" it is spurious and conterfeit if passed as historical truth " [underlined by TM, last sentence of first paragraph]
What an amazing thing to say. There is a pile of evidence that is growing, exposing the varioius historical propositions put foward by Modern Greeks, as lies, and more historians should be turning to Greek historiography as a case study of how not to write history.
" it is spurious and conterfeit if passed as historical truth " [underlined by TM, last sentence of first paragraph]
What an amazing thing to say. There is a pile of evidence that is growing, exposing the varioius historical propositions put foward by Modern Greeks, as lies, and more historians should be turning to Greek historiography as a case study of how not to write history.
Nice find, TM.
Thanks Paul and Daskalot. The more you look into things the more you will see many deceptions. It is remarkable how todays historian is deluded enough to just write off Macedonia as anything but Macedonian.