One could say you're on the verge of being a complete racist.
WOW, I appear to you to be ONLY "on the verge of being a complete racist - I must be slipping, I am a complete racist with clearly defined boundaries of who is "marriage material", "just dating", "just friends", "just work colleague", ect, and "not at all".
Does your opinion differ if a Macedonian woman married an African-American, Asian, Russian or an individual from any other ethnic group other than Macedonian?
See above. A very clear "acceptable list" and "unacceptable list". Without going into details, let's just say none of Macedonia's immediate neighbours make the "acceptable marriage list". It might give you a clue which list the African-American and Asian would be.
In life, I assume everyone would want the best for their children, providing them with support regardless of the choices they make.
There's the point - not "regardless" ie not a blank cheque. That is the brain-washing lie we are all told is correct, but if one remembers the other motto, that "with freedom comes responsibility",how can they tell you "freedom to choose (a partner) is absolute ie a black cheque ie therefore without responsibility" when freedom (to choose) ALWAYS comes with responsibility?. Logic is like maths - if you stick to the rules it's harder to go wrong.
There a millions of potential marriage partners on the acceptable list so I see no reason to look on any other list for a marriage partner. One needs to remember that one seldom marries just the person - they have parents, siblings, relatives, friends, faith, ect. All these factors come into play in a married life on a daily basis. Are the problems worth it when there are millions of people on the "acceptable list"?
If the first-born child was 'permitted' to date an Albanian, why would the 2nd child then actively and deliberately try to find an Albanian partner? Sounds pretty stupid to me.
It is not that I'm saying the second child would "actively and deliberately try to find an Albanian partner". That would be silly.
What I am saying is that the second child is undoubtedly going to meet the friends/relatives of the first child's partner eg in this case the Albanian, and sometimes travel in these circles then -
1. If this is a likely scenario then it first of all means the second child is spending less time in other (more favourable) circles limiting time/opportunity of meeting favourable people.
2. If an "open acceptance" is the home policy and the first child is already setting a precedent, then if the second child met someone charming who was also Albanian (or whatever the nationality) then it is far more easier in this environment for the second child to say, "Why not? - there is no problem with acceptability", no matter how "not over the moon you are about it".
Whether my attitude is commonplace or not, society would be severely backwards if it did not exist at all. Women would still be discriminated against by law, so too would blacks, immigrants, gays, etc.
If the 'list' were simply defined as "acceptable" and "unacceptable" and all categories of life ie marriage, friends, colleagues, ect were all lumped together then the list would be small and impractical for life.
Even if this were the case (which it wouldn't be because it is illogical and therefore wrong) it would not/could not mean "women would still be discriminated against by law" (I LIKE women) and some "immigrants" would be on the "acceptable list" anyway and gays aren't (at least I don't think so - never met any Maco or other "acceptable list" people who were gay, but I assume they exist) 'some other nationality' ie the point of discussion. But as I said, the list is not that narrowly defined as to lump ALL of life's categories together so there would still be room for Blacks too, just not "marriage material".
The consequence of that is that they will suffer from your narrow minded views, and will inevitably be outcasts in our future community.
That is precisely the point of the brain-washing we are told. The Government/Banking/Business conglomerate known as the NWO is pushing for such a 'open society' through the UN and it's mandates on individual countries/societies. The NWO make little secret of their view of the post industrial world they want
(see my Post009 "Republican Presidential Candidates" thread
Can we get a discussion on this important event?
Personally, I've always been a Ron Paul supporter, I would love to see him win the GOP nomination and see him debate against Obama. Paul's views really appeal to me, and how he has always stood strong with his views and has never changed them even though he has endured a
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, "Creating a New Civilisation: The Politics of the Third Wave".
