"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
This is a great topic. Daskalot, Dats, Eddie rebel,,,all you guys really contributed a nice collection of information to this topic. Here's some items I found that are not in this topic:
Sandansky should have his own '300' movie according to the cables of his time lol:
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
This is very interesting if MT or Daskale can find the text this would be great.
Jane Sandanski thought that the Macedonians of his time were descendants of the ancient Macedonian kings
Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.
„Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов
Like other newspapers, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle has articles regarding Macedonia and Macedonians which are conflicting, however, in most of them the Macedonians are clearly identified as a distinct entity. Here are a number of articles from the years 1879 to 1902, all of which can be downloaded from the net.
03/16/1879 - Page 4-Tirnova, Bulgaria (March 15)—A committee, composed of twenty members of the Assembly, will prepare a memorial to the powers, and a deputation consisting of two Bulgarians, two Roumelians and one Macedonian, will visit the several capitals to present the memorial to the signatories of the Treaty of Berlin.
15/04/1879 - Page 4, London; The Times’ correspondent at Vienna says: “It is announced from Belgrade that Servia, in view of the collapse of the Macedonian insurrection, has ordered the withdrawal of the military cordon from the frontier.”
22/09/1885 - Page 4 - Belgrade; The Servian Army is being mobilized and troops are being sent to protect the southern frontier bordering on Macedonia and Albania. Fears are entertained of a rising in both the latter places and grave troubles are anticipated in the event of such an occurrence. It is stated that King Milan, in an interview with a number of diplomats, stated that if the Macedonians rose in revolt against Turkish rule, he must act with them, as otherwise he would be deposed.
14/10/1885 - Page 6, Belgrade; The rumor prevails here that King Milan is about to issue a proclamation of war. The statement is made that troops are advancing from Nissa toward the Bulgarian, Macedonian and Old Servian frontiers.
22/10/1885 - Page 4, Phillipopolis; A dispatch from Phillippopolis says that the garrison there, numbering 2.000 men and 1,000 Macedonian volunteers, have started for the Servian frontier. Several divisions of the army assembled on the Roumelian frontier have been ordered to fall back to assist the Servians at Agor. The Bulgarian government depends upon the powers to prevent Turkey from beginning hostilities and urges an alliance between Bulgaria and Turkey as the best guarantee for the preservation of the Ottoman Empire.
15/10/1886 - Page 4, Berlin; The Macedonian rioters who murdered the government Deputies Zagra and Grancioroff and Prefect Dimitroff and Dabnitza have been arrested. The crime is attributed to Russian bribery. Orders have been given to arrest Colonel Filoff, commandant at Rustchuk.
18/10/1886 - Page 6 - Phillippopolis; In consequence of statements made by the Macedonians recently arrested for revolting at Eski-Zagra, alleging that a conspiracy existed among the Russian partisans to overthrow the Bulgarian Government, the streets are constantly patrolled by soldiers, the military have been kept on the alert and police vigilance has been redoubled.
21/07/1889 - Page 16; With regard to Macedonia, M. Trikoupis (Greek Premier) said: “The Turk is going almost too fast. When the great war comes-as it inevitably must within the next few years-Macedonia will belong to Greece or Bulgaria, according as one or the other wins. If the Bulgarians take it I do not doubt that in a few years they will be able to Slavonize the population up to the Thessalian border. If we take it we shall be able to make the people Greeks right away to Eastern Roumelia. The bulk of the inhabitants have no pronounced nationality; they are ready to receive whatever stamp is impressed upon them.”
18/08/1889 - Page 1; The sympathy displayed by the Russian ambassador at Constantinople has certainly created a strong pro Russian feeling among the Macedonians, and Russian troops would receive a hearty welcome and many recruits should they cross the frontier……..This feeling has so increased during the past weeks as to make it difficult even for M. Stambuloff to hold Prince Ferdinand in Bulgaria many weeks longer unless England and Germany move in the matter of reform both in Crete and Macedonia. As it is now, public opinion in the Balkan Peninsula is undoubtedly almost wholly with Russia for her humane step toward lessening the sufferings of Cretans and Macedonians under Moslem rule……….
