The traitor Veljan Slavevski from Recica

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  • VMRO
    Veljan Slavev (Slaveski) from Recica betrayed 1700 people when he revealed to the Ottomans where the Macedonian freedom fighters were camping together with the population of the surrounding Ohrid villages were located.

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  • VMRO
    Text for the folk song sung about the epic in Rashanec, where the people's traitor "Veljan Slavev (Slavevski)" is mentioned.

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  • VMRO

    Битката траеше од зората до полноќ.Кастрофата кај „Рашанец“ беше предавството на Вељан, Симон, Јоан и Тасе, браќа Славеви од село Речица, Охридско; причината била што од нив се барало да му ја предадат на комитетот егзистенција на востаник. ја чита неговата пченица од 200 охридски кила, како и нивните овци, се разбира, на сметка.

    Ова жито, како и нивните овци, споменатите браќа Славеви, предавници, го однеле кај Мефаил Ага во селото Косел и потоа ѝ кажале на војската каде се востаниците.

    А Стојан Настев и неговото семејство прво го предадоа целото свое жито и околу 300 овци и кози во селските магацини; со овој гест им дал пример на другите селани доброволно да се предадат.

    The battle lasted from dawn to midnight. The catastrophe at "Rashanec" was the betrayal of Veljan, Simon, Ioan and Tase, Slavevi brothers from the village of Recica, Ohrid; the reason was that they were required to hand over to the committee the livelihood of an insurgent. reads his wheat of 200 Ohrid kilos, as well as their sheep, of course, on account.

    This grain, as well as their sheep, were taken by the above mentioned Slavevi brothers, traitors, to Mefail Aga in the village of Kosel and then told the army where the insurgents were.

    Stojan Nastev and his family first handed over all their grain and about 300 sheep and goats to the village warehouses; with this gesture, he set an example for other villagers to surrender voluntarily.

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  • VMRO
    According to the memories of Lazar Dimitrov, the Traitor Veljan Slavev from the village of Recica was questioned for treason before the massacre at Rashanec and escaped during the commotion in which Turkish soldiers participated.

    After escaping, he went straight to the Turkish army and gave up the positions of the komiti including the Macedonian population which was positioned in Rashanec.

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  • VMRO
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    VMRO, are those memoirs available in a book?
    I believe they would be but i don't have the book, i got the excerpts from a book about the village of Recica.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by VMRO View Post
    Thought i'd add something else that i came across concerning the traitor "Veljan Slavev(ski) from Recica" - The below is from the memoirs of the Vojvoda "Dejan Dimitrov" from the Ohrid region.
    VMRO, are those memoirs available in a book?

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  • VMRO
    Hey fella's, just came across this, some of you might remember the descendant of the traitor "Veljan from Recica" coming on here under the username of sky and threatening people. It looks like his threats went even further and implicated judges as well.

    His threat's sound like something from ISIS haha

    Ex-DJ threatens to kill 'lots and lots' of judges and expat Australians

    An arrest warrant has been issued for a former disc jockey who has been sending emails to the Supreme Court threatening to kill judges and Australians living overseas.

    Supreme Court Justice Betty King said she was concerned about the escalating nature of the threats being made by Lupco Slaveski.

    "He needs to be arrested and brought before the court," Justice King said when issuing the arrest warrant.

    The judge said the latest email from Mr Slaveski, sent to the court on Monday, was about killing "lots and lots" of people.

    Mr Slaveski, who is believed to be living in Thailand and is facing numerous contempt-of-court charges, claimed he would target Australians living overseas and once he had started, he would not stop.

    His wife, Snezana Angeleska, told the court her husband needed urgent psychiatric treatment and was not taking his medication.

    She said her husband, who emigrated to Australia in 1977 from Macedonia and believes Victoria Police want to kill him, had left the country out of fear for his life.

    Mr Slaveski, 51, a father of three who sent $5000 bank cheques to Supreme Court judges and officials in 2012 in an apparent attempt to bribe them, was declared a vexatious litigant by Justice Katharine Williams early this year, meaning many of his claims were considered frivolous and a waste of time.

    In her judgment, Justice Williams said Mr Slaveski's past behaviour during various court cases, including one of Victoria's longest-running civil trials, had involved "discourteous, threatening or argumentative conduct" towards at least one judge.

    Mr Slaveski had told the judge his views were "criminal" and that the police and the state had poisoned his brain.

