This weekend in my hometown the traditional "Pastrmajlijada" takes place,event that promotes our most famous local recipe - the Stipska pastrmajlija.It started in 2006 and since then it takes place every year in the September-October period.Almost entire Macedonia will pass by here this weekend to have a taste of a signature dish from Stip,which has been branded since 2009 - 2010,elevated along with our national dishes Shopska salad,Tavce Gravce,Ajvar etc.I'll post some pictures from it Monday after the event.No pastrmajlija like Stipska pastrmajlija,those that have tried it - know.
Traditional Macedonian "Pastrmajlijada" in Shtip - YouTube

Bon apetit!

Traditional Macedonian "Pastrmajlijada" in Shtip - YouTube

Bon apetit!