13/09/1889 - Page 4; ………the Italian Government, at the request of Bismarck, had decided to expel from Italy the venerable Hungarian patriot Louis Kossuth…….knowledge of such intention accidentally became a matter of new throughout Europe. It is putting it very mildy to say that the suggestion has created intense excitement among the Slav peoples of the Balkan States, who are incensed at the idea of the expulsion of the man who of all others is most idolized by Servians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Macedonians and Roumanians alike, and the mention of whose name in any part of Austria excites feelings of reverence. Although Kosuth won his greatest distinction as the unselfish champion of the Magyar, personally he is of Slav extraction and a staunch adherent to Slav traditions.
22/06/1890 - Page 19; M. Stambuloff is acting in concert with Russia without regard to the personal interests of Prince Ferdinand, the ruler of Bulgaria, and it is expected that his action will develop a proclamation of the independence of Bulgaria under a prince who will be agreeable to Russia, with the absorption of a part of Macedonia into Bulgaria.
06/07/1890 - Page 11; Colonel Nicolaieff, Major Panitza’s brother in law, who is among the most popular officers in the Bulgarian army, is somewhere in Macedonia watching a chance to start a revolt. M. Stambuloff, the prime minister, who is now virtual dictator of Bulgaria, relies upon his brother in law, Colonel Moutkouroff, who holds the chief command in the army, to prevent a rising.
10/08/1890 - Page 1; Minister Stambouloff is about to declare Prince Ferdinand king………Stambouloff is supreme in Bulgaria and the execution of Panitza has greatly strengthened his position…………….The czar, as head of the Greek church in Russia, required that the pope should address him as a spiritual equal and withdraw the charge that the Greeks are schismatics.
10/08/1890 - Page 8, Theodore Rosevelt in the North American Review, Those that follow the Macedonian Model; There is a certain tendency in the civilization of our time to underestimate or overlook the need of the virile, masterful qualities of the heart and mind which have built up and alone can maintain and defend this very civilization, and which generally go hand in hand with good health and the capacity to get the utmost possible use out of the body. There is no better way of counteracting this tendency than by encouraging bodily exercise, and especially the sports which develop such qualities as courage, resolution and endurance. The best of all sports for this purpose are those which follow the Macedonian rather than the Greek model; big game hunting, mountaineering, the chase with horse and hound, and wilderness life with all its keen, hardy pleasures. The hunter and mountaineer lead healthier lives in time of need they would make better soldiers – than the trained athlete.
18/06/1895 - Page 6; Turkey has met Bulgaria’s demonstration against Macedonia by moving troops toward the Bulgarian frontier.
23/06/1895 - Page 8, Sofia (June 22); A Macedonian journal announces that a rebellion has broken out in the districts of Palanka, Katchanik, Villayet and Uskub, all in Macedonia. The paper states that a band of rebels in the mountains engaged the Turkish troops, a second band dispersed a company of soldiers, while a third burnt the village of Istibanya, inhabited by Mussulmans.
02/07/1895 - Page 4; Macedonians Urged to Rebel. Phillippopolis, Bulgaria (July 2); The Macedonian question is causing much excitement here. The town last night was placarded with posters reading: “The hour for revolt has struck. The voice of long suffering Macedonia calls for help.” The posters were removed by the police, but not before they had been read by the people.
21/07/1895 - Page 7, Constantinople (July 20); The Porte has requested the powers to insist that the Bulgarian government suppress the revolutionary committee of the Macedonians at Sofia and elsewhere. The rapprochement of Russia and Bulgaria is causing anxiety here.
22/07/1895 - Page 1, Macedonian Insurgents dispersed, Constantinople (July 22); Advices received here from Salonica state that a body of 125 Macedonian insurgents has had an encounter with a detachment of Turkish troops near Strumitza. It is added that the insurgents were dispersed, took to flight and sought refuge in the Malesh Mountains.
23/07/1895 - Page 8, The Macedonian Revolt, Mobilization of twenty thousand men ordered at Monastir. Constantinople; It is announced that 20,000 men belonging to the Fifth Army corps have been ordered to mobilize in Monastir, Macedonia. In an encounter at Uskup, 100 miles northwest of Salonica, between the insurgents and the Turkish troops, the former were defeated with a loss of thirty killed…….
23/09/1895 - Page 4, Macedonian Dynamite Plot, Constantinople; Great precautions have been adopted for the protection of the palace of the Sublime Porte, owing to the discovery of a Macedonian plot to blow up the buildings with dynamite.
