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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 2642

    Originally posted by makedonska_kafana View Post

    dear friends,

    this year for the fifth time will be arranged folk festival "playfully oro 2011" which will be held from 01.07. To 05.07.2011 in ohrid macedonia.
    On the occasion of this festival we want to invite you to participate in our esteemed festival.

    Terms of uchestvanje the festival are:
    -the number of participants is limited
    -age is not limited
    -ensemble must have prepared two counts of folklore after 15 min
    accommodation in 2,3,4-bed rooms each with bathroom and wc

    the organizer of the festival provides:
    - 20 dancers, 1 gratis.
    - prizes for the winner of the festival.
    - souvenir for each participant.
    - sandwiches and soft drinks during the performance.
    - professional guides for learning about the city.
    - reception by the mayor.

    - 1 day (1:07), welcoming the participants
    - 2 day (2:07)-city tour, parade of ensembles 19:00 h
    - 3 days (03,07)-free day at the beach, at 20:00 h opening ceremony of the festival
    - 4 day (04.07) -09:00 h visit to the monastery of st. Naum at 20:00 h and performance awards
    - 5 day (05:07), sending guests

    please share to report no later than 04/01/2011 year. And until 30.04.2011 year. To send us audio and video material and to confirm your participation to be able to send you an official invitation. Groups that wish to extend their stay we can provide you with adequate recompense.

    Ogragnizatorot festivalalot the ensemble is "filigree"-ohrid-the cooperation of the ministry of culture and municipality of ohrid.
    Festival organiser ensemble “ filigrani ”-ohrid

    main festival coordinator: Juzmeski ljupco 00389 70 974 126
    [email protected]

    event of the year!

    Macedonia for the Macedonians


    • Makedonska_Kafana
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2010
      • 2642

      St. Clement Banquet Centre
      76 Overlea Boulevard
      Toronto, ON

      Macedonia for the Macedonians


      • Makedonska_Kafana
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 2642

        Who are the Greeks - a Macedonian Perspective

        By Risto Stefov
        [email protected]
        January 16, 2011

        Some of you have asked me to write about the Modern Greeks and what they really think of themselves and their neighbours; a subject which I have often touched on but have never fully delved into.

        I would have to say that, as a general rule, it is none of my business to gossip about people unless of course they give me reason to. Believe me the Greeks have given me plenty of reasons to not only to analyze them forwards and backwards without feeling guilty, but to talk about them as I see fit. In fact I would go as far as saying, “It is imperative to know thy Greeks as seen through the eyes of at least one Macedonian!”

        Like every other people in the world, typical Greeks fall into a number of categories; but the only categories of interest to me are those who interfere in the affairs of the Macedonian people. These Greeks fall into two distinct categories, the clueless and the ones leading the clueless.

        I used to think that every Greek out there knew the truth, especially about themselves, and “stood their ground” because of “self interest and self preservation”. But with time I have discovered that it is not always the case. Yes it is true that there are many Greeks who know their own true narrative but because of “self interest” have chosen to defend their mythical narrative; an alternate reality which puts them at an advantage over others, but which unfortunately comes into collision with the Macedonian narrative.

        In order for these Greeks to convince themselves that what they are doing is right they need to convince the rest of the Greeks to follow them in their quest. For example there are many Greeks today who know they are not Greeks of the type that are direct descendants from the ancient Greeks from 2,600 years ago, but are more like Greeks by circumstance who became Greeks by force when they were brought to Greece from Asia Minor or from the Caucasus to colonize Macedonia . Or they were Albanians or Vlachs gripped by the chokehold of 19th century nationalism which turned them into Greeks. In any case, it is irrelevant how these people became Greeks, but the fact that they are in an ideal position in Greek society today gives them ample reasons to defend their “assumed” position by defending the status quo i.e. that they are Greeks who descended from the ancient Greeks or more lately, they are Greeks who descended from the ancient Macedonians.

        And of course they have their followers, the clueless Greeks who believe everything they tell them. How does one recognize a clueless Greek? By the way they react to new information.

        Just recently I received the following “typical” e-mail from a Greek:






        Well, where do I begin?

