Merry Christmas (Среќен Божиќ) and a Happy New Year (Среќна Нова Година)

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    Vi posakuvam na site srekna nova godina...

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  • Momce Makedonce
    Originally posted by George S. View Post
    Happy nrw year
    Same to you George and happy new year to everyone else as well.

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  • George S.
    Happy nrw year

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  • George S.
    How was hour festive break??

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  • Nikolaj
    Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
    Greece is with the New Calendar but it seems Russia and Serbia have remained with the old one. I don't know if you literally use the old Calendar (e.g. celebrating the New Year 13 days later) or is it that all religious holidays have a 13-days delay.
    The Julian calender was replaced by the Gregorian calender because it did not properly reflect the actual time it takes the Earth to circle once around the sun. In reality it is not actually a delay but instead an accurate date/time of when these religious holidays were meant to be on, where the Julian calenders 25th is incorrect now. I heard the decision to hold with the Julian calender was for better spacing of public holidays which is something western civilizations who don't care about the event imposed.

    So which date does Greece celebrate Christmas? I know Russia celebrates it on the 7th which is based on the new Gregorian calender, what is the newest calender and what day is it celebrated on?

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  • Redsun
    Thank you George, Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone.

    The celebratory customs associated in various countries with Christmas have a mix of pre-Christian, Christian, and secular themes and origins.[18] Popular modern customs of the holiday include gift giving, completing an Advent calendar or Advent wreath, Christmas music and caroling, an exchange of Christmas cards, church services, a special meal, and the display of various Christmas decorations, including Christmas trees, Christmas lights, nativity scenes, garlands, wreaths, mistletoe, and holly.

    I was just wondering what others do at Christmas time.

    I'm only familiar with the gift giving, card exchanging and according to Wikipedia a "special meal".

    Gift giving seems to be the biggest celebratory custom in Australia.

    I wonder when gift giving became popular and what other celebratory customs have been forgotten or replaced throughout time.

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  • George S.
    i think they do complete with its own yearly count 7657....??Also lists the seasons by their actual names .Eg autumn lostopath etc.tHere are so many other feasts associated.
    The greeks have abandoned the celebration in favour of the 25 dec catholic celebration.

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  • Amphipolis
    Greece is with the New Calendar but it seems Russia and Serbia have remained with the old one. I don't know if you literally use the old Calendar (e.g. celebrating the New Year 13 days later) or is it that all religious holidays have a 13-days delay.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    On the 25 its sveti Spiridon the wonderworker so its actually a big day on our calendar.

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  • makedonche
    Merry xmas to all those who are celebrating it!

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  • George S.
    great just enjoy it the food the festivities etc.Then we got our bozik.soon on the 7th.Jan. Good to see everyone enjoying themselves.

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  • Брсјак
    cause i think it's bit early but if u celebrate xmas today merry xmas and pls accept my apologies if my comment offended u in any way

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  • Брсјак
    orthodox xmas is on 7th of Jan

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  • George S.
    sreken bozik to all macedonian shirum svetot.You should be proud of who you are.

    Last edited by George S.; 12-27-2014, 02:39 AM.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Среќна Нова Година - Василица! And best of luck to those who found the coin in the мазниче

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