1. Nationalism
2. Globalisation of Business and Finance
3. 3rd wave economies 'puncturing national sovereignty' ie Global Government ie NWO)
where they clearly state national sovereignty/national identity must be gotten rid of in favour of a global society with no particular identity - "(your) future community" is planned with functioning people who are free of restriction like nationality, religion, special dietary practices, customs ect, hence the desired "don't be racist" and go marry and procreate with anyone and everyone - it's hard to think of nationality when your 1/16th African and 1/16th Asian ect and they've gotten rid of sovereignty and you are then first just a European and then just a person of the world. What did you think the EU is all about - just bailing out Greece.LOL. So excuse us racists who don't share "(your) future community" values and who don't want to forget that we are Macedonian and that Macedonia is more than just a name on a map which could easily later be renamed to 'sector X'. I'm very glad I'm a racist.
Undoubtedly in time those who do not want to conform to the new values will suffer, but I put it too you (read anyone) that those who do conform will also suffer, but maybe in different ways.
If another society doesn't share the values we share, then that is no excuse for us to stoop to their level.
Nor them to stoop to yours.
If they are both in the relationship for the sole reason that they love each other, why is that a problem?
Because they are not on the "acceptable list" and nor are you on theirs. In the coming times it is known that some societies are more resilient to change and will devour others ie breed them out even if it means breeding with them - if you marry an Albanian you and your children become Albanian, he doesn't become Macedonian (or whatever) or those malleable (ie read 'free thinking' societies like the West) will/are also be 'under-bred' (see birth averages in Western countries are between 1.1 to 1.5 where mathematically a society needs an average of 2.1 just to replace itself ie these Western societies are headed for extinction). If your attitude becomes common place then Macedonians could cease to exist.
If they are capable of putting politics aside and essentially 'making it work,' then fair play to them.
That's part of the brain-washing to make all of the above acceptable to people and thus to happen.
You have a few things to learn. Dig around on the internet a bit - it's not all filled with 'kooks' - Newt Gingrich (Republican Candidate) wrote the forward to the book I mentioned earlier. He and many other political/business leaders like him actually believe the stuff I wrote about above so don't say it's just Brian going nuts and pulling it out of his arse or Brian is just spooked by listening to 'kooks' on the internet. Research Newt Gingrich for a start (he could be the next USA President so I'm not telling you to look at some 'Charles Manson' idiot types to lead you to some 'kooky' hole) for yourself, you could be surprised what you find.
Pheww... at least I got all my thoughts down before the Men in Black invade my house and wipe my memory. Or maybe aliens did it...
Phoenix has taught you well, except he forgot to mention I have never said anything ever about aliens, men in black or vampires...well there was my mentioning Al Faid calling the British Royal Family "vampires" meaning in the sense of 'evil users', but I think that hardly counts.
Phoenix is a deceiver - do your own research, it's all on the internet.
You have a few things to learn. Dig around on the internet a bit - it's not all filled with 'kooks' - Newt Gingrich (Republican Candidate) wrote the forward to the book I mentioned earlier. He and many other political/business leaders like him actually believe the stuff I wrote about above so don't say it's just Brian going nuts and pulling it out of his arse or Brian is just spooked by listening to 'kooks' on the internet. Research Newt Gingrich for a start (he could be the next USA President so I'm not telling you to look at some 'Charles Manson' idiot types to lead you to some 'kooky' hole) for yourself, you could be surprised what you find.
Brian, I reckon you'll be in the running for the position of numero uno space cadet in Newt's moon base plans...
Phoenix has taught you well, except he forgot to mention I have never said anything ever about aliens, men in black or vampires...well there was my mentioning Al Faid calling the British Royal Family "vampires" meaning in the sense of 'evil users', but I think that hardly counts.
Phoenix is a deceiver - do your own research, it's all on the internet.
Brian, who is it that's running the chemtrail programs, the GM foods, the crystalising honey agenda, the bugs for food programs, the drones and 'skynet'...hmmm?
WOW, I appear to you to be ONLY "on the verge of being a complete racist - I must be slipping, I am a complete racist with clearly defined boundaries of who is "marriage material", "just dating", "just friends", "just work colleague", ect, and "not at all".
