The discussion was over the ventilator in the picture and how it is a flag of capitulation
Lavce Pelagonski Kade e Makedonskoto sonce
Monday at 11:54am · Like
Andy Plukov I believe that this event is in Macedonia or another country. I think that if this was in Greece we would see a crowd attacking the people with the Macedonian Flag and jacket. Can you please tell us where this picture was taken.
Tuesday at 4:14am · Unlike · 1
Vasko Kotevski I think it is not important where-important is because is done,it is step forward
Tuesday at 6:03am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski it is not done and it is not a step forward this flag represents our own capitulation to our name and identity. No one voted for this flag, stop trying to justify this flag as Macedonian as it is not this flag goes together with the name negotiations. I cn not believe how blind and how fast people forget.
Tuesday at 10:18am · Like
Ile Jovcevski it is a step forward, as it shows there are people out there that gave grown outside the rigid nationalistic tendencies of the Balkans...
Tuesday at 10:35am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Ile since you do not care about national symbols you wont mind if I start calling you Yannis, it is the sellouts like you Macedonia is in this predicament. It is Patriotic to wont to keep and fight for what is yours not give it up to make small and insignificant short term gains.
Tuesday at 1:44pm · Like
Ile Jovcevski ah yes, patriotism...the virtue of the vicious.... is that still the nice word for nationalism these days?
and what exactly did "we" sell to whom? our humanity for a flag? our soul for a political party? plenty of those around i'm afraid, even without "our" help tongue
Yesterday at 1:29am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Do you like the statue of Hasan Pristina in Skopje the first Albanian President who was a strong advocate of a greater Albania. You can take the tourists to see the new monument. I do not sell my identity like you for the hope to enter the EU. What good has come out of your compromises are we good friends now holding hands. have you been to Solun lately, has your car got a nice sticker saying FYROM or is that just another word for you?
Yesterday at 9:40am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski You sell to the Greeks to the Bulgarians and to the Albanians. Your humanity for your identity and your soul to the devil.
Yesterday at 9:42am · Like
Ile Jovcevski ahem...i didn't say i want to get to EU... actually i am against it, and as a matter of fact i have been to Solun, and on my way there and back, the onely people i've had problems with, were our own customs officers. And if your last statement is a question, then yes, i have sold my identity for my humanity and would do it again. I was born a human being first and everything else later. nation, color, religion and what ever it is that you judge people by are the last things i see in a person. as for patriotism a wise man called it "the principle that will justify the training of wholesale murderers". it was patriots that started WW2, patriots invented ethnic cleansing, crusades and jihads.....and it is you patriots that are the major cause for all the conflicts in the world today, even this name issue between our countries; the patriots on both sides of the border...
8 hours ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Ti si za grevota ti ne si Makedonec, zaboravas za Makedoncite vo egejska i Pirinska kako stradat a tebe ne tie gajle za tvojeto ima od vakvi kako tebe Makedonija stradat. Znaci Goce Delcev da si sedese doma i da gi ostajese Turcite i Grcite da ne kolet. Kakva logika imas ti, da si patriot netrebas da kolis i da besis lugje.
about an hour ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski ne zaboravam voopsto, samo seti se deka ludjeto sto im go pravat toa na Makedoncite se isto taka patrioti, i toa prilicno iskreni patrioti. Omrazata i odmazdata ne e nacin. Ako mi veruvas ovoj spor ke se resi samo vo onoj moment, koga negovoto znacenje ke bide marginalizirano.
23 minutes ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Da so kopromiz na naseto ime, zname, istorija i identitet. Togas site vo Balkanot ke bidet drugari so Centralna Balkanska Republika a ti Centralen Balkanec. Dobra idea imas. Patriot znaci da si ja sakas tatkovinata i da ja branis nejzinata istorija i tvojot identitet kako Makedonec.
12 minutes ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski nema da ima potreba od kompromis, bilo na politicki, bilo na etnicki, religiozen ili bilo koj drug plan. a za istorijata....toa e drugo prasanje, naj dobro ostaveno na istoricarite, a ne na politicarite i patriotite
10 minutes ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Dobro kazimi po tvoje sto e dobar kompomis za nas?
9 minutes ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski moe mislenje? odrzuvanjena status kvo. bilo kakvo resenie doneseno vo momentov ke bide pogresno. duri i vlez vo EU e greska. dokolku go napravime toa sega, ke bide od pogresni pricini. bitni odluki ne se donesuvaat koga glavite se zeski. a bas vo ovie vreminja premnogu zaiteresirani strani se grizat da gi odrzuvaat tie glavi zeski.
