The Macedonian Sun & (Original) Flag

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  • sydney
    The unfortunate fact for Macedonians is that a unified viewpoint on our history is still developing, and therefore we have all these theories as to why things are the way they are.

    Chicho, considering the above, can you please provide some links referencing the poppy was a royal symbol and that the sun’s rays were representative of Macedonian tribes? I’ve never heard of either of these before.

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  • Chicho Makedonski
    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
    I really didn't set out to antagonise you Chich but your tone suggests that perhaps I have. Whatever. You are defending a couple of positions here like they were foregone and indisputable conclusions made by world-renowned academics. They're not. They're just your own (and maybe your mates') fringe theories and ideas.

    Clearly, my sarcasm is lost on you in much of what I had to say earlier and you seem to be arguing with me as though I'm defending some Greek point of view on the Macedonian sun or that I have my own personal theory on what type of flower the rosette might actually be.

    I know the poppy has a place in Macedonian folklore. It's even depicted on our shitty coat of arms..I get it. But you are delusional if you think the decorative turquoise blue rosette, that was seen for the first time on a burial casket in Kutlesh, was anything more than decorative when they discovered it all those years ago or that it definitely has to be a poppy. Can you not see that? Maybe you can convince me if you can show me a blue poppy in existence anywhere in nature. Or, better still, show me another example, other than the burial casket from the main burial chamber from Kutlesh, which has a similar rosette. Every other depiction of the Macedonian sun that I have seen besides the Kutlesh one do not have the flower (sorry, the poppy) in the middle. From ancient Macedonian coins to shields, it's always a solid disc. Are these maybe Greek in origin as they do not have the flower in the middle to distinguish them as Macedonian (according to your theory)?

    Incidentally, the other burial casket, from the adjoining burial chamber in Kutlesh, also bore the Macedonian sun. However, no flower and...only 12 rays. This kind of goes against what your saying, don't you think. Was it 12 tribes or 16?
    Decorative or not, the point is the poppy was clearly seen as important to the Macedonians to put it at the centre of the symbol on Philip II’s casket.

    The flower in the middle resembles the centre of an opium poppy flower. There’s opium poppy flowers that have a blue/aqua stem with a blue/aqua head.

    By meaning, the Macedonian sun differed from the 16 pointed star found in the supposed ‘Mycenaean-era tomb’ and any other sun with rays the Greeks rarely used. But by looks, the 16 pointed sun found in the supposed ‘Mycenaean-era tomb’ looks virtually the same as the Macedonian sun, which is why i am saying its important to know the meaning/difference between the two close symbols.

    Personally I’m against the idea to abandon the poppy flower in the middle considering it was placed on one of Macedonia’s finest kings casket. But when I see the Macedonian sun without the flower that’s fine also as it’s dedicated to the Macedonian tribes. Just personally I’d rather it with the poppy flower.

    I know it was mostly just a solid circle at the centre of the Macedonian sun, as it’s purpose is to resemble a sun with its rays depicting how many tribes were part of Ancient Macedonia.

    The other burial chamber was possibly dedicated to someone who died when Ancient Macedonia only had 12 tribes as opposed to the completed 16.

    So with your logic (being against the poppy flower and 16 rays representing the tribes) what explanation do you have for the changes in rays overtime? Clearly it meant something to change the amount of rays as Ancient Macedonia grew.

    While for the Greeks they just used the sun to most likely honour Helios and the rays clearly didn’t represent anything because there’s illustrations of Helios with over 20 rays and also just 6 behind his head, when all Helios is, is a mythical god that’s not real. The sun rays were used like a decorative crown and the amount of rays didn’t matter. There’s also Ancient Greek art which shows different amount of poorly painted suns similar to the Macedonian sun with rays from 6 to over 20 with no recorded growth of anything (tribes, city state alliances etc). This shows the rays didn’t represent anything for them and were just used for decoration.

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  • Momce Makedonce
    I never really knew what the blue in the middle of the Macedonian sun was either, I assumed it was some sort of decoration. Then I watched a video from Mario's History Talks where he talks about the blue centre and Macedonian's high opium levels.

    He talks about it around 2:26 in this video
    Check out my latest video ▶ of Tall People, the Mother Land...Land of Macadamia Cookies?! Just what does "Macedonia" mean? S...

    The centre of the poppy flower shown in the video definitely resembles the blue centre of the Macedonian Sun. Is it coincidence? Who knows but there doesn't seem to really be any other explanation apart from it being decorative, so I would say it's a pretty decent case to be made that it is a poppy flower.

