Massacre of Macedonians was the rule rather than the exception(1920)
Originally posted by Bratot View PostI'm pleased TM
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Great stuff
How it come that there is not a reference or either a single sentence that Macedonians are Bulgars or Bulgaro-Macedonians or some similar *sugar at this Armeno - Macedonian Cooperation articles ?
Poor Vulgarois again had missed something ..
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Originally posted by Bratot View PostArmeno - Macedonian Cooperation page 50 - 51
Dadrian, a former professor at SUNY, Geneseo, currently directs a genocide study project supported by the Guggenheim Foundation. The present study analyzes the devastating wartime destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire as the cataclysmic culmination of a historical process involving the progressive Turkish decimation of the Armenians through intermittent and incremental massacres. In addition to the excellent general bibliography there is an annotated bibliography of selected books used in the study. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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Armeno - Macedonian Cooperation page 50 - 51
Dadrian, a former professor at SUNY, Geneseo, currently directs a genocide study project supported by the Guggenheim Foundation. The present study analyzes the devastating wartime destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire as the cataclysmic culmination of a historical process involving the progressive Turkish decimation of the Armenians through intermittent and incremental massacres. In addition to the excellent general bibliography there is an annotated bibliography of selected books used in the study. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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Originally posted by Bratot View Post"Citizens, taking into account the fate of the Armenians and Macedonians, not because they are Christians, but because they are people we seek to guarantee their welfare and to strengthen the general peace, full and complete execution of the Berlin agreement, which applies to Armenia and Macedonia."
- Anatole France
Anatole France, Vers les temps melleurs. Paris 1906,1-Ш; Claude Aveline, Vers Les temps melleurs. Trente ans de vie sociale. Paris 1949, 1953, УО|. l, р. 138-139.
Translation in Macedonian:
По наредба на Црвениот Султан, паднаа триста илјади Ерменци. Од врвовите на Таурус до високорамнините на Арарат, еден народ сирак живее под нож. Во Македонија, на неколку часа од Будимпешта и Виена, турските војници и функционери ги колат селаните, на кои им ги силувале ќерките и жените. Овие злосторства се направени за срам на Европа. Европа мора нив да ги спречи. Човештвото ја задолжува со тоа, а Берлинскиот договор и дава за тоа сигурно право.
Франција испрати свои оклопни кораби да бараат од Портата, преку топовските отвори исплаќање на Лорандо и Тубини. Нашите оклопници, дали се единствено во служба на Турбини и Лорандо?
Султанот, предавајќи им ги Ерменија и Македонија на крвниците, нели се изложи на некаков приговор од страна на силите? Германија, Англија и Франција, неговите старателки, ќе му речат ли: „Можеш да убиваш, само ако платиш?"
Ако им се верува на умешните луѓе, постојат две политики. Една што се раководи од претпазливоста, и нашата. Ние одговараме дека пред злосторството има само една политика: човечност.
Се вели дека нам ни недостигнуваат водржаност и претпазливост. Не. Предвидувајќи ги колежите, што по неколку дена ќе ја окрвават Македонија, и викајќи му на секој оној што може да не чуе дека турската сабја постојано е крената над Ерменија, нам не ни недостигнува ниту претпазливост, ниту разумност. Претпазливоста не се состои во тоа да се премолчуваат и негираат колежите. Не е претпазливост одобрувањето на злосторството со едно страшливо премолчување. Страшливоста никогаш не е разумна.
Каква е таа разумност да се молчи кога крвта на жртвите повикува? Единствено нашата политика е разумна, бидејќи е отворена и искрена, и бидејќи надвор од правите патишта постојат само изненадување и опасности.
Единствено нашата политика е мирољубива, бидејќи се засновува врз народното чувство кај цивилизираните нации, а народот насекаде ја мрази војната.
Интересирајќи се за судбината на Ерменците и на Македонците, не затоа што се христијани, ами затоа што се луѓе, ние бараме, како гаранција за нивната благосостојба, и за зацврстување на општиот мир, полно и целосно извршување на Берлинскиот договор, што се однесува за Ерменија и Македонија.
Братски поздрав
Анатол Франс
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Bratot you are the man. Bravo once again. These are cool finds.
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The Congress of the F.R.A.D.
