World Championship Martial Arts held in Athens 2013,
ZA-NED-DO "Martial Arts Academy Bitola, Macedonia won four world championship medals in Martial Arts at Athens

БРАВО: Македонската химна и развиорено знаме среде Атина (Видео)
google Translation:-
BRAVO: Macedonian anthem and flag flickered amidst Athens (Video)
This was yesterday in Athens, the World Championship Martial Arts. Macedonian anthem was intoned four times thanks to the Academy of martial arts-NED-to. They modestly with his small but successful selekcionen team of four competitors in seven categories won four world championship medals, one world championship runner and two bronze medals.
MAJA_ZLATNI_MEDALI_001Za to mark their success last night were greeted by their families and friends border Medzitlija and Terra TV spot was to immortalize the moment. Moments of happiness and lots of tears. Diana Nedelkovska, Maya Kuzmanova, Andrei Ivanov and John Marushevski Macedonia are members proudly represented the throne.
Also at the annual meeting of the World Association of Coaches for the martial arts master Zlatko Nedelkovski was awarded Certificate of great achievements in the field of martial arts and was officially recognized its first ¨ C ¨ C a unique and fully Macedonian martial TFS ¨ C ESD * ( Top Fighting System - Effective Self Defence).
More than 30 years began working Kung Fu club "Bitola" Bitola, which today has grown into a martial arts academy. Acknowledgments Club are widely known in our country as well as abroad. Participants of many Balkan, European and world contest worldwide, also participants in many televisions, many events, and the success of newspaper articles with posts about their successes telling.
ZA-NED-DO "Martial Arts Academy Bitola, Macedonia won four world championship medals in Martial Arts at Athens

БРАВО: Македонската химна и развиорено знаме среде Атина (Видео)
google Translation:-
BRAVO: Macedonian anthem and flag flickered amidst Athens (Video)
This was yesterday in Athens, the World Championship Martial Arts. Macedonian anthem was intoned four times thanks to the Academy of martial arts-NED-to. They modestly with his small but successful selekcionen team of four competitors in seven categories won four world championship medals, one world championship runner and two bronze medals.
MAJA_ZLATNI_MEDALI_001Za to mark their success last night were greeted by their families and friends border Medzitlija and Terra TV spot was to immortalize the moment. Moments of happiness and lots of tears. Diana Nedelkovska, Maya Kuzmanova, Andrei Ivanov and John Marushevski Macedonia are members proudly represented the throne.
Also at the annual meeting of the World Association of Coaches for the martial arts master Zlatko Nedelkovski was awarded Certificate of great achievements in the field of martial arts and was officially recognized its first ¨ C ¨ C a unique and fully Macedonian martial TFS ¨ C ESD * ( Top Fighting System - Effective Self Defence).
More than 30 years began working Kung Fu club "Bitola" Bitola, which today has grown into a martial arts academy. Acknowledgments Club are widely known in our country as well as abroad. Participants of many Balkan, European and world contest worldwide, also participants in many televisions, many events, and the success of newspaper articles with posts about their successes telling.