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  • Rogi
    I'd always understood it to be a geranium, the locally found 'здравец' , long said to bring good health.

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  • Karposh
    I really didn't set out to antagonise you Chich but your tone suggests that perhaps I have. Whatever. You are defending a couple of positions here like they were foregone and indisputable conclusions made by world-renowned academics. They're not. They're just your own (and maybe your mates') fringe theories and ideas.

    Clearly, my sarcasm is lost on you in much of what I had to say earlier and you seem to be arguing with me as though I'm defending some Greek point of view on the Macedonian sun or that I have my own personal theory on what type of flower the rosette might actually be.

    I know the poppy has a place in Macedonian folklore. It's even depicted on our shitty coat of arms..I get it. But you are delusional if you think the decorative turquoise blue rosette, that was seen for the first time on a burial casket in Kutlesh, was anything more than decorative when they discovered it all those years ago or that it definitely has to be a poppy. Can you not see that? Maybe you can convince me if you can show me a blue poppy in existence anywhere in nature. Or, better still, show me another example, other than the burial casket from the main burial chamber from Kutlesh, which has a similar rosette. Every other depiction of the Macedonian sun that I have seen besides the Kutlesh one do not have the flower (sorry, the poppy) in the middle. From ancient Macedonian coins to shields, it's always a solid disc. Are these maybe Greek in origin as they do not have the flower in the middle to distinguish them as Macedonian (according to your theory)?

    Incidentally, the other burial casket, from the adjoining burial chamber in Kutlesh, also bore the Macedonian sun. However, no flower and...only 12 rays. This kind of goes against what your saying, don't you think. Was it 12 tribes or 16?

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  • Chicho Makedonski
    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
    Sounds like the Ancient Macedonians knew good shit when they saw it. I've never tripped out on opium before but perhaps that explains the blue poppy.

    Their explanation on Wikipedia refers to the rays of the sun as representing the gods of Olympus. The Greek god Apollo also has a representation of the Macedonian sun on his head but with many more rays.

    So the "poppy" is the defining factor in all of this. Interesting...Stick with it if you like but it's still just your theory.

    The poppy again...What if it's bolivatch (chamomile). it is abundant in Macedonia as well and everyone knows of its medicinal properties.
    It cannot be the gods of Olympus because the symbol started off with 6 rays and gradually grew to 16. The god of the sun - Helios is more practical but even then it was clearly only a religious symbol for them and not a cultural/highly important one, since they didn’t use it much. The Macedonians didn’t use the sun symbol to honour Helios, but to showcase the amount of tribes that were part of Ancient Macedonia.

    I’m intrigued to know the difference between the 16 pointed sun ‘sydney’ shared to us on the link and the Macedonian sun. The only difference I find is that on some illustrations the poppy is present at the core of the Macedonian sun. So please tell me another differentiating factor between the two close symbols (in looks, not meaning), since you seem to be against the flower in the middle.

    It’s not chamomile as it doesnt resemble it. I’ve already explained it’s the centre of an opium poppy flower due to the large quantity of opium Macedonia produces, poppy’s were obviously common in Macedonia and the Macedonians clearly regarded them as important and a symbol of Macedonia’s nature.
    Last edited by Chicho Makedonski; 01-09-2020, 10:37 PM.

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  • Karposh
    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    The middle of the Macedonian sun symbol is very important. It is the centre of a opium poppy flower and it is part of the Macedonian symbol as Macedonia produces the highest quantity of opium in the world, therefore showing that poppy flowers were common throughout Macedonia, and Macedonians used it to signify their strong connection to Macedonia’s nature.
    Sounds like the Ancient Macedonians knew good shit when they saw it. I've never tripped out on opium before but perhaps that explains the blue poppy.

    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    I believe Greeks used the 16 pointed star in order to honour the mythical Greek god of the sun - Helios.
    Their explanation on Wikipedia refers to the rays of the sun as representing the gods of Olympus. The Greek god Apollo also has a representation of the Macedonian sun on his head but with many more rays.

    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    This is not the Macedonian sun and it was never considered as a national symbol of the Greeks, but it’s rays are identical to the Macedonian symbol except without the poppy in the middle. This is why I believe the poppy is important to show the difference between the two close looking symbols, albeit with different meanings, as the rays on the Macedonian sun represent the Macedonian tribes of Ancient Macedonia which was the cultural symbol of the Macedonians.
    So the "poppy" is the defining factor in all of this. Interesting...Stick with it if you like but it's still just your theory.

