Regime Change: Will Macedonia be Removed from the Map in 2018?

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  • Pelagonija
    • Mar 2017
    • 533

    Regime Change: Will Macedonia be Removed from the Map in 2018?

    The future looks very grim for Macedonia as the newly installed pro-Western coup “government” wastes no time in dismantling the country’s identity and selling out sovereignty to some of its hostile neighbors, both of which could have the cumulative effect of erasing what is constitutionally known as the Republic of Macedonia from the world map by sometime next year and replacing it with a domestically reconstituted “federalized” (internally partitioned) entity internationally recognized by a “politically correct” “compromise” moniker.

    Backdrop To The Balkans

    The tiny South-Central Balkan country of the Republic of Macedonia is in dire straits right now, but most of Europe – let alone the rest of the world – has no idea that this is the case because the Mainstream Media narrative is that the state’s two-year-long political crisis was “resolved” when the patriotic VMRO-DPMNE government of Nikola Gruevski was replaced in a “constitutional/electoral coup” that followed Color Revolution and even Hybrid War provocations. The author wrote about this in a Sputnik piece at the time from May 2017 titled “The Macedonian Crisis Isn’t Over, and a Bigger Balkan One is Just Beginning”, and the reader should review that article and also skim through his Oriental Review & Sputnik archives on the topic if they’re not already familiar with the contextual backdrop of what happened and why.

    In a nutshell, the Republic of Macedonia was targeted for Hybrid War destabilization in order to offset Russia and China’s Balkan megaprojects of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline and Balkan Silk Road, respectively, that are expected to transit through the country, though with the former possibly being redirected to Bulgaria instead. In any case, a trumped-up “surveillance” scandal was used as the Color Revolution “trigger event” for attempting to coerce a Regime Tweak (political concessions), the failure of which forced the external conspirators and their internal foreign-backed SDSM “opposition” collaborators to move towards the next step of Regime Change, though eventually the decision was made for a Regime Reboot (constitutional change) to fundamentally cripple the country and forever prevent its key integration in the emerging Multipolar World Order.

    The point of this piece isn’t to chronicle all of the author’s previous analyses on the topic, nor to reiterate his explanation about what’s previously been happening and why, but to engage in forward-focused reporting and scenario forecasting in raising awareness about the fraught future that awaits the Republic of Macedonia.

    Macedonia political map

    The Great Partition

    The newly installed pro-Western coup “government” of Zoran Zaev and his foreign-backed SDSM cohorts has swiftly moved to cut a serious of external and internal deals that are bound to endanger the country’s existence by next year. For starters, despite denying it all throughout the 2016 campaign, his party is now aggressively trying to push through “bilingualism” in setting the institutional precedent for what logically seems to be the country’s inevitable forthcoming “federalization” (internal partition). Concurrently with this, he also signed a “treaty” with neighboring Bulgaria that essentially makes Macedonia a junior-rank partner susceptible to being swallowed up by its civilizationally similar brethren to the east in the event of a serious domestic crisis, such as the one that could be sparked on command by the country’s “federalization” and de-facto partial absorption into the revived Nazi-era geopolitical project of “Greater Albania”.

    The formal international partition of the Republic of Macedonia between Albania and Bulgaria is what the author predicted back in May 2015 and which was even indirectly responded to by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the time during the height of the country’s Color Revolution crisis, but this process has since taken on an unofficial form as well if Macedonia is “federalized” into an Albanian western half simultaneously with its eastern one being socio-economically subsumed by Bulgaria, with this latter scenario being facilitated by the Albanian “bilingualism” push and recent “treaty” with Bulgaria. Some Macedonians have keenly picked up on this plot, but that’s why the ruling authorities have sought to imprison patriotic citizens and political figures in order to intimidate the rest of the population into passively allowing this anti-constitutional and even treasonous process of state dismantlement to continue.

