I took the genetic test that NG provides via its Genographic Project but was a bit disappointed of the meager result. "You came out of Africa and then to the Balkans".... Can someone suggest a better genetest?
In the geneographic project u are offered further analysis of more markers by the company Family Tree. Is that a good option?
The results goes back about 75 000 years and doesn΄t answer many questions. The most recent markers are the M170 and the M223 (10 000 years ago) on my paternal line. Is there a test out there that goes closer in time? Or that can show subclads of the m223 marker?
I have seen threads about genetics on here in the past and that is why I post this question here
In the geneographic project u are offered further analysis of more markers by the company Family Tree. Is that a good option?
The results goes back about 75 000 years and doesn΄t answer many questions. The most recent markers are the M170 and the M223 (10 000 years ago) on my paternal line. Is there a test out there that goes closer in time? Or that can show subclads of the m223 marker?
I have seen threads about genetics on here in the past and that is why I post this question here