Questions on the lack of pro-activity of the Macedonian Diaspora

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  • Boge
    • Sep 2008
    • 157

    If i may, I will give you my opinion. Most Macedonian community organizations in the Diaspora are dysfunctional. We have people who run these organizations who are too busy looking out for their backs before they can make any decisions.

    Then we have people like this Indirekt fellow who cast dispersions against those very Macedonians who stood up against anti Macedonian fervor during the early 90's. Indi mentioned some condescending remarks regarding some Spokes Person. By the same token Indi would have still been in his nappies back then to make any informative remarks. Ama as Macedonians go, we have Tikvari everywhere.


    • Boge
      • Sep 2008
      • 157

      Originally posted by indigen View Post
      It seems that it IS a WASTE of TIME in "discussing" anything with you because you assume that you know it all when, IME, you know very little and suffer from an oversized ego that has been pumped full of hot air at the MPO lovers forum (aka Makn--s) - ideological school for graduating confused and disoriented individuals.

      Yet again you continue to display lack of ability for critical (political) thought and thus will wallow in your muddled confusion forever unless you slow down and do some deep (ideological) rethinking. I see a need for you to change ideological direction or you will be stuck in a less than useless groove,

      Sure what? You are saying the opposite of what I said and are endorsing the Ramkovist establishment (including UCK Ministers of Gov). That equates to supporting TREASON and Traitors and CLEARLY U are the "DEFEATIST". Anyone with the slightest bit of political intelligence will CLEARLY know that any pre-Ramkovist government is incomparably better than a Ramkovist one.

      This is ANTI-MACEDONIAN propaganda and you are an idiot if you believe these insidious conjectures of "objective scholars" and slavoman ideologists.

      Firstly, I was not 100% sure it was you and secondly, the title (a play on your posting id) was a bit crude and it may have been misunderstood by some if I posted it here. If anyone is really interested to know the source of any public Internet info, they can use Google to easily find out.

      Lastly, there was another point or two you easily conceded to the Greko-Bulgar anti-Macedonian front (The way I see it, they put a bit of pressure on you and you instantly pulled your panties down and bent over.)
      TM/Jondow: "... Whatever the genetics of these peoples I am sure we are all carrying Slav blood considering the evidence...."

      “....As for Samoil's kingdom, no one denys that it was called Bulgarian....”

      “.....As I said earlier no one doubts that Tsar Samoil's kingdom was called Bulgarian.....”

      FYI: Macedonians do and should doubt it! You are an IGNORANT FOOL for agreeing with UNFOUNDED conjectures and anti-Macedonian propaganda. What is the SOLID evidence that Samoil's Kingdom/Empire called itself what you are alluding to?
      Mate, I bet you are one of those Ovci who gave money to Gjorgievski. How much money didi you donate to Brat Ljube?


      • TrueMacedonian
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 3820

        indy wrote;
        It seems that it IS a WASTE of TIME in "discussing" anything with you because you assume that you know it all when, IME, you know very little and suffer from an oversized ego that has been pumped full of hot air at the MPO lovers forum (aka Makn--s) - ideological school for graduating confused and disoriented individuals.
        Fala indy. I am happy you've noticed my big oversized ego. I make sure everyone sees it because I am of the opinion that everyone needs to see it

        Yet again you continue to display lack of ability for critical (political) thought and thus will wallow in your muddled confusion forever unless you slow down and do some deep (ideological) rethinking. I see a need for you to change ideological direction or you will be stuck in a less than useless groove,
        I'll be sure to take a snap shot of this so as I can remember this confusion for more confusions later confuscious.

        Sure what? You are saying the opposite of what I said and are endorsing the Ramkovist establishment (including UCK Ministers of Gov). That equates to supporting TREASON and Traitors and CLEARLY U are the "DEFEATIST". Anyone with the slightest bit of political intelligence will CLEARLY know that any pre-Ramkovist government is incomparably better than a Ramkovist one.
        Ummmm,,, who nominated you the treason caller of the forum? I notice that you flaunt these same words every chance you get. Is it because you have the small dick syndrome and need to make sure everyone knows you are more Macedonian than Macedonian? I believe that to be the case with you worm wood.

        This is ANTI-MACEDONIAN propaganda and you are an idiot if you believe these insidious conjectures of "objective scholars" and slavoman ideologists.
        Why is it anti-Macedonian worm wood? Because I am being honest? Or because you're living in a dreamworld of traitors and ramkovists and whatever else floats your boat when you feeling a bad case of small dick syndrome?

