Bronze Medal for the Macedonian IT Olympiad in Australia
I have allways said scratching your balls will become an olympic sport!.Maybe they should have sack races & egg on a sppon race.
Seriously good on them
But IT Olympics????
Now I've heard everything.
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Bronze Medal for the Macedonian IT Olympiad in Australia
Bronze Medal for the Macedonian IT Olympiad in Australia
Macedonian national team, selected cycle national competitions of the 25th International Olympiad in Informatics (EB 2013), being held in Brisbane, Australia, won the bronze medal.
This result Bojan Seraphinoff, Clement Seraphinoff, Rosica Dejanovska and Vasil Kuzevski, led by leaders Mile Jovanov and Emil Stankov, a continuation of the successful continuity of Macedonia presentations at international Olympiads in informatics recent years and a new certificate of knowledge in the field of computer science that our students possess.
EB is the most prestigious annual programming contest for high school students which was held in one of the countries - members of the EB community. The EB 2013 In all, 299 students who secured the right to participate through national programming competitions conducted in 80 countries around the world.
With such strong competition, bronze medal won Bojan Macedonia Seraphinoff, student Vinica, and it should be noted that our three remaining contestants performed outstandingly.
According to the president of the Association of Information Technology of Macedonia Mile Jovanov informatics is an Olympic discipline of Macedonia in the last 4 years and has delivered 6 of the International Olympiad medals and 22 medals from Balkan Olympiads, making it one of the leading disciplines.
Association of Information Technology of Macedonia, as an organizer of national competitions and organized the participation of international Olympiads, says he regularly faces problems in securing funding for the implementation of competition and cover the cost of travel.
- This year, only a fraction of the cost covered by the School of Computer Science and Engineering and Netcetera companies and Asseko-SEE, and other direct costs are borne by the participants, informed Seraphinoff.
Medals at international Olympiad mean full scholarship to study directly from one of the world's most prestigious universities in IT which can reach $ 250,000, which means that the state could save that amount in height, the scholarship program for study at foreign universities, with diverting a fraction of those funds to the organization of the games.
Contest ahead of the best Macedonian students in Informatics is Balkan Olympiad in Informatics, which will be held in September in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Next, 26th annual, International Olympiad in Informatics (EB 2014), will be held from 13th to 20th July in Taipei City, Taiwan.
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