    Zaev’s “Dictatorship Of The Proletariat”

    At the same time as SDSM is locking up its political opponents, it’s also trying to pass through a controversial “amnesty” proposal for freeing convicted criminals, which might even apply to Daesh terrorists who are returning to the country. Despite the “government’s” heavy American-ordered pressure on civil society, the Republika online information outlet was brave enough to write about this appalling dichotomy in pointing out how imprisoned terrorists and free patriots are poised to switch places if Zaev gets what he wants. This alone speaks to the silent “lustration” process that’s being carried out in the country right now to “cleanse” its permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”), as well as academic, media, and other institutions, of all opposition to the coup-imposed authorities.

    Interestingly, SDSM is establishing a sort of “dictatorship of the proletariat” in Macedonia, seeing as how the party presents itself as a “leftist-socialist” one, and true to the tradition of this ideological camp, it’s using the cover and slogans of the working class (“proletariat”) to set up an actual dictatorship in the country. Just like it’s usually happened in the past, “leftist-socialist” demagogues are distracting the masses with high-sounding platitudes and crafting a media-acceptable narrative for their external backers to hide behind in “justifying” the seizure of power by an elite group of individuals who are far removed from the actual concerns of the working class. History has a curious way of repeating itself, as the EU is the warped ideological successor of the Soviet Union taken to its most dystopian socio-cultural and dictatorial extremes, so there’s a certain “logic” behind why this faux “leftist-socialist” “government” is so fawning towards Brussels.

    But unlike during the Soviet period of the Old Cold War when any ideologically aligned country could join the Eastern Bloc, in the “EuroLiberal” era of the New Cold War there are certain bureaucratic obstacles that prevent the free accession of aspirant states to both the EU and NATO, namely – pun intended – the Republic of Macedonia’s constitutional name. The aforementioned post-modern unipolar structures occupying Western Eurasia are set up in such a way that new admissions must be consensually agreed upon by all existing members, and in this case Greece is adamantly opposed to Macedonia joining either of these two. What might have at one time been viewed as a “curse” in the chaotic international uncertainty immediately following the dissolution of Yugoslavia, this “veto right” has actually turned into a “blessing” because it formally kept Macedonia out of both organizations until the present day.

    Name Games

    Nevertheless, the US-installed coup “government” of Zaev’s SDSM wants to change that, but the only way that he can do so is if he gets rid of Macedonia’s constitutional name and therefore erases the country from the map. It doesn’t matter if it’s called “New Macedonia”, “Northern Macedonia”, or “The Central Balkan Republic” like has been speculatively reported, or even the author’s own admittedly absurd prediction of the “Federation of Vardar Albania”, but the fact of the matter is that it won’t be the Republic of Macedonia, a name which has taken on a semi-sacred aura as the torchbearer of Macedonian identity across its rich history. The EU Commissioner signaled that he expects Zaev to change Macedonia’s name by next year, which would then allow the country to be fast-tracked into both the EU and NATO and thus formalize its occupation by the Western elite.

    All of this should rightly enrage any Macedonian, but Zaev and his fellow underlings are unfazed because they don’t have any patriotic affiliation to their homeland. Just like their Soviet predecessors, their loyalty lies with an ideology, not a nation, which is why they’re literally selling Macedonia out to Albania, Bulgaria, and the EU in order to please Greece and therefore fulfill the US’ grand strategic vision of annexing their country to its hegemonic unipolar institutions in order to more effectively disrupt, control, or influence China’s (and possibly Russia’s) Balkan megaproject(s). The final step is to remove Macedonia’s constitutional name and replace it with a “compromise” one, but the run-up to dealing a deathblow to this ancient country is the destruction of the monuments to Macedonia’s civilizational heritage that were built as the flagships of the former VMRO government’s Skopje 2014 project.

