They are nothing but sellout merchants
Albanianization in Macedonia
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Albanian ‘Guard Of The Republic Of Ilirida’ Starts Patrols In Macedonia
Published: Nov 2, 2014 at 9:53 pm Modified: Nov 2, 2014 at 9:53 pm 0 Get Short URL SKOPJE – Self-proclaimed “Guard of the Republic of Ilirida” said on Saturday it started patrolling “wherever Albanian people live” and that “Albanian territory will not be left without protection”. RFE/RL video screenshot A group of about thirty people proclaimed the so-called “Rebublic of Ilirida” on September 18, in front of the statue of Skanderbeg in Skopje. They said at the time that the republic covers the area from Struga to Kumanovo.
Press release, published on Saturday by Macedonian media, says that the headquarters of the “Guard” will be active throughout the territory of the “Republic of Ilirida”, and that security will be formed in cities which they consider belong to “the republic”. “The aim of the Guard will be confrontation with people who sold Albanian national interest.
Republic of Ilirida, together with its guard is a reality now and will act in accordance with its new law, or temporary laws until the final status of the territory is resolved in accordance with Geneva Convention,” says the organization. The statement, signed by “general Hamdi Ndrecaj – Panteri” asks citizens to “be polite” when “the Guard” executes commands, because it will benefit to the citizens of the “Republic of Ilirida”, regardless of their national, religious or racial affiliation.
And many Macedonians think voting for the DPmNE Macedonian/Albanian coalition is the solution.
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Wow thank goodness the Albanians in ROM are so peace loving and democratic.
Fucking backwards animals
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I hope all that infighting finishes them off for good.All is not well at the albanian camp and they can't agree on things.At least the police can keep an eye on them.
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5 Injured in Firefight among DUI Members in Saraj, Saturday, 25 October 2014
This evening in the municipality of Saraj, near Skopje a meeting between DUI members turned tragic. According to our information, the incident ocurred between two fractions of DUI, one group were supporting Rafiz Aliti (Ali Ahmeti's uncle), while the other Blerim Bexheti. Their disagreements resulted in 5 individuals hospitalized, one fighting for his life after the DUI group loyal to Rafiz Aliti pulled out guns and started shooting. Skopje hospital confirmed it has admitted two individuals as a result of tonight's incident. Zejdi and Jonuz Jakupi, brothers, were admitted with gunshot wounds. There is a strong police presence in Saraj at the moment.
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Well it was all happening and still happening under the noses of the Macedonian authorities be as it may be there is nothing that authorities can do or are doing apart from keeping law and order.Aparently police will not venture into tetovo for fear of their lives.It's a no go zone.One thing when is the majority of Macedonians going to exercise their rights and to reign in what ever sovereignity if any there is ??The fact is the Albanians are taking over what seems to be Macedonian.
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If the Macedonian institutions ignore these demands, he said, there would be a referendum.
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Halili's first attempt was in 1992 when he was one of the organisers of the Albanian referendum to split from Macedonia. Back then I think the idea was more attractive. Now, both DUI and DPA know they can have the whole country if they let demographics do its job and nudge the FA along the path of 'reform'.
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I actually had to laugh. I mean how can you take these delusions seriously? I also love how they find a way to throw in the United States when ever possible. They remind you of that annoying little prick in school who was friends with a really big kid. He would go around and provoke fights with everyone then run behind his friend for cover. That is this guy in a nutshell.
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Couldn't care less to be honest. Can't stop a whole nation's mindset, they'll be forever the victim.
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They declared it today.
"Republic of Ilirida" declared in Macedonia
Source: Tanjug
SKOPJE -- Former leader of the ethnic Albanian Party for Democratic Action in Macedonia Nevzat Halili on Thursday in Skopje declared "the Republic of Ilirida."
Speaking in Skenderbeg Square in Skopje, he said this "republic" was based "on the Constitution of the United States and its preamble that states that each human being has the right to govern itself."
Halili said that the new republic is also based "on the position of American President Woodrow Wilson who said that the people have a right to self-determination," the Macedonian media reported.
Halili asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to initiate proceedings for the federalization of Macedonia.
As "president of Ilirida," he asked that Macedonia in the future functions as a state of two equal republics - llirida and Macedonia - modeled on the former Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Belgian federation.
"We are not in favor of changing Macedonia's external borders, but administrative boundaries between Illirida and Macedonia should be defined. This should be done according to the model Serbia and Montenegro had a few years ago, and what Belgium has now," said Halili.
If the Macedonian institutions ignore these demands, he said, there would be a referendum.
"We Albanians have 400,000 votes in Macedonia," he explained.
