Originally posted by El Bre
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Thanks for your 2 cents. So you're saying, the Greeks are wrong doing that, so we'll do the same ? My 2 cents ? A lot is speculation. Of the worst kind.
I read a lot about Karamanlides here being merely Turk Christians. What the relevance of that is is not clear to me since we are supposed to be discuss Macedonia ( and yes I see the bigger picture ) but frankly all these assumptions bring us nowhere. We know they spoke Turkish, but so could anybody else have living in the Balkans for example.
Fact is that they chose not to identify with Turkish since being so isolated (otherwise we wouldn't be discussing about them) in the heartland of Turkey, that would have been the easiest thing to do. Also they chose not to abandon their religion, and as third distiction they kept their unique way of writing the language they spoke (and it is not at all excluded that they could have spoken Greek in paralel, not only the village priest)
Let's not get into details here. Fact is, they were moved to Greece. Not a fact is that they were Turks, but again, let's not get sidetracked.
In my example I gave earlier, things are not that clear either. Surely, if 1 on 2 Macedonians I met acknowledges this,(the mother habving both parent being Greek) surely it could have happened more. But it's irrelevant. And me calling them an inverse form of 'Grekoman'

All your lost brothers on the Greek side of the border will slowly too be absorbed into mainstream Greek society. That's for sure. If not now, it will be a generation later. This doesn't make me particularly happy, and I don't particularly see why that should be a good thing thing, but it's a lost cause the way I see it. In my opinion minorities add something to any society, like me being on this forum trying not to be aborbed or kicked out

Greeks have accepted that that will probably be the case of the Greeks in Constantinopel (having a Turkish passport in most cases though), unless they start intermarrying and having many babies very soon.
My 2 cents ..
Hombre, all that wasn't directed at you personally, I trust you understand that.