Private School in Macedonia "Yahya Kemal" Favors Albanians over Macedonians
In August 2010, the private Turkish company in Macedonia "Yahya Kemal College" announced it will spend 5 million euros to construct a modern high school complex for Albanians. It will be located near the Albanian village of Bogovinje on the Tetovo-Gostivar highway. It will be complete with a modern facility, skating rink, football field, tennis courts, and more. The facility will proudly be adorned with the Albanianized word "TETOVA" large enough to be seen by drivers passing by on the highway. See for yourself at the promotional video:
YouTube - Projekt Ideor i Kolegjit "Jahja kemal" në Komunën e Bogovinës
In August 2010, the private Turkish company in Macedonia "Yahya Kemal College" announced it will spend 5 million euros to construct a modern high school complex for Albanians. It will be located near the Albanian village of Bogovinje on the Tetovo-Gostivar highway. It will be complete with a modern facility, skating rink, football field, tennis courts, and more. The facility will proudly be adorned with the Albanianized word "TETOVA" large enough to be seen by drivers passing by on the highway. See for yourself at the promotional video:
YouTube - Projekt Ideor i Kolegjit "Jahja kemal" në Komunën e Bogovinës