Halili said the federalization of the country was necessary because the Ohrid agreement, although it stopped the conflict in 2001, failed to provide equality for Albanians.
The proclamation of the Republic of Ilirida was welcomed by Idriz Sinani, president of the International Forum for Human Rights, who said it marked an end to the discrimination against Albanians in Macedonia.
"It seems as if Albanian political parties that are today active in the Macedonian government and parliament have abandoned Albanian requests for equality with Slavic citizens."
"Macedonian Albanians have been manipulated for years, because it has been so many years and we are still second-class citizens, if not third-class. The war that began in the name of national unification of Albanians into a single state has lost its mission and ended up as an uprising for respect of human rights. It's called treason because no Albanian would pick up a rifle for the sake of human rights. Albanians struggle for freedom and national unification with the motherland, Albania," said Sinani.
Sinani urged "Illirida institutions" to respect that "every man" is free to enjoy these rights regardless of ethnicity, race, color and religion, because it is the only democratic way, which is based on modern human rights and freedoms.
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I think this is nothing more than a stunt by a has been. I think the guys with real community support have their sights set on more than just western Macedonia.
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There was another thread started a little earlier which referenced the same issue but we will keep the threads separate for the moment because that one was leading into the topic of minority rights.
Yesterday, Nevzat Halili, an Albanian extremist and former MP, declared an independent "Republic of Ilirida" in Cair (Skopje). Obviously they don't have enough 'rights' yet! Which begs the question - what are minority rights and should minority groups even have any more
I don't know how seriously this jest about "Ilirida" should be taken. Time will tell.
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"Republic of Ilirida" declared in Macedonia
September 19, 2014 | 12:24
SKOPJE -- Former leader of the ethnic Albanian Party for Democratic Action in Macedonia Nevzat Halili on Thursday in Skopje declared "the Republic of Ilirida."
Speaking in Skenderbeg Square in Skopje, he said this "republic" was based "on the Constitution of the United States and its preamble that states that each human being has the right to govern itself."
Halili said that the new republic is also based "on the position of American President Woodrow Wilson who said that the people have a right to self-determination," the Macedonian media reported.
Halili asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to initiate proceedings for the federalization of Macedonia.
As "president of Ilirida," he asked that Macedonia in the future functions as a state of two equal republics - llirida and Macedonia - modeled on the former Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Belgian federation.
"We are not in favor of changing Macedonia's external borders, but administrative boundaries between Illirida and Macedonia should be defined. This should be done according to the model Serbia and Montenegro had a few years ago, and what Belgium has now," said Halili.
If the Macedonian institutions ignore these demands, he said, there would be a referendum.
"We Albanians have 400,000 votes in Macedonia," he explained.
Halili said the federalization of the country was necessary because the Ohrid agreement, although it stopped the conflict in 2001, failed to provide equality for Albanians.
The proclamation of the Republic of Ilirida was welcomed by Idriz Sinani, president of the International Forum for Human Rights, who said it marked an end to the discrimination against Albanians in Macedonia.
"It seems as if Albanian political parties that are today active in the Macedonian government and parliament have abandoned Albanian requests for equality with Slavic citizens."
"Macedonian Albanians have been manipulated for years, because it has been so many years and we are still second-class citizens, if not third-class. The war that began in the name of national unification of Albanians into a single state has lost its mission and ended up as an uprising for respect of human rights. It's called treason because no Albanian would pick up a rifle for the sake of human rights. Albanians struggle for freedom and national unification with the motherland, Albania," said Sinani.
Sinani urged "Illirida institutions" to respect that "every man" is free to enjoy these rights regardless of ethnicity, race, color and religion, because it is the only democratic way, which is based on modern human rights and freedoms.
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Originally posted by Niko777 View PostI'm surprised no one mentioned anything here, but the "Republic of Ilirida" was officially proclaimed today in the center of Skopje, out in broad daylight, by a former Macedonian MP and a medium sized crowd of supporters. I'm not going to post any links, it's all over the news in Macedonia.
"The Republic of Ilirida (Albanian: Republika e Iliridës) was a territorial entity self-proclaimed in January 1992 by Albanian activists in Struga, Republic of Macedonia, the main organizer being former PDP member, Nevzat Halili.[1] The republic was proclaimed as a result of a referendum on the status of the Albanians which was held in January 1992 and declared illegal by the Macedonian government. 74% out of 92% of those eligible to vote, voted for the autonomy of the Albanians.[2]
The republic would cover approximatively half of Macedonia's territory and aimed at uniting all Albanians under former Yugoslavia. Later on, the aim of the republic was that of favoring the federalization of Macedonia.[3]"
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