See above. A very clear "acceptable list" and "unacceptable list". Without going into details, let's just say none of Macedonia's immediate neighbours make the "acceptable marriage list". It might give you a clue which list the African-American and Asian would be.
You're one of the first people I've come across who openly admit that they are a racist, and are strangely proud of it. Congratulations, you've stooped to an entirely new level. I understand if some people have their preferences, myself included, however an 'acceptance list' based on ethnic and cultural differences is absurd. Are you forgetting that everyone is human, regardless whether they are Macedonian, Chinese or Ethiopian? You seem to be either severely detached from this world, or still have your head stuck up your own arse? Although, this isn't the first time you've made it clear that you lack emotions and the ability to see people for more than their name or origins.
There's the point - not "regardless" ie not a blank cheque. That is the brain-washing lie we are all told is correct, but if one remembers the other motto, that "with freedom comes responsibility",how can they tell you "freedom to choose (a partner) is absolute ie a black cheque ie therefore without responsibility" when freedom (to choose) ALWAYS comes with responsibility?. Logic is like maths - if you stick to the rules it's harder to go wrong.
There a millions of potential marriage partners on the acceptable list so I see no reason to look on any other list for a marriage partner. One needs to remember that one seldom marries just the person - they have parents, siblings, relatives, friends, faith, ect. All these factors come into play in a married life on a daily basis. Are the problems worth it when there are millions of people on the "acceptable list"?
I have no idea what you are talking about here Brian. What is a brain-washing lie?
So beyond those few million Macedonians across the world, who else owes you the gratitude of appearing on your 'acceptable list.'? Of course differing faiths, ethnic backgrounds and culture can all cause problems in a marriage, but it can also pose the opportunity for 'conflicting' groups to develop a mutual understanding and acceptance. It's when one party dominates that issues may arise, and in this particular scenario, it is the responsibility of the individuals in the marriage to protect their culture and traditions. Get with the times Brian, it's not like the old days where Macedonian men would go to the selo or stari kraj to find a nevesta.
It is not that I'm saying the second child would "actively and deliberately try to find an Albanian partner". That would be silly.
What I am saying is that the second child is undoubtedly going to meet the friends/relatives of the first child's partner eg in this case the Albanian, and sometimes travel in these circles then -
I'm sure the 2nd child would have friends of their own as well, who they may or may not (and I'm only guessing here) spend more time with than the relatives of their siblings partner. As ridiculous as it sounds, I think the 2nd child will probably have friends who aren't somehow linked to their brother or sister-in law.
Note how you used the word 'sometimes'? What happens in the other 50% of cases where the sibling does not 'travel in these circles.'? You seem pretty paranoid Brian, I guess the stock market wouldn't be suited to people like you. I've never heard of the term 'risk' being implied in the context of marriage.
1. If this is a likely scenario then it first of all means the second child is spending less time in other (more favourable) circles limiting time/opportunity of meeting favourable people.
2. If an "open acceptance" is the home policy and the first child is already setting a precedent, then if the second child met someone charming who was also Albanian (or whatever the nationality) then it is far more easier in this environment for the second child to say, "Why not? - there is no problem with acceptability", no matter how "not over the moon you are about it".
Oh ok, so now we also have 'favourable' and 'unfavourable' people to add the dimensions of the 'acceptance list.' See above. Like I said, I highly doubt that the sibling will ditch their own friends to go and spend time with their in-laws. If they do, then good on them..they may make a few more friends. If these individuals are extremely anti-Macedonian, nobody is forcing anyone to make friends with them. As long as the married couple are in the relationship for all the right reasons and place politics aside, then tough luck, it's none of anybody's business. If the parents of the Macedonian were upset with good reason, then I can understand this, but it's not their life, nor is it their choice.
People develop friendships with others based on their personality and chemistry. You should see people for who they really are, not based on their religion, ethnicity, name, etc. If they are an anti-Macedonian slimeball, then their personality should reflect this. However, their origins or name should not form the pre-requisite to an anti-Macedonian individual.
