My recent trip to Macedonia

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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
    Currently in Macedonia, have spent pretty much all my time in Bitola so far. I really like Bitola but really wish it would get more attention. Whether from lack of investment or corruption the city is dirty and underdeveloped in many areas. The centre of the city is great, but go to the other suburbs and its a different story with broken and dirty roads pretty common e.t.c. Quite a shame because it has potential and if those things could be fixed it would be an even more charming place to visit

    Another sad situation is the fact that so many locals are telling me that so many of the younger generation have left to go work in European countries with Germany being the most popular. Even a friend of mine from Australia who hasn't been here in around 15 years says the city feels less busy, still feels pretty busy to me though, especially night time in the Centar.

    I went to Heraclea Lyncestis which I have never visited before. Being into history I quite enjoyed it and thought it was a good experience. I think it could be better if there was more information about the different things you see. Knowing exactly what it was that stands in front of you would make the experience overall much better. There was also no tour guides while I was there, not sure if there isn't any at all or it was because I went pretty late in the day and they would have been closing soon. The little museum was also closed while I was there. Planning on going for a second visit anyway.

    Have only been here a few days so far, but planning on visiting other paces which should be interesting as I was quite young and didn't do much exploring last time I came in 2010.
    Hope you enjoy yourself.

    I'll be in Macedonia from the end of July to the beginning of September.


    • Solun
      • Sep 2012
      • 166

      Originally posted by Gocka View Post
      Ah so si prost:

      Everyone knows the Germans are just a front for the Americans who are a front for the Jews. They are going to take the water so they can sell it back to Macedonia, because Jews are nothing but scummy soulless business men.

      You need to stop listening to the Jew controlled main stream media and look at (insert random conspiracy theory website that makes a few very opportunistic people very rich by playing on the insecurities of idiots here) to hear the TRUTH man the TRUTH!

      Soros $$$$$ were able to get Zaev to power and guide the nation as instructed

      You hear it here but you won't hear it in the mainstream media


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Originally posted by Solun View Post

        Soros $$$$$ were able to get Zaev to power and guide the nation as instructed

        You hear it here but you won't hear it in the mainstream media
        What you also won't hear is how every Macedonian you talk to says the same thing, "well lets see if we get into the EU or not". No one is particularly happy that it came to this, but the vast majority are willing to take it if it gets them into the promise land.


        • Vangelovski
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 8532

          Originally posted by Gocka View Post
          What you also won't hear is how every Macedonian you talk to says the same thing, "well lets see if we get into the EU or not". No one is particularly happy that it came to this, but the vast majority are willing to take it if it gets them into the promise land.
          Greece joined the EU in 1981. That's almost 40 years ago. Its still the same Balkan shithole it always was and no better off than any of the other Balkan shitholes. What Balkan shitholes don't realise is that you can drop as much money into a shithole as you want it makes no difference because the people living in the shithole are the reason its a shithole in the first place and they only perpetuate the shitholeness.
          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


          • Gocka
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2012
            • 2306

            Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
            Greece joined the EU in 1981. That's almost 40 years ago. Its still the same Balkan shithole it always was and no better off than any of the other Balkan shitholes. What Balkan shitholes don't realise is that you can drop as much money into a shithole as you want it makes no difference because the people living in the shithole are the reason its a shithole in the first place and they only perpetuate the shitholeness.
            Shit hole is also my go to

            I had this argument with a complete asshole who I also call uncle sometimes. Let me paraphrase the important bits.

            AHU-Macedonia will get better when we get into the EU

            ME- Why do you think it will get better?

            AHU- Because they will bring order through stricter laws and things will get cleaned up politically and economically.

            ME- Macedonia has laws now, why doesn't anyone follow them, including you? Why are you always looking for a favor or a loophole if your such a fan of law and order?

            AHU-I don't break any laws, finding a loophole is being clever its not illegal. Besides when we are in the EU we will have no choice they will make us follow the laws.

            ME- I have seen you with my own eyes break the law, lying and getting away with it is not a loophole. A loophole is committing an act that the law may have overlooked. How is the EU going to for you to follow any law?

            AHU- (Conveniently ignores the other thread of this conversation regarding him being a bum) If we don't follow the rules we will break EU laws.

            ME- And you still didn't tell me how they are going to force you to comply? Besides most "EU" laws are suggestions, and most of any laws they have govern international relations and things that impact trade and such. Internal issues are still the responsibility of each individual country.

