Good question Fatso.
I don't have any close relatives in that predicament but have seen from "afar".
I get the impression that the differences are painfully clear and acknowledged as such and that the offspring are generally much more embracing of their new country.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
The Macedonians end up taking it in the arse, especially if the male partner is Greek. Baba and dedo magically become papous and giga, the children are sent to Greek school and if it is at all possible, these offspring will never have any idea that they are anything but pure Greek.
The Macedonians end up taking it in the arse, especially if the male partner is Greek. Baba and dedo magically become papous and giga, the children are sent to Greek school and if it is at all possible, these offspring will never have any idea that they are anything but pure Greek.
Do any of you have mixed Greek and Macedonian family members ?
And if so , how do they interact ?
Are some hard nosed patriots and racists ?
I am close to a (Macedonian Hellenised) person who after we discussed Alexander the Greats origion, there opinion was that Greeks claim the nationality of a person is inherited from the mothers side. Sugesting Alexander was Greek because his mother was Greek. Load of rubish. I knew this was crap for many reasons. But my point is this, which is some what related to this subject. This persons son Got maried to a Turk. Few people from the Brides side did not turn up to the wedding in protest which i found discusting.
This young couple has now a child. And This person that had this theorie that a person folows the mothers nationality, when asked, "now what nationality is your Grandchild?" the reply is Greek. lol
People must wach what they say because bullshit will always bite you eventualy.
The Macedonians end up taking it in the arse, especially if the male partner is Greek. Baba and dedo magically become papous and giga, the children are sent to Greek school and if it is at all possible, these offspring will never have any idea that they are anything but pure Greek.
you are disgusting
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
my first cousin's brother-inlaw married a chick with a Greek mother from Athens and a Macedonian father. She spoke fluent macedonian and the son and daughter were raised in Australia as Macedonians.
The children knew some Greek, and her Greek parents were respectful of the culture. Yes it does happen, and yes, there was respect from the Greeks. She was a lovely woman , may she rest in peace.
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
I dated a Greek guy for years. his mum was a psycho. but eventually it became 'we are getting married in a greek church, our kids are going to greek school, and they're doing greek dancing' and he got shown the door.
my first cousin's brother-inlaw married a chick with a Greek mother from Athens and a Macedonian father. She spoke fluent macedonian and the son and daughter were raised in Australia as Macedonians.
The children knew some Greek, and her Greek parents were respectful of the culture. Yes it does happen, and yes, there was respect from the Greeks. She was a lovely woman , may she rest in peace.
My friend married a Greek woman. Together they go to Macedonian functions/dances, weddings etc. Her father has accepted him dearly and on top of that my friend's stepdaughter (from her previous marriage to a Greek) is in a Macedonian folklore dancing group. They also have another child who has been christened in a Macedonian church.
Greek neighbours of ours had a daughter married to a Macedonian. She learnt Macedoian fluently and often came to our house referring to our country as Macedonia and calling us Macedonians. Her parents are typical "know-all" Greeks and never referred to us as Macedonians, eg "your country", "your people", "Yugoslavia" etc. They were very happy when she broke up with the Macedonian. Unfortunately that didn't last very long for them - their daughter met another Macedonian and is currently living with them.
I also know a Macedonian female married to a Greek. She is a typical Grkoman. However her children's best friends are Macedonians and have spoken in Macedonian. I think they learnt a bit of Greek from their grandparents.
Well X-mas is around the corner and it will be another comical year for our family. About 50 or so of us, will join for a late lunch and the topic of politics always arises with a few of my uncles.
Our kids Macedonian and Greek will interact and will be oblivious to the conversations around the dinner table.
The topics range from Alexander to The Toronto Maple Leafs.....My cousins and I get a real kick out of this.....History at its best.
Well X-mas is around the corner and it will be another comical year for our family. About 50 or so of us, will join for a late lunch and the topic of politics always arises with a few of my uncles.
Our kids Macedonian and Greek will interact and will be oblivious to the conversations around the dinner table.
The topics range from Alexander to The Toronto Maple Leafs.....My cousins and I get a real kick out of this.....History at its best.
Anything similar happen at any of your homes ?
Similar things happen to my family also, however our kids are Macedonian and Australian and we have Christmas parties twice a year, ie on the 25th December and 7th of January.
Reminds me about a joke about custard. I will save that for later.
Julie, EB is not disgusting. He is telling it like it is for many of our people. Don't shoot the journalist.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."