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"They call themselves Macedonians"
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Life in the Grave " Strates Miriveles 1917
„Овие се селани чиј јазик е сличен со оној на Бугарите и Србите. Тие сепак не ги сакаат првите бидејќи им ги земаа нивните деца во армија. Вторите ги мразеа поради нивниот лош третман кон нив како “Бугари“.
Google Translator:-
These peasants whose language is similar to that of Bulgaria and Serbia. They still do not like the first because it takes their children in army . The latter hated because of their poor treatment of them as " Bulgarians " . They showed sympathy for the Greeks , because we are truly spiritual representatives of " the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople " ( ... ) However , they say neither , Bulgari ( Bulgarians) , nor "SRRP" ( Serbs) nor Gkrrts ( Greeks ) , but only " Macedonian Orthodox " ... , - Strates Miriveles writes in the book " Life in the grave ."
" Life in the Grave " is a war novel in which a Greek sergeant as a journalist report describes life in the trenches during the First World War . It represents one of the most successful and most widely read works of Greek . Since its publication as a book in 1923/1924 , it has sold more than 80,000 copies . Posted in almost a dozen translations, this book has a special literary beauty and more than one type of great literary power .
In 1917, before entering the trenches , author of " Life in the Grave " Strates Miriveles was only 25 years old and still had not felt the true values of life . The trenches are becoming grave of thousands of soldiers , he daily faced with the horror of war and desperation of soldiers who do not know if it will survive tomorrow .
Its fate in the trenches of Thessaloniki and the Macedonian Front , Strates Miriveles shares and Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia , who forcibly mobilized by the Greek army and forced to fight with their brothers , fathers or relatives who are on the other side of the front . They Miriveles in 1917 notes:
" These are peasants whose language is similar to that of Bulgaria and Serbia. They still do not like the first because it takes their children in army . The latter hated because of their poor treatment of them as " Bulgarians " . They showed sympathy for the Greeks , because we are truly spiritual representatives of " the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople " ( ... ) However , they say neither , Bulgari ( Bulgarians) , nor "SRRP" ( Serbs) nor Gkrrts ( Greeks ) , but only " Macedonian Orthodox " ... ,
By modern Greek this work during the Metaxas dictatorship and the German occupation was listed censor novels . In fact in 1936 , after coming to power of fascist dictator Ioannis Metaxas for Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia , began one of the most difficult periods . Metaxas strictly prohibited the use of the Macedonian language in everyday life not only outside but also within the family . For each publicly expressed Macedonian word , regardless of where spoken followed by severe penalties . Because a violation of the prohibition on the use of the Macedonian language , more than 5,000 Macedonians were convicted and imprisoned .
Ioannis Metaxas during the First World War as anti- monarchist was Greece's entry into the war on the Entente side . After dentronizacijata Greek king who was executed by the forces of the Entente , Greece entered the war on their side on 29 June 1917, and as undesirable person Metaxas was driven into exile on Corsica . Such an attitude , and attitude towards negatorskiot Macedonians later after coming to power in 1936 it cause the book " Life in the Grave " to the list of censored novels . The truth of the existence of Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia had to disappear .The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View PostLife in the Grave " Strates Miriveles 1917
„Овие се селани чиј јазик е сличен со оној на Бугарите и Србите. Тие сепак не ги сакаат првите бидејќи им ги земаа нивните деца во армија. Вторите ги мразеа поради нивниот лош третман кон нив како “Бугари“.
It has been posted on the forum back in 2011 and with the original pages from the book.
See here Greek author Stratis Myrivilis 1924 Makedon OrtodoxMacedonian Truth Organisation
for years Macedonians have been treated as second citizens,i take back the word citizens.,the reason being that the Macedonians have not even basic human rights.There is far more to be said than meets the eye."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
За Ватикан во Македонија живееле Македонци уште во 17 век
Според документите од архивата на Ватикан во Македонија никогаш не живееле Бугари или Срби, туку Македонци. Од документот се гледа дека Ватикан во 1619 година давал стипендии на Македонците кои сакале да студираат.
Голем број на документи во архивите на Ватикан претставуваат впечатливи и интересни сведоштва за Македонија и Македонците во периодот од 1622 до 1644 година, пишува весникот на Македонците во Грција „Нова зора"
Светата столица во 1619 година доделувала стипендии на Македонците за да студираат на колеџот во Лорето (College of Loreto), основан во 1580 година. Во 1619 година епископ од Далмација бил задолжен од Папата Пол V да додели места на колеџот за Срби, Бугари и за Македонци.
