I really doubt that this Akritas' name is Panayiotis Tsoukalas.
Takis(short for Panayiotis) Tsoukalas is one of the top guys in one of Greeces big soccer teams organised fan clubs. When I read the name I almost died of laughter as I watch this guys program.
Now I guess its possible that this Akritas may have the same name, but I find it highly unlikely, sounds like a joke to me.
Anyways here is a picture from this tsoukalas -

I doubt that this is Akritas is my point, lol
I was going to put a short vid too, but I cant seem to imbed the youtube, is there a special way of doing it?
I really doubt that this Akritas' name is Panayiotis Tsoukalas.
Takis(short for Panayiotis) Tsoukalas is one of the top guys in one of Greeces big soccer teams organised fan clubs. When I read the name I almost died of laughter as I watch this guys program.
Now I guess its possible that this Akritas may have the same name, but I find it highly unlikely, sounds like a joke to me.
Anyways here is a picture from this tsoukalas -

I doubt that this is Akritas is my point, lol
I was going to put a short vid too, but I cant seem to imbed the youtube, is there a special way of doing it?