The European Union - the New Soviet Union?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Does anybody know of any Islamic imams in the Middle East, Hindu priests in India or even Shinto kannushi in Japan who would encourage their countries to be inundated by people of other faiths? Step aside, because Europe has Francis, the woke pope who thought he could build some kind of weird utopia by encouraging masses of other faiths to populate the continent whilst (literally) kissing their feet in Rome. Now he is pretending to defend the Christian roots of Europe by complaining that the EU doesn't respect Christianity. Apparently the padre is oblivious to his own hypocrisy and role in creating a more Stalinesque EU.

    Pope Francis has compared the EU to a 'Nazi dictatorship' for trying to impose woke rules on language and ban using the word Christmas. The pope, 84, warned the bloc not to 'take the path of ideological colonisation' as he returned from Greece after a four-day trip. Last week, the EU was accused of trying to 'cancel Christmas' after telling staff to avoid the word in favour of 'holiday period' because it could be offensive to non-Christians. Eurocrats published the rule months ago as part of a guide on 'inclusive communication', details of which leaked leading to a furious backlash. Other suggestions in the book included replacing Christian names such as Mary and John with 'international' names such as Malika and Julio when using them in generic examples, and swapping the word 'man-made' for 'human-induced'.

    The pontiff said the language diktats, which the European Commissioner for Equality admitted 'clearly needed more work', 'a fad, watered-down secularism'. He said while on board the papal plane on return to the Vatican: 'It is something that throughout history has not worked. 'In history, many dictatorships have tried to do these things. I'm thinking of Napoleon, the Nazi dictatorship, the Communist one.' He added that the EU is 'necessary' but it needs to avoid stirring up divisions among its member states. He said: 'The European Union... must be careful not to take the path of ideological colonisation. This could end up dividing countries and causing the EU to fail. 'The European Union must respect each country's internal structure, its variety and not try to make them uniform — I don't think it will do that, it wasn't its intention, but it must be careful, because sometimes they come and throw projects like this one out there.'

    Last week's EU document also told staff to 'avoid assuming that everyone is Christian' and that 'not everyone celebrates the Christian holidays, and not all Christians celebrate them on the same dates'. Instead of saying 'Christmas time can be stressful', staff were told to say 'Holiday times can be stressful'.

    Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's secretary of state, accused the EU of trying to 'cancel our roots' by ignoring - rather than respecting - Europe's Christian heritage. 'We know that Europe owes its existence and its identity to many influences, but we certainly cannot forget that one of the main influences, if not the main one, was Christianity itself,' he told Vatican News. Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy's right-wing League party and former deputy Prime Minister, accused the EU of 'folly' by publishing the rules. 'Mary, the mother. John, the father. Long live the holy Christmas … I hope that in Europe, no one will be offended,' he tweeted. Antonio Tajani, a former European Commissioner and ally of Silvio Berlusconi, also tweeted his criticism - suggesting the EU was waging war on 'common sense'.

    Brussels subsequently announced it was withdrawing the book, saying 'the guidelines clearly require more work'. Helena Dalli, the EU's equality commissioner who put together the guide as part of an equality agenda championed by Ursula von der Leyen, claimed it was a 'draft document' that would be revised after 'a number of concerns were raised'. 'We are looking into these concerns with the view of addressing them in an updated version of the guidelines,' she added.

    It is not the first time the EU has issued guidance to staff on 'inclusive' language. Back in 2018, staff at the European Parliament were issued with a similar guide that advised against using gendered language such as 'manpower' and 'mankind'. The new guidelines, aimed at EU translators, also recommended against frequent references to 'man' or 'woman' in official texts. Words such as 'chairman' should be replaced by 'chairperson', and 'policeman' or 'policewoman' substituted for 'police officer', the guide said. It also recommended the word 'stewardess' by avoided in preference of 'flight attendant', and 'principal' by used instead of 'headmaster' or 'headmistress'.

    During his visit to Greece, the pope returned to a Lesbos camp as he called the neglect of migrants the 'shipwreck of civilisation. The pope previously visited Lesbos in 2016 and has long championed the cause of migrants. 'In Europe there are those who persist in treating the problem as a matter that does not concern them,' the pope said as he spent some two hours at Lesbos' Mavrovouni camp where nearly 2,200 asylum seekers live. At the camp, he met dozens of child asylum seekers and relatives standing behind metal barriers and stopped to embrace a boy called Mustafa. 'I am trying to help you,' Francis told one group through his interpreter. People later gathered in a tent to sing songs and psalms to the pontiff. Pope Francis warned that the Mediterranean 'is becoming a grim cemetery without tombstones' and that 'after all this time, we see that little in the world has changed with regard to the issue of migration'. He said the root causes 'should be confronted - not the poor people who pay the consequences and are even used for political propaganda'.

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by TojSum View Post
    But you guys dont have "New foreigeners" you deny human rights to indigenous people.
    Well put.
    What a shame the Macedonians of Greece are denied the opportunity to show their unique and indigenous culture.

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  • TojSum
    Originally posted by Voltron View Post
    Its about time someone took notice. Vive le France

    France has too many foreigners and is not integrating them properly, President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview on French television.

    Too many immigrants in France, Sarkozy says

    "Today we have a problem," Sarkozy said Tuesday night on France 2 TV.

    "Our system of integration is working worse and worse, because we have too many foreigners on our territory and we can no longer manage to find them accommodation, a job, a school," he said
    But you guys dont have "New foreigeners" you deny human rights to indigenous people.

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  • Voltron
    Its about time someone took notice. Vive le France

    France has too many foreigners and is not integrating them properly, President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview on French television.

    Too many immigrants in France, Sarkozy says

    "Today we have a problem," Sarkozy said Tuesday night on France 2 TV.