If the 'list' were simply defined as "acceptable" and "unacceptable" and all categories of life ie marriage, friends, colleagues, ect were all lumped together then the list would be small and impractical for life.
Even if this were the case (which it wouldn't be because it is illogical and therefore wrong) it would not/could not mean "women would still be discriminated against by law" (I LIKE women) and some "immigrants" would be on the "acceptable list" anyway and gays aren't (at least I don't think so - never met any Maco or other "acceptable list" people who were gay, but I assume they exist) 'some other nationality' ie the point of discussion. But as I said, the list is not that narrowly defined as to lump ALL of life's categories together so there would still be room for Blacks too, just not "marriage material".
This 'acceptable list' bullshit is becoming a joke. You always seem to find a phrase you like, then repeat it within one post a million times. This paragraph once again proves how backwards your thinking is, something suited to a previous century. Aside from the fact that you evidently didn't understand my point, let's just say you're not exactly the accepting type..regardless of what you may put on your 'acceptance list.' The fact you discriminate against other groups proves that you must be someone from outer space. You're views are definitely on my 'unacceptable list.'
That is precisely the point of the brain-washing we are told. The Government/Banking/Business conglomerate known as the NWO is pushing for such a 'open society' through the UN and it's mandates on individual countries/societies. The NWO make little secret of their view of the post industrial world they want
(see my Post009 "Republican Presidential Candidates" thread
Can we get a discussion on this important event?
Personally, I've always been a Ron Paul supporter, I would love to see him win the GOP nomination and see him debate against Obama. Paul's views really appeal to me, and how he has always stood strong with his views and has never changed them even though he has endured a
Alvin and Heidi Toffler, "Creating a New Civilisation: The Politics of the Third Wave".
1. Nationalism
2. Globalisation of Business and Finance
3. 3rd wave economies 'puncturing national sovereignty' ie Global Government ie NWO)
Save me the links, I'm not going to waste my time reading something that is completely irrelevant to this topic. How does a relationship between a Macedonian singer and Albanian producer lead to a discussion about the New World Order? You complain about some organisation watching us all, then you expect you regulate the lives of your own children (whether you have children or not) by limiting who they can make friends with, socialise with, date, marry, and so on. You are an absolute hypocrite.
here they clearly state national sovereignty/national identity must be gotten rid of in favour of a global society with no particular identity - "(your) future community" is planned with functioning people who are free of restriction like nationality, religion, special dietary practices, customs ect, hence the desired "don't be racist" and go marry and procreate with anyone and everyone - it's hard to think of nationality when your 1/16th African and 1/16th Asian ect and they've gotten rid of sovereignty and you are then first just a European and then just a person of the world. What did you think the EU is all about - just bailing out Greece.LOL. So excuse us racists who don't share "(your) future community" values and who don't want to forget that we are Macedonian and that Macedonia is more than just a name on a map which could easily later be renamed to 'sector X'. I'm very glad I'm a racist.
When did I ever say that I approved of such a world. I value traditions and culture, as well as its' very existence. For what it's worth, many individuals of differing ethnic groups marry their own kind. However, this is often out of preference, and not some stupid 'list' that they must abide by. So go back to reading your conspiracy theories and spare me your scaremongering . I'm still quite amused that you label yourself as a racist. Most racists often deny such a tag and develop other reasons for their particular views..but I guess you are truly a one of a kind.
Undoubtedly in time those who do not want to conform to the new values will suffer, but I put it too you (read anyone) that those who do conform will also suffer, but maybe in different ways.
Hopefully common sense and understanding will prevail.
Because they are not on the "acceptable list" and nor are you on theirs. In the coming times it is known that some societies are more resilient to change and will devour others ie breed them out even if it means breeding with them - if you marry an Albanian you and your children become Albanian, he doesn't become Macedonian (or whatever) or those malleable (ie read 'free thinking' societies like the West) will/are also be 'under-bred' (see birth averages in Western countries are between 1.1 to 1.5 where mathematically a society needs an average of 2.1 just to replace itself ie these Western societies are headed for extinction). If your attitude becomes common place then Macedonians could cease to exist.
