Dating Macedonian Women

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15659

    Perhaps it isn't a thing in the USA quite as much as in Australia. But this is where all schools are heading over here also. People are trying to get their kids into private schools to get away from all of this, but it now is becoming a question of law as to what is/isn't allowed in private schools also.

    A disturbing trend with unfortunate and inconceivable momentum.

    Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
    It's not even an official policy of the school district. It was in the appendix of a report set up by a committee to give recommendations on how to provide period products to students. The appendix had dozens of recommendations and one of them was teaching students the following:

    "Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods."

    That doesn't seem controversial to me. People identifying as trans boys/men have female sex parts and thus they can have periods. That's a fact. No where does the report say that teachers should teach students that males or non-trans boys can have periods.

    This is why I believe everything is being over-sensationalized and manipulated for ideological purposes. This should have never been a hot-button news item. It was one committee's recommendation to one school district.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15659

      Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
      "Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods."

      That doesn't seem controversial to me. People identifying as trans boys/men have female sex parts and thus they can have periods. That's a fact. No where does the report say that teachers should teach students that males or non-trans boys can have periods.
      Put simply, it said boys and girls have periods.
      It is a distortion of truth.
      If it said girls who want to be identified as boys can also potentially have periods, it is being truthful and correct. But why confuse the majority?
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Why bring this into a school context at all is my question.

        Why aren't all parties satisfied with girls have periods and boys don't and leave the nuances of who is technically a boy and who is technically a girl to a different setting and time.

        I don't care if someone wants to be a different sex than their birth. I don't care if a parent even encourages their own child to go down that road. What I do care about is someone trying to convince me or my child that its all normal and we can all just flip flop back and forth depending on how we feel.

        Acceptance is one thing, normalization is a whole different matter.

        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
        But why confuse the majority?


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          Also, couldn't help but notice that a thread dedicated to our lovely Macedonian women has led us to discussions about transgenderism and homosexuality.

          LMAO if I were a Macedonian woman, I'd be pissed that when men contemplate dating me, they either seek men, or wish to become women.


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Perhaps it isn't a thing in the USA quite as much as in Australia. But this is where all schools are heading over here also. People are trying to get their kids into private schools to get away from all of this, but it now is becoming a question of law as to what is/isn't allowed in private schools also.

            A disturbing trend with unfortunate and inconceivable momentum.
            This trend also is a thing in the US, but it's regional and not quite nationwide. For example, here in Vermont they are implementing a third gender option on drivers' licenses: non-binary.

            Gender X is a term used to encompass a gender identity that is not exclusively male or female, and it's gaining traction in more states.

            Again, though, this is regional and not nationwide.

            Does it bother me that people choose to do what they want with their lives? Not really. Does it bother me that a minority is trying to pass this off as a "human rights" struggle? Yes, because it diminishes the value of certain rights that are perceived as engrained in U.S. democracy. Once you begin to impose the minorities' viewpoints onto the majority, then you have problems.

            However, in the case of the school district in England, I think the issue was overblown. One recommendation (of many) from one committee in one school district. Other committees and parents of that district can voice their opinion on the matter: I don't believe it's established policy.


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Originally posted by Gocka View Post
              Why bring this into a school context at all is my question.

              Why aren't all parties satisfied with girls have periods and boys don't and leave the nuances of who is technically a boy and who is technically a girl to a different setting and time.

              I don't care if someone wants to be a different sex than their birth. I don't care if a parent even encourages their own child to go down that road. What I do care about is someone trying to convince me or my child that its all normal and we can all just flip flop back and forth depending on how we feel.

              Acceptance is one thing, normalization is a whole different matter.
              Well, schools are in the business of teaching health and sex education, at least most public schools. And the fact that trans is becoming normalized in mainstream culture (from television to whatever) means that public schools are going to inevitably have to address it.


              • Gocka
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2012
                • 2306

                Sex education 101

                Having unprotected sex puts you at risk of impregnating/ getting pregnant and getting an STD

                All sexual acts can transmit STD's

                If you must have sex use a condom.

                Everything else is the responsibility and choice of the parents.

                Sexuality is far removed from the public health side of the topic.

                Having to make an accommodation and teach based on every minority idea can become a rabbit hole.

                Why do I need to take a transgender person anymore seriously than someone who wants to be a penguin. Yes there may be more of them than binary non binary penguins, but relative to everyone else they are still a tiny minority that somehow get so much airtime and consideration. Meanwhile a whole country (Macedonia) is treated with total and utter disregard.