24/07/1896 - Page 6; Advices received from Salonica say that the Turkish troops have had a battle with the Macedonian insurgents at Demir Hissar, in which the insurgents lost 500 men.
03/10/1896 - Page 6; The inhabitants of the Greek province of Thessaly are pushing forward the Macedonian movement looking to the severance of that territory from Turkish rule. Some 6,000 men have been armed and drilled in readiness to cross the border and assist the Macedonians in the spring, unless the situation in Macedonia shall improve greatly.
22/12/1896 - Page 1, Sofia; ……the murder of ex-Premier Stambuloff, who was stabbed and otherwise wounded in the streets of this city on July 15, 1895……………The accused are: Bone Georgieff, aged 34, native of the Dobrutcha and a former servant of Major Panitza; Atzoff, a Macedonian, aged 33, the coachman who drove Stambuloff from the Union club to the scene of the crime………..The following letter, written by the murdered statesman to a friend some three months before his death, was read by the judge amid profound silence:
THE PLAN FOR MY ASSASSINATION…………Avram Stanischev has informed M. D. Lukanov that one of the secret police agents of the capital told him of the plan to murder Stambulov by means of N. Tufektschiev’s band, and also told him that the police of the capital are helping the band by communicating to them when and wither Stambulov goes out. Old Stanischev, who is a friend of a Macedonian from Debra, a companion of Bone Georgiev from the Debro jail, told Lukanov that he, too, was aware that the band had been formed to murder Stambulov…………..These statements I have written in order that it may be shown that the plan of the murderers was known to me, and that, sooner or later, my friends and my children may demand their punishment. S. STAMBULOV. Sofia, March, 1895.
18/02/1897 - Page 1, Rome (February 18); A special dispatch received here from Larissa, Greece, says that a thousand Macedonians have crossed the frontier and joined the Greek forces.
01/03/1897 - Page 2; The Athens correspondent of the Daily Chronicle declares that no communication had been received from Russia. It is quite certain that the Greek army will not be withdrawn. Macedonian forces will be raised within a few weeks, with a view to possible contingencies, and if the Turks attempt to invade Thessaly, the Bulgarian government is determined to advance its troops instantly to the Aegean sea. It is rumoured that the secret national committee has decided to commence operations in Macedonia tomorrow.
07/03/1897 - Page 4; The rumor reaches us from Athens that the King of Greece asserts that he has an agreement with Bulgaria as to the future partition of Macedonia, and it is known that the Bulgarians have an agreement with the Servians.
14/03/1897 - Page 1; The foreign volunteers are a very motley crew from every province and in different dress. Walking in the streets of Athens are seen Albanians and Macedonians in kilts, Thessalian peasants and Aegean islanders in baggy Turkish trousers and Cretans in a sort of brigand costume……………
14/03/1897 - Inhabitants of Salonica Fear the Greeks, Salonica, March 13; There is a great anxiety prevailing in this city, as the inhabitants fear that the town will be suddenly attacked by the Greeks should war break out. The Mussulman refugees are flocking into Salonica from various parts of Thessaly.
23/04/1897 - Page 6, Trouble in the rear; Every friend of Greece will hope that not only the Bulgarians, but the Macedonians and the Albanians, will also demand a redress of their grievances and threaten to mobilize their troops unless the sultan consents to their wishes. The friends of Greece would not be sorry if the sultan should refuse to do what the Bulgarians and Macedonians and Albanians want and if there shuld be a vigorous attack upon the Turkish invading army from the rear…….The determined resistance of the attack upon the outposts of Larissa may save the town until the dissatisfied Bulgarians and Macedonians begin the attack in the rear. In that event the prospect for the ultimate success of the Greeks will be improved.
02/05/1897 - Page 1, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 1; Anarchist and revolutionary placards, signed by the Macedonian socialist revolutionary party, were posted throughout this city during the night. The printer of the placards has been arrested.
02/05/1897 - Page 2; What may be regarded as the movement preliminary to the beginning of the Graeco-Turkish war took place on April 9, when a band of a few hundred Greeks, members of the Ethnike Hetairia, or Greek National society, invaded Macedonia, first attacking Baltino and then moving rapidly upon other Turkish positions, with increasing numbers, being reinforced by mountaineers, by Macedonians and by a company of Italians…….
