Tito's birthday celebrated in Stari Kraj

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  • fyrOM
    You know what they say about assuming.

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  • fyrOM
    SF it was what I heard a long time ago from different people so assumed it was correct. It could be completely wrong. I consider him and enemy and not worth the time researching to much. If you know the real reason please share.

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  • sf.
    Originally posted by OziMak View Post
    Tito is his nickname derived from his position of powerful leader he could and did say Ti you(do) To abbreviated common form That ie you do that.
    Is this you being funny? I need to know, so I can calibrate your sense of humour.

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  • Jankovska
    Originally posted by malenka View Post
    She got 5ka so protekcii

    Под небо цветна полјана
    со руен цвеќе послана
    околу гора вековна
    мрачна од старост поспана.

    Скраја под бука рапава
    сива се карпа наѕира
    под карпа чиста ко солза
    студена вода извира.

    Кога над гора скротено
    ноќта се гнезди и паѓа
    во шумот на бистро изворче
    леѓенда стара се раѓа.

    Во време старо, престаро
    во време дамно ајдучко
    турци низ гора одеа
    ајдутин врзан водеа.

    Ден беше златен, есенски
    руенот веќе цветаше
    во синото небо високо
    планински орел леташе.

    Крај извор турци стигнаа
    од коњите се симнаа
    жедни си вода пиеја
    потни си чела миеја.

    Толку останало у некој ќош у главата.

    Haha brilliant. Well remembered. I don't think I got a petka but I remember that poem and being scared of it

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  • malenka
    She got 5ka so protekcii

    Под небо цветна полјана
    со руен цвеќе послана
    околу гора вековна
    мрачна од старост поспана.

    Скраја под бука рапава
    сива се карпа наѕира
    под карпа чиста ко солза
    студена вода извира.

    Кога над гора скротено
    ноќта се гнезди и паѓа
    во шумот на бистро изворче
    леѓенда стара се раѓа.

    Во време старо, престаро
    во време дамно ајдучко
    турци низ гора одеа
    ајдутин врзан водеа.

    Ден беше златен, есенски
    руенот веќе цветаше
    во синото небо високо
    планински орел леташе.

    Крај извор турци стигнаа
    од коњите се симнаа
    жедни си вода пиеја
    потни си чела миеја.

    Толку останало у некој ќош у главата.

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Originally posted by Warrior View Post
    You can shove that in your back side calling me a Yugo or any other shit. I am proud to be Maco and will always be!!

    I want to see the courage in you to say it in my face.

    From WW2 onwards lets say Tito screwed Maco's as i said there are all of sorts of stories about evil. Depends which book your read. Fortunately i havent been privy to any of that stuff. So i cant talk too much about it and i have no doubt lot of Macedonian were hard done or executed, but its one party policy and that is they way it goes. Imagine those laws were in place and you can line up Georgiveski, Ahmeti, Boskovski, Branko etc. Ids say the country would be much stronger immediately.

    From independence onwards we have EU, NATO, Albanians, Bulagarians, Greeks etc. telling us what to do. They have taken our flag away and also our name and most of our dignity! We cant fart in Maco until we get approval from the international body. Is this what free Macedonia is???? Do you really think Macedonia is independent? It has only changed hands from one master to another. Thats it. The new masters are more diplomatic about how they are going to destroy us, which you fail to see.

    I am amazed about the Shiptari theory, obviously you never lived there. They were dirt poor then and begged Maco's for a job. Do you think an Albanian flag was anywhere waved in the Maco territory? Did you think they have had the opprtunity to say we are not Maco's, like they tell us now. If so prove it. I went many times for summer holidays to Skopje via Tetovo and you can see the population there of Shipci, but no Albanian flags.

    It wasnt Tito that sent 300K of that garbage to us either from Kosovo during the war there!! It was our free democracy buddies.

    Tito did not recognise nor did he give independence to Kosovo, the US did. Id like to see those photos that you claim of Albo flags whilst his visit was there. He hated the Albanian side and the borders were always shut with them.