    He stormed out of a courtroom on another occasion, shouting and kicking the wall.

    Justice Williams described how Mr Slaveski, who was jailed for two months for contempt of court in 2012, had "jumped gleefully on a chair at the Bar table" during another court case when his wife gave an answer in cross-examination that pleased him.

    Mr Slaveski had repeatedly interrupted questioning of a witness over several days, tore part of his passport during one outburst, behaved in a threatening manner towards counsel, and then threatened to swallow an excessive number of tablets. He put the tablets into his mouth but spat them out again. An ambulance was called.

    At one stage, the judge had to call for extra security and his associate activated the duress button.

    The Court of Appeal, in a recent decision, revealed how Mr Slaveski had issued 20 subpoenas in 21 different proceedings directed to people including the Attorney-General, the Chief Justice and the President of the Court of Appeal.

    "The other recipients were persons who had been, in some way, connected with the various proceedings to which Mr Slaveski has been a party in recent years," the Court of Appeal said. "These included further judicial officers of the Supreme Court, the Chief Magistrate, a Crown prosecutor, seven police officers, three legal practitioners, and persons who work within the Supreme Court."

    Mr Slaveski, who worked as a DJ in the nightclub industry from the age of 16 before quitting in 1997 to start up an electrical equipment business, believed the documents he was seeking from the subpoenas would confirm his claims that judicial officers and others were involved in a wide-ranging conspiracy against him.

    The application for the subpoenas, described by the court as being too vague and incomprehensible, was rejected.

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  • VMRO
    The song that mentions Veljan from Recica's betrayal.

    Ансамбл, Биљана, Оздола, идат, еден, млад, војвода, ansambl, biljana, ozdola, idat, eden, mlad, vojvoda, makedonija, makedonska, narodna, muzika, pesna, македонија, македонска, музика, песна
    Last edited by VMRO; 07-10-2014, 06:27 PM.

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  • VMRO
    Thought i'd add something else that i came across concerning the traitor "Veljan Slavev(ski) from Recica" - The below is from the memoirs of the Vojvoda "Dejan Dimitrov" from the Ohrid region.

    Betrayed by Veljan Slavev(ski) from Rechica

    "There was treachery. One villager, Veljan Slavev from Rechica, until August 28 with his family and brother, along with the entire population was on the mountain above Rechica, around the Mazatar area.
    Then, on August 29, with his family left and went to a Bey in Ohrid, his livestock (sheep, goats, cattle etc. – He was rich) left them at a Chiflik in Podmolje, at Mustafa Aga. He, when he went to Ohrid, described the condition of the insurgents at Grmeshnica, explained that they can easily be beaten, that they have no bullets etc.. Together with Veljanov fled Jon and his son Peter. Those three after wearing Ottoman army uniforms led the Ottoman army to Rechica and showed them how to attack the insurgents and the unarmed population from three different sides. "When dawn arrived we saw that we were surrounded from every side" explained Dejan about the betrayal of the insurgents. The people resentful of the traitor sang the famous song: "May god kill Veljan of Rechica ..."

    From Fourteen, only seven returned home:

    Dejan Dimitrov in his memoirs specifically indicates what village the victims originated from at the betrayal in Rasanec. "On that day perished 60 women, children, old people and men without arms from Sirula, 32 souls from Openica, 28 Kuratica from Rechica about 15 from Plakje 12 - a total of about 160 souls. Together with the chetniks dead were around 190 people. Among the killed innocent villagers were also injured and wounded, but most of them died because they were taken late in town, even after the second or third day ... The family union Popovci, from the Stuga village Lozani, which numbered 64 men, 14 were Chetniks. Of these, five were killed in battle, and two died earlier, in the first battle of Tashmanurishte - total 7 Chetniks. Cvetko Vojvoda was wounded, his left arm was broken, he wanted to kill himself with a revolver , but failed, so he hid ... "recalls Dejan Vojvoda.
    Last edited by VMRO; 07-10-2014, 06:26 PM.

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  • Daskalot
    Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
    pogreshno, Lazo Pop Trajko(v) i uste mnogu kontra-primeri ima... ne paushalizirajte

    for me even one traitor is one traitor too much. but you are very wrong too...

    brojot na kodoshi ne e pogolem nego vo drugi nacii

    dude, i do not know if you still read this forum / topic .
    i am from my mother´s side from Ohrid and Ohridsko, from respective families that gave many fighters for the right to live free under the sun.

    i will not threat you, i will give you advice:

    if you think your ancestor is false accused of being a traitor, you had, and i think you still have the chance to explain to the Macedonian People your side of story.

    for your own, and the sake/fate of your own children, stop with such stupid and mad statements

    be sure, dude, NO court can save you when you face some grand-son of those betraied fighters.

