Love is love

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  • Pelagonija
    • Mar 2017
    • 533

    Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
    Why is there a need to pit them against one another? Same sex couples can already adopt, so why is this an issue suddenly? It seems like another attempt to derail from the immediate question of the vote.

    Raising a child is ultimately based on the merits of the parents. For example, an abusive mother or father are not ideal parents, regardless of whether they are heterosexual or homosexual.

    If your argument is based on a child requiring both a father and mother role model to develop properly, then by that logic single parents and a parent with a deceased spouse can not raise a child adequately. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As long as the parents care for and love the child unequivocally, it shouldn’t matter whether they are heterosexual or same sex couples.
    Youve lost the plot be, if god wanted them to have kids naturally then they would have been made to do so.. FFS having two deviate dads is normal?

    Someone get rid of this person..

    Answer this can two males naturally make a baby? If not then why?


    • EgejskaMakedonia
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2010
      • 1665

      Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
      Abe fark the pederi.. I couldn't give a rats arse about them..

      I'm assuming you don't have kids.. look up safe schools? Or are you to busy making wedding plans? This is not about equal rights if it were that simple.

      No surprise most no votes came from suburbs with majority kids and the most yes votes came from suburbs where people had the lowest proportion of children in the country..

      I just can't believe how left people are on this forum.. such persons belong on the pride forum..
      No, actually 12/17 electorates that had a majority ‘no’ vote were in Western Sydney, where there is a substantial Muslim population. But judging from your post on the 1st page, you dislike Muslims just as much as homosexuals. Maybe your prejudice against gays can mitigate your hostility towards Muslims lol. I feel sorry for you mate.


      • EgejskaMakedonia
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2010
        • 1665

        And since when is political affiliation synonymous with pride? And I’m the one that’s lost the plot.

        Even if I am left leaning on some social issues, it doesn’t make me any more or less patriotic when it comes to Macedonia. Though, I’d rather not engage in a pissing contest with someone who can barely string a sentence together.
        Last edited by EgejskaMakedonia; 11-15-2017, 05:36 AM.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
          If your argument is based on a child requiring both a father and mother role model to develop properly, then by that logic single parents and a parent with a deceased spouse can not raise a child adequately. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As long as the parents care for and love the child unequivocally, it shouldn’t matter whether they are heterosexual or same sex couples.
          Every natural instinct will select a mother and father for an adopted child (all other things being equal). It is natural, milleniums of history confirm this. That won't be allowed and any suggestion of preference for the "natural choice" would be pursued rigorously by the wronged homosexuals.

          i get it, it's cool now. But why do you think consequential issues are irrelevant? Where is the proof that it won't force churches to marry homosexuals? Why weren't these conditions included in the vote? I may have voted yes. What if it is deemed hateful to deny the homosexuals their legal rights?

          I think the comparison with denying the Macedonian identity is not comparable in any way.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Starling
            • Sep 2017
            • 153

            Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
            What a load of crap, why be a sheep for mate?

            The far right isn't the problem, it's the loony left who are teaching homosexuality in schools and extreme gender theory.. just look at the safe schools program in Aus. Just tell me how healthy is it to confuse children as young as ten with such extreme content and what is the agenda?

            What is happening in the west aka Aus is promotion of a liberal system at the expense of a proven traditional system which is now on the decline.

            Our forefathers fought and died for their families, church and culture.. not so that two blokes can bat each other in the arse.

            People like you are the product of the system.. it's ok to say no.. don't be a sheep and jump to conclusions.
            That's just a load of scaremongering and propaganda. People have claimed stuff like that back when no one bat an eye to the killing and ostracisation of anyone who was public about having a different sexuality than what society arbitrarily decided was the only acceptable one. A number of other civilizations had no such problem. I think we all know quite well in some form that terrible things have been done in the name of religion as well as other, more political belief systems.

            So all that sexual content and sex jokes children are constantly exposed to, assumptions that if a girl and a boy so much as glance at each other they must be having a crush and some parents outright speculating on a hypothetical relationship and future wedding is ok? But heaven forbid if we acknowledge that sometimes boys like boys and girls like girls. The simple act of existing as a publicly gay person or telling people that they do is considered too extreme, hence the lie in the petition. Children don't even care. In fact, many would question why adults can't just marry each-other regardless.