Во документите на тој колеџ до денес постојат пријавите во кои студентите од Македонија се запишувале како Македонци. Во 1620 година во Лорето студирале тројца Македонци кои добиле стипендија од Ватикан.
google translate:
Vatican: Macedonians lived in Macedonia since the 17th century
According to documents from the Vatican archives in Macedonia never lived Bulgarians or Serbs, but Macedonian. The document shows that in 1619 the Vatican gave scholarships for Macedonians who wanted to study.
A number of documents in the Vatican archives are striking and interesting testimonies of Macedonia and Macedonians in the period from 1622 to 1644, the newspaper of the Macedonians in Greece "Nova Zora"
Holy See in 1619 awarded scholarships for Macedonians to study in Loreto College (College of Loreto), founded in 1580. In 1619 Bishop of Dalmatia was in charge of Pope Paul V to assign seats College of Serbs, Bulgarians and Macedonians.
The documents that the college today there are applications in which students from Macedonia are Macedonians interviewers. In 1620 studied in Loreto three Macedonians who received a scholarship from the Vatican.
From a Croatian author in 1903 saying that Macedonians aren't Serbs or Bulgars.
"Hrvatska misao: smotra za norodno gospodarstvo, knijiz̆evnost i ..., Volume 3"
(I translated from Croatian to English the best I could without using google translate because I couldn't copy and paste the text, so it would have been too time consuming. Hopefully it's right.)
This is on page 517:
"I have talked a lot with Macedonians in Serbia, in Bulgaria and in the Diaspora, where there is the largest number. Many times I asked them what they are, Serb or Bulgar, where I got a large variety of answers.[...] Sometimes I would hear a Macedonian speaking Serbian saying "I am Bulgarian" and vice versa. That is very funny [...] but also very regretful because most Macedonians are neither Serb nor Bulgar, but just Macedonian."
W have to assert and reassert our identity as Macedonians.We shouldn't let others decide who we are..Our enemies are far and wide we call them our neighbours they only want to steal what is rightfully ours.Our existence is proof of who we are."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by vicsinad View PostFrom a Croatian author in 1903 saying that Macedonians aren't Serbs or Bulgars.
"Hrvatska misao: smotra za norodno gospodarstvo, knijiz̆evnost i ..., Volume 3"
(I translated from Croatian to English the best I could without using google translate because I couldn't copy and paste the text, so it would have been too time consuming. Hopefully it's right.)
This is on page 517:
"I have talked a lot with Macedonians in Serbia, in Bulgaria and in the Diaspora, where there is the largest number. Many times I asked them what they are, Serb or Bulgar, where I got a large variety of answers.[...] Sometimes I would hear a Macedonian speaking Serbian saying "I am Bulgarian" and vice versa. That is very funny [...] but also very regretful because most Macedonians are neither Serb nor Bulgar, but just Macedonian."
"What are you reading?"
"Macedonian songs, brother."
He handed me the book -- they were folk songs, written in the Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian dialects...
"But listen brother, here there are a lot of Serbian and Bulgarian songs," I told him.
"They're not Bulgarian nor Serbian. These songs are ours and we are Macedonians -- therefore, Macedonian songs." Those were the words of my friend Veljko. I wanted to tell him that Macedonians are not a separate people, but in order to not cause a quarrel, I left it alone.
From 1861, in the Serbian publication "Danica", on page 228:
"What kind of philosopher? I am not Greek...I am Macedonian!"
From the book "Moje Uspomene" by Mihailo Markovic, 1906, pg. 316:
I asked him if he was a Bulgarian? "I'm not." I asked him if he was a Serb, Greek, or perhaps even a Tsintsar. "No I am not. I am a Macedonian from Veles."
Amazing remark considering that people's nationalism is pretty low in estimation."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Proof Macedonians & Macedonia are not Greek & not part of Greece (Hell Ass) but are a different nation/race & country.
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Proof Greeks from Greece (Hell Ass) are Turko-Albanian's.
Proof that Macedonians from Republic Of Macedonia are not Bulgarian Tartars & are not from the Former Tartarstan Republic Of Bulgaria.
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Proof Bulgarian Tartar's from the Former Tartarstan Republic Of Bulgaria are Tartar's from Tartarstan.
Well put JJaskizz that's good that you have proved that we aren't Bulgarian but we are Macedonian."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
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