                You know I'm a tolerant guy, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Otherwise you make a mockery of everything as a consequence. Also my treatment as a Macedonian has made me a lot more insensitive to other peoples bullshit.

                Either way my kids are destine for private schools the way I see it.

                Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                Well, schools are in the business of teaching health and sex education, at least most public schools. And the fact that trans is becoming normalized in mainstream culture (from television to whatever) means that public schools are going to inevitably have to address it.


                • vicsinad
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2011
                  • 2337

                  Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                  Sex education 101

                  Having unprotected sex puts you at risk of impregnating/ getting pregnant and getting an STD

                  All sexual acts can transmit STD's

                  If you must have sex use a condom.

                  Everything else is the responsibility and choice of the parents.
                  That's the way you want it to be, but that's not the way it is (or has been) in most public schools.

                  Sexuality is far removed from the public health side of the topic.
                  Maybe. However, it's a fact that gays are more likely to contract HIV than straights, per capita, due to anal sex and historically, because of the attitudes and stigma of being gay, gays were less likely to be forthcoming about their sexual habits, and that is a public health concern that relates to sexuality. A basic awareness and understanding that trans people (and I guess trans kids nowadays) exist can probably prevent (or minimize) stigmatization and bullying throughout their formative years. Suicide rates are extremely high among trans peoples. Particularly, over 40% of transgender teens have attempted to commit suicide, attributed to how they are perceived by their peers.

                  As I was writing this, I did some quick research on what the CDC says about sexuality and public health. Here's a snippet from a 2011 report on HIV that touches on sexuality, LGBT and trans issues:

                  The Ford Foundation has a long history of work in the area of sexual health, growing out of the observation that progress in responding to concerns such as teen pregnancy and the HIV epidemic could not be made without addressing sexuality.


                  As a result of cultural and societal discriminations, LGBT people suffer an added burden of stress and experience health disparities. U.S. culture has historically disapproved of LGBT people as evidenced by “sodomy” laws and institutional recognition that homosexuality was a psychiatric disorder. In addition, the LGBT population experiences health disparities and minority-related stress based on their marginalized social status.


                  Societal values and norms may preclude sexual expression, as LGBT are stigmatized early. Young gay men experience disproportionate rates of sexual victimization and pre-pubertal LGBT youth are often marginalized or victimized in schools. Violence and harassment against LGBT students is widespread. One study indicates that 86% of LGBT youth were verbally harassed at their school because of their sexual orientation. Families do not always provide protection for those LGBT youth who are victimized, nor do they offer acceptance if young LGBT choose to express their sexuality. Transgender youth experience further marginalization within families and schools.

                  Why do I need to take a transgender person anymore seriously than someone who wants to be a penguin. Yes there may be more of them than binary non binary penguins, but relative to everyone else they are still a tiny minority that somehow get so much airtime and consideration.
                  I get your point and you don't have to take them seriously. But they still are people, no? If they wanted to be a penguin, I guess they'd be advocating for the legal status equivalent to penguins, no? I remember a while back how some critics of gay marriage and etc. were saying that people were now going to win the right to marry their pets and wild animals, destroying modern civilization as we know it. I think there's not a whole lot to worry about, though: most people are biologically born to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, and not to an animal, and most children will grow up with no desire to change their sex parts. I'm uncomfortable with the notion that my kid might feel like he/she needs to do that, but I could think of worse places my kid could end up.

                  Anyway, there are estimated to be well over 1 million trans adults (perhaps as high as 2 million) in the US, which puts their number at around four to eight times the number of Macedonian-Americans. I do agree that trans (and LGBT generally) issues get way more air time than they ought to, as do Jewish issues and African American issues. It seems like these are progressive's go-to hot button issues that are always in demand. You would think that Jews, blacks, gays and trans make up the majority of the population! Though, I do get what the media does: they tend to sensationalize issues for viewership. Forget people actually showing up to local government meetings to have their say on tax issues or development issues, but mention something to do with race or sexual orientation and it's all of a sudden World War III in the local town office.

                  You know I'm a tolerant guy, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Otherwise you make a mockery of everything as a consequence. Also my treatment as a Macedonian has made me a lot more insensitive to other peoples bullshit.
                  So what is it that people want? I don't want my kids to think that if they are feeling sexually confused that having an operation (or calling themselves a girl if they are a boy) will solve their problems. But I also think trans people have the right to identify as such and to have those operations. Do we not want our children to learn about trans in schools? Or is it deeper: we just want the trans to go away? If it's former, I think our public schools have way more pressing concerns than whether or not my kid learns that there are people out there who have penises and at the same time think they are girls. Maybe I'm skewed from living in Vermont where trans people feel relatively exceptionally safe compared to other states, but the worst thing it has done is make me uncomfortable. The Democratic candidate in our governor's race was a trans and most voters in the state could have cared less, but national media outlets made it into a circus.

