I like the acoustic one. Clean and trippy.
Well done.
Thanks! I have that one set to link a psychedellic song to the blues rock one.
I'm trying to mix things better in my spare time now that work is back on.
Redid a lot of earlier vocal mixes based some solid feedback.
I'll have to dig into tthe Mil collection again. And, I guess a repost is a good. I may do so again
Here's an instrumental collaboration. My favorite Maco-American guitarist plays bass on this one and also does the lead at about 55seconds to 1:35 and 3:45ish to 4min. Then it's a mix for 30 seconds. (Was asked to play a lead and got inspired to write the bass part)
JPMKD, you are an angry man ;-)
I can hear a lot of Sabbath influence there in both.
Good stuff and your production skills are improving with every release.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
JPMKD, you are an angry man ;-)
I can hear a lot of Sabbath influence there in both.
Good stuff and your production skills are improving with every release.
Thanks for the feedback! Anger is a gift (Stupid virus)
Yes, Sabbath is an influence, Zeppelin, AC/DC, AIC, Rush about round out my go to's. I like a lot of diverse stuff though.
Remixed several for levels in December.
The production on Groove.. is all my friend, I simply mixed in a double-tracked lead and bass over his finished product. Now he's taken the leads and used mostly separated tracks and transposed it to some keyboard and it's now a theme in a 7 minute epic. He added vocals too. He's not quite ready to hit go on it yet. ( I think his late stage production needs more bass. LOL. No really it does...)
He's looking into Soundcloud, his brother is one of the 3 I follow. (Pic with the Strat)
An 80s inspired bit of pop sillyness. it sounds like he's quite keen on someone, but sometimes it can go a little too far! Sometimes there's no choice!
A real mix of sounds here. Used my Elektron Model:Cycles for some nice pads and melody lines. Lots of guitars and my D28 acoustic for the guitar solo. I hope you enjoy it.
Reason, Unknown
Very electronic. Then countered with a long acoustic guitar solo.
Also, did a username change (too close to others and that jam comapny!!) So old links won't work. Main Page (NSFW Virus track is up first)https://soundcloud.com/jimnowm
Song 2 of The Covid Chronicles Book 1 (UPDATED 9.30.20))
Guitar: Fender Stratocaster, Gibson SG, Les Paul Standard
Guest bass, percussion and Les Paul lead by by my good friend AK-67
(A little crea
As always, noodling with the guitars and ended up making a song. I figured I may as well post a picture of some of my guitars here! Inspired by my own bestselling book about a man who became a Shaolin
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
A pretty chill track I made with my lovely D18 acoustic and some electronic blips. The bonus is the delicate supporting vocals from a very new talent about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. In
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
Lately, this piece by the Secret Trio and Ara Dinkjian is one of my favorites! You'll also be delighted to know that the clarino (shorter clarinet) player is Ismail Lumanovski, a Macedonian from Bitola! At least according to Google, haha!
Lately, this piece by the Secret Trio and Ara Dinkjian is one of my favorites! You'll also be delighted to know that the clarino (shorter clarinet) player is Ismail Lumanovski, a Macedonian from Bitola! At least according to Google, haha!
Is non 12 equal temperament (beyond piano keys only) common also for Macedonian music?
Yeah, he's pretty good but not an ethnic Macedonian. He's a gypsy from Bitola's At Pazar where, along with the suburb of Bairo, many of Bitola's gypsies reside. I don't have any reason to doubt that he considers himself to be a Macedonian but the gypsies in Macedonia tend to align themselves with the majority ethnic group that they live amongst. In Bitola, that would be the Macedonians. In other places of Macedonia, it could be the Albanians and/or Turks. All that aside, Macedonian Wikipedia refers to him as a virtuoso who has won quite a number of musical awards.
I don't know much about music but I enjoy it as much as the next person. The example you gave is a bit too oriental sounding for my taste but, if you're a fan of the clarinet, then I recommend Tale Ognenovski, another virtuoso from Bitola. I'm a bit a biased, I have to admit, as Tale is actually from my very own village of Brusnik.