12/05/1897 - Page 1, Constantinople; Uneasiness prevails here on the subject of the peace negotiations. It is feared that the reported conditions will render an agreement difficult and cause further complications. It is expected Russia may propose concessions to the Macedonians.
06/06/1897 - Page 1; In the meanwhile 20,000 Macedonian peasants have crossed the mountains into Thessaly, have occupied the abandoned Greek villages and are waiting to gather the corn, if it ripens before the peace negotiations are concluded. In fact the seizure of the Thessalian harvest seems to be a reason for the sultan endeavouring to protract the peace negotiations. Numbers of Greek Thessalians are hiding in the mountains of Kalkis and Erochori and on the island of Skiathes…….
07/12/1897 - Page 1, Rioting in Macedonia, Sofia, Bulgaria; Alarming news reached here today from Macedonia. The Albanians are reported to be committing great excesses at Debra and Kitchevo, and in the surrounding districts, killing men, outraging women, and looting cattle. The local authorities are powerless.
05/03/1898 - Page 1, Constantinople; The Bulgarian agent here has asked the Turkish government for explanations regarding the alleged movements of Turkish troops toward the Bulgarian frontier. It is reported that Macedonian and Bulgarian bands crossed the Macedonian frontier yesterday.
29/01/1899 - Page 1, Sofia (January 28); The Bulgarian Cabinet has resigned, owing, it is believed, to the discontent aroused by the adherence of M. Stoiloff, the Premier, to the schemes for Macedonian autonomy, which are considered to be antagonistic to Bulgarian aspirations for obtaining predominant influence in Macedonia.
09/03/1901 - Page 5, Sofia; The Macedonian committee has summoned an extraordinary Congress for March 31 to consider the complications in Macedonia. Great excitement prevails in Macedonian circles, and the expectation is that there will be lively developments in Macedonia.
15/03/1901 - Sofia; The new Ministry of the Interior has reiterated its order that the Macedonian rifle clubs shall be disarmed and prohibited from drilling.
28/03/1901 - Sofia, Bulgaria; The meeting of the Macedonian Congress convoked for March 31 has been countermanded in consequence of pressure brought to bear upon the government. Turkey has redemanded the dissolution of the committee.
03/04/1901 - Sofia, Bulgaria; The Macedonian Congress has been convoked for April 17. Several agents of the Macedonian committee have been imprisoned by order of the Minister of Interior, General Petroff, in connection with the agitation on the frontier. A number of Bulgarian officers have resigned rather than obey the order of the ministry of war forbidding military men to retain membership in the Macedonian societies.
09/04/1901 - Sofia; The recent arrest of Macedonian agitators have led to anti-Government demonstrations. Meetings of protest have been held, and excited crowds have made demonstrations in front of the police station. One of the men arrested fired several shots from his revolver before yielding. As cabled from Sofia April 6, the members of the Macedonian committee at Sofia, including Sarafoff, were taken into custody as a result of the representations made to Prince Ferdinand by Russia and other powers arising from the complaints from Constantinople of the agitation caused by agents of the committee on Macedonia.
10/04/1901 - THREAT TO BLOW UP CHAMBER, Sofia; A Macedonian armed with a revolver and a short saber was arrested yesterday at the entrance to the Sobranie. The president of the Sobranie has received letters threatening to blow up the Chamber of Deputies with a bomb.
11/05/1901 - Women Included Among the Macedonians Who Were Shot, Vienna; A dispatch to the Abendblatt from Constantinople announces the wholesale shooting of revolutionary Macedonians, including women. Twenty-four persons were executed at Monastir, 14 at Beria, 18 at Iating, 18 Seres and29 at Uskub.
03/10/1901 - Constantinople, MACEDONIANS IMPLICATED In the Kidnapping of the American Missionary, Miss Stone – Consul Starts for Sofia; American representatives have secured evidence proving the complicity of the members of the Macedonian Committee at Sofia in the kidnapping of the American missionary, Miss Helen H. Stone, and her companion, Mrs Tsilka, and the assurances given by the Bulgarian government relative to the measures to be taken against the abductors show that the gravity of the affair is appreciated at Sofia.