        Firstly, I was not 100% sure it was you and secondly, the title (a play on your posting id) was a bit crude and it may have been misunderstood by some if I posted it here. If anyone is really interested to know the source of any public Internet info, they can use Google to easily find out.

        Lastly, there was another point or two you easily conceded to the Greko-Bulgar anti-Macedonian front (The way I see it, they put a bit of pressure on you and you instantly pulled your panties down and bent over.)
        TM/Jondow: "... Whatever the genetics of these peoples I am sure we are all carrying Slav blood considering the evidence...."

        “....As for Samoil's kingdom, no one denys that it was called Bulgarian....”

        “.....As I said earlier no one doubts that Tsar Samoil's kingdom was called Bulgarian.....”

        FYI: Macedonians do and should doubt it! You are an IGNORANT FOOL for agreeing with UNFOUNDED conjectures and anti-Macedonian propaganda. What is the SOLID evidence that Samoil's Kingdom/Empire called itself what you are alluding to?
        Wow do you even know anything about Tsar Samoil and the history behind his kingdom or are you following the same pattern that the modern "greeks" have set for their children? I'll let everyone who knows what Samoil's kingdom was called to be the judge on your idiotic posts. Grow up kid. And pick up a book and read while you're at it.
        Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!


        • indigen
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 1558

          Originally posted by TruMace View Post
          indy wrote;
          Fala indy. I am happy you've noticed my big oversized ego.
          A big HOLLOW balloon is your ego - PRAZNA TIKVA GLAVA SLAVOMANSKA SI TI!

          Ummmm,,, who nominated you the treason caller of the forum? I notice that you flaunt these same words every chance you get. Is it because you have the small dick syndrome and need to make sure everyone knows you are more Macedonian than Macedonian? I believe that to be the case with you worm wood.
          See below who considers the "Ramkoven dogovor" as treasonous, Mr TrueWanker.

          “....I stated that I don’t personally care if the Macedonians had any cultural ties to the ancients. If they do then it’s small...

          “....Look here mymoon I don’t care about the biological connections to the ancients. I gave you objective scholars that stated that the Slavs mixed with the ‘indigenous peoples’ of the Balkans....”

          “....Which Government official stated that we have a biological relationship with the ancient Macedonians by the way?.....”
          This is ANTI-MACEDONIAN propaganda and you are an idiot if you believe these insidious conjectures of "objective scholars" and slavoman ideologists.
          Why is it anti-Macedonian worm wood? Because I am being honest? Or because you're living in a dreamworld of traitors and ramkovists and whatever else floats your boat when you feeling a bad case of small dick syndrome?
          I have Macedonian consciousness and you have none! You see yourself as a MONGREL BREED with "SLAV" predominance (I hope that you are at least blond and blue-eyed or else you will be a TrueMalaka if you are as black as a Gypsy/Grekos) and that is considered Anti-Macedonian by vast majority of Macedonians in Australia.

          Maybe you are still at the puberty stage and have no idea of what the "Ramkoven dogovor" is and how it came into being? Teshko e dete da se razbira od politika, koga kje porasnesh se kje ti e jasno (mozhebi i ne ako si eden kreten).

          The following MTO posts should suffice to clarify why the "Ramkoven dogovor" is an act of treason and capitulation and those that signed, enacted and implement it are considered as traitors:

          Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991)
          Framework Agreement 13.08.2001

          Автор: Мирка Велиновска - Shto e Ohridskiot ramkoven dogovor? Iznuden akt na kapitulatsiјa na porazena strana

          д-р Ѓорѓи Марјановиќ, професор по кривично право и лидер на Лигата за демократија

          Кога се менува Уставот под диктат на една вооружена банда, тогаш правната држава капитулира.

          Македонската дијаспора против рамковниот договор 15.08.2001

          Македонците од Македонско Американската Дијаспора го сметаме овој мировен договор за нелегитимен и неважечки бидејќи брутално и беше наметнат на македонкската власт преку организирана и вооружена агресија на албански терористи од Косово и Албанија.

          Македонско Американскиот Совет денот на потпишувањето на договорот го прогласи за ден на предавство и срам не само за Македонија и македонскиот народ, туку и за Европа, сите членки на НАТО како и остатокот од цивилизираниот свет.

          Ицо Најдовски: За предавничкиот договор
          Предавниците: Борис Трајковски, Љубчо Георгиевски и Бранко Црвенковски

          Патриотизмот се покажуваше деновиве со "за" или "против". На виделина се видоа македонистите и предавниците. Во Парламентот 62 пратеници гласаа "за" промена на Преамбулата. Уште една лошо протолкувана епизода од ненаучената македонска историја. Пратениците гласаа за некаква полумакедонска, или немакедонска држава во која повеќе нема официјален народ со предзнакот "македонски". Се што е зацртано во Предавничкиот договор говори за правата на малцинствата над 20 отсто, а никако за оние кои ја создале Македонија.