        To some degree we are all drones and believe what we are taught or told by the authorities. Why else did we all believe at one point in time that the earth was flat? Yes it is true; the entire world at one point in time knew for a fact that the earth was flat! It knew the truth about the earth being flat just like the entire world today knows the truth about the Greeks being the descendants of the ancient Greeks!

        It was okay to make such claims when there was no evidence to show different. But what about after it had been discovered that the earth was not flat? How should people have reacted? Should they have continued to believe the earth was flat in spite of the evidence showing that it wasn’t?

        Similarly, when no one opposed the “Greek claim” that “Macedonians do not exist” it was believed to be true! More recently however it was proven that “Macedonians do exist”, I am a living example of that. No only do they exist all over the world but Macedonians today have their own country! So what is “the truth” in this case? Do Macedonians exist, as the evidence points out, or do they NOT exist as Greeks like to claim?

        How about examining the Greek claim that the “Modern Greeks are the descendents of the ancient Greeks”. What evidence have the Modern Greeks presented to prove this claim? More importantly, what evidence have the Greeks neglected in an attempt to prove this claim? When one examines all “the facts” it is easy to find the truth. It is a far fetched claim to insist that “the Modern Greeks are the descendents of the ancient Greeks” when evidence points to “the Modern Greeks being the descendents of the 19th century Albanians, Vlachs and of the 20th century Macedonians”.

        There is far more evidence that points to the modern Greeks being the descendents of the Albanians, Vlachs and Macedonians than there is that points to the Modern Greeks being the descendants of the ancient Greeks of 2,600 years ago. I am not saying this because I hate the Greeks and because I am jealous of them. I am saying this because evidence points in that direction!

        But again there are many, many clueless Greeks out there who insist that “this is all wrong” and only the enemies of the Greeks would make such absurd claims and that there is some sort of “information” out there that when it comes out will prove that things are different!

        Unfortunately, for the clueless Greeks, there is no “such”, “more” or “other” information out there that will justify the lies perpetrated by Greek authorities over the last 200 years. If anything does come out it will be more lies to cover up previous lies or to “disclaim” newly uncovered information. A good example of this is Greece ’s stand on the Macedonian question claiming that “Macedonians do not exist”. When the Republic of Macedonia was about to emerge, all of a sudden all sorts of Macedonians were living in Greece ! Even the imported Christian Turkish colonists settled in Greek occupied Macedonia in the 1920’s overnight became “Macedonians” and on top of that, they claimed to be the “descendents of the ancient Macedonians from 2,300 years ago! All this by magic no less! And after decades of saying that “Macedonians do not exist”, what reason did the Greeks have to “invent” these “new” Macedonians of the Greek kind? I will leave this one for you to figure out!

        If these clueless Greeks care to open their eyes they will find the truth, not in any books or in my articles but on the very land they today call Greece . Examine the people from generations back, before Greece became a country for the first time in 1829, and see what language they spoke, what customs and traditions they followed, etc. Look at the geographical names of the land, the villages, towns, cities, lakes, rivers, regions and see what they were called before Greece changed them. If all these people were Greeks, descendants from the ancient Greeks and all these lands were Greek then what reason did the Greek authorities to have to change them? What about the people living in Greece who today speak “Arvanitika”, “Vlahika” and “Makethonika”, are they also descendents of the ancient Greeks? How did they come about to speak those languages if all Greeks of all generations were Greek since 2,600 ago? Are those languages dialects of the ancient Greeks?

        I know some people will argue that language has little to do with descent but then again how did those languages appear in a region where they don’t belong, in a region, which according to Modern Greeks, has always been Greek, where the Greek language has always been spoken? If Modern Greeks are the descendents of the ancient Greeks then they must have always been Greeks and spoke the Greek language without interruption.

        Aside from that it is well known that throughout history, since Philip II’s time, the entire Balkans existed borderless until the 1800’s and were invaded and occupied by at least the Ancient Macedonians, the Romans, the Byzantines and the Ottomans for no less 2,300 years. What happened to the “purity” of the Greek race during that time?