What relevance does an 'acceptable list' have when two people wish to marry based on their close relationship. They may be completely accepting people and have no political agenda whatsoever. What if a Macedonian male marries an Albanian woman and dominates the family? Does it all of a sudden become acceptable and favourable to our cause? Albanians marrying Macedonians didn't create the Albanian population in Macedonia. You may not agree, but don't you think giving a free pass to hundreds of thousands of Kosovo refugees has something to do with it? Macedonians will cease to exist if they allow Albanians to dominate on the political playing field, not because of cross ethnic marriages. Do you propose the West adopts another strategy to avoid population decline? Have you even bothered to look how over-populated nations such as China and India are?
That's part of the brain-washing to make all of the above acceptable to people and thus to happen.
You have a few things to learn. Dig around on the internet a bit - it's not all filled with 'kooks' - Newt Gingrich (Republican Candidate) wrote the forward to the book I mentioned earlier. He and many other political/business leaders like him actually believe the stuff I wrote about above so don't say it's just Brian going nuts and pulling it out of his arse or Brian is just spooked by listening to 'kooks' on the internet. Research Newt Gingrich for a start (he could be the next USA President so I'm not telling you to look at some 'Charles Manson' idiot types to lead you to some 'kooky' hole) for yourself, you could be surprised what you find.
Why does there always have to be some kind of 'catch'? Can't you just accept that not everybody has underlying agendas and marry for the sole reason to eradicate an entire ethnicity? I've been around the internet long enough to know that not everyone with differing opinions is a 'kook.' That's something that you seem to have trouble with. I highly doubt that this Newt Gingrich openly declares himself as a racist. Even that is probably far-fetched for a republican candidate.
Phoenix has taught you well, except he forgot to mention I have never said anything ever about aliens, men in black or vampires...well there was my mentioning Al Faid calling the British Royal Family "vampires" meaning in the sense of 'evil users', but I think that hardly counts.
Phoenix is a deceiver - do your own research, it's all on the internet.
Phoenix has taught me that you're a complete peanut. My views are entirely my own. However it's no surprise that a bunch of us here constantly find ourselves disagreeing with what you have to say. I thought all the stuff on aliens and conspiracy theories was a joke (since I don't often take a stroll to 'Brian's Corner')...but on second thought, you have me a little worried Brian.
(Brian)...You're one of the first people I've come across who openly admit that they are a racist, and are strangely proud of it. Congratulations, you've stooped to an entirely new level...
I beg to differ...I think Brian's lowest point was when he insulted all those people who suffer from epilepsy...
My bad, I forgot how low this dog went. Once again proves how insensitive Brian is.
Brian doesn't come across as a person able to readily form relationships, he's too busy looking over his shoulder for the 'men in black' or buried deep in the bunker at DEFCON 1, with cocked pistol in hand...
the relationship may not develop due to incompatibility problems.Can someone keep us informed if they get married??
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Love doesn't have boundaries you can't really choose who you love it is a powerful feeling that you can't control. And as for Brians comments who even reads them lol
Phoenix has taught you well, except he forgot to mention I have never said anything ever about aliens, men in black or vampires...well there was my mentioning Al Faid calling the British Royal Family "vampires" meaning in the sense of 'evil users', but I think that hardly counts.
Phoenix is a deceiver - do your own research, it's all on the internet.
Brian, who is it that's running the chemtrail programs, the GM foods, the crystalising honey agenda, the bugs for food programs, the drones and 'skynet'...hmmm?
Phoenix is a deceiver.
I put it to you (read anyone) that Phoenix is a deceiver.
Let's see what you have done to assertain the validity of the above statement.
1. YOU are the one who introduced words like "Aliens", "Men in BlacK" and "Vampires".
I Have NEVER used these terms other than to refute them.
Point Made: They are ALL YOUR words FIRST and then picked up by others.