          Поглаварот на Македонската православна црква Неговото блаженство архиепископот охридски и македонски господин господин Стефан ексклузивно за "Нова Македонија" изјави:

          - По сите случувања од средината на февруари до денес, по Танушевци, Тетовско Кале, Липково, Арачиново, по теророт, насилствата, киднапирањата, силувањата, по палежот и грабежот, по етничкото чистење, по жртвите и ранувањата и по сето однесување на најодговорните од државниот врв, вклучувајќи ги, еве, и пратениците, кои со промената на Преамбулата и со прифаќањето речиси на се што е предложено во Рамковниот договор, а се однесува на Уставот на Република Македонија, на македонската држава и народ - вреди ли да се коментира?

          Совет на македонската заедница од Сиднеј, Австралија
          Декларација за спас на македонскиот народ

          Апелираме до сите мирољубиви и совесни Македонци, независно од етничкото потекло, да се обединат и по секоја цена да го спречат усвојувањето и применувањето на сите предложени уставни амандмани. Тоа е наша должност не само кон оние кои веќе се жртвувале за слободна, независна и суверена Македонија, туку и кон нашите деца и внуци кои допрва ќе бидат жртви на етничко чистење и други злосторства ако ние не го спречиме предавството.

          По повод актуелната постапка за менување на уставот на Република Македонија, согласно ’рамковниот договор’ за уништување на македонскиот народ, поптишан на 13ти Август 2001, од страна на Борис Трајковски, Имер Имери, Бранко Црвенковски, Арбен Џафери и Љубчо Георгиевски, Советот на македонската заедница од Сиднеј одржа јавно собрание, на 3ти Октомври 2001г., на кое едногласно беше усвоена следната

          Семакедонски собири во Мелбурн, Австралија
          Историско - не за т.н. Рамковен договор

          На Семакедонските масовни собири кои по иницијатива на македонскиот народ од Мелбурн и Викторија Вчера изразени преку брановите на Македонскта радио програма Трипати зет вчера и денес се одржаа се одржаа во центрите Епинг и Саншајн, беше упатено барање до пратениците во Собранието на Република Македонија, да не гласаат за т.н. Рамковен договор, бидејќи промените на Уставот, би значеле почеток на разнебитувањето на македонскта држава и обезличување на македонскиот народ.

          Lastly, there was another point or two you easily conceded to the Greko-Bulgar anti-Macedonian front (The way I see it, they put a bit of pressure on you and you instantly pulled your panties down and bent over.)
          TM/Jondow: "... Whatever the genetics of these peoples I am sure we are all carrying Slav blood considering the evidence...."

          “....As for Samoil's kingdom, no one denys that it was called Bulgarian....”

          “.....As I said earlier no one doubts that Tsar Samoil's kingdom was called Bulgarian.....”

          FYI: Macedonians do and should doubt it! You are an IGNORANT FOOL for agreeing with UNFOUNDED conjectures and anti-Macedonian propaganda. What is the SOLID evidence that Samoil's Kingdom/Empire called itself what you are alluding to?
          Wow do you even know anything about Tsar Samoil and the history behind his kingdom or are you following the same pattern that the modern "greeks" have set for their children? I'll let everyone who knows what Samoil's kingdom was called to be the judge on your idiotic posts. Grow up kid. And pick up a book and read while you're at it
          I only know that the nickname given to you by the Bulgar (acting the greek) is a very appropriate designation!

          Following is a thread where REAL Macedonians fight the good fight with our enemies, unlike FAKES like you who sell us out at the drop of a hat:
          Македонскиот Цар Самоил:


          • julie
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 3869

            za stramota, ke ni se smeat dushmanite vaka shto pravite, sami nie sme jadime eden so drug, i tie se vistina Makedontsi shto pulat da rabotame zednichki za Makedonskata Cause.
            Dosta, smireti se, ne e ubo vaka shto pravite.
            Mir na site.
            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


            • TrueMacedonian
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 3820

              Indy I knew you had a few screws missing but trust me what you just wrote here;

              I have Macedonian consciousness and you have none! You see yourself as a MONGREL BREED with "SLAV" predominance (I hope that you are at least blond and blue-eyed or else you will be a TrueMalaka if you are as black as a Gypsy/Grekos) and that is considered Anti-Macedonian by vast majority of Macedonians in Australia.
              Says a thousand words on what kind of a person you truly are and I doubt you're even a Macedonian considering the majority of Macedonians on this forum are from Australia and they don't think like you.

