Originally posted by Brian
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1. The Albanians trashing Macedonian shops is a different matter than these thugs (who are Albanian) not wanting the police to hamper their drug related activities. These Albanian criminals are benefiting from those Albanians who are taking this to be an "ethnic conflict" by trashing shops. This way, they get protection for their criminal activities.
They remind me of the NLA and KLA. These groups, at their heads, could care less about Greater Albania and Albanian rights. They simply used that to gather support to expand their criminal enterprise.
2. Yes, Albanians would do this to other Albanians. There are scores of documented reports in Montenegro, Kosovo, Presevo, and Macedonia where Albanians kill other Albanians because those Albanians interfere with their criminal activity. As far as destroying shops -- no, there won't be mass protests and demonstrations by Albanians against other Albanians. These protests are organized by people who have different agendas than the criminals (although some, as in Kosovo, are using the "Greater Albania" card to gather support from Albanians only so they can have territory to operate from, not because they really care about a Greater Albania). They're simply using this shooting to further their own agendas...as some Macedonians are using this incident to say something more about an "Albanian" problem rather than a "criminal" problem.
Personally, the officer was probably in the right to shoot at the Albanians, especially after firing two warning shots. Who knows the exact facts, but I'm sure most reasonable would rather kill someone rather than witness his child get harmed. Still, I think it never was really an ethnic issue and people are since making it out to be something other than it really was.