Macedonian Nursery Rhymes

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  • Dove
    I'm on a mission to find someone who can sing
    Hi Rogi Have you thought your mission through? For example: Are you looking for a child, teenager, adult to sing? Will you expect the singer to just sing or will the singer appear on the video? Who will film the video? Does the singer need to be from your city?

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  • Rogi
    So, I've now stumbled onto the "Darko Biberko" project run by the girls who created the "Vardare, Vardare" song which was a hit.

    So, this looks awesome, I'll be backing it and hope many of us do!

    Darko Biberko is an animated children’s show that teaches Macedonian. W… Nev Neškoska needs your support for Preserve Macedonian; Help Fund Educational Series

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  • Rogi
    For a nation on the brink of cultural extinction (forget the politics, I mean just the exodus out of the country and the assimilation that happens as well as the declining population growth rate among ethnic Macedonians), and with a language that is a minimun of 1000 years old, one of the oldest surviving languages in the world.

    Given all that, it should be an utmost imperative to do all we can to keep the culture and language alive, and find creative ways to promote it and embed elements of it into the global mainstream.

    Surely we have some nice sounding nursery rhymes that could be a start. The way 'frere jacques' and 'alouette, gentille alouette' are.

    Something like
    Стани, стани детенце
    Надвор пее петленце
    Пее кукурика
    Тебе ми те вика

    I'm on a mission to find someone who can sing, to get a list of nursery rhymes, sing them out onto YouTube videos, with lyrics and english translations. Any help would be appreciated, even if there's a book I can find an order from Macedonia with the lyrics that you can share a link or intro to.
    Last edited by Rogi; 11-20-2019, 07:04 AM.

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  • Karposh
    The only Macedonian nursery rhymes that my dad sang to me as a kid were the ones that aren’t really fit for polite society. Here’s just one classic gem from his very rich repertoire that I’ve managed to remember:
    Kole i Kolejca ojdoa pod vodejnca - tamu najdoa tri zheni so pichki strizheni.

    He was also particularly gifted with covering old Macedonian folk songs (but with his own personal touch). Here’s one that’s hard to forget:
    Chudna zhena beshe Vera, koj pomina i go vtera

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  • Spirit
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    I guess lazi buba lazi buba ktz ktz ktz isn't quite there!
    Or shep shep lajno jep

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  • Risto the Great
    I guess lazi buba lazi buba ktz ktz ktz isn't quite there!

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  • Rogi
    I'm actually really surprised and pretty disappointed that there's nothing online anywhere, and in particular no YouTube videos with Macedonian nursery rhymes or lullabies.

    My son's kindergarten are now playing international nursery rhymes for the children based on the nationalities in the class... from English, French, Japanese and many others, all found on YouTube, yet and lo and behold, the only ones that they can't find are any Macedonian ones.

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  • Tomche Makedonche
    Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
    Тапшин тапшин танана
    У свилена марама
    у марама шеќера (obvious serbism)
    на (insert baby's name here) слатка вечера
    Interesting, the version I know uses Тапшини as opposed to тапшин

    And the last line is as follows:
    (insert baby's name here) да ги вечера
    Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 06-13-2017, 07:35 PM.

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  • Tomche Makedonche
    Since we're also adding rhymes that include games with hands, Beware the wolf

    Чук, чук, чук
    Кој чука?
    Шо бара?
    Ајде качиси погоре…
    Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 06-13-2017, 02:17 AM.

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  • DraganOfStip
    Originally posted by Skolovranec View Post
    But tried to again, apply humor unsuccessfully lol.
    Yes I know you were only being humorous, I just wrote the full lyrics for the sake of the thread since I didn't think of that one earlier.

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  • Skolovranec
    Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
    Тапшин тапшин танана
    У свилена марама
    у марама шеќера (obvious serbism)
    на (insert baby's name here) слатка вечера
    I know. This one and the one above are the only ones I know from childhood. But tried to again, apply humor unsuccessfully lol.

    The reason this one prevailed is probably because my father is half Serbian (making me 1/4 Serb I guess).

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  • DraganOfStip
    Originally posted by Skolovranec View Post
    Тапшин тапшин танана да ми јаиш бана ... er ... no?
    Тапшин тапшин танана
    У свилена марама
    у марама шеќера (obvious serbism)
    на (insert baby's name here) слатка вечера

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  • Skolovranec
    Тапшин тапшин танана да ми јаиш бана ... er ... no?

    Okay, I'll go look for actual nursery rhymes

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  • Karposh
    Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
    This is the most commonly used as far as I've heard:

    "Нани ми нани детенце, надвор пее петленце
    пее кукурика, тебе ми те вика
    рачиња да измиеш, лицето да истриеш
    па да бидеш чисто како вчера исто."
    Yes, I remember that one too. Best Macedonian nursery rhyme ever.

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  • DraganOfStip
    This is the most commonly used as far as I've heard:

    "Нани ми нани детенце, надвор пее петленце
    пее кукурика, тебе ми те вика
    рачиња да измиеш, лицето да истриеш
    па да бидеш чисто како вчера исто."

    I've been singing this song to my daughter and will start singing it again in about 2 months

    Below are a few others I randomly found:
    "Фатив едно зајаче, малечко и диво
    има кусо опавче и кожувче сиво
    морковче му давам јас со мојата рака
    тоа знај не се плаши и зелка ми сака."

    "Имам маче шарено,
    шарено ем галено.
    Прва му е зима,
    а долг мустак има.
    Фаќа глувци, поганци,
    па им вели ајдуци.
    Кого в подрум фатам,
    опаш ќе му скратам."

    "Видов едни петлиња,
    петлиња со чешлиња,
    црни, бели, секакви,
    и со гаќи некакви.
    Еднаш две-три петлиња,
    гаќи што си имаа,
    на мегдан се бореа-
    гаќи им се скинаа.
    Затоа и денеска
    секој слуша често,
    и за нив да се говори:
    Петле Гаќуресто!"

    "Ајде, ајде детенце,
    летни како петленце,
    скокни како еленче,
    достасај до веленце,
    на веленце бато седи,
    играчките ти ги реди.
    Тропа, троп..
    Тропа, троп..
    До два лава,
    еден топ,
    едно коњче,
    едно слонче,
    две куклиња,
    воз и ѕвонче..
    Оп, оп..
    Уште малку, стаса

    "Тркалак - долголак!
    Јас сум возот голем јас!
    Трака - трак! Трака - трак!
    Јурам смело и низ мрак!
    Трака - трек! Трака - трек!
    Не ме плашат, дожд и снег!
    Трака Трака - трук! - трук!
    Како мене, нема друг."

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