            And how about sex education? It's a perfectly normal part of the school curriculum, provided around the time students reach puberty as it's kinda important to make sure people who are now physically capable of having children understand how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, the responsibilities of having children, how to protect themselves against STDs and the importance of consent, such as when a person isn't capable of consenting to sexual acts. No, schools do not in fact role-play those scenarios. That was completely made up and I remember hearing that claim before. People need to stop getting so affronted at the thought of people acknowledging that sometimes men have sex with other men. You have no right to control whether or not two consenting adults simply because you don't believe marriage rights should apply equally regardless of the genders of the people involved.

            Given the notion of separation of church and state, any particular religion isn't even supposed to have any say on the running of the country to begin with.

            Youve lost the plot be, if god wanted them to have kids naturally then they would have been made to do so.. FFS having two deviate dads is normal?

            Someone get rid of this person..

            Answer this can two males naturally make a baby? If not then why?
            Given that people can have sex without sexual attraction, so long as they're fertile they're entirely capable of finding someone willing to bear a child they won't raise if they want a biological child. In any case, same sex relationships serve the purpose of raising orphaned children. That's what same sex pairs in other species do. Additionally it's possible to experience sexual attraction to more than one gender.

            Also when you account for trans and intersex people yes, sometimes two men and two women can have a child biologically related to them. And why remove someone from a conversation simply for pointing out the problem with your reasoning? That's a rather fundamental part of discussion.

            Risto, marriage is fundamentally a contract. While culturally we associate marriages with the religious ceremony, you just need to sign some paperwork to officiate it. While people are entirely capable of living together pretty much the same with or without marrying, what makes it a big issue is that the government processes certain things differently based on your marital status. For example if a couple isn't married they don't get visitation rights to their partner should they be hospitalized, may not be declared next of kin should they die and lack pretty much any legal benefit that comes with marriage. This also makes the process of adoption more difficult aside from the prejudice that favours a less suitable heterosexual couple before they choose a same sex couple that more than meets all the requirements. Priests are only involved regarding marrying couples as per religious customs, where forcing them to would be a matter of anti-discrimination laws more than anything.

            Also the comparison about the Macedonian identity is more a matter of finding commonality in your own experiences, which is how we develop empathy. If we don't have a 1:1 equivalent for what we're attempting to relate to, then looser comparisons such as differing forms of discrimination tied to identity are applicable.
            Last edited by Starling; 11-15-2017, 06:25 AM.


            • Pelagonija
              • Mar 2017
              • 533

              Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
              No, actually 12/17 electorates that had a majority ‘no’ vote were in Western Sydney, where there is a substantial Muslim population. But judging from your post on the 1st page, you dislike Muslims just as much as homosexuals. Maybe your prejudice against gays can mitigate your hostility towards Muslims lol. I feel sorry for you mate.
              I love Islam.. and thank god for Islam.. I'd choose the Muslims over the liberal left any day.. Islam is the lefts cure..

              Btw I don't hate gays either.. you can't stop them.. but we shouldn't promote that crap.. that's my angle

              Read this.. are you related to that person?


              • Pelagonija
                • Mar 2017
                • 533

                Originally posted by Starling View Post
                That's just a load of scaremongering and propaganda. People have claimed stuff like that back when no one bat an eye to the killing and ostracisation of anyone who was public about having a different sexuality than what society arbitrarily decided was the only acceptable one. A number of other civilizations had no such problem. I think we all know quite well in some form that terrible things have been done in the name of religion as well as other, more political belief systems.

                So all that sexual content and sex jokes children are constantly exposed to, assumptions that if a girl and a boy so much as glance at each other they must be having a crush and some parents outright speculating on a hypothetical relationship and future wedding is ok? But heaven forbid if we acknowledge that sometimes boys like boys and girls like girls. The simple act of existing as a publicly gay person or telling people that they do is considered too extreme, hence the lie in the petition. Children don't even care. In fact, many would question why adults can't just marry each-other regardless.

                And how about sex education? It's a perfectly normal part of the school curriculum, provided around the time students reach puberty as it's kinda important to make sure people who are now physically capable of having children understand how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, the responsibilities of having children, how to protect themselves against STDs and the importance of consent, such as when a person isn't capable of consenting to sexual acts. No, schools do not in fact role-play those scenarios. That was completely made up and I remember hearing that claim before. People need to stop getting so affronted at the thought of people acknowledging that sometimes men have sex with other men. You have no right to control whether or not two consenting adults simply because you don't believe marriage rights should apply equally regardless of the genders of the people involved.

                Given the notion of separation of church and state, any particular religion isn't even supposed to have any say on the running of the country to begin with.

                Given that people can have sex without sexual attraction, so long as they're fertile they're entirely capable of finding someone willing to bear a child they won't raise if they want a biological child. In any case, same sex relationships serve the purpose of raising orphaned children. That's what same sex pairs in other species do. Additionally it's possibly to experience sexual attraction to more than one gender.

