This is the first time I have ever read anything like this. Any comments are welcome. I am wondering whether the sources actually check out, or the possibily of forgeries here.
Source: Livanios, Dimitris., The Macedonian Question: Britain and the Southern Balkans 1939-1949 (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp.17,18,19
[1] Footnote:
Other possible sources include, Nadine Lange-Akhund, The Macedonian Question ...p.36; Aarbakke, Ethnic Rivalry, p.97; Banac, National Question, p.314.
In Salonica in November 1893 four teachers, a bookseller and a physician founded the most famous Macedonian organization. Its exact name is disputed. (Since when?) Initially it was called Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (MRO), but in 1896 it assumed the title of Bulgarski Makedono-Odrinski Revoliutsionni Komiteti (Bulgarian Macedo-Adrianopolitan Revolutionary Committee - BMORK) and membership was open to 'any Bulgarian' who desired to serve the 'cause'...of a politically autonomous Macedonia.[1] [...] In 1902 the adjective 'Bulgarian' was erased and the organization renamed (Secret Macedo-Adrianopolitan Revolutionary Organization - TMORO). A few years later, however, it obtained its final name - Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - IMRO
[1] Footnote:
See the 1896 statutes in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Macedonia, 419.