              I only know that the nickname given to you by the Bulgar (acting the greek) is a very appropriate designation!

              Following is a thread where REAL Macedonians fight the good fight with our enemies, unlike FAKES like you who sell us out at the drop of a hat:
              Македонскиот Цар Самоил:
              You're stepping on land mines kid -

              you have no idea what you're talking about. I think you need to read what SoM wrote in 2007 - - because that topic on Maknews is chock full of knowledge on Samoil you seem to lack.
              Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!


              • Daskalot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 4345

                Originally posted by indigen View Post
                A big HOLLOW balloon is your ego - PRAZNA TIKVA GLAVA SLAVOMANSKA SI TI!

                See below who considers the "Ramkoven dogovor" as treasonous, Mr TrueWanker.

                I have Macedonian consciousness and you have none! You see yourself as a MONGREL BREED with "SLAV" predominance (I hope that you are at least blond and blue-eyed or else you will be a TrueMalaka if you are as black as a Gypsy/Grekos) and that is considered Anti-Macedonian by vast majority of Macedonians in Australia.

                Maybe you are still at the puberty stage and have no idea of what the "Ramkoven dogovor" is and how it came into being? Teshko e dete da se razbira od politika, koga kje porasnesh se kje ti e jasno (mozhebi i ne ako si eden kreten).

                The following MTO posts should suffice to clarify why the "Ramkoven dogovor" is an act of treason and capitulation and those that signed, enacted and implement it are considered as traitors:

                Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991)
                Framework Agreement 13.08.2001

                Автор: Мирка Велиновска - Shto e Ohridskiot ramkoven dogovor? Iznuden akt na kapitulatsiјa na porazena strana

                д-р Ѓорѓи Марјановиќ, професор по кривично право и лидер на Лигата за демократија

                Ицо Најдовски: За предавничкиот договор

                Поглаварот на Македонската православна црква Неговото блаженство архиепископот охридски и македонски господин господин Стефан ексклузивно за "Нова Македонија" изјави:

                Совет на македонската заедница од Сиднеј, Австралија
                Декларација за спас на македонскиот народ

                Семакедонски собири во Мелбурн, Австралија
                Историско - не за т.н. Рамковен договор

                I only know that the nickname given to you by the Bulgar (acting the greek) is a very appropriate designation!

                Following is a thread where REAL Macedonians fight the good fight with our enemies, unlike FAKES like you who sell us out at the drop of a hat:
                Македонскиот Цар Самоил:
                Indigen what is this all???

                TM has done a great deal in regards to enlightening us about our history and also enlightening the Greeks about their mythical dream.

                I suggest you cool down a bit and jump down from your high horse or we will have to deal with this behavior of yours in some other way that most likely will not please you.

                You have been warned.
                Macedonian Truth Organisation


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15658

                  Indigen, what are you hoping to achieve with the attacks on TM?
                  I have kept out of the way because TM is quite competent to defend himself. But I will say I do not question his Macedonian identity whatsoever and have a hard time thinking why anyone would.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • osiris
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1969

                    i am very disappointed when fellow macedonian forum members start questioning ones identity and patriotism especially true macedonians who has worked tirelessly to find and post some of the most incredible historical information on this forum and on maknews.

                    i have met tm and i can assure you if he is not a macedonian then neither are any of us on this forum. indigen you have made some fantastic posts on here what is this all about.


                    • Prolet
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 5241

                      I think the personal attacks have gone too far, there is no need for this. TM is a good bloke and he shouldnt have to put up with that.
                      МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                      • Mikail
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1338

                        Let's show the world how well we can work together. Let's start here!

                        One common cause to fight for - Macedonian Human Rights

                        One common objective - Macedonian Sovereignty

                        One common mission - Macedonian Unity

                        From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                        • Prolet
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 5241

                          Excellent feedback Mikail

                          I totally agree
                          МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                          • Mikail
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1338

                            Spolajti Prolet.
                            From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                            • osiris
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1969

                              prolet if indigen had've attacked me for not being patriotic enough i would have not bothered replying i may not be as patriotic as him, but true Macedonian is a young man whose passion for macedonia is exemplified by his contribution to our ongoing knowledge about or history and that of greece


                              • osiris
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1969

                                so mike my man any chance of bringing your lovely wife as well, we need another 2 to make up 20.