    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    Macedonians at times didn’t have a poppy in the middle to just showcase the sun by itself, but in other illustrations the poppy is evident.
    The poppy again...What if it's bolivatch (chamomile). it is abundant in Macedonia as well and everyone knows of its medicinal properties.

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  • Chicho Makedonski
    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
    The turquoise-blue "rosette" in the middle of the sun's disk that was discovered in Kutlesh back in the 70' has often been described as the "zdravets flower" by many Macedonians with many theories to go with it as to what it actually signifies or represents. I have to admit, the "poppy" is a new one for me. My personal opinion is that all of this is speculation and, rather than having any special national or cultural significance, it was purely used as a decorative motif...Nothing more. People need to realise that what is important is the sun symbol itself and not the flower in the middle. Many Macedonians, including myself until very recently, put too much emphasis on this flower/rosette. It's a nothing motif and I personally think it detracts from the symbol itself. But, unfortunately, it has been religiously guarded by many Macedonians in Australia and can be found on virtually every Macedonian flag in Australia. If the 16-ray Macedonian sun ever makes its way back on the flag of Macedonia again, I would hate to see this rosette stuck in the middle. The solid yellow disk is enough. There is absolutely no need to stick anything in the middle.

    Nothing wrong with proposing a theory my friend...It's better than the Greek's theory - the Gods of Olympus apparently. But, that's all they are, theories. No one knows why the Macedonians adopted this particular symbol to represent their national heritage but I'm glad they did because it is beautiful and there's no other flag like it in the world. The 16-ray Macedonian sun on a blood red background is, by far, the most beautiful flag in the world.
    The middle of the Macedonian sun symbol is very important. It is the centre of a opium poppy flower and it is part of the Macedonian symbol as Macedonia produces the highest quantity of opium in the world, therefore showing that poppy flowers were common throughout Macedonia, and Macedonians used it to signify their strong connection to Macedonia’s nature.

    I believe Greeks used the 16 pointed star in order to honour the mythical Greek god of the sun - Helios. This is not the Macedonian sun and it was never considered as a national symbol of the Greeks, but it’s rays are identical to the Macedonian symbol except without the poppy in the middle. This is why I believe the poppy is important to show the difference between the two close looking symbols, albeit with different meanings, as the rays on the Macedonian sun represent the Macedonian tribes of Ancient Macedonia which was the cultural symbol of the Macedonians.

    Macedonians at times didn’t have a poppy in the middle to just showcase the sun by itself, but in other illustrations the poppy is evident.

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  • Karposh
    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post

    ...and also there is no poppy in the centre like the Macedonian symbol portrays.

    ...the Macedonians exclusively used it everywhere since ancient times as a national symbol with a poppy at the centre

    ...and the poppy at the centre was used due to the large quantity of poppy’s in Macedonia which represent Macedonia’s nature. The Macedonian sun has nothing to do with Helios as there are no poppy’s found on Helios sculptures.
    The turquoise-blue "rosette" in the middle of the sun's disk that was discovered in Kutlesh back in the 70' has often been described as the "zdravets flower" by many Macedonians with many theories to go with it as to what it actually signifies or represents. I have to admit, the "poppy" is a new one for me. My personal opinion is that all of this is speculation and, rather than having any special national or cultural significance, it was purely used as a decorative motif...Nothing more. People need to realise that what is important is the sun symbol itself and not the flower in the middle. Many Macedonians, including myself until very recently, put too much emphasis on this flower/rosette. It's a nothing motif and I personally think it detracts from the symbol itself. But, unfortunately, it has been religiously guarded by many Macedonians in Australia and can be found on virtually every Macedonian flag in Australia. If the 16-ray Macedonian sun ever makes its way back on the flag of Macedonia again, I would hate to see this rosette stuck in the middle. The solid yellow disk is enough. There is absolutely no need to stick anything in the middle.

    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    The eventual growth of the Macedonian sun from 6,8,12 to 16 rays represents the amount of tribes which made up Ancient Macedonia at different times
    Nothing wrong with proposing a theory my friend...It's better than the Greek's theory - the Gods of Olympus apparently. But, that's all they are, theories. No one knows why the Macedonians adopted this particular symbol to represent their national heritage but I'm glad they did because it is beautiful and there's no other flag like it in the world. The 16-ray Macedonian sun on a blood red background is, by far, the most beautiful flag in the world.

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  • Carlin
    Unrelated - but many of the coins of Ptolemy III, the "pharaoh" of Egypt, bear the 'Christian' chi-rho XP symbol. Ptolemy III ruled from 246-222 BC, some 300 years before anything approaching the traditions of Christianity had been devised.