    "Our system of integration is working worse and worse, because we have too many foreigners on our territory and we can no longer manage to find them accommodation, a job, a school," he said

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  • George S.
    yes there should be a quota,if immigration goes unchecked the indians or pakis willl take over.

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  • Voltron
    And what the hell is wrong with that ? I personally dont want Paki's and Indi's running amok over here. We should have a quota in order for each country to preseve it culture. Preference is not racism. God I cant stand liberals....

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  • Onur
    The racist EU propaganda video became a scandal and EU removed the video from all of their web sites in 48 hours and the link above here is dead atm. It turned out that Brussels spend 127.000 Euros of taxpayers money for this fiasco.

    EU learns perils of viral communication
    The European Commission was left red-faced on Tuesday (6 March) after a video clip meant to promote the benefits of enlargement was interpreted by several viewers as being xenophobic.

    The short clip, entitled 'growing together', features an attractive woman, representing a peaceful Europe. She looks on in something like exasperation as three burly men enter the desolate building where she is standing and prance about aggressively.

    An Asian man springs from the rafters dressed in martial arts gear, a turbaned-Sultan levitates with a long curved sword and a dread-locked black man kicks down the door and somersaults over to her.

    Whereupon 'Europe', dressed head-to-toe in yellow, takes a deep breath and multiplies herself so she is surrounding them. Her calm, the clip implies, gets everyone to be a little less aggressive. Then they all sit in a big circle. The many Europes on the outside and the three would-be aggressors in the middle. After which the three men disappear and the woman - all 12 of her - morphs into the stars of the European Union flag.

    The clip ends with the line "the more we are the stronger we are," alluding to the fact that EU is going to take on its 28th member this year (Croatia), and several more countries are due to enter in future.

    Costing €127,000 to make, and approved by officials in the commission's enlargement department, the short ad was designed for audiences of 16-24 years and is supposed to portray enlargement positively.

    But the message went awry.

    Several viewers suggested the ad is xenophobic. In the few short days it was up, it even developed its own sub-narrative under which the three men were purportedly representing the so-called Brics countries - China, Brazil and India - the EU's geopolitical rivals.

    The commission says the characters were chosen to represent the martial arts genres Kung Fu, Capoeira and Kalaripayattu.

    "It started with demonstration of their skills and ended with all characters showing their mutual respect, concluding in a position of peace and harmony," said a statement.

    "The clip was absolutely not intended to be racist and we obviously regret that it has been perceived in this way."

    It has now been removed.

    Peter Stano, enlargement spokesperson, admitted that it is difficult to anticipate how people are going to perceive such an ad, particularly as neither the audience nor the message can be controlled and social networks means word - good or bad - spreads instantly.

    Referring to the film as internet Kill Bill, after the eponymous film, he indicated that the those who were "not meant to be the target group" were the ones complaining most vociferously.

    "We have to think about this internally and see what is the best way forward. Because it is necessary to be informed about Europe."

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  • Macedonian Sun
    That video is just plain wrong! It implies the E.U. is surrounded by enemies - Asia, Africa & the Middle East. We need no part in this two faced, double standard lying, cheating, piece of dried up dog shit euroslave union!

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  • makedonche
    Originally posted by Onur View Post
    Latest EU propaganda video.

    Aryan babe, representing the EU, takes on sinister dark-skinned assailants;
    Growing together - YouTube
    I liken the yellow jumpsuit to a cancer.......eventually engulfing everything it surrounds!

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  • Risto the Great
    What a ridiculous video.
    You can never trust a chick in a yellow jumpsuit but you know she will always put out. A bit like Europe nowadays.

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  • George S.
    the best video for me is when this piece of garbage greece gets booted out of the eu.Think of the umtold damage it has done to macedonia greece has to go.

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  • Onur
    Latest EU propaganda video.

    Aryan babe, representing the EU, takes on sinister dark-skinned assailants;
    Growing together - YouTube

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  • George S.
    AR least the turks are respecting us as a people & not like the greeks who are in constant denial.

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  • makedonche
    I commend your President for standing up for his country against the neihbour of "State of denial"( Greece or any relation to Greece/Greeks) taking over the rotating EU Presidency. What an absolute farcical situation that would create! Futhermore I think Turkey may well have an ally in Britain, against "EU Autocracy" spreading it's influence any further without due democratic dilligence!

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  • Onur
    Maybe you didn't hear that but Turkish officials already announced that if EU lets Cyprus to become EU president in 2012, Turkey will completely freeze all the relations with EU.

    Our current president A. Gul gone to England for an official visit and he was on fire in the most eurosceptic country in the Europe. In a joint press conference with David Cameron, A. Gul said that if EU lets this happen then a half-country would be the leader of a miserable union

    ‘Miserable EU to be led by half state’
    Turkish President Abdullah Gül slammed the prospect of Greek Cyprus taking over the European Union presidency next year as “half a country” leading a “miserable union,”.

    Gül said the failure to open new chapters in Turkey’s negotiation process was harming the 27-nation bloc’s reputation, possibly making it suffer its biggest loss of credibility in 2012 when Greek Cyprus takes over the rotating EU presidency in July.

    Now this half a country, this incomplete country will take over the EU presidency,” Gül was quoted as saying by daily Hürriyet newspaper. “There will be a half-presidency leading a miserable union…It is a miserable situation, [the EU] has to question itself. This is the most miserable situation that the EU could have been in.

    Gül also said almost all the chapters in Turkey’s EU accession process cannot be opened, calling this disreputability for the EU. Meanwhile, Turkish Cyprus President Derviş Eroğlu said the EU will have to face its mistake when Turkey freezes relations with the governing body after Greek Cyprus takes over the EU presidency.

    November 23, 2011

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