Page 72 of the book "Kolokotrones the klepht and warrior" is as follows;
Young Gianni Kolokotrones, who till then had been known by his baptismal name Gianni (John) only, here exchanged that name for Gennaios (brave), which was bestowed upon him by his fellow combatants and others for his heroic conduct in the field, and by which name alone he was ever afterwards called.
Kolokotronis son originally had an Italian name. Wtf else will we see in this book? How about page 114;
IN the spring of 1808 Veli Pasha alarmed Ali Pharmakes by demanding that either he should deliver up his tower, or give himself or his son as a hostage into his hands. He was stirred up to this by Deligianni. Deligianni, not really desiring that Ali should even exist, told Veli that he must demolish his tower, and thus he would demolish all his strength. To Ali he said: " Do not go away, for Veli intends to kill thee." So Ali Pharmakes made preparations to oppose himself to Veli Pasha.
My grandfather, Gianni Kolokotrones, and the grandfather of Ali, had been friends and adopted brethren. My grandfather was killed, but the friendship was continued between my own father and the father of Ali; and we also were sworn friends. Remembering this friendship, and counting upon it, Ali wrote a letter to me to this effect:—
"dear Fellow-countryman,—Veli Pasha is making ready to destroy me—come, and give me your help."
It seems that the Gianni Italian name runs in the family. BTW wasn't Pharmaki himself an Albanian? Albanians befriending Albanians. Hmmm what a concept.
An Albanian thief.
Celebrated as a Greek .... is there something we don't understand about Greeks yet. We keep asking them to define themselves, yet receive few answers.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
An Albanian thief.
Celebrated as a Greek .... is there something we don't understand about Greeks yet. We keep asking them to define themselves, yet receive few answers.
A book I recently purchased calls Kolokotronis a "sheep stealer" but I guess that's just being a bit to harsh on the descendent of Gianni the Albanian
In Kolokotronis memoirs (how much of it is true and not deviated) he makes mention of ;
Our flag had the same cross as that of the Russian banners.
page 120
Russia was the first to rile the Albanians up to fight the Turk. So it would not be so surprising that what ended up becoming the revolutionary flag was in fact inspired by those Russian banners.
Yes, he was Albanian, All the current revered Greek heroes of the war of independence were Albanian. These people fought the the ideals of Christianity and the creation of a common multi-ethnic Christian state.
Kolokotronis was later imprisoned and consequently died in jail.
The principle values of the war had changed and Kolokotronis along with many of his co-fighters didn't changed to. They were then seen as enemies to the 'new' cause.
From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"
No wonder the greeks are quite happy to take other people's identity & not even blink about it .These peole are liars & thieves to boot.
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Kolokotronis's origin itself is ambiguous, but what's a fact is that he established close ties with all ruling Albanian families of Greece through intermarriage with Suliot and Hydriot families. In fact he even tried to make an engagement deal for his 12-year-old son with the Arvanite Deligiannis(whose daughter was just 8 years old).
Kolokotronis's origin itself is ambiguous, but what's a fact is that he established close ties with all ruling Albanian families of Greece through intermarriage with Suliot and Hydriot families. In fact he even tried to make an engagement deal for his 12-year-old son with the Arvanite Deligiannis(whose daughter was just 8 years old).
Interesting information Droog, do you have a source to it?