            AHU- They will enforce it the same way the USA federal government enforces it. The EU and the USA is basically the same system.

            ME- Really? The US federal government enforces federal law through many different means. Cutting off funding to an individual State that does not comply, taking a state to court, and worst case scenario the federal government can use the national guard like they did in Alabama in the 60's. Its not the same, its not even close. The EU doesn't have an army.

            AHU-One day there will be an EU army made up of all the member states.

            ME- So your telling me that EU countries would be okay with foreign soldiers having authority within their borders? Are you telling me you would be okay with the Germans and the French sending an army to Macedonia to force you to comply with laws?

            AHU- Crickets. Well when you put it that way it sounds so bad.

            ME- That's because it is bad you baboon! The EU can't run your country for you. The same corrupt politician will still be in charge, the same apathetic and useless people will still live their. If nothing in 30 years has compelled any change, why would the EU be able to magically force everyone to be honest and to obey laws? If you people were capable of following laws then you would do it right now. If anything getting into the EU will only further expose who backwards and useless you all are. Besides you will probably be dead before Macedonia officially gets in anyway. (hes like 65)

            This line of thinking is the majority of people there. They literally think the EU will send a crew from Brussels to run their country for them and make it just like Austria!


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
              Greece joined the EU in 1981. That's almost 40 years ago. Its still the same Balkan shithole it always was and no better off than any of the other Balkan shitholes.
              Exactly. And were it not for their geographical position in the Mediterranean that served/serves the strategic interests of the "great" powers, they would be treated like the same garbage as the rest of the Balkans. The very fact they believe there is some sort of exceptionalism on their part when juxtaposed against other Balkan countries is comical. They are the same rubbish, in fact, they are worse because they are more delusional than the rest and they had countries like Germany and England to help them form their modern national identity.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Momce Makedonce
                • Jul 2012
                • 562

                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                Hope you enjoy yourself.

                I'll be in Macedonia from the end of July to the beginning of September.
                I think we'll just miss each other Gocka, I leave 24th July. Hope you have a good trip and looking forward to hearing some of your experiences here!
                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                • Momce Makedonce
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 562

                  Visited Ohrid and Prilep recently and had quite good experiences.

                  Ohrid was really nice with the tourist attractions, restaurants and cafes which I quite enjoyed. I`m lucky enough that my devojka has ancestry from Ohridsko and is pretty familiar with the area, so safe to say I have a great tour guide. I visited around a week and a half ago and it still didn't feel as busy as I remembered it when I came in 2010, but apparently it's still quite early and the bulk of tourists arrive in July-August. I have previously only spent 2 days in Ohrid my whole life so it's good to spend a good few days there and visit all the things I want to see. Planning on going back for at least another few days to try squeeze in Sveti Naum, Trpejca and Struga.

                  I only spent a few hours in Prilep this time, it was way too hot to explore properly but I went to Makedonska Kuka which is a great restaurant and by itself is a great reason to visit the city. It's decked out in traditional Macedonian style and serves traditional Macedonian food which was great. I would definitely recommend as even if you don't enjoy the food you will appreciate the interior design and the different things that are on show such as old Macedonian clothing, farming tools e.t.c. I quite liked Prilep's Centar, looks pretty good and has had a lot more investment than Bitola clearly. I found the city much cleaner than Bitola as well, the roads also seem in much better condition. My Dad's side hails from Prilepsko so I will be back again, aiming to go up to Markovi Kuli next time and see what else I can get up to.

                  In terms of Bitola I would definitely recommend Ciflik winery where we enjoyed a great lunch, its on the outskirts of Bitola in Brusnicka naselba so the air is very fresh and the location is relaxing. Dihovo village is another great place to visit where everything is grown on the property and you pay whatever you want to pay (only alcohol has fixed cost). Dihovo is pretty famous and has been covered by Lonely Planet and many Bitola travel videos. I also enjoyed Pelister national park but was literally scared for my life going up and then down that road which takes you up. Honestly can't believe that the road is that narrow and hasn't been fixed for safety reasons.

