Peter Bogdan 1630 to 1689 Catholic priest, Italian language for Albania

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3231

    Peter Bogdan 1630 to 1689 Catholic priest, Italian language for Albania

    Peter Bogdan 1630 to 1689 Catholic priest and Archbishop of Skopje Italian language for Albania

    Петар Богдани се смета за најистакната фигура на старата албанска литература.
    Живеел од 1630 до 1689 година. Бил католички свештеник а и Архиепископ на Скопје. Деновие слушав на телевизија еден историчар од Македонија, Албанец, кој бараше негова биста да се постави на плоштадот во Скопје.
    Сликава што ја гледате е направена во музејот во Тирана и е оригиналната книга во проза што Петар Богдани ја објавил на италјански јазик. Интересно е тоа што под неговото име пишува на итлјански MACEDONE. Во музејот во Тирана не знаеја како да го објасант ова.

    Has anyone come across this and knows abit more about it..
    Google Translator didn't come out right....
    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
  • Bratot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2855

    The whole text:

    "Cvnevs prophetarvm de Christo salvatore mvndi et eivs evangelica veritate, italice et epirotice contexta, et in duas partes diuisa a Petro Bogdano Macedone, Sacr. Congr. De Prop. Fide alvmno, Philosophiae & Sacrae Theologiae Doctore, olim Episcopo Scodrensi & Administratore Antibarensi, nunc vero Archiepiscopo Scvporvm ac totivs regni Serviae Administratore"


    Дружината на пророкот вклучително и Христа, спасителот на светот и неговата евангелска вистина, уредена на италијански и епирски и поделена на два дела од страна Петар Богдан од Македонија, ученик на Светата конгрегација верска пропаганда, доктор по филозофија и света теологија, бивш бискуп на Скадар и администратор на Бари, а сега надбискуп на Скопје и администратор на целото Кралевство Србија.

    The Band of the Prophets Concerning Christ, Saviour of the World and his Gospel Truth, edited in Italian and Epirotic and divided into two parts by Pjetėr Bogdani of Macedonia, student of the Holy Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, doctor of philosophy and holy theology, formerly Bishop of Shkodra and Administrator of Antivari and now Archbishop of Skopje and Administrator of all the Kingdom of Serbia.
    Last edited by Bratot; 02-17-2010, 08:11 AM.
    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
      Peter Bogdan 1630 to 1689 Catholic priest and Archbishop of Skopje
      Originally posted by Bratot
      The Band of the Prophets Concerning Christ, Saviour of the World and his Gospel Truth, edited in Italian and Epirotic and divided into two parts by Pjetėr Bogdani of Macedonia, student of the Holy Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, doctor of philosophy and holy theology, formerly Bishop of Shkodra and Administrator of Antivari and now Archbishop of Skopje and Administrator of all the Kingdom of Serbia.
      With respect to the term 'Macedone', not sure it means 'of Macedonia' in this instance because the preposition 'of' ('di' in Italian) is absent. In both Italian and Latin the term 'Macedone' can simply mean 'Macedonian'. This is also supported by the appellation of Giorgio Giulio Clovio, who was known as 'Il Macedone', which includes a definite article to render it as 'The Macedonian'.

      I'm not sure if anyone has heard of this man, he was born in Croatia. born 1498, Griane, Croatia, Hung. died January 1578, Rome, Papal States [Italy] The Life and Works of Giorgio Giulio Clovio Miniaturist with Notices of His Contemporaries and of the Art of Book Decoration in the Sixteenth Century

      Thus, the title 'Petro Bogdano Macedone' could read as Peter Bogdan, Macedonian or Петар Богдан, Македонец. I may be wrong on this, but just wanted to present an alternative explanation. Bogdan apparently hailed from what is today's Albania, in an area that is in or around the Gora region. It is interesting how he makes reference to Macedonia (or being Macedonian) on the title of his work, there must be a good reason for him to give it such importance.

      Here are some drawings of him:

      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