06/11/1901 - London; “It is stated here”, says the Sofia correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, “that the brigands will not abate the ransom originally demanded. In Macedonian circles it is maintained that Miss Stone will be murdered on that territory in order to remove all traces of the original Macedonian instigators of the capture.
09/11/1901 - Odessa; Sarafoff, the notorious Macedonian agitator, has been trying to collect funds for agitation in Odessa. He says be expected that Russia would take an interest in the sad lot of the Macedonians, but, as he has been unsuccessful in his mission, the Macedonians will try to help themselves and thus compel the powers to take a position toward the Macedonian movement.
01/12/1901 - Page 55; John Langdon Heaton, begins with the somewhat startling declaration: “Disraeli is largely responsible for Macedonian brigandage.:. Among other things, the writer says: “The bandit is the Macedonian hero, The admiration of him is inbred.”
09/12/1901 - Page 8, Sofia, Bulgaria; According to information received from Salonica, Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary and Madame Tsilka, her companion, are concealed in the vicinity of Rilo, about five miles south of Dubnitza, in Bulgarian territory. The news was brought by a Macedonian, who left there December 1, and who furnished precise information regarding the hiding places and the names of the agents who are supplying food to the brigands and their captives.
06/02/1902 - Page 7, Sofia, Bulgaria; M. Kamtcheff, the Minister of Public Instruction, was assassinated today in his study by a Macedonian who pretended he wanted to present a petition. The assassin subsequently committed suicide by shooting himself……M. Kamtcheff, that successor, has had from the very beginning misunderstandings with the revolutionary Macedonians, and his assassination recalls the fate of Stevan Stambuloff in 1895.
11/02/1902 - Page 7, MACEDONIANS RIOTING, Sofia, Bulgaria; The Macedonians utilized the occasion of the funeral today of M. Kamtcheff, the minister of public instruction, who was assassinated on Thursday last in his study by a Macedonian who pretended he wanted to present a petition and subsequently shot and killed himself, by making a political demonstration. The gathered in considerable numbers and fired volleys from revolvers in all directions. As far as known no one was wounded, but those who took part in the procession were thrown into panic.
02/04/1902 - Page 6, Constantinople, BLAMES THE MACEDONIANS; In reply to the representations of the ambassadors of the powers regarding the insecurity of Christians in Macedonia and Albania, the Porte alleges that the revolutionary activity is due to the Macedonian committee’s importations of arms and dynamite.
06/04/1902 - Page 1, London (April 5); A dispatch to the Central News from Vienna says that the Sultan, at the insistence of the Russian consul at Salonixa, has dismissed Tefik Bey, the Vali of that district, for kidnapping fifty-two Macedonian women as a punishment of the inhabitants of the Dorien Dstrict, where an insurrection was recently suppressed.
13/04/1902 - Page 43, Vienna (April 12); The Noue Freie Presse publishes a dispatch today from Sofia, Bulgaria, announcing that a proclamation has been issued by M. Sarafoff, the Macedonian leader, calling on the Macedonians in Bulgaria to join in a general rising April 27.
15/04/1902 - Page 7, Sofia, Bulgaria; The Bulgarian government has determined to dissolve the Macedonian revolutionary committee and has so informed the latter’s executive, giving as a reason for its action the fact that the chief agents of the committee have been caught in the act of forming revolutionary bands.
16/07/1902 - Page 7, London; The Vienna correspondent of Daily Mail says official reports received there report a Macedonian rising in the vilayet of Monastir, European Turkey. The rebels, intrenched on the banks of the Ostrovo, withstood the attack of a thousand Turkish regulars and several hundred Bashi-Bazouks for a week. Finally the Turks placed the Macedonian women and children in the front as a screen and stormed the position of the rebels. The latter maintained a murderous fire, and many women and children were killed by their own husbands and fathers.
20/08/1902 - Page 8, Vienna; The correspondent of the Neues Weiner Tagblatt, at Sofia, Bulgaria, describes the violent conflicts that occurred during the congress of the Macedonian committee. M. Sarafoff, the notorious ex-president of the committee, was accused of misappropriating $50,000 and of being the chief agent in the kidnapping last year of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary. He was also accused of paying $10,000 to a friend named Delcheff, who planned the kidnapping.
