Merry Christmas (Среќен Божиќ) and a Happy New Year (Среќна Нова Година)

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  • Prolet
    Here is how it all went in Prilep and Skopje

    Denes e Badnik utre e Bozik!!

    Коледе-леде, паднало греде,
    Утепало деде, деде се мачи,
    Баба го квачи, за четири јајца,
    Гускини, шаткини КОЛЕДЕ!

    Денеска е Коледе, утре е Божиќ,
    Ќе колеме теле, теле вика леле,
    Не колете мене, ќе ви дадам зеље,
    Ќе правиме пита, ќе јадеме сите ... КОЛЕДЕ!

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  • makedonche
    Originally posted by Petros View Post
    Srekna nova godina i sreken bozik

    I'm new member, od Grcija
    Welcome Petros
    Sreken nova Godina i bozik!
    Ot kai si - seloto?

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  • lavce pelagonski
    srekna nova godini i Bozik na site and welcome Petre od koe selo si?

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  • Petros
    Srekna nova godina i sreken bozik

    I'm new member, od Grcija

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  • fyrOM
    Who’s going to find the coin this year.

    Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve tomorrow, the day after Christmas

    Skopje, January 5, 2011 (AP) - Orthodox Christian believers in Macedonia tomorrow to celebrate Christmas Eve, the day before the big Christmas holiday - Christmas. Christmas Eve is traditionally celebrated with a rally in front of the cathedral church "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje, where the godfather Zivko Mukaetov year, general director of "Alkaloid" will be handed transitional badnikarski Cup.

    The event usually begins with raising the flag badnikarskoto. Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, HH Stephen noon with appropriate discussion will address the citizens of Skopje and all well-wishers and handed over the pile of new-badnikar Mukaetov godfather.

    Toasts year will tell Vladimir Angelovski-Duddy, an actor in the Drama Theatre in Skopje, and fellow citizens will address the Mayor of Skopje Koce, and last year's godfather-badnikar Jovica Ugrinovski, who with his family and transitional Cup will arrive with carriage.

    The priests of the cathedral "St. Kliment Ohridski", then he would avenge naforata, tea and brandy, Christmas Eve and twigs, and that year's godparents traditionally zdravicharot once picked from the slopes of water, which will be distributed free to attendees.

    Traditionally, a delegation of the Board along with this year's godfather Mukaetov will visit the elderly home "Mother Theresa" in Zlokukjani, where he presented commemorative gifts. The event will feature singers who will perform the appropriate program.

    The meeting ends with the act of handing over the Cup pogachata and breaking of the gold coin, which is considered to bring good luck throughout the year that you get. The carriage, the symbol of the old Skopje, the new godfather badnikar with Cup and family will leave from in front of the cathedral.

    Badnikovite branches are a symbol of happiness, love and light, that Orthodox believers to decorate homes Badnikovata night, the eve of Christmas, the biggest Christian holiday.

    On the eve of Christmas Eve, the evening in Skopje's neighborhood and in other towns in Macedonia will hold public meetings badnikarski burning fires. Early morning, however, the Nativity of Christ will announce koledarchinja children.

    The Macedonian people have a lot of attention and respect to these marks holidays. Gospodski Christmas is a holiday and is celebrated in memorial of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This holiday is a matrix of all other religious holidays, because Christ's birth is considered the beginning of a new era.

    The family gathers on Christmas Eve at a joint dinner this evening according to custom does not go away. It makes a rich, lean table. The hosts are trying to offer than being something to be rich table throughout the year. I bake bread, and in some places are doing that zelnici put coin. It is believed that one of whom will fall the coin will follow good luck throughout the year. Before the start of the dinner to which all are assembled, the host His entire blessing table, breaking kravajcheto, and somewhere pie is shared, so the parts as there are family members, leaving another part of God and part of the house.

    Also, the night the fire is put badnikovo branch which is considered najzdravo tree to be healthy all the family.

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  • fyrOM
    Christmas - a single event, single meaning, different marking

    Skopje, January 5, 2011 (AP) - Orthodox Christian believers in Macedonia on January 7 celebrating Christmas. Two weeks ago, and some Catholics and the Orthodox world celebrated Christ's birth, a single event for Christians, the only meaning, but no single term for its celebration.

    In Christianity there are still differences about when to celebrate Christmas and other religious holidays, mainly because of dogmatic differences between the churches and different systems of measuring time. Thus Catholics and some Orthodox Christians who have accepted the Gregorian calendar, Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Part of the Orthodox churches that stretch under the old Julian calendar, celebrating the birth of Christ on January 7.

