I need to be able to attach them?
Macedoniaontheweb does not allow me to respond to defamatory comments.
M on the webThe people on their forum should be more responsible & not let their members run riot.I think it's as simple as that there should be no room for the dispicable way that they acted.When i see what theyv'e done they should be banned for life.An innocent mans identity RTG has been tarnished & we hear that m on the web doesn't want to do anything.I don't think they are serious enough the best they can do is abuse people & make jokes of them.It's a sign of sick & depraved people."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Well, I did reveal the identity of the person who felt it was appropriate drag me into this sorry saga. I will not reveal his details here. I have left the details solely on the MOTW website. If they wish to depart from the approach they have been using over the last couple of weeks, they will show some dignity and (even if it is just for the benefit of Kallinikos) delete the threads of concern to me/us.
One of the Greek contributors on that forum "Kiril Evangelovski" made some reasonable conclusions as to why this kind of process is damaging. Ultimately, the power is in our hands to be reasonable human beings. I have taken the moral high ground in this instance and will always endeavour to do so.
I predicted that I would somehow be made to look like I started this problem. I was correct.
I note that after scouring 3000+ posts from this forum, there was little in the way of racist and offensive material that I could be held accountable for. They would have found it if there was. In fact, I genuinely hope they realised that I am not their enemy purely because I hold a belief in the wronged treatment of ethnic Macedonians in Greece. That my opinions are indeed moderate and that my thoughts are often "thought provoking".
I also wonder if they found any friendly posts by me in relation to Greeks. Kiril Evangelovski of the MOTW forum believes I can only be friends with Greeks who are "obviously non-patriotic enough (read: completely Australian in outlook)". I disagree, but if being patriotic means taking pride in "Napalming Skopian ass", then give me a new planet to live on ... please!
Strangely and coincidentally enough, a Greek client of mine came in to see me today. He is a fit late 40's kind of guy with a heavy accent. A Greek from the Macedonian region (coastal, who I have always acknowledged) and served in the Greek Navy. He has seen the world and is quite a remarkable man. I sincerely like him. We talked about Greece and "my people" in Greece. He genuinely did not mean to offend me but stated "you speak the Slav language ah?" It annoyed me a little but I could see his intent had no malice, that he was a product of his education. Whilst I do not wish to rely on his comment as a statement of fact, he stated that the Greeks in Australia are very tunnel visioned and that he was very aware of the many peoples that constituted modern Greece. That he believes 25% of Greece's population are real Greeks. It was an interesting comment. I did not press on with the matter but found it fascinating that he had the ability for independent thought.
My faith in Greeks has been restored on this my darkest day.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
I know this person and only recently I found out he is Greek and couldn't give a shit, he is one of the most amazing people i have ever met. Mostly I just want to hug him and hold him coz he is a sweetheart. This has got nothing to do with the racist pigs over at MOTW and even further, nothing to do with them wishing us harm and publishing our details on their forum. They still seem not to realise what they have done and simply blinded by racisam they will never see it. I have never gone to their forum to call them whatever, they have come to our forums with one intention, to offend us and racialy abuse us. Every time I have told them to fuck off and I will do it again. There is no law that will stop me from defending myself. But again that is not the point here.
I still want someone to pay and I want that forum shut down unless my information is removed. I can very easy take some of Kalinikos photos ( the ones he is posing in) and spread them out on gay forums, bet they gonna looooove the speedo but I will try and deal with this the right and the legal way. That is just me.
Fatso, I utterly agree.
These idiots are utterly unrepentant and have created this idea that I am Tito incarnate. Their need to hate Macedonians has manifested itself in the thread about me. I can't stand it. Did you read that rubbish about the Greek fires? They idiot still can't apologise to me. Even after I OWNED him AGAIN about the suggestion that I took delight in the Greek fires.
Now they have made a screen grab of me delivering my Father's eulogy and have placed some Bulgarian text underneath it. It appears I am dealing with 3 year olds.
Do you think for one minute that sort of rubbish would be tolerated on this forum. They are low and doing a fine job of convincing the rest of the world. I will personally use it as an example of how demented and racist a section of the Greek community is. If the thread remains, it will be their undoing ... not mine.
Would you have done anything differently to what I have done?
Do they deserve the best of my dialogue after what they have done?
A spade is a spade, and I now call them all spades .... filthy racist stupid spades.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
And that is all they are RtG, a bunch of racist idiots who aren't taken seriously by anybody in the real world. Not one of them has a shred of decency, even that donkey that pretends to be reasonable now after his own details are revealed, they are all cut from the same garbage bag.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostAnd that is all they are RtG, a bunch of racist idiots who aren't taken seriously by anybody in the real world. Not one of them has a shred of decency, even that donkey that pretends to be reasonable now after his own details are revealed, they are all cut from the same garbage bag.
Seriously ... I have lost a great deal of hope for real dialogue between these people and us.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
I note the mentally spasticated morons have closed their best thread ever and not given me a right of reply, so here is the last post I placed on their forum:
You are one of the mods "file".
It is clear you don't want me to look like a martyr.
But I will take on board your note that the insults make all of you look stupid. Really stupid.
The out of work [loser who posted my details] clearly had too much spare time on his hands. He decided that he was doing the world a favour by revealing my information on here as well as making stupid name associations. I warned and asked him repeatedly to ensure the threads were deleted. He OBVIOUSLY has far more to lose than I do. He still has to get a job, and I will lose what ... 20 Greek clients? I have over 2000, perhaps someone can do the maths. And the assumption is that the Greek clients think I am an animal like you idiots do. That they will leave me after it has been proven I am a proud Macedonian. You guys are brilliant in a mentally spasticated moronic way.
