Bulgaria claims Macedonians during the revolutionary period declaring themselves as such was nothing more than a regional phenomenon no different to Thrace or Dobruja. They try and back this up by pointing to the existence of the Internal Thracian and Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisations who fought for the autonomy of Thrace and Dobruja under the motto of 'Thrace for the Thracians' and 'Dobruja for the Dobrujans' and so state that Macedonians fighting for an autonomous Macedonia under the motto 'Maceonia for the Macedonians' is not an expression of independence from the Bulgarian nation.
Starting this thread to look into these other organisations, I have a hunch there is a lot of historical revisionism in regards to them and wouldn't be surprised if they were all set-up by Sofia.
This is the statute for the Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation published in 1923. It reads as: Art. 1. The Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation has the goal of uniting all the disgruntled elements in Thrace to the river Struma, regardless of their nationality, to win, through a revolution, a full political independence. Art. 2. The organisation is against any attempts and wishes for divisions and conquests of Thrace, from each ever state.

Emblem of the Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation:

There was also supposedly an Internal Western Outland Revolutionary Organization but they did not fight under any slogan or for autonomy, they apparently just wanted these territories to be annexed by Bulgaria. Haven't found much info on this lot yet.
Starting this thread to look into these other organisations, I have a hunch there is a lot of historical revisionism in regards to them and wouldn't be surprised if they were all set-up by Sofia.
This is the statute for the Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation published in 1923. It reads as: Art. 1. The Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation has the goal of uniting all the disgruntled elements in Thrace to the river Struma, regardless of their nationality, to win, through a revolution, a full political independence. Art. 2. The organisation is against any attempts and wishes for divisions and conquests of Thrace, from each ever state.

Emblem of the Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation:

There was also supposedly an Internal Western Outland Revolutionary Organization but they did not fight under any slogan or for autonomy, they apparently just wanted these territories to be annexed by Bulgaria. Haven't found much info on this lot yet.