2. It is common belief and understanding that these terms - Aliens, Men in Black, Vampires, ect - are fictional and that people who believe in them are mental deficient people who are deluding themselves, insane individuals ie kooky.
Point Made: Aliens, ect are commonly understood to be Kooky
3. You yourself have called these things kooky.
Point Made: You, like most people, understand these things (Aliens, ect) to be kooky.
4. You level these words (Aliens, ect) against me with the intent to make me appear kooky.
Point Made: You want to make me look kooky.
5. You do point 4 with the full knowledge/awareness of points 1 - 3 inclusive as if those words were mine.
Point Made: You try to make-out that those words (Aliens, ect), the kooky ones, are my words with the intent of trying to make me look kooky while knowing/being fully aware they are ONLY YOUR words ie AN ACT OF DECEPTION.
Conclusion: From above points made.
Point 1 - YOU introduced the words (Aliens, ect)
Point 2 - The words (Aliens, ect) are commonly thought of to be kooky.
Point 3 - You yourself call them kooky.
Point 4 - You intend to make me look kooky.
Point 5 - You intend to make me look kooky by making-out the kooky words are mine knowing thy are ONLY YOURS thus engaging in an act of deception.
BY DEFINITION a person engaged in the act of deception is a deceiver.
YOU, Phoenix, have engaged in an act of deception.
Phoenix is a deceiver, the same statement I began with now proven.
A deceiver is also known as a liar.
So now Phoenix, a known liar, highlights the words in my quote at the top, "I have never said anything ever about Aliens, Men in Black or vampires ect. and then adds
Brian, who is it that's running the chemtrail programs, the GM foods, the crystalising honey agenda, the bugs for food programs, the drones and 'skynet'...hmmm?
with the clear implication that EVEN IF I only claim not to have said those (Aliens, ect) kooky words I have indeed said these other things ie in his quote, implying other kooky words because they are at first strange sounding words to anyone unaware of them ie I am still saying kooky things and therefore a kook.
Let's see...
Who is doing...
Chemtrails - USA government
have admitted to experimenting with artificial cloud formation for both cooling ie cloud cover and artificially creating rain ie supposedly for draughts. How is it done? By spaying chemicals high into the air which induce clouds. Kind of sounds like chemtrails but still denies chemtrails. More than likely proven?
GM Foods - Monsato
a multinational agricultural biotechnology company - Proven fact. Are you denying GM foods exist?
Crystallisation of honey - USA Food Companies selling honey
a US university study found most homey brand sold in the USA were either wholly artificial honey made from sugar or heavily tainted with artificial honey - Proven fact. It is suspected it is being done because it's cheaper to make artificial honey and with the unknown world-wide reduction in bees there's just not that much honey being produced. EPA studies show a sharp increase in chemicals/metals/aluminium in ponds, lakes, rivers, wells and underground rivers/basins (via bores). Government knows the EPA statistic but denies this is the reason there are less bees - more poisonous chemicals in the water and in/on plants, less bees around - go figure.
Bug For Food Program - EU
in a EU3million study the EU wants to find which bugs can more easily /economically grown and incorporated into the diet of EU citizens - Proven fact.
Drones and Skynet - USA government
It is common knowledge the USA government uses drone planes in military combat and surveillance - Proven fact.
Recent legislation allows drones to be flown over USA skies for military, police and civilian operations - Proven fact.
Drones are not all little plains - some are quite big, see picture in "Brian's Corner" - Proven fact.
USA government is spending $38 Billion dollars expanding their drone squadrons in place of older jets - Proven fact. Kind of like Skynet all drones in the air??? Proven fact.
A KNOWN LIAR tells you some stuff is kooky.
mmm....sounds strange at first but definitely NOT kooky.
I think I'll take Bill77 advice and not respond to you - a known liar - but I will add shove a stick up your arse and a poo in your mouth - YOU HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY. Period.
Love doesn't have boundaries you can't really choose who you love it is a powerful feeling that you can't control.And as for Brians comments who even reads themlol
LOL? Hahaha!