03/09/1902 - Page 6, Sofia, Bulgaria; The police have arrested General Michailovski and the members of the Macedonian Committee, and seals have been affixed to the residence of General Tzontcheff, the president of the committee, who was taken into custody at Dubnitza yesterday and brought here. M’ Sarafoff, the former president of the Macedonian Committee, is reported to be abroad. It is believed that the dissolution of the committee is imminent.
13/09/1902 - Page 4; Sixteen Bulgarian officials, including one judge, have been dismissed from the government service in consequence of their having taken part in the Macedonian congress.
14/09/1902 - Page 44, Vienna (September 13); Since a paper published the career of Boris Sarafoff, the sinister chief of the Macedonian revolutionists, much attention has been attracted to him. He is called the most romantic figure in Europe. In official circles it is admitted that a word from him would set the Balkans ablaze and threaten the peace of Europe. His hatred of the Turks was imbued at an early age through seeing his father and grandfather tortured, dragged off in chains to a dungeon and exiled for fifteen years. At the age of 14 he attacked, single handed, the prison wherein his father and grandfather were confined, intending to liberate them; but he was flogged for his pains. The boy swore to devote his life to revenge himself on the Turks. He studied for this purpose and became an officer of the Bulgarian Army. Then, in 1895, he formed a band of desperadoes to raid Turkish territory. Since then he has headed 384 raids into Turkey, each one being a most daring exploit. Marvelous adventure, foolhardy deeds and hairbreadth escapes marked this period of his life, so that he became the idol of the Macedonians. Once he captured the Turkish town of Melnik with forty men, putting the garrison to flight. Many of his other achievements resembled this. Sarafoff is familiar with hundreds of miles of tracks through forests and over the mountains of Turkey. His whole aim is the organization of a vast rebellion with the object of seizing Constantinople and overthrowing the dynasty and Turkish rule.
16/09/1902 - Page 5, Macedonian Chief Arrested, London; Cabling from Vienna, the correspondent of the Daily Chronicle says a telegram has been received there from Belgrade, Servia, announcing the arrest of Sarafoff, president of the revolutionary Macedonian committee, who has been in hiding for some time past.
29/09/1902 - Page 17, Chicago; “There have been other revolts in Macedonia and a good many attempts at uprising against the Turkish government, but the efforts now being planned will arouse Europe,” said Theodore C. Christoff of Kanzanlik, Bulgaria, last night. “This uprising was being planned when I left my country in the early summer and it has been truly said that the conditions in Macedonia and in some of the other Turkish territories are such as to arouse the Russians to assist the Macedonians in any effort to free themselves from the Turkish yoke. The Sultan has repeatedly promised the Macedonians that they shall have autonomy and a self-government, acknowledging, of course, his sovereignty and his right to levy taxes, but he has never done even that.” Mr. Christoff, who is making a tour of the United States, is prominent in Bulgaria. His father is Mayor of Kanzanlik and chairman of the committee having charge the big political and religious demonstration to be made in Shipka when the great St Nicholas monastery in the Balkan Mountains is dedicated October 3, simultaneously with a celebration of the emancipation of Bulgaria from Turkey.
02/10/1902 - Page 20, London; In a despatch from Vienna in which he refers to the Macedonian revolt, the correspondent of the Daily Express reports that Albanians have murdered the Russian Consul at Uskub, European Turkey.
12/10/1902 - Page 49, Sofia, Bulgaria (October 11); Two thousand men of the army reserves have been called out to strengthen the frontier guard in the district of Kustendil (forty-three miles from Sofia), in consequence of the repeated attempts on the part of Macedonian revolutionists to cross the Bulgarian frontier. It is reported that a state of siege has been proclaimed at Dubnitza (twenty-two miles from Sofia).
13/10/1902 - Page 6, Constantinople; The Porte has sent a circular to the powers complaining that Bugaria is inadequately guarding her frontier, that she is permitting Macedonian bands to cross and that the remnants of these bands after being dispersed by Turkish troops, recross the frontier and find shelter in Bulgarian territory.
24/10/1902 - Page 3, Sofia, Bulgaria; The Bulgarian government has sent an identical note to the powers, pointing out that unless reforms in Macedonia are insisted upon the government of Bulgaria will be unable to hold in check the pro-Macedonian movement which is agitating this country.
In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.