This is from the web; make what you will of it. I can not vouch for the accuracy of this charter.
Talking to Mr.Boris Visinski, he explained to us how he had managed to fit and copy the book “The Kingdom of the Slavs” by the historian Mauro Orbini.
In the ‘80ties, when I was searching information about the Bogomils through some libraries, said Mr.Visinski, one Italian friend of mine - a historian, pointed out to me several books about those heretical movements in the Middle Age.
And since he had known I was a Macedonian, he asked me if I had read Mauro Orbini’s book - “The Kingdom of the Slavs”. I told him I had heard of only one part of that book concerning Serbia being published in Belgrade. And since this book spoke of almost all Slavic nations, he suggested that I look for the original version of it.
Through the help of some friends, catholic majesties, I managed to find this book in the Vatican library and copy it. The first thing I noticed in this book was the alphabet registry. In it, under the letter “M”, the first direction states: “Macedonians are Slavs”. According to Mauro Orbini and all the others he quotes, on the territory of Macedonia, Macedonians are Slavs and the Slavs are Macedonians, this means that Orbini leaves a mark of unity between the Macedonians and Slavs.
In that book, Mr.Visinski says, only few pages speak about Macedonia, and there, among the other, the Charter of Alexander the Macedonian is stated as well. And since Orbini leaves a mark of unity between the Macedonians and Slavs, that means that this Charter is a pledge of Alexander the Macedonian to his own people who participated in the wars. But, Orbini quotes other authors as well, who indicate the peculiarity of Macedonian language compared to the Greek. Exactly here he expresses his own opinion that Macedonians and Greeks were never close, nor were they one nation, but they were two different nations united to conquer the world under the great general.
Mr.Visinski adds that, the author Jeremiah Ruso in the Chronicles of the Moscowians clearly says that the Russians, meaning Moscowians had the same language like the ancient Macedonians. This means that other authors spoke about similarities between ancient Macedonian and Slavic language as well. This approves the theory that on these Macedonian spaces and wider, the Slaves didn’t come from anywhere, but they had always been here, they just used different names and that in that „Slavic sea“ of VI and VII century, according to some sources, from the Karpaties the last waves of Slavs in Macedonia came and united with natives.
In the Vatican library, said Visinski, there are books which are not registered and are not available for research. Among them is the book “Slavic titles of geographical names in Italy” by Czech historian from the XIX century.
“I, ALEXANDER, son of Phillip, King of Macedonia, Prince of the Monarchy, appointed as a creator of Greek empire, from Nataban announced as the child of the great Zeus, ruler of the Augusts, and of Bramans and of Arbonites, from sunrise to sunset, from south up until north, to the noble nation of Slavs we wish kindness, peace and health. We and our followers who will succeed us in ruling the world, because you have been consistent in faith, valiant in fights and our leaders and heroic fighters, we apportion you and freely donate you forever this whole part of the land, to North up until southern borders with Italy; and with such right, which nobody but you, must not stay long here; nor inhabit, nor live there. If, however, anyone stays longer here, may he become your slave, and his children, slaves to your children.
This Privilege is given in the new city of Alexandria, whom we created by the great Nile river, in the twelfth year of our ruling, under protection of the great god Zeus and Mars, Pluto and goddess Athens. Witnesses to this act are the noble Athleta, our treasurer, together with the other eleven princes whom we have appointed, after our death, as our general successors, considering the fact that we haven’t got any children.”