                Also when you account for trans and intersex people yes, sometimes two men and two women can have a child biologically related to them. And why remove someone from a conversation simply for pointing out the problem with your reasoning? That's a rather fundamental part of discussion.

                Risto, marriage is fundamentally a contract. While culturally we associate marriages with the religious ceremony, you just need to sign some paperwork to officiate it. While people are entirely capable of living together pretty much the same with or without marrying, what makes it a big issue is that the government processes certain things differently based on your marital status. For example if a couple isn't married they don't get visitation rights to their partner should they be hospitalized, may not be declared next of kin should they die and lack pretty much any legal benefit that comes with marriage. This also makes the process of adoption more difficult aside from the prejudice that favours a less suitable heterosexual couple before they choose a same sex couple that more than meets all the requirements. Priests are only involved regarding marrying couples as per religious customs, where forcing them to would be a matter of anti-discrimination laws more than anything.

                Also the comparison about the Macedonian identity is more a matter of finding commonality in your own experiences, which is how we develop empathy. If we don't have a 1:1 equivalent for what we're attempting to relate to, then looser comparisons such as differing forms of discrimination tied to identity are applicable.
                SS couples serve the purpose to raise orphans?? Wow.. OMG we are dead and buried..

                Some here knock the Greeks for being Gays, I reckon the fyromers are much bigger pederi..

                Fn brainwashed..


                • EgejskaMakedonia
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 1665

                  Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                  Every natural instinct will select a mother and father for an adopted child (all other things being equal). It is natural, milleniums of history confirm this. That won't be allowed and any suggestion of preference for the "natural choice" would be pursued rigorously by the wronged homosexuals.
                  Again, adoption by same-sex couples is already permitted in most Australian jurisdictions. Today's results had/will have no impact on this.

                  i get it, it's cool now.
                  So people choose to be homosexual because it's 'cool'? So I guess the overwhelming representation of LGBTI people in suicide statistics is a part of this 'cool' trend too? Why is supporting a framework of acceptance and equality for these people a bad thing?

                  But why do you think consequential issues are irrelevant?
                  Because the vote wasn't about those consequential issues. If you frame it in the negative, this mindframe basically rejects ones' rights on the unsubstantiated presumption that maybe this will happen, or maybe that will happen. That is simply not fair. If debate on fundamental rights is continually stifled based on downstream, disconnected 'what ifs,' then it is likely we'd still live in an age where slavery is accepted, women cannot vote and Indigenous people have no rights.

                  Furthermore, from a purely procedural point of view, history shows that public votes/referendums will be unlikely to address the question in contention if it is worded in such a way, or bogged down to such an extent that the reasonable voter is unsure what it is asking. To this extent, they will opt for the status-quo, and the true public perception will not reflect the voting results. Here the question was simple, should same sex couples be allowed to marry. Yes or No. No 'ifs' or 'buts' or 'what about safe schools'...the question is on marriage equality.

                  Where is the proof that it won't force churches to marry homosexuals? Why weren't these conditions included in the vote? I may have voted yes. What if it is deemed hateful to deny the homosexuals their legal rights?
                  The draft bills state it, and it is likely they will tighten up on some of the provisions. Both parties have also indicated that this is a key provision to protect religious freedom. A lot of 'yes' voters, including myself, agree that churches shouldn't be forced to marry same-sex couples.

                  From memory, you weren't too fond of the Macedonian parliament specifically amending the constitution to define marriage as between a 'man and a woman.' I'm not being smart, I'm genuinely interested in your reasons for strongly rejecting the substance of this vote. I'll admit I'm actually surprised, it's not something I thought we'd be in strong disagreement about.

                  I think the comparison with denying the Macedonian identity is not comparable in any way.
                  It's relevant in the sense that identity is comprised of more than ethnic origin. It defines who we are. Macedonians have and continue to have their identity and rights denied. Homosexuals have and continue to have their identity and rights denied. Take the context out of each scenario, and both are largely fighting for the same thing, just to different degrees based on where they reside.
                  Last edited by EgejskaMakedonia; 11-15-2017, 06:49 AM.


                  • Starling
                    • Sep 2017
                    • 153

                    SS couples serve the purpose to raise orphans?? Wow.. OMG we are dead and buried..

                    Some here knock the Greeks for being Gays, I reckon the fyromers are much bigger pederi..

                    Fn brainwashed..
                    Did you just refer to Macedonians in general by a homophobic slur and a term well established to be offensive and unwelcome on this forum?