I "CONGRESS: Tillis, August-September 1892.
Preparation Islands Constitution and the Rules organisatkmnel: Centralized (authors Ch, Mikaelian. '/. Rostom and married).
II-CONGRESS: Tillis, April-June 1898.
Organization in Europe of the propaganda of the Armenian revolutionary struggle (Ch. Mikaelian is the responsible editor as a "Trochag" in Geneva). Approval of the Statute. Alliance with the Macedonian revolutionaries (Rostom travels in the Balkans).
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Originally posted by Bratot View PostDENOUNCES APATHY AS TO ARMENIA AND MACEDONIA.; Speech by Anatole France -- He Says 300,000 Armenians Have Fallen by the Sultan's Orders.
March 19, 1903, Thursday
Page 8, 187 words
"Citizens, taking into account the fate of the Armenians and Macedonians, not because they are Christians, but because they are people we seek to guarantee their welfare and to strengthen the general peace, full and complete execution of the Berlin agreement, which applies to Armenia and Macedonia."
- Anatole France
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In April 1909, Abdul-Hamid attempted to regain power with the assistance of reactionary forces. But the Macedonian army reoccupied the capital and deposed the Sultan. On this occasion the Armenians came out as one of the staunchest supporters of the new regime. Even in spite of the Cilician massacres of 1909, when more than 20,000 Armenians had been suddenly killed, the A. R. F. continued to co-operate loyally with the Young Turk authorities.
The loyalty was not in appearance only. The leading orientation in Armenian political circles was Ottomanism, which believed in forming a Federal Empire out of the historic Ottoman Empire, a Federation of Albanian, Arab, Armenian, Greek, Kurd, Lebanese Christian and Macedonian peoples. Every individual people were incapable of defending its national image and individual culture inside the Empire. In a federation under the Ottoman flag they were to create a powerful Empire in which everyone was to prosper freely according to its national genius and character.
Turkish nationalism and racism together with gradual antagonism towards the non-Turkish elements of the Empire, neutralized and even erazed the sense of Ottomanism. This tendency gave birth to a policy of Turkification by force and this in turn generated several revolts by the Druse, Arabs of Iraq and Palestine in 1910, Yemenites in 1911 and the Macedonians in 1912. The policy of Turkification was directed against the Arabs and in more stressed manner against the Armenians whose land geographically blocked the achievement of the dream of Pan-Turanism.
Last edited by Bratot; 08-01-2010, 03:26 PM.
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DENOUNCES APATHY AS TO ARMENIA AND MACEDONIA.; Speech by Anatole France -- He Says 300,000 Armenians Have Fallen by the Sultan's Orders.
March 19, 1903, Thursday
Page 8, 187 words
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Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostThe riot between Albanians and Turks in Philates may be of some interest to Epirot and Onur.
These were just common incidents in the last ~50 years of Ottoman Empire.
Like the book quotes in the first msg, "According to western Europeans, Turks were yellow race and these lands was for white races only, like the new born Hellenes who were descendants of purest of white race aka ancient Greeks! Therefore, Turks had to be eliminated from there just to be replaced with western europeans as a ruler in Balkans. They spend unlimited money and resources to realize this at that times.
Ofc there was no such a rule to massacre Macedonians on any other society. This was just one of million lies to fasten the process of internal revolts. After the "Turkish problem" resolved at WW-1, then these same lies used again to bolster and secure the image of Turkish bugaboo among people. Also, i am sure if Turks would massacre all the Macedonians and others in Balkans, western europeans and Russians would be grateful to us because the local people always turned out to be a problem for them.
As for the cases in the bombings, terrorism and Albanian revolts; Both Albania and Macedonia was still belonged to the Ottoman Empire at 1901 and Turks was the governing authority and if someone bombs the central banks or kills 8 gendarmes like the case with Albanians, they would be sentenced to death if they get caught. As much as Albanians, Armenians and Macedonians had a right to revolt, the Turkish officers equally had a right to suppress these acts in return, for securing their 500+ years old authority in those places.
Same applies today as well. There is a death sentence in USA today and if someone bombs somewhere or kills 8 officers, then the criminals stands trial with death sentence. So, there is not much to discuss about it since this is a standard law procedure for any state.Last edited by Onur; 08-01-2010, 07:00 AM.
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