        What about the number of times over the years that Greece, particularly the Peloponnesus, the heart of Greece, was settled by Slavs, Albanians, Vlachs, Latins and so on? What happened to these people? Were they “Hellenized”? And if they were, how does that make them “the descendents of the ancient Greeks”?

        And then we have the 20th century 1,000,000 Christian Turkish colonists who were brought to Greece from Asia Minor and the Caucasus , where they Greeks too, descendents from the ancient Greeks?

        I think there is a huge gap, the size of the Grand Canyon , between what the “truth” is and what the Greeks claim “the truth” to be. This is particularly true in the “Greek thinking” between their claim that “Macedonians do not exist” and their claim that they themselves are “the descendants from the ancient Greeks”.

        Instead of thinking that there is some sort of conspiracy on my part and on the part of people like myself, why not examine the evidence for yourselves and reach your own conclusion about what is “truth” and what is “myth”! If you really think that you are the “superior” people you claim to be, surely then you should be able to separate fact from fiction and discover the truth for yourselves! And please don’t forget to tell me what it is!

        Other articles by Risto Stefov:

        Free electronic books by Risto Stefov available at:

        Our Name is Macedonia

        Macedonia for the Macedonians


        • Makedonska_Kafana
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2010
          • 2642

          2010 CMHL Women's Champions - Macedonian Sun

          Macedonia for the Macedonians


          • Makedonska_Kafana
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2010
            • 2642

            2011 Australian Macedonian Census

            Macedonia for the Macedonians


            • Makedonska_Kafana
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2010
              • 2642

              Macedonian Report Cards – July to December 2010

              Macedonian Truth Forum (B+)
              Macedonian Facebook Groups (B)
              AMHRC (B)
              MHRMI (C+)
              United Macedonian Diaspora (-C)
              Maknews Forum (-C)
              United Macedonians of Canada (D) (major concern over 50 years old)
              Macedonian Youth Organizations (F)



              Only Macedonians not connected to any one organization were asked to rate the above.

              - Alex, what the hell happened to Lubi he was number one last year?
              A - UMD has taken a huge bite out of Maknews readership since June 2010 (major daily decline)

              Not 100% correct, however, twice as many readers for sure ..

              MTO Alexa Traffic Rank: 390,996 world
              MAKNEWS Alexa Traffic Rank: 889,835 world

              UMD Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,231,062 world
              UNITED MACEDONIANS OF CANADA Alexa Traffic Rank: 14,619,873 world
              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-18-2011, 02:25 AM.

              Macedonia for the Macedonians


              • Makedonska_Kafana
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2010
                • 2642

                Macedonia, the fallen of the myths... Orient Express Reporter's debate in Athens
                by Michaelides Yeorgios-Demetrios

                F.Y.R.O.M’s name became the reason to exchange arguments in the discussion that took place in the cafe of the bookshop PUBLIC in downtown Athens. The audience participated in a discussion that examined this issue from a non-nationalistic neither ‘betrayal’ scope. The event was organized by the Greek team of CAFEBABEL, which is the first pan-European web magazine. The debate was part of the Orient Express Reporter on Balkans and Turkey.

                The discussion opened the well-known Greek historian, Mr. Thanos Veremis, Emeritus Professor of Political History in the University of Athens who gave us a small part of his knowledge examining the history of Macedonian region over the last two centuries. Through that the audience became familiar with the socio-political factors that played important role in the formulation of an ethnic identity which was completely independent from the Greeks and Bulgarians. This identity is the Slavo-Macedonian identity.

                Continuing Mr. Thanasis Papandropoulos, Emeritus Intl. President of the Association of European Journalists, analyzed the issue from a journalistic point of view. He referred to his experiences from his visits to the region of what now is F.Y.R.O.M, at the Yugoslav era and examined the inhabitants’ testimonies on their ethnic identity during the last four decades. He concluded his speech expressing his own opinion, and proposing as the best solution for the name dispute the term ‘Northern Macedonia’.

                Next speaker, Mr. Georgios Kokkolis, PhD candidate in Modern Greek Studies at King's College London wanted to challenge the myths that prevail across the two countries. The creation of the problem by Tito of Yugoslavia, the theory of our neighbors in F.Y.R.O.M for being an independent non-Greek Macedonian nation directly related to the ancient tribe of the Macedonians, and the solution for Greece’s national interests to name FYROM as Vardaska are some of the myths and "arguments" that evaporated once passed into the realm of reality.

