The multitude of information in here is staggering. Daskale this is great work And I am sure we'll be getting the typical response from the imposter hellenes in this manner
Daskalot, you've uncovered some really important information here. In most cases, Western sources are the ONLY sources we have as evidence that unspeakable things were being committed against the Macedonians. I mean given the concealment of the place of Macedonians, and what has been done to them, by Greek historians and the Greek State - this is important stuff for us. Its really good work.
The trial of the assassins of Mrs. Skobeleff
has just been made. The two Montenegrins
been sentenced to death, a Macedonian to twelve
years of hard labor, and the brother of Uzal
sixteen years in prison as an accomplice fence.
Sofia, 12 February. The police has just been on the trail of a conspiracy being plotted against the life of Prince Ferdinand and Bulgarian cabinet members.
Three individuals, a Serb, a Bulgarian and a Macedonian suspected of being leaders of the conspiracy were arrested.
The authorities are keeping the biggest secret of the case, but are actively pursuing their investigation to find the other members of conspiracy.
Sofia, 22 September. Mr. Kazasov, Bulgarian Minister of Propaganda, told the foreign press :
The future of Macedonia is entirely in the hands of the Macedonians. Bulgaria has decided that the Macedonian people have full freedom to choose its future and Bulgaria will respect any decision taken by the free will of the Macedonian people.
Great find! I like the way it says "Bulgarian peasants" and then Macedonians - there's a couple of home truths for you!!
On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"
June, 1822
The Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser
The article appears under the general heading of 'Monday Mail, Frankfurt, June 13'
“We have heard nothing of the operation of the Greek fleet for this past week. The Turkish government, according to the latest accounts from Greece, appears to intend a general attack on the insurgents. They have the least to fear on the West side...however, the repeated demands of reinforcements made by the Pasha of Salonichi, has not been in vain. A considerable division of Asiatics, on whose fidelity the Porte can depend, but who have committed the most dreadful excesses on their march, has enabled the Pasha, not only to secure his city from the further attempts of the Macedonians, but also to drive away the Greeks from the country twenty leagues around. The accounts from Seres, on the 18th of May, give a terrible account of the cruelties committed by the Turks at Agosto; above 3000 children have been carried off from that place and the neighbourhood, to be brought up to the Mahommedan religion.”
NB: Very cllear distinction made here between Macedonians and Greeks. The 'Greeks' the article speaks of 'clearing' are foriegn bands that had moved into Macedonian territory, people like 'Odysseus, the Commander of a group in Thessaly'.
Multiple Advertisements and Notices .
The Lancaster Gazette and General Advertiser, for Lancashire, Westmorland, &c. (Lancaster, England), Saturday, June 29, 1822; pg. [1]; Issue 1098. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II