    Monument Mockery

    To add insult to injury, the “Cultural Marxist” erasure of all visible signs of Macedonia’s historical uniqueness will probably be directly supervised by Hoyt Brian Yee, Victoria Nuland’s successor and expected replacement of current US Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily. Yee was just as responsible for Macedonia’s coup as Nuland was for Ukraine’s, yet at least the Eastern European country wasn’t totally humiliated to the point of having her officially oversee the destruction of its monuments to Lenin, the founder of Ukraine’s first-ever statehood no matter how “politically incorrect” it is for its ultra-nationalists to ever acknowledge. In Macedonia’s case, however, the Balkan country is being forced to endure the shame of having the man most directly responsible for their coup placed in charge of seeing out the destruction of monuments representing a much older civilizational heritage than just the past 100 years.

    If the Skopje 2014 monuments, especially the horseman in the city center that’s clearly supposed to be Alexander the Macedonian, are destroyed, then it will probably be impossible to prevent Macedonia’s name change and its subsequently swift annexation into the EU and NATO alongside the state-supported suppression of its people’s culture, history, and civilization. The “government’s” plan to make a mockery of Macedonia’s monuments and disown its very identity could function as an emergency “trigger event” for sparking a “reverse-Color Revolution”, which the author previously analyzed as the creative utilization of Color Revolution techniques by patriotic individuals for multipolar and pro-sovereignty purposes, just like what was attempted in May when concerned citizens unsuccessfully tried to prevent their parliament’s takeover by a former Albanian separatist-terrorist who was designed by Zaev as that body’s “speaker”.

    A Third Force Is Calling

    If Macedonians don’t band together to stop what is being falsely marketed as an “apolitical and anti-corruption municipal decision”, then it might be inevitable that their country will cease to exist in its present name and possibly even state (per an internal and/or external partition) by next year. If the monuments fall, Macedonia falls, once and for all, which is why the last chance to save Macedonia is to save its monuments. VMRO has the greatest potential to organize legal and peaceful demonstrations in support of this pressingly important issue, but some of the party elite are unfortunately partly compromised due to what can only be postulated is American blackmail pressure against them, be it the threat of physical violence or illegal arrest on fake pretexts (“anti-corruption”, “abuse of power”, etc.) by the coup “government”. As such, a Third Force needs to eventually emerge, possibly growing out of VMRO and the various civil society movements aligned with it, in order to counteract the limitations being imposed on the former ruling party and serve as a bridge for attracting “moderate” SDSM supporters who were misled during the last election.

    The protection of Macedonia’s monuments – and accordingly its statehood, civilization, and identity – mustn’t be framed as a partisan political issue, which isn’t at all what VMRO is doing but its potentially pivotal role in being the organizational center of such a civil society movement might make it easier for SDSM and its American backers to manipulate the perception that it is, which is why it’s essential that a Third Force develop in leading the way during this historically crucial moment. Whatever it’s called and however it’s formed, this Third Force will be the vanguard actor protecting Macedonia from dismantlement, with its members understanding that it’s now or never to safeguard their state because its very existence is incompatible with the EU and NATO’s plans expansionist plans. The Republic of Macedonia is slated to be removed from the map so that its people and territory can be formally annexed to these two unipolar structures under Zaev’s “dictatorship of the proletariat”, and all indications point to 2018 being the make-or-break year where Macedonia’s patriots will either prevail or the country itself will perish.

    Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    I read that earlier today. Reasonable assumptions.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Starling
      • Sep 2017
      • 153

      What can we do about it? Is anyone organizing a petition, protest etc. somewhere in the diaspora? Is there even a government or international institution that gives a damn?


      • maco2envy
        • Jan 2015
        • 288

        That Hoyt Yee bastard becoming the US ambassador to Macedonia will be devastating to the nation. Yee somehow actually manages to be worse than Baily, he straightaway "persuaded" Ivanov to give up the mandate to Zaev and also provoked Serbia with anti-Russian rhetorics.

        Someone really needs to lobby against him being involved in the Balkans, whether it be Serbs or Macedonians.


        • Pelagonija
          • Mar 2017
          • 533

          Originally posted by maco2envy View Post
          That Hoyt Yee bastard becoming the US ambassador to Macedonia will be devastating to the nation. Yee somehow actually manages to be worse than Baily, he straightaway "persuaded" Ivanov to give up the mandate to Zaev and also provoked Serbia with anti-Russian rhetorics.

