On this day, 118 years ago, brave sons of Macedonia rose up against the Ottoman tyrants and their auxiliaries, to fight against oppression, centuries-old, and establish self-government in which power would rest in the hands of the Macedonian people. The Ilinden Uprising can be characterised in many ways. Optimistic. Idealistic. Misguided. Pyrrhic. It was, nevertheless, an expression of self-determination and undeniably Macedonian in nature, despite the external vices associated with some of its personalities.
Like many of our kinsmen, my great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of Macedonia. They were active in the Bitola theatre of war, surviving the subsequent suppression of the uprising and spending much of the following years hunting down traitors and fighting against foreign bands deployed by Serbia and Greece. Along with their leader, Ǵorǵi Sugarev, they finally met their end on 23 March, 1906, in a battle against a numerically superior Ottoman force. They were led into an ambush - betrayed by a fellow Macedonian.
The point of the story is simple. Macedonians need not look towards those encroaching from the outside, for the real enemy lies within. Remove the traitors from power and unite around a singular purpose in the service of the Macedonian cause, in every sphere, and see the enemies from outside looking in turn from hyenas to mice. It all starts with the restoration of integrity. Whilst this day may represent both pride and sadness, it is also a day of reflection, in which our ancestors who bled for a free Macedonia, in whichever era, should be paid homage in a manner befitting their courage and sacrifice. The current predicament may be sombre, but the struggle for Macedonia continues. Слобода или смрт.
In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Young principled men (and women) who gave their all for the right to self determination. May they never be forgotten and may the modern leaders of Macedonia eternally writhe in shame for what they have done to a nation of great people.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."