                  I`m finding it really depressing listening to apparently how many Macedonians are leaving the country. I kind of hope it's these people exaggerating like they seem to like to do. I don't quite know the truth, many people have said they don't have money but seem to have the necessities of life like food, house, car, phone at the minimum and not to mention that so many of them seem to travel. It's obviously not a first world country but I don't quite know what some of them are complaining about considering they seem to live a pretty comfortable life. I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, but does seem to be a trend that many people here like to whinge about and exaggerate their situation. Also lost count at the number of people who have mentioned they have a Bulgarian passport and are planning on leaving to other countries. I guess we can just hope that they are exaggerating and not as many people as they are saying have actually left or are planning to because I`m finding it pretty difficult to listen to.
                  Last edited by Momce Makedonce; 07-05-2019, 05:41 PM.
                  "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                  • Karposh
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 863

                    Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
                    ...In terms of Bitola I would definitely recommend Ciflik winery where we enjoyed a great lunch, its on the outskirts of Bitola in Brusnicka naselba so the air is very fresh and the location is relaxing. Dihovo village is another great place to visit where everything is grown on the property and you pay whatever you want to pay (only alcohol has fixed cost). Dihovo is pretty famous and has been covered by Lonely Planet and many Bitola travel videos.
                    Yes, Dihovo is a very pretty village on the foot of Mt. Pelister. I remember how, each summer, a bunch of us kids from my village, Brusnik, would make the half hour trek to neighbouring Dihovo and cool off in its rock pools and mini waterfalls above the village, which are filled by the freezing cold and pristine clear Pelister waters of the Dragor river. Unfortunately, by the time the Dragor snakes it's way through Bitola, it is no longer so pristine with local textile industry dumping their nasty chemicals straight into it. Not sure if they still do that these days. Maybe they've grown a conscience and introduced a few environmental laws, now that they are aspiring to be a part of the European Union.


                    • Spirit
                      • May 2015
                      • 154

                      Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                      Yes, Dihovo is a very pretty village on the foot of Mt. Pelister. I remember how, each summer, a bunch of us kids from my village, Brusnik, would make the half hour trek to neighbouring Dihovo and cool off in its rock pools and mini waterfalls above the village, which are filled by the freezing cold and pristine clear Pelister waters of the Dragor river. Unfortunately, by the time the Dragor snakes it's way through Bitola, it is no longer so pristine with local textile industry dumping their nasty chemicals straight into it. Not sure if they still do that these days. Maybe they've grown a conscience and introduced a few environmental laws, now that they are aspiring to be a part of the European Union.
                      Hey Karposh you’re from Brusnik, what a small world, my wife was born and grew up in Bitola but her mother’s side of the family is from Brusnik as well and she still has extended family there


                      • Karposh
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 863

                        Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                        Hey Karposh you’re from Brusnik, what a small world, my wife was born and grew up in Bitola but her mother’s side of the family is from Brusnik as well and she still has extended family there
                        Hi Spirit, I think that qualifies you as an honorary Brusnichanec Yeah, I lived in Brusnik between 1978 to 1982 and, honestly, to this day, some of my best memories are from that period of my life. Maybe cause I was a kid with no adult worries or concerns but everyday was an adventure and fun-filled. Village life for kids in Macedonia doesn't compare to the city life kids experience here and everywhere else. No computers, TV or mindless social media but I wouldn't have changed anything. All four seasons had their own unique magic. Absolute paradise for kids. The last time I was back in Brusnik was in 2005 but the place is nowhere near how it used to be. The majority of its residents are now senior citizens and there are hardly any young people there. Now that most of its inhabitants have left, it has lost a big chunk of its soul and character. It was the people, especially the kids, that made the place so wonderful.


                        • Spirit
                          • May 2015
                          • 154

                          Hey Karposh, how old are you? You might know my wife


                          • Karposh
                            • Aug 2015
                            • 863

                            Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                            Hey Karposh, how old are you? You might know my wife
                            I'm turning 21 in a couple of weeks


                            • Gocka
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 2306

                              Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                              I'm turning 21 in a couple of weeks
                              Lol you already gave it away a couple of posts prior. Between 46 and 51 I go with 50


                              • Karposh
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 863

                                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                                Lol you already gave it away a couple of posts prior. Between 46 and 51 I go with 50
                                Ne, peeskata ushte ja nemam stignato...Fala Gospod. My birthday is in exactly 10 days and I've just about racked up 47 years. Don't get too smug Gocka, you'll be there too soon. Blink, and before you know it, you're fifty. It happens to the best of us. For what it's worth, I still feel like I'm in my 20's...Or maybe I'm just being delusional.

