Originally posted by Starling
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I'm still waiting to see how 'complementary' means 'segregation'. Complementary, by definition, requires joint effort of two or more units in completing different but equally essential functions. Segregation requires separation and a breakdown of joint effort. The two concepts are mutually exclusive. Maybe the confusion was self-created when you replaced the word 'complementary' (which I used) with the word 'separate'.
I don't think you should allow your views on gender to colour your understanding of the English language and basic concepts. It forces you to make far too many assumptions about what was actually posted and take great leaps in reinterpreting the well-established meaning of words and ideas. Or maybe it was purposeful distraction - setting up a little straw man to knock down?
Originally posted by Starling
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While each generation likes to think that they are some sort of pioneers in changing the world, there really is nothing new on this earth. A while back, the Soviet Union decided it would change society and human nature itself by creating a 'new Soviet man' (and woman - it was implied). They were mean't to look something like this:
They ended up looking more like this:
They were also mean't to have a whole list of social, intellectual and emotional characteristics. That also went the opposite way (I'm sure anyone even remotely familiar with post-communist societies can attest to that). I'm pretty confident that will be the end result of most progressive attempts to reshape human nature and create a new "progressive" man (and woman - its implied).