    @Admin team: dali mislite deka treba da ima edna tema kaj sho ke se diskutira za kodosite i optuzenite za kodoshlak voopsto, po ime i prezime, ne samo za ovaj Veljan, tuku i za drugi...

    Prvo sakam da kazham, dobrodoijde Serdare!

    Ako sakash otvori takva tema, i za kodoshite treba da se znaje koi bile i sho pravele.

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  • Serdarot
    Originally posted by VMRO View Post
    I would like to clarify that it wasn't just Veljan Slaveski who betrayed the Macedonians, his mother and two brothers were involved, however, Veljan was the head of the household and the main instigator.

    Someone asked why he did it, same reason many Macedonians betrayed other Macedonians, for financial gain, his family were the richest family in the village and usually the rich families would always align themselves with the occupiers/government at the time in order to get kickbacks etc, don't be fooled, i think Veljan would of made a killing, one of the Komiti that was killed was Hristo Uzunov's brother.
    pogreshno, Lazo Pop Trajko(v) i uste mnogu kontra-primeri ima... ne paushalizirajte

    Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
    I hate having a go at Macedonians but come on, we must be the nation/group of people with the most traitors and sell outs? I have never heard about other nations or groups of people with so many traitors and sell outs.

    Srbomans, Grkomans, Bugaromans, muslim Macedonians turning into shiptars, communists, vlach turning into Romanian fanatics, turn coats, traitors etc

    It’s really becoming embarrassing.
    for me even one traitor is one traitor too much. but you are very wrong too...

    brojot na kodoshi ne e pogolem nego vo drugi nacii

    Originally posted by sky View Post
    VMRO - is NOT to BLAME , but you so called ( Senior Member ) you are the SPION = spy , People like you divide the Macedonians , tell me who you are , so I can sue - you in the Courts or the Streets , where aver you like you SPION = spy !
    dude, i do not know if you still read this forum / topic .
    i am from my mother´s side from Ohrid and Ohridsko, from respective families that gave many fighters for the right to live free under the sun.

    i will not threat you, i will give you advice:

    if you think your ancestor is false accused of being a traitor, you had, and i think you still have the chance to explain to the Macedonian People your side of story.

    for your own, and the sake/fate of your own children, stop with such stupid and mad statements

    be sure, dude, NO court can save you when you face some grand-son of those betraied fighters.

    @Admin team: dali mislite deka treba da ima edna tema kaj sho ke se diskutira za kodosite i optuzenite za kodoshlak voopsto, po ime i prezime, ne samo za ovaj Veljan, tuku i za drugi...


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  • VMRO
    Yesterday 04:50 PM
    VMRO - what is your name , Shpion , sure its not vmro , dont hide behind vmro , tell me your real name , like I told you mine , you pussy , maybe your Family has blood from Slaveski , ah , ? You M... F... pussy !

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    This guy is a nernormalen

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  • VMRO
    LoL @ tell me who you are so i can sue you in the courts or the streets hahaha

    PS: i think he is referring to me, hope i didn't hit a nerve with the story my mate told me...
    Last edited by VMRO; 12-19-2009, 10:48 PM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by sky View Post
    VMRO - is NOT to BLAME , but you so called ( Senior Member ) you are the SPION = spy , People like you divide the Macedonians , tell me who you are , so I can sue - you in the Courts or the Streets , where aver you like you SPION = spy !
    You decided to grace us with your presence on the public forums, fantastic.

    Remain civil, and disprove the negative perception you have created for yourself with Macedonians at the MTO and elsewhere. Although I assured you that your voice will be equal to any other member, you will not be immune from the rules we have here, that are based on logic and normality.

    That also counts for any insults and/or threats you may make here, including the one you just made. It won't be tolerated here.

    Welcome to the MTO.

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  • sky
    VMRO - is NOT to BLAME , but you so called ( Senior Member ) you are the SPION = spy , People like you divide the Macedonians , tell me who you are , so I can sue - you in the Courts or the Streets , where aver you like you SPION = spy !

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