Islamic Radicals in Struga creating problems
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
A cell of wahabis and islamic fundamentalists is at the core of a protest which led to burning of a Macedonian flag which was then replaced by a Saudi(?) flag.
The reason for this protest as the city's mayor said is the Vevcani Carnival which had offended muslims in the area.
The mayor himself, Ramiz Merko is seen by many as a radical muslim with police sources pointing to him as the organizer of this weekend protest.
It all started when an intoxicated ethnic Albanian went to a bookstore and purchased a Macedonian flag and then burned it in front of the county headquarters. Money well spent.
What happened after was certainly not spontaneous. Dozen cars showed up packed with people to protest the arrest of the intoxicated Albanian, but at the same time started protesting the Vevcani Carnival?
Many of the protesters had lengthy beards, shouted slogans "Death to Christians", something you would see in Saudi Arabia. To complete the shocking image, one of the protesters pulled out a green flag and posted it on the county flag pole.
It took police 45 minutes to realize the flag was Saudi, a flag our MINA correspondent says can not be purchased in Macedonia, because shops simply don't carry it.
The mayor, Ramiz Merko defended the islamic radicals who shouted "Death to Christians" by demanding apology from the Vevcani mayor for insulting their feelings.
According to Merko, Christians don't have feelings, it's only muslims who have them.
The wahabi sect in Macedonia is getting increasingly dangerous. The CIA and Interpol have both warned Macedonian police to keep a close eye on the increasing number of wahabis.
The wahabis have spread in huge numbers to Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro. Bosnia for instance, although considered a muslim country, has arrested the head of their wahabi sect just a week ago. According to the Bosnian Government, the wahabis were very dangerous!
Europe has also taken notice. Holland, France, Belgium... have all banned muslim burqas despite having large muslim populations.
In Macedonia, it's been confirmed on numerous occasions by police, media, banks... that the Saudis are paying wahabi radicals (ethnic Albanians) in the country 300 euros per month to force their women to wear burqas and spread their radical views to locals. Interestinly, Albania's large Catholic population does not want to have ties with ethnic Albanians in Macedonia and Kosovo due to their islamic radicalization!
Perhaps it's high time Macedonia takes CIA's and Interpol's warnings seriously, arrest mayor Ramiz Merko as he has been at the forefront of encouraging islamic radicals for a decade. //Gorazd Velkovski
you guys are hysterical. If we cant we live together and love eachother there will be a divorce, or the worst scenario, a war .
We were never married in the first place to apply for a divorce.
Loving eachother works both ways mate. Look at the freedom, privileges Ethnic Albanians receive and enjoy, compared to what any other minority in the world would. Some might say Macedonians are prostitutes for giving out easy love. They could be right, but its love non the less. What love do Albanians give in return?
A war???? why does this word "War" pop up in every sentence when you speak to an Albanian? by the way, this would be the worst scenario for Ethnic Albanians. Especially if the government play their cards right and start playing on the wahabis and islamic fundamentalism card which there is now evidence of. If true that The CIA and Interpol have both warned Macedonia to keep a close eye on the increasing number of wahabis, then this should be a green light to start cracking down by arresting your leaders and take away privileges that Albanians abuse.
I have been hearing that the carnival is Serbian organized and in a heavy Serbian
populated town near Struga .
how true is this ?
Dimitri, can I ask if you are Macedonian? The town is populated by Macedonians and the carnival is organised by Macedonians. Its been a town traditions for hundreds of years.
Of the entire population (2,433), only 14 identified as non-Macedonian in the last census.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Dimitri heavily populated town near struga.Ther are only albanian & macedonian people the domonating feature is macedonian.What makes you sure serbs organised the carnival.The only serb thing i have seen is den na borcite in belcista.
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
The Town is all Macedonian but very pro-Serb ,majority during Yugoslavian period were employed and resided within Serbia and still today very tied to Serbia ,and for some reason live tax free in their community .And no Albanians reside in this town
My source is from a distant cousin in Prespa Macedonia- Strbovo- we on Skype always
My family comes from Florina area ,Paraskevi to be exact
The Town is all Macedonian but very pro-Serb ,majority during Yugoslavian period were employed and resided within Serbia and still today very tied to Serbia ,and for some reason live tax free in their community .And no Albanians reside in this town
My source is from a distant cousin in Prespa Macedonia- Strbovo- we on Skype always
My family comes from Florina area ,Paraskevi to be exact
That's Sveta Petka for those of you scoring at home.
I don't want to start a conversation that is not related to Albanianization in Macedonia, but i must mention this. And if there is a thread where this belongs, please advise me and i will change it. But its great bit of history.
The town holds "Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin" in high regards. I watched a doco were i think they have some type of council, or committee named after him, i am not exactly sure, but it was something official. Infact, they have a picture of him on their currency. After googling this name, i realised he was a Serb, which then led me to think mabe they are pro Serb. Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin's parents home is in vevcani area and is a tourist attraction. So then i thought, mabe its purely business that they worship Pupin so much.
But further research, i came across this, After a secret London agreement France, England and Russia asked from Serbia some territorial concessions to Romania and Bulgaria. Romania should have gotten Banat and Bulgaria should have gotten a part of Macedonia all the way to Skoplje. Pupin personally wrote a memorandum on March 19, 1919 to the USA president Woodrow Wilson, who based on the data received from Pupin historical and ethnic characteristics of boarder areas of Dalmatia, Slovenia, Istria, Banat, Međimurje, Baranja and Macedonia, stated that he did not recognize the London agreement signed between allies and Italy. ( Wikipedia)
Mabe we all should appreciate him and be thankful for east of Macedonia up to Skopje is not Bulgarian today. Macedonia would be much smaller today. Mabe its his actions that makes him held in high regards (on top of 70 technical articles and reviews he released and 34 patents) , and not because he is Serb.
The Town is all Macedonian but very pro-Serb ,majority during Yugoslavian period were employed and resided within Serbia and still today very tied to Serbia ,and for some reason live tax free in their community .And no Albanians reside in this town
My source is from a distant cousin in Prespa Macedonia- Strbovo- we on Skype always
My family comes from Florina area ,Paraskevi to be exact
I have never heard of Vevcani being 'pro-Serb', but I do know that they are one of the few towns that out right reject the Framework Agreement and the Interim Accord and they have demonstrated it in practice.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
I have never heard of Vevcani being 'pro-Serb', but I do know that they are one of the few towns that out right reject the Framework Agreement and the Interim Accord and they have demonstrated it in practice.
Excellent point and a great reminder. Now there should be no doubt about the Vevcani.