No BS, I know one guy who married a Greek girl (despite her grand-mother on her mother's side being Macedonian and her Grand-father on her father's side being Macedonian (from the Aegean part) "but we're all Greek") and now their 2 small kids speak perfect Greek and broken Maco worse then a shiptar and refuse to call their grand-parents Baba and Dedo!!!LOL.
I know another guy who married a Chinese girl and nearly everything in their house looks Chinese except for a few ornaments with the current Macedonian flag on them. Their only child looks Chinese.
I'm sure both parents of these guys are "over the moon".
Maybe you should find yourself a nice Chinese girl too vojnik, or better still an African Black, to prove your point and send YOUR parents "over the moon" with joy too.
Don't listen to me - what do I know. Go and do it - then speak!
These idiots aren't going to be married, morons like Tamara don't get married, at LEAST not until they are middle-aged. She is a 'famous person' didn't you guys know?
She is a damn traitor I don't care what any of you 'free choice' commenters have to say. In one topic it's "oh no the shiptars are taking over" and in another topic it's "why shouldn't a pretty Macedonian girl suck an albanian or a serb or greek".
You're one of the first people I've come across who openly admit that they are a racist, and are strangely proud of it.
More people are racist (thank god) than you think, they just don't publicly admit it.
I understand if some people have their preferences, myself included, however an 'acceptance list' based on ethnic and cultural differences is absurd
Not absurd - just logical and practical.
Are you forgetting that everyone is human, regardless whether they are Macedonian, Chinese or Ethiopian?
Didn't say others are NOT human - irrelevant point - Ok to associate with, just not marriage material if they are not on the acceptable list.
(by the way it's not just Macos on that list in case you were under that illusion - details of which I don't need to discuss.)
The mixing of people (physically through migration, and racially by encouraging "don't be racist, we are ALL equal") is a UN policy.
Don't you think it strange that Indians, Chinese, ect have more rights in Australia then an Australian in any of these countries. Try and stop them doing something in Australia and "You're racist" is the first thing you will hear even if the reason you stopped them was for some legal ground - they'll try the 'race card' first to see if you will back-down or put the argument on the other foot to force you to defend yourself first and then tackle their issue. Nobody, including the UN, ever accuses thse countries of being racist - their restrictive laws are seen as "that's just how it is over there". A nice double standard - kind of like the Albanians in Macedonia. I'm sure you're all for EXACTLY equal rights ('they're human too') that's why you are bitching about Albanian flags/signs/Albanian writing in legal documents, ect. AND YOU DARE CALL ME A HYPOCRITE! you brain-washed worm.
I have no idea what you are talking about here Brian. What is a brain-washing lie?
See above.
So beyond those few million Macedonians across the world, who else owes you the gratitude of appearing on your 'acceptable list.'?
If I told you then it would open a whole new round of discussions and I can't be bothered wasting the time on the obvious with brain-washed worms.
It's when one party dominates that issues may arise, and in this particular scenario,
It ALLAYS arises you dick-head WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT!See what I mean about wasting time over the obvious! Are we going to get married in the Church or Mosque? Or both? Can you do both?
You haven't even gotten married and you have problems.
Are you going to Christen the kids or not?
Ect, ect.
it is the responsibility of the individuals in the marriage to protect their culture and traditions. Get with the times Brian, it's not like the old days where Macedonian men would go to the selo or stari kraj to find a nevesta.
It's imposable you idiot! You keep saying 'nice sounding words' which in real life have NO HOPE of EVER WORKING.
You can't got to the Church and the Mosque.
You can't Christen your kids and not Christen them.
Even as close as Greek Orthodox the Greek priest will demand you become Greek Orthodox first. From past posts it might not be such a concern for you.
You're not that young to not know these things! Then you're just BS.
Tell you sister to marry an Albanian and see how Macedonian she will be in time.
I'm sure the 2nd child would have friends of their own as well, who they may or may not (and I'm only guessing here) spend more time with than the relatives of their siblings partner. As ridiculous as it sounds, I think the 2nd child will probably have friends who aren't somehow linked to their brother or sister-in law.