          Someone really needs to lobby against him being involved in the Balkans, whether it be Serbs or Macedonians.
          Yee/Bailey they are from the same system and all are bastards..

          They have installed their man.. the sole purpose of this whole fabricated crisis was to install a government willing to change our name, soul and country in order to incorporate MKD in the leftist globalist regimes of Brussels and Washington so that they can further surround and antogonise our Russian brothers. Serbia is next!

          Right place right time for Zaev.. And I wonder where are those Macedonians who fell for the narrative as if Zaev is not corrupt and vile and if they got back their stolen treasure back from Gwuo..

          Now we have pensioners thrown in prison and murderers of our children set free..


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Originally posted by Starling View Post
            What can we do about it? Is anyone organizing a petition, protest etc. somewhere in the diaspora? Is there even a government or international institution that gives a damn?
            Technically, we could orchestrate an attack on our true enemy. The apathetic Fyromians who have allowed the essence of Macedonia to be destroyed. They deserve our contempt. They allow all of this.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Starling
              • Sep 2017
              • 153

              There are still people in Macedonia trying to put up a fight. The problem is that their efforts are ignored or played as unreasonable right-wing nationalism. Coordinating with them or finding a way to get firsthand accounts from them to make up for poor news coverage would be something worth doing. But yeah, we need to dismantle the corrupt systems and reform the political system with people who actually care about Macedonia. They need to become more politically aware on average and remember their rights so they can point out when they're being denied.


              • Starling
                • Sep 2017
                • 153

                Which is exactly why I keep saying the diaspora has to coordinate with Macedonians in Macedonia. We need to work together to deal with this. Complaining about all the corrupt institutions doesn't actually change them. Macedonians in Macedonia can accurately report on the situation as they're living it. Macedonians in the diaspora can help spread that information, raise awareness with the general public where they live and protest more freely.

                Media not covering the situation? Film it. Make videos, talk to other Macedonians to coordinate your priorities based on the situation. Dismantle the propaganda with facts, make your own exposure for the situation. The situation in the Philippines is pretty grim right now too but people have sent messages online to get the truth out there. Every little bit helps.

                Explain to people exactly who's arresting who for what. Call it a dictatorship and a coup by Albania and the US. Because that's exactly what this is. Call the 2001 war a war and an attempt by the Albanians to annex part of Macedonia. Language is important and we can't afford to pull punches. If it isn't safe to post it by your ow name, send it to someone who can. Once something is on the internet, it stays there. If you see something that people might try to censor, download or screenshot it to circulate it again just in case. Keep it up long enough and we will get momentum on this.


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by Stefan of Pelagonia
                  ...Just to remind you, when the conflict hits this ''country'' it is us who will be dying on the streets fighting, while you are chilling in the diaspora. So don't be quick to judge eh?
                  It's up to you how you decide to protect your home...I can assure you that if my home (in the diaspora) comes under attack, I will be doing everything humanly possible to protect everything that I love and I will not be waiting for anyone else to step in and help me.

                  Until people realise that they are the masters of their own destiny they will forever by subservient to something else...

                  It seems to me that most in the Republic have accepted their fate of eternal and faceless servitude without so much as a whimper of defiance...


                  • Phoenix
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4671

                    Originally posted by Starling View Post
                    Which is exactly why I keep saying the diaspora has to coordinate with Macedonians in Macedonia. We need to work together to deal with this. Complaining about all the corrupt institutions doesn't actually change them. Macedonians in Macedonia can accurately report on the situation as they're living it. Macedonians in the diaspora can help spread that information, raise awareness with the general public where they live and protest more freely.

                    Media not covering the situation? Film it. Make videos, talk to other Macedonians to coordinate your priorities based on the situation. Dismantle the propaganda with facts, make your own exposure for the situation. The situation in the Philippines is pretty grim right now too but people have sent messages online to get the truth out there. Every little bit helps.