    The past is gone and that society cant flourish in todays environment even though people of the older generation say positive things, that will not take Macedonia forward now, but what is unfortunate the current environment that has been in place for 20 years, has take the country backwards to the edge of non-existence., I was there few weeks ago and people have positive things to say about the past and see no future now with current political system. So why is that???, But obviously its lot worse now and i dont think anyone envisage in the 90's that independence will be as "rosy" as now.
    Calm down Rocky, i didnt call you a yugo-commie. I just said that a lot of the claims and "dreams" Tito's supporters made such as he was hard on the shiptars and that yugoslavia was the fourth strongest army in europe where all Yugo-commie wet dreams/propaganda.

    I have gone over my internet limit and cant go to websites such as youtube, but if you go to Youtube and type "Tito in Pristina" you get to see Tito visit Kosovo and all the shiptars are waving both the Yugoslav flag and the Albanian flag. It is not a lie but a REALITY. Kosovo was serbian controlled and administrated prior to Tito, yet when Tito got into power he practically gave it to the shiptars on a silver platter and kosovo (and to a lesser extent north west macedonia) became the central hub of albanian nationalism and religion as in Albania they were oppressed by Enver Hoxha. As i said earlier thats why the shiptars in Kosovo and macedonia are more nationalistic and more islamic then their kin in albania.
    Those are the facts buddy, Tito gave Kosovo to the shiptars, Tito didnt deport all of the Albanian Nazis from macedonia instead he made them citezens of macedonia (just like Crvenovski did the same in 2001) and Tito apparently allowed many shiptars to migrate from albania into macedonia (just like how crvenovski allowed shiptars from kosovo to migrate to macedonia).

    I found it funny that you talk about all of the problems the macedonians have with their neighbours today and boast how none of this was happening in Tito's years. What are we dumb macedonians going to do? Bury our heads in the sand and dream and hope for Tito to come back from the grave.
    Macedonia may be in a messy situation today, but at least its citezens have the power to choose their destiny. Unfortunately in yugoslavia if you tried that you where sent to prison. The Macedonian people are experiencing the moost freedom ever right now.

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  • Prolet
    Jankovska, DId you get a 5ka too??

    Well Said

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  • Jankovska
    Originally posted by Prolet View Post
    There is a suburb called Ajducka Cesma in Kumanovo :-)
    Skraja pod buka rapava
    Siva se karpa nazira
    A pod karpa cista ko solza
    Studena voda izvira

    Arrrrgghhh can't remember much. It was 32 strofi. I remember coz my mum made me learn it the summer before the school year and than when it comes to it I will just read it and remember it. It was the scaries poem ever!!!

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  • Prolet
    There is a suburb called Ajducka Cesma in Kumanovo :-)

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by OziMak View Post
    RTG if by JoJo you mean Tito sto ubavo si go vikas nagaleno then you are showing what real macos not us call your diaspora ne znajte. Tito is his nickname derived from his position of powerful leader he could and did say Ti you(do) To abbreviated common form That ie you do that.
    He was clearly an interesting historical figure. I have never been terribly interested in him. Having a Belomorska background, he is of little relevance to my immediate people.

    He was just another enemy of the Macedonians as far as I am concerned.

    I give him credit for giving it hard to the Russians though.

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  • Risto the Great
    Actually, I read about it since my last post and he assumed a couple of surnames whilst living incognito:
    Broz then moved to Zagreb, where he was appointed secretary of Metal Workers Union of Croatia. In 1928, he became the Zagreb Branch Secretary of the CPY. In the same year he was arrested, tried in court for his illegal communist activities, and sent to jail.[13] During his five years at Lepoglava prison he met Moša Pijade who became his ideological mentor.[13] After his release, he lived incognito and assumed a number of noms de guerre, among them "Walter" and "Tito"

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  • malenka
    Originally posted by sf. View Post
    This gave me nightmares. I think it has 32 or 36 verses.
    It might have been 30+, but to me it looked like a monster of a poem so it felt even longer. But I did get 5ka for learning it all, only just the begining(I think I can recall the first 10 verses) stuck to it over the years, the rest is gone and replaced with other useless info....like math.

    Thanks Prolet, now that I know the autor's name maybe I can find the rest of it eventually.

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  • fyrOM
    Prolet it is exactly what I said ie its his nickname

    The song that was sung at every train station in Titos Yugoslavia
    Proketa Da E Avstralija

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  • Daniel the Great
    They are crazy, they celebrate his birthday as if he was a Macedonian hero or patriot.

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  • Prolet
    OziMak, Tito is his nickname, his name is Josip Broz, just like Stalin is a nickname not his proper name.

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