                Last but not least, Mr. Petros Tatsopoulos, a reputed writer wanted to avoid to repeat views expressed by previous speakers. Thus, he examined the issue from the not being familiar with the dispute nation’s point of view. He storied the political mistakes of past Greek governments, but also the result of Greece's inability to persuade foreigners for something so obvious (for the Greeks) which was finally converted to obscure. According to his opinion he proposed as a fair solution, the name ‘Northern Macedonia’

                The event finished with questions from the audience and a discussion with the speakers. The audience expressed its concern referring to the term ‘Northern Macedonia’ being somehow dangerous for Greece’s Macedonia heritage, taking in consideration the deslavofication process that takes place the present decade in F.Y.R.O.M. Some of the audience proposed as best solution the term SlavoMacedonia. It is important that many ethnic Slav-Macedonians shared their views and opinions, something which helped the ''other side'' to be heard.

                The event proved that when in a discussion exist arguments based on facts and truths and not on myths or sentimentalisms, the outcome can be only positive for both sides. That creates a solid ground on building nations’ friendship and cooperations.

                PHP Code:

                Macedonia for the Macedonians


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13674

                  Do you want to enlighten me and tell the point of posting that piece of trash? I have coded the link, by the way.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15658

                    What a sad circle jerk of a night that must have been.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Makedonska_Kafana
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 2642

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Do you want to enlighten me and tell the point of posting that piece of trash? I have coded the link, by the way.
                      We must see what is being said now and then from the racists in Athens. Not sure where you code links on this menu?

                      - This identity is the Slavo-Macedonian identity
                      If that is the case in Greece it's not all that bad - recognize the truth (minorities)

                      What do you think Vinozito call themselves? A Slav minority
                      Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-18-2011, 09:57 PM.

                      Macedonia for the Macedonians


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13674

                        Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                        We must see what is being said now and then from the racists in Athens.
                        The article is the same old garbage, it didn't reveal anything not already known to us. No need to give some racist maggot free publicity, unless there was a particular point you wanted to highlight.
                        Not sure where you code links on this menu?
                        When you're creating a post, there is a small blue icon that says 'php' - use that to code links leading to moronic websites.
                        - This identity is the Slavo-Macedonian identity
                        If that is the case in Greece it's not all that bad - recognize the truth (minorities)
                        It's not all that bad? I'm surprised to read this coming from someone that has his origins from those parts of (occupied) Macedonia. How many other Macedonians that stem from there would agree with what you just wrote?
                        What do you think Vinozito call themselves? A Slav minority
                        Vinozito refer to themselves as a Macedonian minority, don't they? Where have the called themselves a 'Slav' minority?
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Makedonska_Kafana
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 2642

                          It's not all that bad? I'm surprised to read this coming from someone that has his origins from those parts of (occupied) Macedonia. How many other Macedonians that stem from there would agree with what you just wrote?
                          Many, because when new Greco's claim you don't exist or you're Greek many from 1900-1949 said we're slav people. (no education)

                          Vinozito refer to themselves as a Macedonian minority, don't they? Where have the called themselves a 'Slav' minority?
                          Pretty sure they have used Macedonian Slav minority; however, I may be wrong?

                          Q. Cyril and Metody created a "Macedonian" alphabet or one that includes slavs? Russia uses the Macedonian alphabet? Unless, someone was right there when they created the Cyrillic alphabet we would only be guessing.

                          Macedonians are Macedonians NEVER Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian or anything else so need to add names to complicate it more ie. Macedonian ot koj strana? NEMA STRANI SO MENE!
                          Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-19-2011, 10:33 AM.