                  I've been a teacher in both private and public schools, albeit over 5 years ago. The private school was a small, private school with a lot of smart kids and a lot of misfits, for a lack of a better term, and it was a savior for some of those kids who had difficulties coping with the shit holes that are most public schools. Almost every kid at the private school walked around with a knife, machete or axe (one kid carried bow and arrows on his back), they were all very liberal even for youth (their parents were mostly hippies), and they were the best kids I ever had. Public school (and I was a substitute teacher at over a dozen for a year) was a nightmare, whether or not the area was wealthy or not. By all modern day standards, the kids at my private school would be considered the weirdos and definitely not normal, and they were definitely the most respectful and decent human beings I've met. They didn't fit the definition of normal, but they were more responsible, objective and receptive than most public school students.

                  All that said: our schools have much more to worry about than whether or not little Johnny wants a pair of tits. In metro-Detroit public schools, alcohol and drug use starts in middle school (around 7th grade). Kids don't go to school to learn, they go to school because the parents have to work and somebody has to watch over them. Most large private schools are no different. Actually, drug use in private schools is more widespread because the students usually come from wealthier and privileged backgrounds and they have easier access to the drugs.

                  I'll say it again: this hype around trans issues has been overblown by both sides. No, tans people, sorry: you can't make it a criminal penalty for someone to not call you a he or a she. Freedom of speech is what we have in this country, not compelled speech. And for those (anti?)-trans people: it's not the end of the world. There's a 99.5% chance your kid won't identify as trans, and a higher probability that he won't want a sex change operation.


                  • Amphipolis
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 1328

                    Weren't you advocates of self-definition?

                    FPIW visited the campus of the University of Washington to see if students would affirm or reject Joseph Backholm's new chosen identity: a 6'5" Chinese woman...


                    • Gocka
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 2306

                      How convenient. This fits in perfectly. For example you have this thing here that thinks its a human being but is clearly a genetically mutated piece of shit.

                      What a piss weak argument on your part. A group of people born and living in the Region of Macedonia, who even if you believe Slav migration theory are at least partially related to ancient tribes of the region.

                      So Greeks are Macedonians, but people of the neighboring land mass a walk-able distance in ancient times can't possibly be Macedonian?

                      That is comparable to a white guy saying he is 6 foot tall Chinese woman?

                      You mother fuckers are just as delusional as a 6'5" Chinese woman. Greeks are the epitome of both bigotry and delusion.

                      Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                      Weren't you advocates of self-definition?



                      • vicsinad
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 2337

                        Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                        How convenient. This fits in perfectly. For example you have this thing here that thinks its a human being but is clearly a genetically mutated piece of shit.

                        What a piss weak argument on your part. A group of people born and living in the Region of Macedonia, who even if you believe Slav migration theory are at least partially related to ancient tribes of the region.

                        So Greeks are Macedonians, but people of the neighboring land mass a walk-able distance in ancient times can't possibly be Macedonian?

                        That is comparable to a white guy saying he is 6 foot tall Chinese woman?

                        You mother fuckers are just as delusional as a 6'5" Chinese woman. Greeks are the epitome of both bigotry and delusion.
                        It (Amphipolis) thought it was being clever.


                        • Spirit
                          • May 2015
                          • 154

                          Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                          Weren't you advocates of self-definition?

                          What a pathetic and snide comment


                          • Gocka
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 2306


                            Back to the topic at hand.

                            Lets reset a little bit and bring it back to basics.

                            Now what I'm going to get into doesn't only relate to transgender issues but to many issues in modern day society. The transgender issue merely serves as a good example.

                            It seems that in modern day society whenever someone new comes up like the transgender boom, we have to chains of thought. The conservative solution is typically don't ask don't tell, don't talk about it and hopefully we can pretend that everything that makes of uncomfortable just goes away. The liberal solution tends to be give it rights, make sure you never offend, keep up appearances. Both are wrong and detrimental.