Really??? So if your sister married an Albanian and invited you to religious parties, birthday parties, just a BBQ, ect, or just visiting, you having other friends will EXACTLY HOW keep you from associating with her husband's relatives. Are you going to go to these parties or visiting ever or are your going out with your friends going to be your excuse for not going ie SO WHAT if you have other friends?
What if while going to these events another cute Albanian boy winks at your other sister? See how one CAN lead to the other even when the second child has other friends? I didn't say the second child will definitely follow the first.
You are blind to obvious logic - that's the brain-washing lie.
You seem pretty paranoid Brian, I guess the stock market wouldn't be suited to people like you.
I have a share portfolio. Investment is risk management. No, I suppose buying share based soly on how cute the companies name was would work better?
I've never heard of the term 'risk' being implied in the context of marriage.
All actions have some element of risk - never heard of "taking a chance" or "taking the plunge" or "trying to make a go of it" ect in reference to marriage. If not acknowledging risk, what the F do you think they are referring to???? Are you sure you live in an English speaking country or more likely you were too stupid to understand what people were saying when you heard it???LOL.
RtG - this one's running rings around me too. He's a Phoenix wanna be.
People develop friendships with others based on their personality and chemistry. You should see people for who they really are, not based on their religion, ethnicity, name, etc. If they are an anti-Macedonian slimeball, then their personality should reflect this. However, their origins or name should not form the pre-requisite to an anti-Macedonian individual.
Are you just an idiot? Is it not obvious the "friends acceptable list" would include the entries in the "marriage acceptable list"? ect.
What do you think would make someone not go on an acceptable list?
This 'acceptable list' bullshit is becoming a joke. You always seem to find a phrase you like, then repeat it within one post a million times. This paragraph once again proves how backwards your thinking is, something suited to a previous century. Aside from the fact that you evidently didn't understand my point, let's just say you're not exactly the accepting type..regardless of what you may put on your 'acceptance list.' The fact you discriminate against other groups proves that you must be someone from outer space. You're views are definitely on my 'unacceptable list.'
Seeing how the last century was just over a decade ago I think I have good reason to think most people are like me and not as dumb as little child born this century - just because they don't say it to you face.
Can't be bothered with these bits.
Have you even bothered to look how over-populated nations such as China and India are?
So that makes it Ok for Western cultures to have a declining population??? The TOTAL world population is not the issue you idiot.
Why does there always have to be some kind of 'catch'? Can't you just accept that not everybody has underlying agendas and marry for the sole reason to eradicate an entire ethnicity? I've been around the internet long enough to know that not everyone with differing opinions is a 'kook.' That's something that you seem to have trouble with. I highly doubt that this Newt Gingrich openly declares himself as a racist. Even that is probably far-fetched for a republican candidate.
Didn't say he was a racist you idiot. I said he was NWO. Your functionality determines your value to then, not your ethnicity - at least to the masses. They want to do away with sovereignty and ethnicity, ect.
Phoenix has taught me that you're a complete peanut.
Phoenix is a proven liar and provocateur. You, and anyone else, would do well to steer clear of him.
My views are entirely my own.
So you think. You're a brain-washed idiot who uses cliches as arguments as if they were God's truth. And to brain-washed idiots, NWO scum like Phoenix are like gods - 'Oh my how smart he is.'
However it's no surprise that a bunch of us here constantly find ourselves disagreeing with what you have to say. I thought all the stuff on aliens and conspiracy theories was a joke (since I don't often take a stroll to 'Brian's Corner')...but on second thought, you have me a little worried Brian.
Phoenix is a proven liar. You should NOT believe anything he says.
"Brian's Corner" is just a mouse click or two away. There are NO aliens there - guaranteed. See for yourself and stop listening to a proven liar. And the rest of the "bunch of us here" should do the same. See for yourself and work off your own brain and not off Phoenix's brain - he is a proven liar!