                    I love Islam.. and thank god for Islam.. I'd choose the Muslims over the liberal left any day.. Islam is the lefts cure..

                    Btw I don't hate gays either.. you can't stop them.. but we shouldn't promote that crap.. that's my angle
                    I'm not convinced by how you phrased your response to observations that you don't seem to like muslims and gay people. You seem to be implying that you regard Muslims more as a lesser evil rather than genuinely respecting them as people. You also equated not hating gay people to treating them as inevitable, which implies putting up with people you don't like rather than actually liking them. If you truly respected gay people then you'd be fine with them expressing their sexuality on equal terms to heterosexual expression of sexuality, as well as allow people to talk about same sex relationships rather than pretend they don't exist. In essence, you're saying "I don't hate gay people, except I don't like what they do differently from me and don't want them to exist publicly even as others talking about them in a positive manner". Do you see the contradiction?

                    On top of your generally patronizing behaviour you've more than worn out your welcome in my eyes.
                    Last edited by Starling; 11-15-2017, 06:54 AM.


                    • Liberator of Makedonija
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 1597

                      This whole thread is pointless and is just turning members of this forum against eachother. The results of the Same-Sex marriage survey in Australia are not relevant to the purpose of this forum.
                      I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                      • EgejskaMakedonia
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 1665

                        Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                        I love Islam.. and thank god for Islam.. I'd choose the Muslims over the liberal left any day.. Islam is the lefts cure..

                        Btw I don't hate gays either.. you can't stop them.. but we shouldn't promote that crap.. that's my angle

                        Read this.. are you related to that person?

                        Back-peddling and saying that you don't hate gays isn't going to make your argument any more credible. You made your 'angle' more than clear from the outset.


                        • vicsinad
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 2337

                          Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                          This whole thread is pointless and is just turning members of this forum against eachother. The results of the Same-Sex marriage survey in Australia are not relevant to the purpose of this forum.
                          I echo that it is not relevant. Though I do get that the forum has been slow. It's just sometimes that topics like these have the tendency of driving people away for a while or giving certain impressions to non-Macedonian visitors.

                          I bet Risto is thinking, "only if we could start a Macedonian thread these days that generated this much traffic flow like the old days."


                          • Liberator of Makedonija
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 1597

                            Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                            I echo that it is not relevant. Though I do get that the forum has been slow. It's just sometimes that topics like these have the tendency of driving people away for a while or giving certain impressions to non-Macedonian visitors.

                            I bet Risto is thinking, "only if we could start a Macedonian thread these days that generated this much traffic flow like the old days."
                            I was thinking that exact thing, the one night everyone wants to get online and debate back-and-forth like in the old days and it's over what is essentially a non-issue. Still so many open threads with unanswered questions and unfinished discussion but nope let's abuse eachother over a marriage survey in Australia.
                            I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                            • Karposh
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 863

                              You've definitely started something here with this one Risto. I dare say, there is hardly a topic that is more relevant in the world we live in today. Everywhere you turn, from massive billboards on train stations propagating that “love is love” to social commentators and their perverted logic of “God loves homos too”, we are aggressively being conditioned to accept the LGBTQIAPD agenda. I can't even tune into my car radio in the mornings without being bombarded by homo propaganda.

                              I think what it boils down to is that dirty word called religion. It's not so much whether poofters and lesbians are allowed to get married in the eyes of the law (most people don't give a shit) but a question of whether “Christian” Australia is prepared to give the proposed amendment to the Marriage Act it's blessing in the eyes of God. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a Christian Australia. The sad reality is Christianity is a dying religion in the western world. I realised this when “Catholic “ Ireland voted to amend it's constitution and allow same-sex marriage back in 2015. I guess there's no stopping the rot now. It was only a matter of time for Australia to fall into line I suppose. Yes, I guess dinosaurs, like myself, must wake up and face the fact that Christianity is a pathetic relic of the past and has no place in a modern, enlightened and progressive society such as Australia. Sure, there's Christmas and Easter each year and we like to pretend that we are a Christian country but that too is a delusion on a massive scale. The meaning of Christmas and Easter was lost a long time ago to commercialisation and materialism (and chocolate Easter eggs).

                              I guess what I'm trying to say is, for anyone left among us, who has any sense of spirituality left in them, in this rapidly degenerating world, then you will feel as I do today - disappointed. If not, then really, like some have pointed out here – it's a non-issue. Life goes on...


                              • tchaiku
                                • Nov 2016
                                • 786

                                Wasn't Alexander The Great a bisexual?