                            As it relates to transgender people. Why do we have to, and when did we as a society come to the conclusion that this is something normal and that it should be treated as such? By all accounts these people need help, not affirmation and special treatment. Why do we automatically accept anything so long as it has anything to do with sexuality? There is no practical difference between a man believing he is a woman, than a man believing he is a penguin. Both are clear delusions that can be nothing else than some type of mental illness. Genetically and physically a man can not be a woman as much as he can be a penguin.

                            I'm not trying to be snide or insensitive. If a person came to you and said I am a penguin, I want to live in the arctic and eat raw fish and lay eggs, you would recommend a therapist. Why doesn't a man who believes he is a woman need help in the same way? Because the delusion is potentially sexual in nature? The only reason we treat this matter in the way we do is because it being linked to homosexuality, which is not a delusion, it is a lucid and logical preference. Gay men are not delusional.

                            Why the distinction matter. As evidenced in the video that the piece of shit posted, where is the line. Which delusions do we accept, which do we reject. Which delusions are state approved, which are not.

                            The hallmarks of a democratic society is equal treatment under the law. Laws are based on facts, in courts we deals with facts. Transgenderism is rooted in non facts. In what other cases then will the state recognizes things that are blatantly not true?

                            The example of non binary on a driver's license is a perfect example of pointless. The whole reason your driver's license has information such as sex, height, weight, eye color, etc is so that it functions as a valid record and description of its holder. There are only 2 sexes, male and female. Now we have a third option. What about the other bits of information? Height? I feel like I'm 20' tall. Weight: 20lbs, eye color:red. Yes I know its ridiculous, but what is the difference? At least red is a color, and 20 is a real number., but they remain not true as they relate to me. Why is sex different?

                            As it relates to schools. Education is about facts. Education not based on facts is propaganda. When I open a biology book I expect to see male and female, because that is a biological fact. Liberals freak out when conservatives want to put Jesus riding a dinosaur, or not teach evolution. But its okay to distort other facts that they feel sympathetic to? Maybe we are not at that stage yet, but clearly we are heading there. Because modern liberalism as evidenced in that video, is not rooted in fact. Everything is about how they feel.

                            I have no doubt that transgender people genuinely feel the way they claim. The question is why do we encourage them instead of telling them to seek help? Are we really helping them by ignoring their delusions? What if we had that same attitude to other types of mental illness? This is the liberal trap we constantly fall into and its a never ending rabbit hole. The solution can't always be to just don't hurt anyone's feelings. Or just give everyone protected status.

                            What do I want? Nothing really. I want my schools and my laws to reflect reality, not what people feel. I have no ill will towards transgender people or any other unique minority. If that is how they feel and that is how they want to live, great. I would never persecute or demand they not be that way. But we can't make special accommodations every time someone feels a certain way. Under current law, they are treated just like everyone else. In this reality, there are only two genders, and they relate to your chromosomes, not your thoughts.

                            Comparing it to gay marriage is not a fair comparison. Again the biggest mistake is automatically lumping this in with being gay or lesbian. Marriage is a social construct, its not rooted in any fact only tradition. Marriage can be whatever society decides. Society can't will DNA into rearranging itself.

                            I can't help but feel that these people are being used to serve an agenda.

                            Its not healthy for kids to grow up thinking that reality changes just because you feel like it. That facts are not facts, that your special and deserve special treatment. Just because these kids you reference are polite and decent, doesn't mean they are mentality healthy, or ready for reality. Life is about a lot more than just getting along with everyone around you.

                            Most of the hot button issues surrounding transgender people actually don't bother me. For example bathrooms. That's just a prude American problem. Who cares who uses what bathroom, the same stuff comes out of all of us. God forbid a man walks in while you fart. Petty things like that are without consequence.

                            I am more than happy to accept you for whatever you are. I'll even call you sir or mam, what ever you like.

                            I just don't see how society is better of by ignoring reality.

                            Again this can apply to many facets in life, certainly not just transgender issues.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Transgender Protesters in Toronto: "Gender is Over"
                              Lauren Southern went to a protest against Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, the professor who refuses to use "non-binary" gender pronouns.Rebel News: Tellin...

                              The Rebel Media is a Canadian far-right online political and social commentary media website.
                              Last edited by Carlin; 12-20-2018, 01:32 AM.


                              • Amphipolis
                                • Aug 2014
                                • 1328

                                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                                In this reality, there are only two genders, and they relate to your chromosomes, not your thoughts.
                                Really? Here's a boy.
                                Happy Pride Month! Today we're talking to Emily Quinn about what it means to be intersex. Have you heard this term before? Emily is intersex and she has such...