    Although attempts were made to align the festivities, the differences remain, despite indications of mathematicians that if they continue to apply to both calendar, part of pravoslavcite Christmas in 2101 instead of 7 will celebrate on Dec. 8. This is because the old Julian calendar behind the solar delayed one day every 128 years, the Gregorian calendar happens after 3300 years.

    At the time of the Ottoman Empire Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah rejected the proposal of the Pope to accept the Gregorian calendar and the coordination of religious holidays. Application of the Gregorian calendar in Orthodox Christian churches began in the early decades of the 20th century, at the insistence of the Ecumenical Patriarch Joachim.

    In 1919 the new calendar was adopted in the Kingdom of SHS in 1923 in Greece and then in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.

    But part of the monks of Mount Athos, Jerusalem Patriarchate, Russian, Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox Church continued to be kept by the Julian calendar, unlike the Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Georgian Orthodox Church who have embraced the Gregorian.

    The old Julian calendar, under which water and Macedonian Orthodox Church, dating from 46 BC, when the Roman emperor Julius Caesar hired Alexandrian astronomer and mathematician Sosigen to develop new more accurate calendar. Then in Rome is introduced based on the Egyptian calendar with 365 days divided into 12 months, according to Julian called Julius Caesar. In it, every fourth year is a leap, and 366 th day in February dodaval who was last month in the year. The new Julian calendar beginning of the new year, which was then in March, was transferred on 1 January.

    In 325 BC on the first ecumenical council of the only Christian church in Nicea is decided to accept the Julian calendar and on it are considered important dates in the history of Christians. The Council participated in the Nikkei and a representative of the city Skupi, once a regional cultural center, on whose walls built Skopje.

    Later it was determined that according to the Julian calendar year is longer by 11 minutes and 14 seconds from the natural solar year, so every 128 years to create a difference from day one. In the 16th century, the difference reached 10 days as causing problems in the determination of Easter, the greatest Christian holiday that is always tied to the vernal equinox and the first week after the first full moon. So Pope Gregory 13 in 1582 committed a revision of the Julian calendar, which is created the Gregorian calendar to date generally accepted in the world, in which years are counted from the birth of Jesus Christ. The bulla of Pope Gregory 13, the day after October 4 are not considered as 5th but as Oct. 15, which is the "hammer" difference of 10 days. The difference in duration between Gregorijanskata and natural, is exceeded by not a leap year every fourth. Last year the centuries not divisible by 400 without remainder are not considered lascivious. For example, 1900 compared to 2000 is not leap because it is not divisible by the 400th

    Although numerous people populations time records according to their own calendars which have their roots in ethnic and religious history, the Gregorian calendar today is the benchmark by which time most people in the world to mark the events.

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  • fyrOM
    Tonight bonfires are lit Christmas

    Православните христијани вечерва ќе ги запалат коледарските огнови. Со овој обичај, во предвечерието на Бадник, започнува славењето на Христовото раѓање. Речиси во сите општини

    Orthodox Christians will burn tonight Christmas fires.

    This custom, on the eve of Christmas Eve, begins the celebration of Christ's birth. Almost all municipalities, villages and urban communities throughout Macedonia joyous news of the birth of the Savior will meet with mutual friendship, Graham brandy and homemade bread.

    kolede kolede...topla rakia anyone.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Jas postam do nasiot Bozik, pa tatkomi ceka Vasilica povelete

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  • George S.
    dtg don't forget the macedonian orthodox christmas (bozik) on the 7th of january & basilica a week later.On both occassions isuggest a Dab or two at the maso dances.

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  • Daskalot
    Srekjna nova godina! Happy new year! +2011

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  • Jankovska
    Srekna Nova na site, da ste zivi, zdravi veseli i srekni. Site zelbi da vi se ispolnat i samo prekrasni momenti da ve sledat vo 2011.

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  • George S.
    dtg apparently your a good actor on the dance floor perhaps like john travolta as in grease
    & at the end of the music you stick your finger up like john travolta does.

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  • Daniel the Great
    Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
    Daniel nice acting on the dance floor.

    OMG, you saw that, i was hopeing no one saw that once i came to my senses lol.

    Anyway, it was nice to meet you mate, next time i might hold back a bit on the Dab pivo.

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Daniel nice acting on the dance floor.

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    Happy New Year - Za mnogu godini!

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