                    Explain to people exactly who's arresting who for what. Call it a dictatorship and a coup by Albania and the US. Because that's exactly what this is. Call the 2001 war a war and an attempt by the Albanians to annex part of Macedonia. Language is important and we can't afford to pull punches. If it isn't safe to post it by your ow name, send it to someone who can. Once something is on the internet, it stays there. If you see something that people might try to censor, download or screenshot it to circulate it again just in case. Keep it up long enough and we will get momentum on this.
                    Get 300K concerned citizens from both sides of politics protesting in front of the parliament building for a few weeks and watch the government slowly crumble...they can't be protests along party affiliations but must be representative of all the Macedonian people working together to overthrow Zaev and his anti-Macedonia agenda.


                    • Tomche Makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1123

                      Originally posted by Stefan of Pelagonia
                      Not all of us FYROMians are apathetic.
                      I think an elaboration of Risto’s use of the term FYROMians is needed, as from my understanding it is not a reference to all Macedonians within the Republic, but actually used to define the two distinguishing ideologies currently prevalent amongst the Macedonians in the republic. Basically if you’re a supporter or apathetic follower of the current FYROMian mindset and path for the country (negotiating your name, symbols, language, history, ethnicity, culture, and state out of fear or to achieve some political or financial goal), then the term applies to you. If you don’t’, then it doesn’t.

                      The use of the term FYROMian has been quite controversial as while it accurately defines its adherents, it also promotes the racists slur propagated by our opponents. I personally have taken to using the terms “European Slav” and “Indigenous Macedonian” to distinguish the two. Whilst admittedly the actual difference between the two groups is based on ideology rather than ethnicity, I have started to ponder at what point do ideological schisms transform into more than just a difference in ideology and become so removed that they manifest into a difference in identity?

                      Originally posted by Stefan of Pelagonia
                      Just to remind you, when the conflict hits this ''country'' it is us who will be dying on the streets fighting, while you are chilling in the diaspora. So don't be quick to judge eh?
                      The only actual threat which could possibly produce a result of you “dying in the streets” is from the Albanians, which last I checked you out number them 3 to 1, and ultimately are not the current cause and target of your discontent or grievances. Macedonian politicians are cowards, they would be the first ones to shit themselves at the prospect of Macedonians actually clashing or fighting other Macedonians in the streets and therefore would be a scenario they would try to avoid at all costs as a loss of control of their herd is a sign of weakness in the eyes of their “proprietors”. Cowards operate covertly for the sustainability of public perception, what they will do is seek to imprison individuals where they can clandestinely employ methods to force their submission, but they will not be killing you in the streets. Therefore the risk of mortal harm for promoting protests in the streets and/or acts of civil unrest is quite low (you can look to the tactics and results of the “colour revolutionaries” to attest to that fact), and unless the Albanians are involved, any hesitations likely relate to fear within an individual’s conscience or their personal liabilities.
                      Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 12-04-2017, 08:33 PM.
                      “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                      • Tomche Makedonche
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1123

                        Why would the Albanians rebel once “Zaev’s job is done”?
                        “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Stefan, please spring. I implore you.
                          You said you're all ready but then you gave a whole bunch of excuses. I'd say you're not really ready to spring and I think you know it.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Tomche Makedonche
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1123

                            Originally posted by Stefan of Pelagonia
                            It's easier to rebel once you have a federal unit like Kosovo in Serbia, is it not? That's the whole point of the cantonization planned by Zaev.. I mean planned by Zaev's masters, because he can't plan anything, he's a puppet.
                            The Albanians aren’t interested in federalization (well at least not Any time in the near future), neither are Zaev’s “masters”. So if that’s the threat you are waiting for you can rest easy knowing that it’s possibility (if it comes to that point at all) would be a long way off, if your lucky, probably not even in your life time, but if it is, it won’t be much of an issue since you will all likely be already able to speak Albanian anyway so... meh
                            Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 12-04-2017, 10:14 PM.
                            “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                            • Tomche Makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1123

                              No one is attacking you here
                              “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio

