Racism and Chauvinism a very Greek trait

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  • Onur
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2389


    Youths cleared of rape sue pupil for slander

    The court ruled that the boys did engage in group sex but that the girl, aged 15 at the time, had consented to it.

    This is really disgusting...

    But what kind of laws Greece has? In Turkey, offenders can only claim like "she had consented" if the victim is over 18 years old but if she is not an adult, it doesn't matter if she had consented or not. The rapist gets charged for rape and gets maximum sentence. I was thinking that this law is same in every EU country but wtf is this;"The court ruled that the boys did engage in group sex but that the girl, aged 15 at the time, had consented to it"

    How come they can decide like the children consented by her own will??? She is not an adult ffs!!!
    Last edited by Onur; 11-10-2010, 05:21 PM.


    • Bill77
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 4545

      Originally posted by Onur View Post
      This is really disgusting...

      But what kind of laws Greece has? In Turkey, offenders can only claim like "she had consented" if the victim is over 18 years old but if she is not an adult, it doesn't matter if she had consented or not. The rapist gets charged for rape and gets maximum sentence. I was thinking that this law is same in every EU country but wtf is this;"The court ruled that the boys did engage in group sex but that the girl, aged 15 at the time, had consented to it"

      How come they can decide like the children consented by her own will??? She is not an adult ffs!!!
      This law is all around the world, ecept mabe in greece and possibly places like Somalia

      Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
      She's Bulgarian.
      Did or has the bulgarian media and government jump up and down about it like the did against our courts regarding the Mitrova case.


      • TrueMacedonian
        • Jan 2009
        • 3823

        Comments on youtube videos are a really good place to see racist and chauvenistic comments by the confused modern "greeks". Here's a video - YouTube - Losing Their Marbles - Greece

        and here we go with some comments so typically part of a daily modern "greek" diet:

        2 months ago

        @kajaas644 why all you albanians so angry all the time...it's Greece's fault the commies ruined your country for 50 years???...if it wasn't for Greece, albania wouldn't have half it's economy...maybe that's why your so angry, cause your dependent on Greece for your survival
        2 months ago

        What the deal with you albanians... The communists destroyed your country and you still are angry with us.. We opened the boarders and welcomed tens of thousant albanians to come here... Seriously its funny cuz theres no Albanian living in Greece that has any problem with us.. Most albanians that hate us live in Albania or USA.. very strange indeed..
        Notice the "hey we gave you a life" pep talk from the chauvenist modern "greeks".(Funny how they talk to their brother Albanians) Wait it gets even more typical:

        1 month ago

        The fact is the Ottomans did not give Lord Elgin permission to take the marbles.. he just did it. That is a historical fact. That being said, the Turks violated Greece in so many ways.. and still does to this very day. The English government is certainly a major enemy of Greece, same as the U.S. government (the most vile and evil government in history). Give the marbles back London. Venice give back our treasure you looted in 1204. Turks give Constantinople and Smyrna back! Barbarians all!
        Notice the victim mentality here. And everyone has to give baby grko everything baby grko desires from a ventian teet to a city that never belonged to them. And everyone is a barbarian. Read on it gets even more typical when a Macedonian steps in:

        1 month ago

        Freedom and human rights for the Macedonians in Greece!

        Give us back our land!

        1 month ago

        FYROM A COMMUNIST DREAM: Communist leader Dimitrov' Secret Diary, "we talk about Macedonian Nation which consists of Bulgarians, Serbs and Greeks? Is it possible for Macedonia to exist as an independent state or in the frame of the confederation of Southern Slavs, regardless of the ETHNOGRAPHICAL CONCOCTION that it is?"

        FYROM people are not Macedonian - they were used first by Bulgaria and then by the Communists to try to control the Greek North Aegean

        Here is where someone with common sense steps in and steps on the imposter hellenes feeble tales of mythistory:

        1 month ago The Greeks of today have about as much in common with the Greeks who built the Parthenon, as today's average Englishman has with the people who built Stonehenge.

        So it's a rather weak argument to claim that the Parthenon sculptures "belong" to today's Greeks. Most ethnologists state that today's average Greek is really only a small part "ancient" Greek, but instead a mixture with Slavic and Turkish blood.
        1 month ago boy18inva hehehehehehehehehe what a unhistoric hypocrite liar you foookn are!

        where the hell did you think of all of this crap?heheheheheheh

        mix of turks mix of slavs ? were a remix WOW

        Parthenon sculptures DO AND WILL ALWAYS BELONG TO US GREEKS,

        HYPOCRITE MORON!go to sleep with obama maybe he will tell you another story
        2 weeks ago FUCK YOU, British Museum! There is NOTHING "British" about you, you should be called Looters Museum. Fuck Elgin and the whole Elgin family!
        2 weeks ago

        @boy18inva ok.... time out !!

        -Comparing the Stonehenge with the parthenon?? go commit a suicide pal

        -Weak argument that Sculptures *belong* to Greeks?? yeah right so silly of me to think that you own your grandparents house/items after they pass away...

        -Mixture of Slavic and Turkish blood?? Yeah thats why we love each other so much .. not our fault your family hate you so much!! Nationality aint some cocktail!! Of course WE ARE NOT the ancient Greeks thats WHY we call them ANCIENT -WE R GREEKS
        Oh the hatred for a few marbles lol. These idiots have lost their marbles since the 19th century when King Otto called his Albanian subjects Hellenes and they went nuts trying to figure out what that derogatory name meant lol. Here's more racism and denial:

        1 week ago


        Exactly right, Those sculptures belong to Greece regardless of the racial purity of modern Greeks, Last time I checked Brits were "Germano-Celts and south Asians" with no Hellenic ancestry..

        Anybody who says "mix of turks" doesn't know history, Christian men could not marry Muslim women in the ottoman empire, The only people with greek ancestry mixed with Turk is the "Turks" of Turkey.. Only the Pontics have some traces of Scythian in them and it predates the "Oghuz turks"..
        Check out the flag comment here:
        1 week ago @nikoz78

        America and Britain is the birthplace of Philhellen heroes like Lord Byron, The Common people in Western Europe and america have always been our friends and admirers (pupils almost) much like the Latin Romans of antiquity , but their politicians and Kings have often been our enemies...

        Its true that the "establishment" in London and Washington, Even Paris and Berlin is not to be trusted ,Which is why I dislike our flag since it is essentially a blue British East-Indo company flag

        Now here's more revelations from the same idiot that he's actually Albanian who believes he is a hellene lol
        1 week ago


        The communist regime conditioned them to hate us, using everything from "bogus historical revisionism" and milking the crap out of the Cham issue...

        I descend of Constantinopolian Rumlars and have some arvanite ancestry, Most albanians of Albania seem to be paranoid uncultured Hellenephobes.. I have in recent years been able to forgive the Turks (as a people) for 1955 and instead I blame their "corrupt gov & stratocrat military" for wronging my family way back.
        And now the Albanian claims he is a Macedonian somehow lol confused rat heads lol
        1 week ago


        Macedonians are Greek you dumb ass, How can we deny freedom and rights to ourselves?
        1 week ago


        The only people with greek ancestry mixed with Turk is the "Turks" of Turkey

        Those artifacts belongs to Greece and it is the property of the Greek state and was taken without even the approval of the Ottoman Governor back in the day, Our "blood" is irrelevant we are the rightful inheritors of ancient Greece wither you like it or not...

        Muslim could not marry Christian men, So no "miscegenation" occurred the ottoman empire, All Janissaries were kicked out a century ago
        Here's what most of these rat heads are very typical of. Attacking someone personally because they suffer from an inferiority complex as well as an identity crisis:

        7 months ago 4 @judyroodi what about ur own misery JUNKIE? are you still looking for albanian and greek junkies in Monastiraki?? i heard junkies are incredibly miserable persons without love and attention from their FAMILIES youtube is like a narcotic to you isn't it? where you can draw at last some attention it would be a great accomplishment for you to trick greeks with ur fake accounts and you call that fun? i wonder hasn't somebody explained to you that its LOVE that makes people happy ?...obviously not,


        • TrueMacedonian
          • Jan 2009
          • 3823


          Attacks on Immigrants on the Rise in Greece

          Published: December 1, 2010

          ATHENS — A wave of violent attacks against immigrants by suspected right-wing extremists has put Muslims and the police on alert in rundown parts of Athens with burgeoning migrant populations.

          Immigrants have been beaten and stabbed near central squares, and several makeshift mosques have been burned and vandalized. In the most grievous attack, at the end of October, the assailants locked the door of a basement prayer site and hurled firebombs through the windows, seriously wounding four worshipers.

          “The attacks are constant — I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Naim Elghandour, who moved to Athens from Egypt in the 1970s and now heads the Muslim Association of Greece. “I used to be treated like an equal. Now I’m getting death threats.”

          Tensions in neglected, crime-ridden parts of Athens with growing immigrant communities have been mounting over the past two years. Highlighting expanding public discontent, the extreme right-wing group Chrysi Avgi, or “Golden Dawn,” won its first ever seat on the Athens City Council in local elections three weeks ago. The group mustered strong support in working-class neighborhoods in the capital and elsewhere in Greece by describing migrants as a drain on the economy, which is reeling from a debt crisis, and calling for immediate deportations.

          The Greek news media linked the group to the violence after a spray-painted cross merged with a circle — a symbol used by extreme rightists worldwide — was found on the wall of a firebombed prayer site. But the police have not confirmed a connection, saying no arrests have been made. The group did not respond to requests for comment.

          Thanassis Kokkalakis, a police spokesman, said the problem was complex. He said that while “extremist elements” were believed to be behind certain attacks, there was also violence between migrants of different ethnic origins, muggings of Greeks by poverty-stricken foreigners and clashes between extreme rightists and left-wing protesters.

          “All this chaos stems from a constantly growing population of immigrants in these areas,” said Mr. Kokkalakis, noting that about 150 migrants arrived in Athens daily despite the mobilization of European Union guards in early November at Greece’s land border with Turkey. “The upheaval has fueled aggravation among residents, which is being exploited by extremist groups.”

          The residents of the problem areas are divided: Some want dialogue and better policing, while others are taking matters into their own hands. Elderly and middle-aged residents often sit in local squares during the daytime, shouting abusive statements at migrants when they go by. Small gangs of teenagers stalk the neighborhoods by night, but it remains unclear if they are locals or visiting extremists.

          The police have stepped up patrols following reports of attacks by vigilantes who, locals say, are as young as 14. “I saw three kids bashing an Afghan man with wooden poles until blood ran down his face,” said Muhammad, the Syrian manager of a convenience store in Aghios Panteleimonas, once a lively neighborhood, now a no-go zone. Like other migrants living in the area, he would not give his surname for fear of reprisals.

          The exact number of attacks remains unclear. “The victims are usually too scared to go to police,” said Thanassis Kourkoulas, a spokesman for Deport Racism, a group that offers targeted migrants advice and support.

          Others say this reflects a general trend in Europe. “Hate crimes against Muslims are underreported and underrecorded,” said Taskin Soykan, who advises the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on combating racial intolerance.

          The attacks in Greece mirror similar incidents in other European countries, including Switzerland, where a referendum last November led to a ban on the construction of minarets on mosques, and in France and Italy, where the authorities have deported Roma residents and immigrants.

          “The difference in Italy is that most of the attacks were in the provinces, while in Greece they are in the heart of the capital, which is potentially far more explosive,” Liz Fekete of the Institute of Race Relations in London said. “The common factor is the formation of vigilante groups, egged on by the far right.”

          Angry protesters, including some thought to be right-wing extremists, had to be restrained by the police last month when thousands of Muslims congregated in several Athens squares for a religious festival. At one site, officers fired tear gas to disperse a small group of demonstrators, who continued their protest from the balconies of apartment complexes, pelting worshipers with eggs and playing loud music to disturb the prayers.

          The day after the protests, government officials said a stalled project to build an official mosque was back on track. Athens is the only capital of the original 15 E.U. member states to lack a state-approved mosque.

          Although the country’s influential Orthodox Church has given its support to the project, opinion polls show that half of Athens’s five million residents oppose the creation of a mosque to serve the capital’s Muslim community, which numbers about 500,000.

          “A large mosque with minarets in the city center will be a provocation,” said Dimitrios Pipikios, the head of a residents’ group in Aghios Panteleimonas, where Chrysi Avgi drew 20 percent of the vote in recent elections.

          Mr. Pipikios said the only way to ease tensions was to deport immigrants. “There is no room for us all,” he said, adding that extreme rightists were patrolling the area “because the police are not doing their job.”

          Other residents said they felt intimidated. “The situation is totally out of control,” said Maria Kanellopoulou, who wants not deportations but the better social integration of immigrants.

          The local authorities are determined to tackle the problem, said a spokesman for Giorgos Kaminis, the newly elected mayor of Athens.

          “Chasing immigrants away from city squares is an established technique of extreme rightists, and we are seeking advice on how to deal with it,” said the spokesman, Takis Kampilis, who has approached the municipal authorities in Germany, who have averted similar campaigns by neo-Nazis. The new mayor is also planning to improve health care and housing for migrants and organize street markets where they can legitimately sell wares rather than touting illegally on street corners.

          Ms. Fekete said increasing integration would help, but to stamp out extreme violence, local and central governments must condemn it in strong terms. “If the authorities do not speak out, public tolerance of the violence will grow,” she said. “This is a wake-up call.”


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
            Mr. Pipikios said the only way to ease tensions was to deport immigrants. “There is no room for us all,” he said, adding that extreme rightists were patrolling the area “because the police are not doing their job.”
            I agree. They should start with the 1,000,000 former Turkish nationals that came to Greece 80 years ago.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


            • TrueMacedonian
              • Jan 2009
              • 3823

              Let's revive this thread.

              Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristou is expelled from her national team after posting comments on Twitter which were deemed racist.

              Greek Olympian Papachristou expelled for 'racist tweet'

              Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristou has been expelled from her country's Olympic team over comments she posted on Twitter which were deemed racist.

              Papachristou was due to compete in the London 2012 Games, which officially start this Friday.

              But the Hellenic Olympic Committee said her posts mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party went against the Olympic spirit.

              Papachristou has apologised for the "unfortunate and tasteless joke".

              As well as the comment on Sunday referring to the West Nile virus and Africans living in Greece, Papachristou had also reposted a tweet by Ilias Kasidiaris, a politician with the far-right Golden Dawn party, criticising Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's stance on immigration.

              She had previously retweeted several links to videos promoting the views of Golden Dawn, which won 7% of the vote in Greece's recent elections, and had directly communicated online with Mr Kasidiaris.

              Mr Kasidiaris gained notoriety for slapping one left-wing woman politician and throwing water over another, during a heated debate on a television show.

              Papachristou tweeted him on his name day last week: "Many happy years, be always strong and true!!!"

              'A mistake'

              The athlete's remarks had prompted calls from the public and within the Greek government for her to be thrown out of the team.

              The head of the Greek committee, Isidoros Kouvelos, said the 23-year-old had "showed no respect for the basic Olympian value".

              "She made a mistake and in life we pay for our mistakes," he told Skai TV.

              Earlier in the week, Papachristou had responded online, saying "that's how I am" and that she was not like a stuck CD: "If I make mistakes, I don't press the replay! I press Play and move on!"

              But in a statement on her Facebook page and Twitter on Wednesday, Papachristou said she was "very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights".

              She apologised to her friends, family, fellow athletes and the national team, but said it would not have been possible for her to compete if she did not support the values of the Games.

              "Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races."

              The Greek committee said she had been "placed outside the Olympic team for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement".

              However, her coach George Pomaski said the punishment had been too harsh and she had already apologised.

              "This is a big disappointment not only for her but for her family and for myself, and anyone involved in the Greek team," he said.

              Mr Pomaski said he had been unable to contact Papachristou for several hours.

              The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says Greece is experiencing a sharp rise in racism, with the popularity of right-wing parties such as Golden Dawn soaring.

              The government has come under pressure to crack down on racism in all domains, including sport, says our correspondent.

              Mark Lowen

              BBC News, Athens

              The mood among Greece's Olympic team was already delicate: athletes have battled through tough conditions due to the spending cuts and the country is sending its smallest team to these games for the past 20 years. Now Greece has lost one of its medal hopefuls on the eve of the Olympics.

              But the Greek Olympic Committee was under pressure to act. Human rights groups have lambasted the government for not doing enough to clamp down on racism: anti-immigrant attacks have increased as Greeks have hit out during the recession and the extreme right - many say neo-Nazi - Golden Dawn party has soared in popularity, entering parliament for the first time in its history.

              So calls are growing louder here for Greece to show its other face: open, welcoming and tolerant; a country that rejects racism in any sphere. Voula Papachristou's expulsion will be seen as an example of that.


              • TrueMacedonian
                • Jan 2009
                • 3823


                Immigrants march in Greece against racist attacks
                Reuters – Fri, Aug 24, 2012.

                ATHENS (Reuters) - Thousands of immigrants marched in Athens on Friday to protest police sweeps and a rash of racist attacks in Greece as the country struggles to pull itself out of a huge debt crisis.

                Greece is a major gateway for mostly Asian and African migrants trying to enter the European Union. They face increased hostility as the country struggles through its deepest post- World War Two recession and record unemployment, propelling the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party to parliament for the first time since the fall of a military junta in 1974.

                About 5,000 protesters marched to parliament holding banners reading "No Islamophobia" and "Neo Nazis out!" in one of the biggest anti-racism marches in Athens in recent years.

                Tensions between immigrants and Greeks have risen sharply in recent months and the demonstration was held a day after police detained hundreds of undocumented immigrants in the western city of Corinth as part of a nationwide sweep and held them in a former army camp.

                The move enraged local authorities and residents who rallied outside the army camp to protest against its conversion into an immigrant detention center.

                "We will do everything possible to prevent such a disaster," Corinth's mayor Alexandros Pnevmatikos told Skai TV. "We don't want the camp, which is in the centre of the city, close to densely populated neighborhoods, to become a holding center".

                Far-right protesters and supporters of Golden Dawn clashed with police at the entrance of the camp on Thursday and hundreds of protesters, including small groups of ultra-nationalists, returned to protest on Friday. Some hurled bottles of water at a conservative deputy visiting the camp.

                Police this month launched a sweep operation called "Xenios Zeus" after the ancient Greek god of guests and travelers. They have so far arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants.

                Racist attacks against immigrants have increased in Greece since the economic crisis flared in 2009, according to pro-immigrant groups which accuse the police of turning a blind eye.

                Human Rights Watch said in a report last month that it had interviewed 59 people who suffered or escaped a racist incident between August 2009 and May this year. But the advocacy group added that the true extent of xenophobic violence in Greece was not clear given many victims do not report the crimes.

                (Reporting by Renee Maltezou; Editing by Jon Hemming)


                • TrueMacedonian
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3823


                  From beatings to Tweets, racism on the rise in Greece

                  By Andy Dabilis for Southeast European Times in Athens -- 06/08/12

                  A backlash against waves of immigrants using Greece as a jumping off point to enter Europe has led to a surge in racist-driven assaults, a report from US-based Human Rights Watch group claimed, and political leaders said they are fearful that extremist groups are trying to create a fascist state.

                  In a report entitled Hate on the Streets -- Xenophobic Violence in Greece, which came out after six months of research in Athens and other Greek cities, lead researcher Judith Sunderland said the group found at least 300 attacks in three months against Asian and African immigrants, including brutal beatings of teenage boys and pregnant women by gangs of men.

                  Anti-immigrant fervor has grown in Greece because of a devastating economic crisis that has seen pay cuts, tax hikes and slashed pensioners leaving Greeks worried about their futures, while rising crime has been blamed on immigrants by groups such as the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.

                  There are an estimated 1 million immigrants, many of them illegal, in Greece, a country with a population of 11 million.

                  "We hope we can convince them this is important even in the midst of an economic crisis because if they don't address it now, it will get worse … you have gangs of thugs roaming around attacking people," Sunderland, who met with ministry of public order and citizen protection officials, told SETimes.

                  The report noted that no one has been convicted under Greece's 2008 statute on hate crimes, and police have failed to protect victims of racist assaults and punish perpetrators. Human Rights Watch called on the new coalition government to create a plan to combat racism, including training for police officers -- 50% of whom were said to have voted for Golden Dawn, and several of which recently were charged with beating an Afghan immigrant.

                  Golden Dawn, which won 18 seats in parliament on a platform to rid Greece of immigrants, has been linked to a number of the assaults. The party was also found to be behind a racist Tweet declaring that mosquitoes carrying the deadly West Nile virus would find "homemade food" in African immigrants. The tweet was forwarded by Greek triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou, who was expelled from the Greek Olympic team just before the London Games.

                  The party, which has set up soup kitchens and organised protection groups to galvanise support, has vehemently defended its tactics.

                  "The only racism in Greece is the racism against the Greeks. Anybody who says even a word against illegal immigrants is held up to public ridicule ... it would be more honest to pass a law condemning everybody who has different views to death by stoning," the group said in a statement.

                  There's little sympathy for immigrants in the country. The government has rounded up thousands of unlawful immigrants and is constructing detention camps to hold them. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said one of his priorities is to empty Greece of immigrants he said don't belong in the country.

                  "We must take back our cities," he said, declaring immigrants to be a "disease." He said he also wants to limit or revoke some rights granted to immigrants and their children who were born in Greece.

                  "The matter of racist violence is not on the government's agenda," Costis Papaioannou, head of the National Committee for Human Rights, told SETimes.

                  Joe Osamuyi, a 43-year-old Nigerian immigrant, said he has experienced discrimination in his 16 years in Greece, but not the level of violence against foreigners that happened late one night recently at a bus stop where he was waiting. An immigrant next to him, he said, was suddenly pummeled by a group of attackers.

                  "They didn't say it but you know it was Golden Dawn," he told SETimes.

                  "Golden Dawn is just a distraction, they are cashing in on the misery and corruption," leaving Greeks fretful for their futures, he said. Osamuyi, a computer scientist who said he could only find work bussing tables in Greece waiting tables, said, "In my workplace there is racism and you hear words of prejudice."
                  There are no signs racism is abating. Golden Dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris -- who is charged with assaulting two leftist MPs during a live TV show before the June 17th elections where he won a seat -- said that Greece's enemies want to turn the country into a "wretched protectorate inhabited by sub-humans with no conscience, country or culture," and called for land mines to be laid along the country's borders.

                  "The issue of racism in Greece is complex. There is a dangerous escalation of racist violence against refugees and migrants," and some groups are trying to take advantage of uneasiness in Greece, Ketty Kehayioylou, an information officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Athens, told SETimes.

                  "The economic crisis caused frustration and social unrest to an emotionally-charged population that looks for scapegoats," she added. UNHCR set up a pilot programme late last year to monitor attacks, and said then that racist violence "is spreading at a terrifying pace, and threatens the country's already damaged social cohesion."

                  Javied Aslam, who heads a Pakistani immigrant group affiliated with the Athens-based Campaign Against Racism, told the Human Rights Watch researchers that he and five other immigrants were brutally beaten by attackers who forced their way into seven homes, assaulting occupants and destroying property.

                  "These are fascist gangs and someone has to stop them," he said.


                  • TrueMacedonian
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 3823

                    Early on Sunday morning a group of fascist thugs murdered a 19-year-old Iraqi on the streets of Athens.

                    Racist murder in Greece reflects rising neo-Nazi influence

                    By Christoph Dreier
                    15 August 2012

                    Early on Sunday morning, five dark-clad figures mounted on four motorcycles rode through the neighborhood of Omonia Square in central Athens, hunting down immigrants. Upon encountering a 19-year-old Iraqi, they beat him with their fists and stones and stabbed him several times with a knife. The young man died the same day in a hospital.

                    This racially motivated murder is the brutal culmination of a systematic manhunt of immigrants organized by the state in recent weeks. The motorcycle gang had already attacked a Romanian and a Moroccan in the same district, unmolested by the police. The first two victims were able to get to safety in time, however.

                    The murder in Athens is part of a wave of racist violence in Greece. On Saturday a violent attack was launched against a group of Pakistanis in Heraklion, Crete. Shops owned by migrants in the port city of Piraeus have been repeatedly attacked. Smoke bombs were hurled into one shop that that also serves as a mosque.

                    Five hundred immigrants have been admitted to hospital due to racist attacks in the first half of 2012. According to reports in the newspaper Ta Nea, based on various non-governmental organizations, this is nearly double the total of victims of similar attacks over the same period last year.

                    These attacks are the direct result of a government policy supported by the EU. Just a week before the murder, 4,500 policemen were involved in a major operation to hunt down migrants. They took 6,700 foreign-looking people into custody and interned 1,555 in special camps where they are now awaiting deportation. Hundreds have already been deported.

                    The minister responsible for civil protection, Nikos Dendias of the conservative New Democracy party, justified the manhunt by comparing immigrants to “occupiers” in “the biggest invasion that Greece has ever experienced.” With such repulsive comments, the minister encouraged attacks on migrants and put the perpetrators of fascist attacks on immigrants on a par with resistance fighters during Nazi occupation in World War II.

                    In recent years the fascist party Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn), which plays a leading role in the attacks on immigrants, has been systematically built up by various Greek governments. In 2004, Ta Nea had already reported on close ties between the fascists and the state apparatus.

                    The fascist party works closely with the police. In demonstrations by leftist or anarchist groups, police officials handed batons and radios to the fascists so they could provoke violence. In addition, police have allowed members of Golden Dawn to carry various weapons.

                    Golden Dawn member Antonios Androutsopoulos—who murdered a leftist student activist in 1998—was able to avoid capture for seven years, very probably with the assistance of the police. He was eventually apprehended in 2005. Although more people were involved in the murder, only Androutsopoulos was prosecuted.

                    Also in 1998, the Eleftherotypia newspaper reported that race riots in Thessaloniki had been organized by “racist forces within the police.” No one was arrested after the riots.

                    This list of collaboration by the police with the fascists could be extended up to the present. In the last elections, the daily To Vima reported that 50 percent of police officers voted for Golden Dawn.

                    Greece’s migrant rights’ organization Expel Racism has reported hundreds of cases where police officers watched by idly during attacks on migrants. There have also been reports of foreigners being beaten in police stations, and police officers giving residents the telephone number of Golden Dawn when they complained about immigrants.

                    “We are scared to go on the streets,” one migrant told the daily newspaper Kathimerini. “It’s Ramadan, we were invited to dinner, but we will not go. If we go out we will be intercepted either by the police or Golden Dawn.”

                    The German newspaper Die Welt reported on a woman from Georgia who was sexually threatened in Athens by a member of Golden Dawn. After they went to the police, the man returned in the evening accompanied by officers from the local station and boasted: “Do you see now who my friends are?”

                    The Greek government—New Democracy (ND), together with the social-democratic PASOK and Democratic Left (DIMAR) parties—supports the fascist forces in order to create a political atmosphere in which any popular opposition can be violently attacked. Their foremost goal is to prepare the brutal suppression of any movement in the working class against the unpopular austerity measures demanded by the EU, which have wrecked the Greek economy.

                    The social attacks undertaken by the government, which have already led to widespread misery and poverty and are to be intensified, are increasingly incompatible with even the forms of democratic rule.

                    Under conditions where bourgeois “left” parties such as SYRIZA have blocked the emergence of mass working class struggles against the EU and the policies of the Greek bourgeoisie, fascistic forces can pose as the only alternative to the existing political set-up. As social tensions grow, the ruling elite promotes ever more right-wing forces, and bourgeois rule assumes an ever more dictatorial character.

                    In this context there have been demands raised for a ban of Golden Dawn, notably by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muiznieks. Noting that Golden Dawn is among the “most overtly extremist and Nazi party in Europe,” he has asked the Greek government to “probe the legality of the party,” according to Kathimerini.

                    Such a ban, however, would not afford any protection for migrants or put an end to the influence of far-right forces. Indeed, they are tied to and protected by the very security forces of the Greek bourgeois state that such a ban would task with repressing Golden Dawn.

                    Instead it would strengthen the state apparatus and provide an excuse to criminalize political opponents and disband oppositional and leftist political organizations. This would strengthen the apparatus of repression and lead rapidly in the direction of authoritarianism.

                    The defense of immigrants’ rights requires the mobilization of the working class to fight the austerity policies of the EU and the rising influence of fascist forces. This struggle can only be successful when it is based on a socialist struggle against capitalism, which is increasingly turning towards the most right-wing elements.


                    • TrueMacedonian
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3823

                      Welcome to Greece RACISM - YouTube


                      • TrueMacedonian
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 3823

                        Greek neonazi leader denies the Holocaust (repulsive) - YouTube


                        • TrueMacedonian
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3823

                          Golden Dawn on CBS channel... - YouTube


                          • TrueMacedonian
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 3823

                            What can we say about racism in modern grcija that we haven't already said? This is what two grks have to say:


                            • TrueMacedonian
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 3823

                              BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                              According to Panayote Dimitras, spokesman of the anti-racism campaign group the Greek Helsinki Monitor, racism in Greece is deep-rooted.

                              "Greek national culture is one that believes there is a superiority of the Greek nation which is a continuous descendent of the ancient Greeks, and when you think like this about yourself it is very easy to think that the others are inferior," he says.