5 minutes ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Kade e Makedonskoto sonce
Monday at 11:54am · Like
Andy Plukov I believe that this event is in Macedonia or another country. I think that if this was in Greece we would see a crowd attacking the people with the Macedonian Flag and jacket. Can you please tell us where this picture was taken.
Tuesday at 4:14am · Unlike · 1
Vasko Kotevski I think it is not important where-important is because is done,it is step forward
Tuesday at 6:03am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski it is not done and it is not a step forward this flag represents our own capitulation to our name and identity. No one voted for this flag, stop trying to justify this flag as Macedonian as it is not this flag goes together with the name negotiations. I cn not believe how blind and how fast people forget.
Tuesday at 10:18am · Like
Ile Jovcevski it is a step forward, as it shows there are people out there that gave grown outside the rigid nationalistic tendencies of the Balkans...
Tuesday at 10:35am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Ile since you do not care about national symbols you wont mind if I start calling you Yannis, it is the sellouts like you Macedonia is in this predicament. It is Patriotic to wont to keep and fight for what is yours not give it up to make small and insignificant short term gains.
Tuesday at 1:44pm · Like
Ile Jovcevski ah yes, patriotism...the virtue of the vicious.... is that still the nice word for nationalism these days?
and what exactly did "we" sell to whom? our humanity for a flag? our soul for a political party? plenty of those around i'm afraid, even without "our" help tongue
Yesterday at 1:29am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Do you like the statue of Hasan Pristina in Skopje the first Albanian President who was a strong advocate of a greater Albania. You can take the tourists to see the new monument. I do not sell my identity like you for the hope to enter the EU. What good has come out of your compromises are we good friends now holding hands. have you been to Solun lately, has your car got a nice sticker saying FYROM or is that just another word for you?
Yesterday at 9:40am · Like
Lavce Pelagonski You sell to the Greeks to the Bulgarians and to the Albanians. Your humanity for your identity and your soul to the devil.
Yesterday at 9:42am · Like
Ile Jovcevski ahem...i didn't say i want to get to EU... actually i am against it, and as a matter of fact i have been to Solun, and on my way there and back, the onely people i've had problems with, were our own customs officers. And if your last statement is a question, then yes, i have sold my identity for my humanity and would do it again. I was born a human being first and everything else later. nation, color, religion and what ever it is that you judge people by are the last things i see in a person. as for patriotism a wise man called it "the principle that will justify the training of wholesale murderers". it was patriots that started WW2, patriots invented ethnic cleansing, crusades and jihads.....and it is you patriots that are the major cause for all the conflicts in the world today, even this name issue between our countries; the patriots on both sides of the border...
8 hours ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Ti si za grevota ti ne si Makedonec, zaboravas za Makedoncite vo egejska i Pirinska kako stradat a tebe ne tie gajle za tvojeto ima od vakvi kako tebe Makedonija stradat. Znaci Goce Delcev da si sedese doma i da gi ostajese Turcite i Grcite da ne kolet. Kakva logika imas ti, da si patriot netrebas da kolis i da besis lugje.
about an hour ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski ne zaboravam voopsto, samo seti se deka ludjeto sto im go pravat toa na Makedoncite se isto taka patrioti, i toa prilicno iskreni patrioti. Omrazata i odmazdata ne e nacin. Ako mi veruvas ovoj spor ke se resi samo vo onoj moment, koga negovoto znacenje ke bide marginalizirano.
23 minutes ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Da so kopromiz na naseto ime, zname, istorija i identitet. Togas site vo Balkanot ke bidet drugari so Centralna Balkanska Republika a ti Centralen Balkanec. Dobra idea imas. Patriot znaci da si ja sakas tatkovinata i da ja branis nejzinata istorija i tvojot identitet kako Makedonec.
12 minutes ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski nema da ima potreba od kompromis, bilo na politicki, bilo na etnicki, religiozen ili bilo koj drug plan. a za istorijata....toa e drugo prasanje, naj dobro ostaveno na istoricarite, a ne na politicarite i patriotite
10 minutes ago · Like
Lavce Pelagonski Dobro kazimi po tvoje sto e dobar kompomis za nas?
9 minutes ago · Like
Ile Jovcevski moe mislenje? odrzuvanjena status kvo. bilo kakvo resenie doneseno vo momentov ke bide pogresno. duri i vlez vo EU e greska. dokolku go napravime toa sega, ke bide od pogresni pricini. bitni odluki ne se donesuvaat koga glavite se zeski. a bas vo ovie vreminja premnogu zaiteresirani strani se grizat da gi odrzuvaat tie glavi zeski.
5 minutes ago · Like