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  • Carlin
    Bronze shield in the name of King Pharnaces I of Pontus (lived 2nd century BC), the fifth king of the Kingdom of Pontus:

    The Kingdom of Pontus was centered in the historical region of Pontus and ruled by the Mithridatic dynasty of Persian origin, which may have been directly related to Darius the Great and the Achaemenid dynasty. It lasted until its conquest by the Roman Republic in roughly 63 AD. The region of Pontus was originally part of the Persian satrapy of Cappadocia (Katpatuka).

    Last edited by Carlin; 01-09-2020, 01:16 AM.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    I believe the sun was utilised as a symbol in the Americas

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  • Chicho Makedonski
    Originally posted by sydney View Post
    I’d say it’s naive to think the sunburst was only revered by one tribe/people. Archaeology will continue to throw up questions such as this recent work which found a Mycenaean-era seal stone and a bronze disk displaying the 16 pointed sun/star:

    I believe Carlin also references this “Griffin Warrior” in another thread.

    Further to the above, this article mentions it is rare to find the 16 pointed sun from Mycenaean times:

    Ancient Balkan religion and culture placed great importance on the sun, moon, water, vegetation, etc. Predecessors of the Macedonians, such as the Paeonians, were sun-worshippers. I’d imagine sun-worship was not the exclusive domain of the Balkans. It’s a topic that warrants further research.

    As for the 16 pointed sun in a modern context, we’re the only ones that have used it symbolically - and culturally - to unite a people, regardless of where they are, on a path to identity and independence.
    I tend to not believe in a lot of this archaeological research where they PREDICT the age of certain artefacts. It’s all based on predictions and thus cannot be trusted, especially with stuff from thousands of years ago. The archaeologists all do it for popularity, exposure and money. No one truely knows the age of certain artefacts.

    The sun was never a national symbol to any of the ancient people’s apart from the Macedonians who virtually used it everywhere as it’s been the cultural symbol of the Macedonians since ancient times which represents the Macedonians tribes of Ancient Macedonia. The 16 pointed star found in the supposed ‘Mycenaean-era tomb’ does not represent the Macedonian sun but more so just the sun in the sky as it was never known to be a national symbol of the Greeks and also there is no poppy in the centre like the Macedonian symbol portrays.

    Hypothetically, even if 16 pointed stars are found in Ancient Greek tombs before the formation of the Macedonian kingdom it doesn’t prove that the symbol was Greek because it was never used as a national symbol by the Greeks and it’s known that the Macedonians exclusively used it everywhere since ancient times as a national symbol with a poppy at the centre of which the so called ‘Mycenaean-era tomb’ doesn’t have. To the Greeks it was simply a sun which probably represented the god of the sun - Helios.

    The eventual growth of the Macedonian sun from 6,8,12 to 16 rays represents the amount of tribes which made up Ancient Macedonia at different times and the poppy at the centre was used due to the large quantity of poppy’s in Macedonia which represent Macedonia’s nature. The Macedonian sun has nothing to do with Helios as there are no poppy’s found on Helios sculptures.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Sun worship was pretty common globally.

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  • Karposh
    From the Balkans to the upper-most reaches of northern Afghanistan, archaeologists have dug up depictions of similar and identical solar symbols as the 16, 12 and even 8-ray sun symbols we know today as being the exclusive hallmark of the Ancient Macedonian ethnic and cultural identity.

    There’s no question that the symbol was often used in the ancient world by others but what is quite evident is that it was the Ancient Macedonians that adopted this very same symbol as the national trademark for their Ancient Macedonian ethnic identity, culture and militaristic superiority.

    Besides depictions on various Ancient Greek artefacts that apparently date from before the time of Alexander and Philip, there are also depictions of this symbol on Ancient Persian religious reliefs. In fact, there is a bit of a debate currently going on as to whether the Ancient Macedonians adopted the symbol from the Persians or, indeed, was it vice-versa?

    So, in the context of this debate, the ridiculousness of Greece trademarking the “Vergina Sun” as an official Greek symbol is absolutely pathetic. As are the people who agreed to it from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). As if the sun is exclusively Greek.

    Following is a depiction of the 16-ray Macedonian sun symbol on a silver plate that was excavated at a site in northern Afghanistan. It depicts the goddess Cybele on her chariot which is drawn by lions. However, I’m more inclined to believe that this is in fact Macedonian influence over the Bactrian people rather than the other way around. The Macedonian symbology is inescapable – the lions and the sun.

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