Macedonian festivals in Greece during this summer

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  • Bratot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2855

    Macedonian festivals in Greece during this summer

    Organized by the local Macedonian community living in aegean part of Macedonia (today in Greece), invites you to have your attendance at least on one of this fests-fairs, that we commonly call - panagjuri

    This is their program this summer:

    Embore (Kajlarsko) : Saturday July 10
    Έμπορε-Εμπόριο (Ν. Κοζάνης) : 2ο Σάββατο Ιουλίου

    Tiolishta (Kostur) : July 13
    Τιόλιστα-Τοιχιό (Ν. Καστοριάς) : 13 Ιουλίου

    Crvorinovo (Negushko) : July 14 to 15
    Τσαρβορίνοβο-Μαρίνα (Ν. Ημαθίας) : 14-15 Ιουλίου

    Bituse (Lerin) : July 14 to 15
    Μπίτουσε-Παρόρι (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 14-15 Ιουλίου

    Ofcharani (Lerin) : July 19 to 20
    Οφτσάρανι-Μελίτη (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 19 και 20 Ιουλίου

    Sheshtevo (Kostur): July 19 to 20
    Σεστέβο-Σιδηροχώρι (Ν. Καστοριάς) : 19 και 20 Ιουλίου

    Aposkep (Kostur) : July 19 to 20
    Άποσκεπ-Απόσκεπος (Ν. Καστοριάς) : 19-20 Ιουλίου

    Gorna Kotori (Lerin) : July 25 to 26
    Γκόρνο Κότορι-Άνω Υδρούσα (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 25-26 Ιουλίου

    Patel (Lerin) : July 26 to 27
    Πάτελε-Άγιος Παντελεήμωνας (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 26-27 Ιουλίου

    Setoma (Kostur) : July 26 to 27
    Σέτομα-Κεφαλάρι (Ν. Καστοριάς) : 26-27 Ιουλίου

    Spanakopita (Lerin) : 1 to 2 August
    Μπάνιτσα-Βεύη (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 1-2 Αυγούστου

    Krpeshina (Lerin) : August 5 to 6
    Καρπέσινα-Ατραπός (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 5 και 6 Αυγούστου

    Pochep (Maglensko) : August 6 (for Mirko Ginova)
    Πότσσεπ-Μαργαρίτα-Ν.Πέλλας) : 6 Αυγούστου (για τη Μίρκα Γκίνοβα)

    Dolno Kotori (Lerin): 14 to 15 August
    Ντόλνο Κότορι-Υδρούσα (Ν. Φλώρινας) : 14-15 Αυγούστου

    Brandy (Kajlarsko) : 15 August
    Ράκιτα-Ολυμπιάδα (Ν. Κοζάνης) : Περίοδος Δεκαπενταύγουστου

    Neret (Lerin) : 15 August
    Νέρετ-Πολυπόταμος (Ν. Φλώρινας) : Περίοδος Δεκαπενταύγουστου

    Ccgas (Giannitsa): 15 to 16 August
    Τστσγκας-Σταυροδρόμι (Ν. Πέλλας) : 15-16 Αυγούστου

    Kroncelevo (Voden) : August 23-24-25
    Κροντσέλεβο-Κερασιά (Ν. Πέλλας) : 23,24,25 Αυγούστου

    Fire (Maglensko): Last weekend of August
    Πόζαρ-Λουτράκι (Ν. Πέλλας) : Τελευταίο Σαβ / κύριακο Αυγούστου

    Mokren (Lerin) : August 15
    Βαρυκό (Φλώρινας) : 15 Αυγούστου

    And of course, we couldn't pass by the Greek reaction:

    Σκοπιανό φεστιβάλ προπαγάνδας μέσα στην Ελλάδα!

    Εκδηλώσεις στην "Αιγαιατική" Μακεδονία ετοιμάζουν οι Σκοπιανοί για το καλοκαίρι!! Με τις κάμερες στο χέρι οι κύριοι του Maknews και του Ουράνιου Τόξου,

    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot
  • johnMKD
    • Apr 2010
    • 364

    Originally posted by Bratot View Post
    And of course, we couldn't pass by the Greek reaction:

    Σκοπιανό φεστιβάλ προπαγάνδας μέσα στην Ελλάδα!

    Εκδηλώσεις στην "Αιγαιατική" Μακεδονία ετοιμάζουν οι Σκοπιανοί για το καλοκαίρι!! Με τις κάμερες στο χέρι οι κύριοι του Maknews και του Ουράνιου Τόξου,

    Having a look at the the Greek comments mentioned in the article you posted, the Greeks seem to be really pissed off....hahah..
    However, they threat that they will go to these events to destroy them... That would be a total lack of culture! But who is organising these events? Why do the Greeks seem to be so negative against these ones specifically? I've been myself several times in Macedonian festas in Greece and I never saw any problem there, created by Greeks.

    PS-Just a correction, as I was going through the places of the feasts. C'cgas is not part of the Giannitsa region, but of that of Krya Vrysi, as far as I know.
    Last edited by johnMKD; 06-23-2010, 04:30 AM.
    Macedonian and proud!


    • Makedonetz
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 1080

      thanks for the list of festivals Bratot, i will have to check out the ones in Lerin which will be fun

      Man doesnt greece have anything else better to do than bash us all the time? like see the giant sinkhole their debt is dragging them in AHAHAHA.....they shouldnt be jelous we will share our Burek with them ;D
      Makedoncite se borat
      za svoite pravdini!

      "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
      - Goce Delchev


      • Bratot
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2855

        The Greek Nazi dogs organizing protest in order to cancel our festival in Lerin scheduled for 18-19 of july.

        YouTube - ΣΥΝΩΜΟΤΕΣ ΕΡΧΟΜΑΣΤΕ...

        YouTube - Τα πανηγύρια της προπαγάνδας Пропаганда во Македонија

        The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          They should try working instead of loitering.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • mango
            • Feb 2010
            • 142

            Originally posted by johnMKD View Post

            PS-Just a correction, as I was going through the places of the feasts. C'cgas is not part of the Giannitsa region, but of that of Krya Vrysi, as far as I know.
            They follow the Macedonian delineation of localities, not the Greek modern one (source: Nova Zora)

