I am done waiting for my name to be deleted. Totally done.
Macedoniaontheweb does not allow me to respond to defamatory comments.
This has hardly been fun "gentlemen".
Some of you have been desperate to prove I am a Bulgarian undercover agent with a mission to destroy Greece. Others have been waiting to release "highly damaging" documents to Risto the Great upon my arrival.
In amongst all the rubbish, I submit the following:
- I was brought here against my will.
- I never even looked at this forum prior to this much less posted on it or about it.
- This is now the 8th highest read thread on this forum section. I clearly am the best thing that has ever happened to your forum.
- I have repeatedly asked your forum Administrator to delete this thread due to the attacks on my character.
- One of you even admitted to not reading a single one of my posts but felt compelled to attack my character.
- Kallinikos (the instigator) was extremely empowered until I told him I have his personal information (both here and privately). He immediately pretended he lived in Greece (he wrote it in Greek to give the impression he was just having a snigger about it). He changed his Facebook and Myspace accounts to private and started easing up on the "I don't care if all the Skopian scum die kind of talk he is renowned for". Does he deserve the respect from his brothers in crime here for such cowardly acts?
- One participant suggested Kallinikos could have merely emailed Greek Secret Service to achieve far more with less effort. But Kallinikos was unrepentant, I am BulgaroSkopian scum and I deserved this apparently.
- I have shown myself to be honest and upfront and most still do not want to address the issue that I came here for.
- I even created a poll to determine the sentiment on this forum in relation to an appropriate response to Kallinikos' actions. I have been told that there are thousands of readers and to date have had only 9 people vote (including me). Based on the very small number of actual votes, it appears Kallinikos is amongst friends here and his actions are indeed "fair game".
- About 4 people have suggested my personal information should be removed from this thread.
- The forum Administrator simply has not responded to me. I suspect he realises there are legal implications that he simply cannot wash away with a disclaimer on his website. Therefore, rather than dig a deeper hole, he chooses not to reply. If he has been too busy, I am sure he has not been too busy to realise the thread about me has had the highest rate of activity that this forum has ever experienced. Contrary to my internet alias, I am quite humble person. However, it appears I must have something going for me based on this thread.
- For the benefit of posterity, I am not BulgaroSkopian. This is offensive. I come from Australia, I was born here. My people came from villages called Vrbeni and Kotori in what is now Greece. Those villages have Greek names now, just like the people do ... now. Every memory of the character of my people has been destroyed in Greece. I am also not a "Bulgarian wannabe". This is quite offensive and I have no desire to be a Bulgarian or to associate myself with that term. I am not a "scumbag", I am a professional who takes pride in my family, my work, my music, my martial art and my cultural heritage. I am a dignified human being that deserves to be treated the way I treat all other human beings.
- I am absolutely tormented in revealing the personal information of Kallinikos. I have an abundance of information on this person. He lives a regular life and contributes to society like most of us do. He has a family and 99% of the time would be a person I would most likely enjoy the company of. He arrives on a hate forum such as this and is congratulated for revealing information about "Skopian scumbags" and celebrating the cancer of a Macedonian human rights activist. So, the other 1% of his character is flawed. This 1% is even celebrated here on this forum under a pack mentality that is abhorrent to me.
One hour to go before "crunch time" I ask for this thread and others like it to be deleted. If I can appeal to anyone's dignity on this forum, you will respect my wishes and make this a better forum. With lessons learned for all involved.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
What is a defamatory publication?
The definition of "defamatory matter" varies among Australian jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions common law definitions apply, while in others (e.g. Queensland and Tasmania) the definition has been codified.
Very generally speaking, material that could be found to be defamatory includes that which has the tendency to lower the person in the estimation of others, or that would tend to result in the person being shunned or avoided or that is likely to expose the person to hatred, contempt or ridicule (trivial ridicule or good natured humour is less likely to be problematic than derisory ridicule).
Isn't this the reason why many of you want this post to remain?
For a defamation action to be successful, it must be established that the communication:
* was published to a third person, i.e. to at least one person other than the plaintiff (person/entity defamed).
* identifies the plaintiff, for example, by name or by a reference to a small group of people, etc.
* contains a defamatory statement or imputation (whether intentionally published or not).
Who is able to be sued and liable?
Defamation action may be brought, not only against the original publisher (writer/speaker), but also against anyone who takes part in the publication or re-publication of the material. Furthermore, re-publication by someone other than the original writer may result in an action against the original writer as well as the re-publisher.
In relation to defamatory material published on the Internet:
* Internet users may be sued in relation to material they write/publish themselves, or if they re-publish/distribute material written by someone else. They may also be sued if another person publishes something they wrote, for example, an email published without the writer's permission on a web site.
* Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Internet Content Hosts (ICH) may be sued in relation to information published by someone else, for example, published by a person who used an ISP's or ICH's system, web server, chat boards, etc, to make information available via the Internet.
Australian Cases involving the Internet
(This section does not attempt to list all cases and those listed below are not necessarily finalised. Some, for example, the Gutnick v Dow Jones case, may not be finalised for several years.)
