, Board, MARK LANE, SINGLE BULLET THEORY

    Envoys also from Thrace, with the Maedi and Astii, came to ask for alliance and friendship. Their request was granted and each received a present of 2000 ases. The Romans were especially glad that these peoples had been received into alliance, because Thrace lay at the back of Macedonia.
    I am sure there will be plenty to discuss. Here is a video to start off with, pay attention to the period between 4.00 to 4.30. YouTube - The Mystery of The Thracians - tombs & gold treasures HD - DISCOVER BULGARIA - part 1 (

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  • Pelister

    Note that this text reveals a Thracian word.

    The Maedi (also Maidans, Maedans, or Medi),(Ancient Greek,"Μαίδοι") were a Thracian tribe who, in historic times, occupied the area between Paionia and Thrace, on the southwestern fringes of Thrace, along the middle course of the Strymon and the upper course of the Nestus rivers, (present-day south-western Bulgaria). Their capital city was Iamphorynna.

    They were an independent tribe through much of their history, and the Thracian king Sitalkes recognized their independence, along with several other warlike "border" tribes such as the Dardani, Agrianes, and Paeonians, whose lands formed a buffer zone between the powers of the Odrysians on the east and of Illyrian tribes in the west, while Macedon was located to the south of Paeonia. The ancient historian and biographer Plutarch describes Spartacus as "a Thracian of nomadic stock", referring to the Maedi. Plutarch also says Spartacus' wife, a prophetess of the same tribe, was enslaved with him.

    In 89–84 bc (during the First Mithridatic War), the Maedi overran Macedon, looted Dodona, and sacked Delphi as allies of Mithridates. It is said that they made a habit of raiding Macedon when a king of Macedon was away on a campaign .Sulla after this ravaged the land of the Maedi. Aristotle recorded that bolinthos was the Maedan word for a species of wild Aurochses or Wisents that lived in the region.

    A number of Maedi emigrated to Asia minor and were called MaedoBythini.
    Have we found our Thracian etymology for Mt, 'Olynthos' the mountain?
    Last edited by Pelister; 05-26-2010, 02:58 AM.

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  • Lügendetektor
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    The Bible is a good source for such references, where the epithet of 'Hellene' can mean either non-Jew (Heathen) or cultured/educated (when ranged against barbarians).
    Indeed, also old German Encylopedia's have a similar view on it!

    [590] Griechen, 1) Bewohner von Griechenland, s.d. (Gesch.); 2) im Neuen Testament so v.w. Heiden, weil die meisten heidnischen Völker um Palästina griechisch redeten; 3) (Hellenisten), die außerhalb Judäa wohnenden Juden, die fast alle griechisch redeten, im Gegensatz zu den Nationalgriechen u. jüdischen Proselyten, s.u. Griechische Sprache.
    Translation by GoogleTr.

    Greeks, 1) residents of Greece, s.d. (GP), 2) in the New Testament might be v.w. Heathen, pagan nations because most talked about Palestine in Greek; 3) (Hellenists), the Jews living outside Judea who spoke almost all Greek, in contrast to the National Jewish proselytes and Greeks, see Greek language.
    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 7. Altenburg 1859, page 590


    [220] Hellenisten, 1) gelehrte Kenner der Griechischen Sprache; 2) die Juden. in Ägypten, welche seit der Einwanderung nach Ägypten unter Ptolemäos Lagi griechische Bildung empfingen. Aus griechischen u. jüdischen Elementen bildete sich ein. eigner Dialekt, die Hellenistische Sprache (s. Griechische Sprache g), u. eine eigne Philosophie (s. Philosophie).

    [220] Hellenists, a scholarly) educated speaker of the Greek language, 2) the Jews. in Egypt, who received since the migration to Egypt under Ptolemy Lagi Greek education. From Greek and Jewish elements imagined. own dialect, the Hellenic language (see Greek language grams), and one's own philosophy (see Philosophy).
    Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 8. Altenburg 1859, S. 220.


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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Here's something more about Spartacus' people, the Maedi, and their often hostile 'relations' with Macedonia. The text is from Roman writer Titus Livius (Livy), who lived during the end of the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD.

    .........he (Phillip V of Macedon) marched his army into Macedonia, and thence into Thrace and Maedica. This nation had been accustomed to make incursions into Macedonia when they perceived the king engaged in a foreign war, and the kingdom left unprotected. Accordingly, he began to devastate the lands in the neighbourhood of Phragandae, and to lay siege to the city Jamphorina, the capital and chief fortress of Maedica.

    Philip received accounts even from his own kingdom, that things were not in a state of tranquillity; that both Scerdilaedus and Pleuratus were in motion, and that some of the Thracians, and particularly the Maedians, would certainly make incursions on the contiguous provinces of Macedonia, should the king be occupied with a distant war.

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  • osiris
    rtg you know as well as i what the neuvo griekenlanders fear most.

    the truth

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    There's no doubt that they're hiding Thracian inscriptions, but they can't hide them forever. Why would they hide them? How would it look to the rest of the world when it is revealed there are more Thracian than Greek inscriptions in the Macedonian part of Greece? It's only a matter of time, something is bound to turn up soon, and they're bound to slip up.

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  • Risto the Great
    Osiris, there is no doubt that Greece would have numerous Thracian artifacts and inscriptions. The question is what do they have to fear by releasing them to academic institutions for research.

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  • osiris
    rtg proffesor freedman confirmed to me that there are quite a lot of what appear to be thracian inscriptions rotting away in greek prisons oops sorry greek museums but that so far no one has been given access to study them.

    he also said there is a real possibility that many more will be found in bulgaria and hopefully historians will be able to at last study these amazing people using sources other than greek and roman

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