                          Macedonia for the Macedonians


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13674

                            Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                            Many, because when new Greco's claim you don't exist or you're Greek many from 1900-1949 said we're slav people. (no education)
                            Just becasue the Greeks have been inventing different names for the Macedonians, it doesn't mean that the latter have to accept them. I don't think many Macedonians from Egej (or with origins from there) would agree with what you wrote. I could be wrong, hope i'm not.
                            Cyril and Metody created a "Macedonian" alphabet or one that includes slavs? Russia uses the Macedonian alphabet? Unless, someone was right there when they created the Cyrillic alphabet we would only be guessing.
                            I'm not sure what you're trying to say with the above, can you clarify?
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Pelister
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2742

                              Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                              Macedonia, the fallen of the myths... Orient Express Reporter's debate in Athens
                              by Michaelides Yeorgios-Demetrios

                              F.Y.R.O.M’s name became the reason to exchange arguments in the discussion that took place in the cafe of the bookshop PUBLIC in downtown Athens. The audience participated in a discussion that examined this issue from a non-nationalistic neither ‘betrayal’ scope. The event was organized by the Greek team of CAFEBABEL, which is the first pan-European web magazine. The debate was part of the Orient Express Reporter on Balkans and Turkey.

                              The discussion opened the well-known Greek historian, Mr. Thanos Veremis, Emeritus Professor of Political History in the University of Athens who gave us a small part of his knowledge examining the history of Macedonian region over the last two centuries. Through that the audience became familiar with the socio-political factors that played important role in the formulation of an ethnic identity which was completely independent from the Greeks and Bulgarians. This identity is the Slavo-Macedonian identity.

                              Continuing Mr. Thanasis Papandropoulos, Emeritus Intl. President of the Association of European Journalists, analyzed the issue from a journalistic point of view. He referred to his experiences from his visits to the region of what now is F.Y.R.O.M, at the Yugoslav era and examined the inhabitants’ testimonies on their ethnic identity during the last four decades. He concluded his speech expressing his own opinion, and proposing as the best solution for the name dispute the term ‘Northern Macedonia’.

                              Next speaker, Mr. Georgios Kokkolis, PhD candidate in Modern Greek Studies at King's College London wanted to challenge the myths that prevail across the two countries. The creation of the problem by Tito of Yugoslavia, the theory of our neighbors in F.Y.R.O.M for being an independent non-Greek Macedonian nation directly related to the ancient tribe of the Macedonians, and the solution for Greece’s national interests to name FYROM as Vardaska are some of the myths and "arguments" that evaporated once passed into the realm of reality.

                              Last but not least, Mr. Petros Tatsopoulos, a reputed writer wanted to avoid to repeat views expressed by previous speakers. Thus, he examined the issue from the not being familiar with the dispute nation’s point of view. He storied the political mistakes of past Greek governments, but also the result of Greece's inability to persuade foreigners for something so obvious (for the Greeks) which was finally converted to obscure. According to his opinion he proposed as a fair solution, the name ‘Northern Macedonia’

                              The event finished with questions from the audience and a discussion with the speakers. The audience expressed its concern referring to the term ‘Northern Macedonia’ being somehow dangerous for Greece’s Macedonia heritage, taking in consideration the deslavofication process that takes place the present decade in F.Y.R.O.M. Some of the audience proposed as best solution the term SlavoMacedonia. It is important that many ethnic Slav-Macedonians shared their views and opinions, something which helped the ''other side'' to be heard.

                              The event proved that when in a discussion exist arguments based on facts and truths and not on myths or sentimentalisms, the outcome can be only positive for both sides. That creates a solid ground on building nations’ friendship and cooperations.

                              PHP Code:
                              It does show us one thing I suppose. It just proves once again the character of Greek 'acadmics' as being liars, imposters and cheats who systematically refer to their acadeimc 'professions' as a sign post of objectivity. What pisses me off is that they do not expect the average person to see the difference between a fair historical account and Greek bullshit.


                              • Makedonska_Kafana
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2010
                                • 2642

                                Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                                It does show us one thing I suppose. It just proves once again the character of Greek 'acadmics' as being liars, imposters and cheats who systematically refer to their acadeimc 'professions' as a sign post of objectivity. What pisses me off is that they do not expect the average person to see the difference between a fair historical account and Greek bullshit.
                                thank you pavle, you got the message

                                - 'acadmics' NOT and just as racist as those who spoon fed them the greco myths
                                Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-19-2011, 11:39 PM.

                                Macedonia for the Macedonians