* Dow Jones & Company Inc v Gutnick [2002] HCA 56, Australian High Court, 10 Dec 2002
This decision concerns the place of publication of Internet material and appropriate jurisdiction in which a defamation action may be brought. The matter involves material downloaded in Victoria from a web site in the USA. The Victorian Supreme Court determined the case could be heard in Victoria. Dow Jones was denied leave to appeal by the Victorian Court of Appeal on 21 September 2001 and subsequently sought and was granted leave to appeal to the High Court. The High Court upheld the Victorian Supreme Court decision in its ruling of 10 December 2002.
Kallinkos, do you and the forum have enough money to come here and defend yourselves? I notice this forum accepts Google advertising or something similar so will assume you are not swimming in money.
USA Defamation Laws and the First Amendment
From time to time, it is claimed that the USA First Amendment protects the speech of Americans to the extent that they can say anything they wish about another person without risk of a successful defamation action against them. However, the First Amendment does not protect all speech, for example, there is no constitutional protection for false statements of fact.
Defamation laws in the USA are significantly less restrictive of speech than the laws of most (probably all) other countries because the US First Amendment provides strong protection for freedom of speech. The rules governing when defamatory speech is actionable have been developed by the US Supreme Court primarily since 1964 (the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan case) and are complex.
In order for a statement to be defamatory under US laws it must be false (and how much of it is false is a relevant aspect). Whether a defamation action can succeed also depends on whether the speech is a statement of fact or an opinion (there are rules concerning what is an "opinion"). Generally speaking, pure opinions are protected, while factual assertions or opinions which imply an assertion of objective fact are actionable (Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co., (1990)). There are also other factors relevant to when defamatory speech is actionable, including whether it is about a public or private figure and/or about a matter of public concern, etc.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
AlbanianYorgo's you used J.Theodore Bent in one posting,,,here's one of his books. It shouldn't be a shock to you people to see what he has to say;
page 237
You know yorgo's I must say that this took me less than 5 minutes to do just by using the posts you put up on Risto's thread. Enjoy reading what these authors really think about your kind
i knew that the greek's dress is actually albanian complete with the papucina & everything."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View PostRTG I must say that you have literally kicked the dustballs out of that ghost town known as maggotsontheweb and created a cult following. They truly love you. You have given their forum new life again.
I think these internet "battles" can be handled much better and would support an independent forum with independent moderators. I wonder how long that would last with the "voices of reason" from MOTW!Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
RTG I doubt they are capable of anything like this. I mean you can't even have dialogue with that chicagogreg guy let alone read through every single racist post they put up.
Between endless books that they put up, drooling like rabid dogs while doing it I am sure, they have no reasoning except hate.
Their forum is a sociologists dream come true if they want to write a book on disturbing behavior and racism on the internet.
As I have watched this saga unfold, I have felt the full gamit of emotions, from anger, to utter sadness as I read disbelievingly, a heartless diatrbe directed towards a person in ill health. My opinion of what your recourse should be has been just as varied. For you it is a time of decision and one which I know you don't take lightly.
Me, well, I have come full circle regarding this matter, I started out feeling that revealing someone's personal infomation publicly was wrong, even in retaliation, then, after seeing the lack of compassion and brutal comtempt levied against you, I began to feel that an eye for an eye would be the only appropriate solution. Now, as I sit here in front of my computer screen at the eleventh hour, I can't help but feel that vigilante justice is not the way. Should you decide to persue this matter you can rest assured knowing that you have the full weight of the law behind you.
You proposed a simple and reasonable solution, delete the threads in which peoples personal information was made public and the matter would be dropped. Unfortuately, your first and many subsequent requests went unheeded. Now, you must do what you feel is right.
The peoples of Macedonia lived peacefully, side by side, for centuries. Those who are consumed by post Ottoman neo-nationalistic hate, and whos origins lay far from Macedonia will never comprehend this fact and there is probably nothing you or I can ever do to change that.
So, in the end Risto, I implore you. Be the bigger man. Be a Macedonian.Last edited by El Bre; 09-26-2009, 10:50 PM.
Thanks El Bre, people do need to understand there are consequences. I am agonising over this matter but want this "man" to pay. What would be the harm of merely revealing his identity? You are a better man than me El Bre, at this point I am just so annoyed and upset by this that I am willing to see if 2 wrongs can make a right.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
RTG there's one thing that you have that these people obviously don't. And that's class. Please don't lower yourself to their standard, which is a low quality of standard I might add, just for revenge. There are better ways to get justice. You're a Macedonian. I know that you are the better man between you and them.
Kallinikos has now been sent a private message. It includes all of the information I have chosen to reveal about him. Tomorrow these threads will either disappear and so will I. Or else the message will be available for public consumption.
Should this matter ever arise again, I would hope there are more Greeks who can show maturity enough to respect the private lives of others.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
These people claim to have finished high education this that and the other but they seem to be unable to understand where they went wrong. I am not sure how the privacy of theorum members has got anything to do with the things that are being dicussed. Are there no Greek lawyers to advice them on this? They have broken the law publishing our details (no denying that) and while the discussions(racial abuse towards Macedonians) that takes place there can be protected by free speach, they can't find a solution to our little problem we have here.
Ok boys and girls as I am not a techy wizzard can someone point me out in what is the best way to put like a slide show of screen shots?