Originally posted by Jankovska
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BTW, when you stop being so scared and telling others to be frightened because you are then, maybe then, you wouldn't be so uptight.
Also, why do you want an explanation from me when you do not want my advice?
Where are all the Macedonians? Also the Macedonians from Lipkovo, do you know where they are? They are still 'raseleni' they still live in a centre in Kumanovo with absolutley no one trying to help them. Have you heard of them, seen them, spoken to them? Have you seen how they live, what they eat? They have metal beds and a 4-5 member family live in one small room, that's the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom and the lounge.
They refused everything because they wanted to locate themselves somewhere else. There are also rumours that most of them sold their property to the shiptars.
Nothing in Macedonia is as it seems. Everything is very complicated.
To you it may just seem like a scare tactic to me it's a scary reality.
Do reread my post more carefully and if you still don't get it ask instead of attacking.
As you have been in Tetovo not to long ago can you tell me how many Macedonian signs in the shops there are? Hardly few. Where are all the Macedonians from this towns, what happened to them? Have you asked yourself. It is a scary reality mate and it's is not just a tactic as you call it, they are taking everything and we should be scared ALOT but also should do something about it if it's not too late.

I don't scare that easy.
Most of the Macedonians from Tetovo sold their property for a nice profit and bought houses or apartments in Gjorche Petrov and Karpos in Skopje.
As for the advice, please don't give me any coz you don't know me. I don't ever live in the darkness but I always live in reality. Maybe you should try it sometimes.
You should be asking me for advice but you do not know me as yet.
As for alot you said I agree but I don't agree that it's just a tactic, it is reality and the more we allow it the worse for us.
Now, go back and reread my post and also you are welcome to read the whole site. If any questions arise do let me know and I will be glad to answer them.
Oh and one more question. Earlier you said be scared Macedonians coz you have no hands to fight but in your response to Julie you are saying it's better we didn't fight because it was a lost war. So which one is it, fight and lose or not even take a shot because it is a lost war anyway? So if we fight we are wrong if we don't wrong again.
Only fools fight when provoced by emotions.