Most of the morons here simply do not get it. They want to debate with a real Macedonian, but I did not come here for that purpose. Barely one simple sign of goodwill from you people. Thereby confirming your utter worthlessness.
Of all people, Xiotis (Hottie) has apparently nothing but contempt for me but knows how this looks for you guys. And even though he feels this forum is not to his standard he has come back here to tell the rest of you that it is not looking good for you.
Sorry Hottie, seriously ... I don't think we had that many interchanges. I certainly recall the coins discussion. I was told this by a cousin who still resides in Greece. Why would the idea of finding some slavic coins in Greece given the (at least) 1500 year presence of slavic speaking peoples make this sound so impossible? How many slavic inscriptions etc. has Greece revealed to the world? (Hint .... none).
Other people have decided that someone who describes himself as "the Great" deserves whatever he has coming to him. My first post on Maknews many years ago told of my embarrassment with the name but that I had been using it online for a few years prior. If I had it over again, I would call myself "Metaxas" .... is that better?
Your attempts to make me a Bulgarian also makes the Greek claim on Macedonia even more ridiculous. I have many relatives in Greece who are perfect Greeks. They hate those "filthy Skopians" and proclaim their proud Greekness. Well, they are Bulgarians according to you guys. They will never be Greeks. I even asked you to tell me if I started speaking Greek whether I would more qualified to be a Macedonian under your very stringent definitional process. More Macedonian than the former Turkish nationals of Orthodox extraction? I asked you to rate me based on who has a greater claim. Really difficult questions .... really stupid answers in return.
I also explained the childishness of the capital G thing for Greece and how I had left it behind many years ago. But the mentally spasticated morons here have little to make me look bad. Don't worry about Maknews posts if you all think everything has been deleted, see if you can find a trend on Macedoniantruth . Surely 3000+ posts will reveal something?? Such desperate moves to make me look bad. And I can't even be bothered looking to see what muck you mentally spasticated morons write on a daily basis and think is perfectly normal in "mentally spasticated moron world". Shame on you all.
I have tried to tell you mentally spasticated morons in a number of ways, but here goes ... again. I have no real desire to debate with people of your ilk. You have proven yourselves beyond doubt. You have proven nothing is sacred (privacy, death, cancer etc) and that the fascination with 2000 year old events is effecting your daily actions. Integrity is non-existent amongst most of you and the moronic pack mentality ensures I will always be your enemy.
Why should I bother arguing with you?
Do you deserve it?
Actually, let me be you for a minute:
Why should I bother arguing with you?
MOTW mindset: Because you have said bad things about Greeks. And you call yourself a Macedonian but you are really Skopian scum or Bulgarian or something else.
Reality: call yourselves whatever the hell you want, knock yourselves out boys. You want to be Macedonians, go for it ... you won't breathe unless you say Greek sometime soon after saying Macedonian ... so who wants a prefix?
Do you deserve it?
MOTW mindset: We carry the torch of Alexander for 2000 years. Oh and Plato and Pythagoras etc.
Reality: You carry hatred, xenophobia and narrow mindedness and you are all doing an excellent job of making me look good. Keep up the good work.
Oh, and if you are going to close this thread from further posts, then it would be appropriate for the unemployed village idiot [loser who posted my details] to make a final comment with my right to a final reply. Then by all means ... close it.
But you won't, it is the best thing that has ever happened to your forum ... which speaks volumes about your forum.
Risto the Great
I will continue to not know them. And they can continue to kiss my arse as far as I am concerned. However, if they come to this forum, they will be shown far more integrity than would ever be possible on their forum.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Risto I have a quote for you that I think you will greatly appreciate. Especially considering who the source is.
Nationalists remind us of those monkeys who have experienced such utter existential exhaustion that, when the gypsy stops playing the drum, they continue to dance and look him straight in the eyes. When someone takes up being a 'nationalist,' he is always obliged to shout ever louder.(Yerasimos Kaklamanis - Analysis of Neohellenic Bourgeois Ideology, pg 248n)
RtG, you behaved in a completely appropriate and gentleman-like manner the whole time of your posting at that racist-infested website.
Not that it had any to begin with, but you (and largely themselves by their own actions) have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, that macedoniaontheweb.com is a racist website that has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY.
Hundreds if not thousands of readers of those threads can testify to this, and it is too late for them now, nothing can rectify their clearly racist and scumbag intentions. No matter what they do going forward, that thread will always serve as an example of what kind of a pathetic, low and racist website is run by these morons.
They are not on our level, on any levels, and never will be. They are beneath us, on par with some network54 and Neonazi type forums and others that allow, condone and indeed even promote racism and that pack mentality as the main theme.
To the dogs with them, where they belong. You my friend, have lost no credibility, how could you? Not once did you speak out of line or bait into their garbage and racist provocation. You remain a gentleman, they remain racist dogs. Status quo.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Macedoniaontheweb.com is gone
Well, I thought I would have a look at macedoniaontheweb.com the other day.
For those that are not aware, it is the birthplace of terms like:
Amongst others.
Anyway, I noticed the website was not working a few weeks ago. It still is not, can it be? Can it indeed be the case that these racist mentally spasticated morons have finally gone too far and had the website shut down? The internet air has a little bit less stench to it at the moment.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
they are a waste of space and time. i remember when istran found my yahoo email and started sending me abusive emails and pms. after a few exchanges i convinced him i was a actually a greek spy on maknews he feel for it hook line and sinker within one pm session.
go figure how stupid and gullible he is, it proved to me being a neo hellene is natural sate of existence for a stupid and gullible person.
i wish i had saved our chats it was hilarious.